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How about those Worst Movie Endings?

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I'm seeing a few movies mentioned that are currently sitting in my Netflix Queue. I am thrilled to hear the endings ahead of time and will happily remove them from my list. Y'all saved me lots of time and heartache! Anymore I should be aware of? Or should I say, beware of?

I'm just glad that I talked DH out of buying the new Indiana Jones movie until we get it from Netflix! We were at a store on Sunday and he really wanted to buy it...all I kept saying, was..that's why we have Netflix...maybe we won't like it... I will watch it though...aliens, huh?:001_huh:

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"Becoming Jane"

I know it's a true story, but still, I just wanted it to end like her novels!


I always stop this movie right at the point where they run away together. They kiss and run and I imagine a happy ending where he keeps her hidden in a nice apartment where she can write and he can visit often, whilst living with his uncle and earning his education as quickly as possible and then walking away with his career and his secret wife, family still happily supported back home. I'm getting quite good at rewriting history to satisfy my imagination and need for pretty bows.


Little Women....the one with Christian Bale....I turn it off right after Christian Bale proposes. In the book this would never do, but in this version, there is actual chemistry between these characters and WHO can turn down Christian Bale? It makes a happy ending to turn it off right there and imagine that she says yes and they all live happily ever after. It does make for a very short movie though. :D

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Gotta agree w/ those who mentioned The English Patient and the last Indiana Jones movie. (Of course, I disliked both movies all the way through, so the ending was no different than the rest of the movie, lol. ;))


At least The English Patient was pretty to look at (might be good w/ the sound off?). Fwiw, I didn't like the book at all either.

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Little Women....the one with Christian Bale....I turn it off right after Christian Bale proposes. In the book this would never do, but in this version, there is actual chemistry between these characters and WHO can turn down Christian Bale? It makes a happy ending to turn it off right there and imagine that she says yes and they all live happily ever after. It does make for a very short movie though. :D


I couldn't turn down Bale either. If it is any consolation Bale met his real life wife through Winona Ryder. She worked for her, I believe.


That Little Women is like the future superheros version. Kirsten Dunst is Spiderman's girlfriend, Claire Danes was in Terminator 3, and of course, Batman (drool).

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"Becoming Jane"

I know it's a true story, but still, I just wanted it to end like her novels!


Actually, it isn't a true story, it is all supposition, and it drives me nuts--it is so different than what she was supposed to be like, her family, the times, everything! There is no way anyone would have been like that then!! I adore the man who plays the one who falls in love with her--otherwise, I hated the movie, ending and all!!

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Gotta agree w/ those who mentioned The English Patient and the last Indiana Jones movie. (Of course, I disliked both movies all the way through, so the ending was no different than the rest of the movie, lol. ;))


At least The English Patient was pretty to look at (might be good w/ the sound off?). Fwiw, I didn't like the book at all either.


Nice scenery, yes. But the other good thing about The English Patient was that the main character had the smallest booKs I've ever seen on the big screen. Hooray! It's too bad that victory for all of us small chested women had to be in that particular movie. And it definitely wasn't enough (so to speak) to redeem the thing.


I thought the story line about the French (Canadian?) nurse and the Indian bomb guy was totally more interesting that main story, the adulterer with no face and the booKless woman....

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Million Dollar Baby


It's the movie we judge all overs by.


Cold Mountain.


Shudder. Ick. At least there were *moments* in MDB that I found intriguing. The only think I liked about Cold Mountain was the Alison Krauss song. I *should* have been really upset by the ending, I guess, but again, I was just glad it was *over*.

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Actually, it isn't a true story, it is all supposition, and it drives me nuts--it is so different than what she was supposed to be like, her family, the times, everything! There is no way anyone would have been like that then!! I adore the man who plays the one who falls in love with her--otherwise, I hated the movie, ending and all!!


Have you read the book Becoming Jane is based on? I thought the author made a pretty good case for a romance (although of course the running away together part was made up for the movie).

