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Honest thread: Am I the only one not at all attracted to TOG?


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I read many, many rave reviews on TOG (Tapestry of Grace). The name put me off at first, as "Grace" somehow being very religious and conservative, which is not what I need in a curriculum. I went to look at it online, and while I like the snazzy graphics, it looks so big, so complicated, so all scheduled for you, and yet confusing, not fun to look through. And there's that whole church history in level 1. A lot of church history. Don't get me wrong, I love looking through a Sonlight catalog and Internet surf like a pro. Is the website just not user-friendly? Am I missing something? :confused:


Does anybody else feel this way, or am I the only weirdo? :)


Don't flame me please, it's just an opinion, and I'm happy many here use it and are very satisfied with it. It's always nice to find something you like. Personally, I love Tanglewood's curriculum and that's what we're going to be following next year, loosely based on what I put together.

Edited by sagira
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I'm religious and I have no interest in TOG. I agree with you. It looks very big and complicated. I have read post about it really not being very good for younger kids and not to start TOG until your kids are upper elementary. Why would a curriculum be good for a younger kid if they have an older sibling and not good if they don't. I don't want to teach to my oldest and have my youngers just tag along. IMHO, it is not fair teaching. :confused:

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Well, I used to have the same thoughts that you have expressed. But, as I've looked at TOG (on-line) more, I began to get a clearer picture of it. It doesn't look as confusing to me as it used to look. It doesn't look as "big"! I think the reviews that we hear on this board are so positive, that it has to be really good. But, we are not Reformed Christians and I know I couldn't work around that philosophy. If they weren't Reformed, I would have purchased it a long time ago. Or, if they were Reformed but it wasn't such a focus of their curriculum.


I don't find it as confusing as I did when I first started looking at it. Their web site has changed a good bit. I think the changes were helpful. I really like everything I see about it. I just know I couldn't get past the perspective.

Edited by Donna T.
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Never been interested in it, again because it's religious but I visited the site for the for the first time today and boy, it's an obnoxious site design. Sort of leads you by the had instead of a more strighforward design that would simply let you choose more directly what you'd like to look at.


There's a somewhat local supplier online who has a website with a similar thought process behind it - half a dozen baby-step clicks to get where you want to go. needless to say I order my stuff elsewhere.

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I looked online a lot(yes, the website lacks user friendly interface) and finally saw it in person at convention. but it was when a friend had it that I was able to really see how it works and KNOW it wasn't for me/kids.


I like schedules, but there's is TOO BIG and my friend has struggled with doing the schedule. so you are not alone...I don't like it either.

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I don't like the look of it either. I asked a question ages ago on their forums about adapting it for secular use, and received not one reply, whereas the moderator was otherwise quite active. I decided it was not the programme for me, and put together my own history based around SOTW for grammar stage and other texts for logic.


Best wishes



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Does anybody do TOG with only one child??? Especially in the grammar school years???


Blessings, Donna:confused:


OK, well I like it. Love it in fact and I have used a variety of history programs as well as Sonlight for many years. I use it with one child and do not find it too much at all. For one thing, you must understand that each year level is for grades 1-12! Of course it's going to be BIG! ;) But you don't use it all, ya know? For example, I am using mainly the UG level. So the only pages I pull out to use weekly are the main schedule, the Student Activity Pages that apply to the UG level, and the teacher's notes. The rest stay in my big binder. It is really not overwhelming at all. Now, Sonlights IG was overwhelming to me! I could barely use it do to how it was organized...hated it. :tongue_smilie:


As for the reformed view. I AM reformed, and I honestly have not seen anything reformed about the curricula. I wish it were MORE reformed. I am only in year 1, unit 2 though, so perhaps that will change.


I can understand not wanting to use it for religious reasons though. If you are not a Christian, Year 1 would probably drive you batty. There is A LOT of bible reading and the studying of the Israelites in Unit 1. There is just a lot of biblical history altogether in Year 1. Now, I like that, but secular homeschoolers probably would not. If you viewed it as a study in bible history, like you do any other culture, then I think you could pull it off.


