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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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A sheepish DS rang me last night and said he was bringing someone special to meet us today  :coolgleamA: . She is absolutely lovely. DH had a fit of nerves ( at least that is what I think it was) and talked non stop the whole visit to her about car parts :huh:  She did a great job of trying to be interested in what he was saying.

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•most of the animal chores

•made breakfast for DH

•cleaned 1 bathroom

•1 load laundry


To do:

•fold & put away laundry

•tidy up other bathrooms

•do some planning for next week

•dust (didn't get done yesterday)

•hope to get some reading done

•dinner=??? probably a big salad for DH & I, the kids can fend for themselves

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How did you save on your car insurance?

It was around the time sparkly was having issues w/state farm and got quotes. I decided to give it a shot, and low and behold it worked! We had new adult driver and we're paying 2 and 1/2 times what we were quoted, even with multi policy and good student discounts.

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It was around the time sparkly was having issues w/state farm and got quotes. I decided to give it a shot, and low and behold it worked! We had new adult driver and we're paying 2 and 1/2 times what we were quoted, even with multi policy and good student discounts.




I will have to look into that.  We have been with the same company for so long.


What company gave you this great rate?

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Geico. We were with Allstate for over a decade. I love love my agent, but she couldn't beat Geico. If you sign up for an online account and auto withdrawal, you save more.


Do you own your own home?  I can get the low fee from Geico on auto but they don't offer homeowner's (last I checked - that may have changed) and so any savings get wiped out by having no discount for having my auto and homeowner's combined. 

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Late posting today...


I proctored a practice SAT today.  Guess how many kids showed up without a calculator?  Lots!   :confused1:


To do:  Score 26 essays


My to do:  Go to library and Starbucks, Starbucks and library...lots of grading and planning today.  Perhaps a movie later with dh.


Have a great day, all!

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Do you own your own home? I can get the low fee from Geico on auto but they don't offer homeowner's (last I checked - that may have changed) and so any savings get wiped out by having no discount for having my auto and homeowner's combined.

They have homeowners now. We thought about it, but we really wouldn't save enough to switch. Our homeowners is high no matter what company because of where we live.

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Hi y'all,

I'm late to the boards today. Been busy all day! Having a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate before tackling the second half of the afternoon. 

Seriously contemplating skipping Ds' basketball game (Dh is there.) to get things done while it is quiet here. Feeling out of energy. 



Farmers' market

Grocery shopping

Work at church

Take DD to museum, pick her up, come home.



To do:

Finish dinner prep




Call mom

Clothes for church


Dinner - stir fry and egg rolls, since it's Chinese New Year





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As my sinus / respiratory / eye issues linger, my Friend decided to pay a visit.  Trying to keep that under control - switched from Tylenol to Ibuprofen.  I haven't ever been this drugged up so continuously in my life.


Done so far:

  • Overslept, not sure how that happened.  Woke at 9am.
  • Kids rushed to basketball to warmup for 10am game.  Then sat as far away from others as possible and sipped my coffee.  Ran out for a private coughing fit after ....
  • Back home, gave my kids their list of duties for the day and told them to fend for themselves while I work / sleep.
  • Mostly just slept after that.
  • Helped with math homework.  What is so hard about basic algebraic notation?  Granted, we didn't do that in 5th grade, but it doesn't seem like it should be hard ....
  • A very little cleaning and bare necessities of momhood.
  • Got caught up on my internet stuff.


To do:

  • Kids showered & to bed.
  • Probably more sleep, maybe work ....
Edited by SKL
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A sheepish DS rang me last night and said he was bringing someone special to meet us today  :coolgleamA: . She is absolutely lovely. DH had a fit of nerves ( at least that is what I think it was) and talked non stop the whole visit to her about car parts :huh:  She did a great job of trying to be interested in what he was saying.

I just found out from my other son that the girl's father is a engineer that designs cars for production so maybe she even knows about car parts and maybe she didn't think DH as strange as I though he was. :lol:

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I never post in these threads, but I'm so proud of all I accomplished today. I'm taking two classes this semester, so I got my daily work done for each. I've had to switch to doing housework on Saturdays, but it actually only took me about an hour to clean the bathrooms, vacuum, and get laundry going. I changed our sheets, did all the laundry AND folded it and put it away. I baked some dessert with my daughter and we played Ticket to Ride together. I managed to make dinner and clean up from it. I'm exhausted, but the house is so clean and lovely!


Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk

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What kind of a vegetable are you going to be?  A rutabaga? 



A rutabaga will do.  Or a turnip.  Anything that gets buried and then can just sit there and essentially hibernate.  That WAS the plan.



LOL, instead DD and future DSIL came to our house for the afternoon and we played a rousing game of Agricola that I darn near won EXCEPT for two stupid begging cards.  :P :D

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Over half of the socks have been matched and put away! 



I'll venture to guess the other almost half don't even have matches.... At least that is how it is at my house.



The problem is not the matching of the socks here anymore.  It's the question: How long do I keep single socks in the vain hope that someday their mate will appear? ;)

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I just found out from my other son that the girl's father is a engineer that designs cars for production so maybe she even knows about car parts and maybe she didn't think DH as strange as I though he was. :lol:


Car parts are fascinating - I had to study them for my last job and it was my favorite part of the job.  :P

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