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Little Women....the one with Christian Bale....I turn it off right after Christian Bale proposes. In the book this would never do, but in this version, there is actual chemistry between these characters and WHO can turn down Christian Bale? It makes a happy ending to turn it off right there and imagine that she says yes and they all live happily ever after. It does make for a very short movie though. :D


I've never quite forgiven Louisa May Alcott for not letting Jo marry Laurie.

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How about "Silent Hill". Did anyone suffer through this because Sean Bean was in it? I had no clue it was based on a video game. UGH! Then I had to watch the ending because I'd wonder if I hadn't.


I loved the Silent Hill video game, it was totally disturbing. Great mutants. The movie wasn't as good, BUT it did manage to capture some of the feel of the game, which a lot of games-to-movies don't. So I was ok with it.


Oh dear, there are two? this was the one with Nicolas Cage, I'm assuming the remake.





Yep, there's two. I haven't seen the Nic Cage one, but I bet its very different from the original.


With that said....


I hated the end of the last Pirates of the Carribean movie. I mean really?! They're going to spend the rest of their lives apart except for one night every 10 or so years. Ugh!




I forgot about that! How dare they end it like that. I was not at all happy with that, I remember now. DH got an earful about it.

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With that said....


I hated the end of the last Pirates of the Carribean movie. I mean really?! They're going to spend the rest of their lives apart except for one night every 10 or so years. Ugh!


Family Stone. I hated that movie. It could be that it was in the comedy catagory and when I found out the Diane Keaton was dying I cried through the rest. Blah.


Those are my picks, as unpopular as they might be!


Me too! I was totally blindsided. I was pregnant with my 8 yr old when my mom died of lung cancer. When they showed the pregnant daughter snuggle up to her mom in bed I started sobbing and cried till the next day. I remember snuggling my pregnant self up to my mom while she was home with hospice care, so that scene really did me in.

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But "tomorrow is another day!" I always figured that Scarlett went back to Tara, cleaned up her act and eventually found Rhett again, they had more beautiful babies and lived happily ever after. And don't tell me any different! :001_smile:


Christy, did you ever read the "official" sequel to GWTW? (Somehow this one author was chosen by whomever it is that owns the copyright to GWTW or *something*). It was published about 15 years ago and I believe it was called Scarlett. I know I read it back then, but have NO idea what happened in the book. I can't remember! Just wondered if you were aware of its existence, so you could "see" what finally happened to Scarlett if you were interested in doing so. I do remember thinking, "Yeah, not sure that's what Margaret Mitchell would have done with the story ... "

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Oh, I read that! I found it so odd that this author was chosen.....it was a bodice-ripper romance novel! I read an interview with the author and she said that she copied page after page of the original GWTW so that she could achieve the same 'voice' as MM. Um, no. Not the same voice. LOL.:lol:

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Christy, did you ever read the "official" sequel to GWTW? (Somehow this one author was chosen by whomever it is that owns the copyright to GWTW or *something*). It was published about 15 years ago and I believe it was called Scarlett. I know I read it back then, but have NO idea what happened in the book. I can't remember! Just wondered if you were aware of its existence, so you could "see" what finally happened to Scarlett if you were interested in doing so. I do remember thinking, "Yeah, not sure that's what Margaret Mitchell would have done with the story ... "


Yes I did read it. It was okay. Most of it was set in Ireland so it had a very different feel from GWTW.

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I always stop this movie right at the point where they run away together. They kiss and run and I imagine a happy ending where he keeps her hidden in a nice apartment where she can write and he can visit often, whilst living with his uncle and earning his education as quickly as possible and then walking away with his career and his secret wife, family still happily supported back home. I'm getting quite good at rewriting history to satisfy my imagination and need for pretty bows.


Little Women....the one with Christian Bale....I turn it off right after Christian Bale proposes. In the book this would never do, but in this version, there is actual chemistry between these characters and WHO can turn down Christian Bale? It makes a happy ending to turn it off right there and imagine that she says yes and they all live happily ever after. It does make for a very short movie though. :D


Oh, you are so right on. From now on, I'm going to turn it off at that point too... and turn on Batman Begins ;)



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Some of mine are showing up on the "Best endings ever" thread.