Anyhow, not everyone is going to like TOG. I would NOT have liked the Classic version, but Redesigned is perfect for me and mine. :D

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I love the concept of it, but I've seen it at a conference and I just wouldn't buy it. I don't like it enough to do it. I don't like it enough to give up our freer history studies, which I absolutely love. The fact is, I don't want someone to pull this all together for me. I want to do it myself. I enjoy it! I don't want a schedule. I want us to work at our own pace and select our own rabbit trails.


And, although I'm Christian, I'm Lutheran, not Reformed. So the idea of being as constricted as TOG would make me feel AND having to watch out for theology issues is overwhelmingly unattractive.


Having said that, for someone who likes history but doesn't like pulling it together, or just plain doesn't know it very well starting out, or for someone with a bigger family, TOG looks wonderful.


I would never recommend it to a secular or non-Christian family, though. The whole point of TOG is to relate history and Christianity. It would be pretty wasteful to be unable to make use of that aspect of this expensive, complicated program.

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Why would a curriculum be good for a younger kid if they have an older sibling and not good if they don't. I don't want to teach to my oldest and have my youngers just tag along. IMHO, it is not fair teaching. :confused:


The younger has their own path to take within TOG but both children would be on the same topic. We've been using TOG since 2nd grade and having a ball, I wouldn't use TOG if my youngest wasn't going to be enjoying the same journey, and I sure wouldn't purchase the books. :tongue_smilie:

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Does anybody do TOG with only one child??? Especially in the grammar school years???


Blessings, Donna:confused:


Technically we are since ds4 is in preschool and last year didn't participate either. I won't join the kids in studies until ds4's first grade year (2010) and dd8's 4th grade year. So I would say, yes- we're homeschooling one in the grammar stage with TOG. :)

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Well, I used to have the same thoughts that you have expressed. But, as I've looked at TOG (on-line) more, I began to get a clearer picture of it. It doesn't look as confusing to me as it used to look. It doesn't look as "big"! I think the reviews that we hear on this board are so positive, that it has to be really good. But, we are not Reformed Christians and I know I couldn't work around that philosophy. If they weren't Reformed, I would have purchased it a long time ago. Or, if they were Reformed but it wasn't such a focus of their curriculum.


I don't find it as confusing as I did when I first started looking at it. Their web site has changed a good bit. I think the changes were helpful. I really like everything I see about it. I just know I couldn't get past the perspective.


We're not reformed christians either and the only adjustments I think I'll make will be in the rhetoric years by replacing biographies in some places. It's hard to expand on that because we're just not there but I dismissed TOG for a while until I realized they are not on the same wavelength as Veritas Press.

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Does anybody do TOG with only one child??? Especially in the grammar school years???


Blessings, Donna:confused:


Yes, this is the third year I've used it with only a lower grammar student. We took Year 1 at half pace and are currently in Year 2 of the curriculum. That being said, most of the material I paid for goes unused right now. It's easy to look at all the pages I don't use and feel like I wasted my money. I'm planning on using it for the duration though and after the 4th year I'll be set through 12th grade. I will eventually use most of it and it will be cost effective in the long run.


It's interesting to read the comments from people who think it's too scheduled. I used Sonlight for two years and originally felt like TOG wasn't scheduled enough, since it's only scheduled on a weekly basis and I have to write out the daily schedule each week.



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I read many, many rave reviews on TOG (Tapestry of Grace). The name put me off at first, as "Grace" somehow being very religious and conservative, which is not what I need in a curriculum. I went to look at it online, and while I like the snazzy graphics, it looks so big, so complicated, so all scheduled for you, and yet confusing, not fun to look through. And there's that whole church history in level 1. A lot of church history. Don't get me wrong, I love looking through a Sonlight catalog and Internet surf like a pro. Is the website just not user-friendly? Am I missing something? :confused:


Does anybody else feel this way, or am I the only weirdo? :)


Don't flame me please, it's just an opinion, and I'm happy many here use it and are very satisfied with it. It's always nice to find something you like. Personally, I love Tanglewood's curriculum and that's what we're going to be following next year, loosely based on what I put together.


Why worry about it?


This is a WTM board. I am certain that MOST people here do no use TOG. It's certainly not for everyone.


I'm very surprised to find myself using and enjoying it, as we are not even Christian. Tanglewood is great, too. So is Ambleside. So many options ... no need to worry if lots of people are using something you don't care for.

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The younger has their own path to take within TOG but both children would be on the same topic. We've been using TOG since 2nd grade and having a ball, I wouldn't use TOG if my youngest wasn't going to be enjoying the same journey, and I sure wouldn't purchase the books. :tongue_smilie:


Tabrett, From what I've seen, most of the posts you're referring to are about how many people (me included) like just using SOTW for the early grades, and like TOG more for the later grades.


But that in no way means that their younger program isn't good. I just like SOTW better for that age group. It's just a personal choice.


But even though I prefer that, since we decided to try TOG this year, I am using their program with my little ones. In no way is it unfair teaching. All the kids are on the same topic, with age-appropriate books. My two older students read their material themselves; I read to the younger two, and we discuss the material as a family.

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I would have loved to use TOG with a co-op or group of families. It was just too hard for me to implement at home with the various ages and stages. But from all that I've seen and the modules I tried to make work, it looks like an excellent, thorough curriculum that would certainly work for many families.



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I don't like the look of it either. I asked a question ages ago on their forums about adapting it for secular use, and received not one reply, whereas the moderator was otherwise quite active. I decided it was not the programme for me, and put together my own history based around SOTW for grammar stage and other texts for logic.


Best wishes




Since then I have tried it and I, personally, find it quite adaptable, at least in the K-8 years. I have not tried the high school years yet.


We ignore their church history. Their schedules always have a selection of books to choose from, and we choose the secular ones. Some of the discussion questions and worksheets are specifically Christian; we either skip those, or turn them into different discussions than the authors planned ;-) I personally will want to add in some readings from/about other religions.


Not everyone wants to have to adapt their curriculum, though. Believe me, no one is more surprised than I, that we are enjoying this. We are only 9 weeks into it, and I will be blogging and posting about whether or not we continue enjoying it.

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Well, there are lots of curriculum that I am not attracted to either. It is OK to not want to use something. Although, I'm not sure why you felt compelled to write a post to find other people who aren't interested either. You don't have to use anything that you don't like!


The things that you don't like about TOG are exactly what I find most appealing. I absolutely LOVE all the options and the different pieces and all the planning that I get to do with it. It is a like a giant menu of delicious food and I get to choose my very favorites. I can't eat it all, but I have excellent things to choose from. I also love the academic rigor and the Christian worldview that runs through each lesson.


But, to each her own. I hope you find the curriculum that you love as much as I enjoy TOG!!

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...I found it overwhelming. Too much work!!


Two years later, with older kids and more of a need to have everyone at the same place in history, TOG was much more appealing.


We switched from SL, so like another poster, I found TOG far LESS scheduled that what I was used to. The looseness made me uncomfortable. Go figure!:001_smile:

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Although, I'm not sure why you felt compelled to write a post to find other people who aren't interested either. You don't have to use anything that you don't like!


I think the OP kind of explained that when she wondered aloud what she was missing. I don't think she's worried (referring to MamaLynx), just wondering.


I'm sure all of us can relate to having times in our life when it *seems* like everyone is in one boat, and we wonder if we're missing out on a wonderful journey but for some reason don't feel compelled to jump in the boat. And, I believe the newer one is to homeschool (as it seems the op is), the more susceptible one is to these feelings.


I understand your comments and know the generous spirit in which they were given (cuz I've read a lot of your posts), but just didn't want the OP to feel bad about starting what to me was an interesting thread.

Edited by Luann in ID
for clarity
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We're not reformed christians either and the only adjustments I think I'll make will be in the rhetoric years by replacing biographies in some places. It's hard to expand on that because we're just not there but I dismissed TOG for a while until I realized they are not on the same wavelength as Veritas Press.