Somewhere in Time


My personal qualification for a "worst possible ending" is that everyone dies miserably, followed by a close second of everyone living miserably for the rest of their lives.


Somewhere in Time was recommended here ages ago and I finally got around to watching it on Netflix online. It had a very young Christopher Reeves and Dr. Quinn (I'm too lazy to go looking for her name right now.) I really liked it.....right up until the ending. My eyes bugged out and I started stuttering and sputtering as the credits rolled. !?!?!?!?


I want a gloriously messy plot with everything tied up nice and tidy with a pretty bow at the end. I know it's not real life. I know it's probably a sign of immature taste. Am I the only one?


Believe it or not, Jenn, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, even though you're all poopy-face on my Gallipoli and Atonement best-ending-ever awards. :D Honestly--I used to have a rule that whoever tricked me into watching a movie with a sad ending would be buffeted about the head and neck with something heavy. I HATE sad endings as a rule. Be that as it may, here are my picks:


Endings that are painful but awesome:



Shakespeare in Love


The Prestige


Romeo and Juliet (any version; we all know the deal)


Otherwise good movies with dreadful endings:

Gone With the Wind

The Untouchables

War of the Worlds (apparently Boston is impervious even to alien invasion)

Citizen Kane

Murder by Death

Somewhere in Time (I'm with you on that one, Jenn!)


My least favorite ending schtick:

When someone's dying last words are either a crucial clue or something pithy. Death ain't like that, folks.

When it was all a dream. Talk about writer's block....

When two characters who have verbally abused each other for the past two hours suddenly realize that they're perfect for each other.


My least favorite ending of all time:


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Aside from The English Patient, I hated the way that Braveheart ended, even if it was loosely based on a real story and had to end that way.


Besides hating endings where everyone dies, I hate endings where people who really love each other can never get together, or part for stupid reasons. I can see enough of that IRL, and don't want to see it in a good movie. I usually put movies like that out of my mind, so most of them won't come to my memory off the top of my head.


I didn't like the ending of the movie Carrie where the hand comes out of the grave & it turns out it's a nightmare, so you leave thinking that poor teen will suffer nightmares for the rest of her life. Or the ending of The Little Shop of Horrors in the movie where those stupid little plants are growing in front of their house. Of course, that's just a stupid movie, IMO, but I watched it for the music. I was also disappointed in much of that, too.


I also hate really stupid endings, but can't think of any examples off the top of my head. And movies where it looks like the evil ones are vanquished but then just at the end you see a glimpse that they're still there. Screams sequel.

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Little Women....the one with Christian Bale....I turn it off right after Christian Bale proposes. In the book this would never do, but in this version, there is actual chemistry between these characters and WHO can turn down Christian Bale? It makes a happy ending to turn it off right there and imagine that she says yes and they all live happily ever after. It does make for a very short movie though. :D


You know, intially I was angry, but in the end I think Jo was much better suited to marry the man she did (Behr) and I thought the learning curve her sister and that guy had was superb, and well done in the Rinona Rider version. I think Jo made better friends with him than she would have a wife. Of course, I did see the Katherine Hepburn version first, and think Rinona Rider was a much better Jo (and I was a Katherine Hepburn fan, too.)

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Pay It Forward. Gag. If a few scenes were rearranged, I'd have gotten the bittersweet joy of it. For example, if the guy being talked out of jumping off the bridge were the last scene, I'd feel that the 'pay it forward' thing had truly taken root and would live on, despite the demise of the boy.


Blech. I will never watch that again.


This is the first movie I thought of when I read the subject line. The ending just wasn't necessary at all to the plot. In fact, I think it detracted from the plot and the point. No, life isn't all happily ever after, but the ending was too far in the other direction. How depressing.

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Besides hating endings where everyone dies, I hate endings where people who really love each other can never get together, or part for stupid reasons. I can see enough of that IRL, and don't want to see it in a good movie. I usually put movies like that out of my mind, so most of them won't come to my memory off the top of my head.


Me, too! I hated the end of Cast Away for this very reason. Shoot. Dump the dentist!

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