I'm glad you posted Jessica. I have wondered what your thoughts are since I know you weren't coming from a Reformed perspective either.

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I think TOG looks really nice, but I wouldn't use a lot of it right now (and probably parts of it would never get used, no matter what the ages of my dc were). Because there's a good possibility that my dc will go to boarding school or do online courses for high school, I don't feel I can justify the expense of TOG. We're going to start using Biblioplan instead.


I'm thankful there are so many great options out there!!!





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I read many, many rave reviews on TOG (Tapestry of Grace). The name put me off at first, as "Grace" somehow being very religious and conservative, which is not what I need in a curriculum. I went to look at it online, and while I like the snazzy graphics, it looks so big, so complicated, so all scheduled for you, and yet confusing, not fun to look through. And there's that whole church history in level 1. A lot of church history. Don't get me wrong, I love looking through a Sonlight catalog and Internet surf like a pro. Is the website just not user-friendly? Am I missing something? :confused:


Does anybody else feel this way, or am I the only weirdo? :)


Don't flame me please, it's just an opinion, and I'm happy many here use it and are very satisfied with it. It's always nice to find something you like. Personally, I love Tanglewood's curriculum and that's what we're going to be following next year, loosely based on what I put together.


I have looked at the website a couple times to see if I was delirious the first time I looked when I felt like this was totally NOT anything I wanted anything to do with. :tongue_smilie: I would read excellent reviews on this site and thought I must be missing something. I am evidently missing something, too. The website is not fun to look at all all IMO. I was quite confused, so I think it probably is not user-friendly or I am missing something obvious.


So, I'm right there with you, and I am finding this thread interesting, too, because really, I had sometimes wondered the same thing.



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I was a bit put-off by the website as well. If that were my only source of info on this product, I definitely would have walked away. But after scouring these boards and asking a bunch of my own questions about how it works, I am 90% sure that I am going to be using this curriculum when my dd4 is ready to start grade 1. Maybe someone needs to talk to them about the user-unfriendlyness of their website design....

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Never been interested in it, again because it's religious but I visited the site for the for the first time today and boy, it's an obnoxious site design. Sort of leads you by the had instead of a more strighforward design that would simply let you choose more directly what you'd like to look at.


There's a somewhat local supplier online who has a website with a similar thought process behind it - half a dozen baby-step clicks to get where you want to go. needless to say I order my stuff elsewhere.


:iagree: Yes, that's it! The Baby Steps drive me crazy too. Good explanation.

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I think more people are *not* attracted to TOG than are attracted to it, maybe those of us that like it are simply vocal about it :confused: Or you see a lot of questions pertaining to TOG because people are unsure of something or other about it.


The web site can be confusing for some (you should have seen the old site.) If you would like help understanding how it works feel free to post questions here and I'm sure someone will be by to help.

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I'll join the ranks of those who "don't get it." I can see spending lots of time and money on math, language, even science, and I spend plenty on WinterPromise history, but it's NOTHING compared to what I would spend on TOG. I really don't want to spend a lot of time digesting my history lesson.

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I love the concept of it, but I've seen it at a conference and I just wouldn't buy it. I don't like it enough to do it. I don't like it enough to give up our freer history studies, which I absolutely love. The fact is, I don't want someone to pull this all together for me. I want to do it myself. I enjoy it! I don't want a schedule. I want us to work at our own pace and select our own rabbit trails.



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Why worry about it?


This is a WTM board. I am certain that MOST people here do no use TOG. It's certainly not for everyone.


I'm very surprised to find myself using and enjoying it, as we are not even Christian. Tanglewood is great, too. So is Ambleside. So many options ... no need to worry if lots of people are using something you don't care for.


Oh, like a PP said, I was just wondering. I'm starting to understand it better now, and like I said in my post, I'm just curious by nature. My dh calls me the knowledge seeker. The upside is that someone may understand TOG better and either decide not to use it or decide to use it based on these posts.


I know I'm most likely never going to use it (never say never!). I respect and agree with quite a few people on this board on quite a few things, except perhaps on this one, that's all :)

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