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Third Presidential Debate Poll

So who won the Third Presidential Debate?  

  1. 1. So who won the Third Presidential Debate?

    • McCain won by a mile. This was devastating.
    • McCain won convincingly.
    • A slight edge to McCain.
    • Basically a tie.
    • A slight edge to Obama.
    • Obama won convincingly.
    • Obama won by a mile. This was devastating.
    • Neither. I'm more convinced that ever to go 3rd Party or "Write-In"
    • Other

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So who won?


I listened to it on NPR and then watched portions later on YouTube. In both cases, I felt Obama had the upper hand. I disliked in general the argumentative tone and was annoyed at how the moderator led them down that road.


I'm bemused when people claim a candidate displayed a decisive, "blew 'im away" victory in any of the three Presidential debates or the VP debate. I believe that's due to wishful thinking and subjective listening.


All four debates have been fairly bland and even-handed, imo. Having only listened to the first one, I felt McCain won, no question. When I watched it later, I noted his negative body language and perceived it instead as a tie. The same was true of the second McCain-Obama debate. This time around, I thought Obama truly did have the edge, though I wouldn't call it a decisive victory. And in the case of the VP debate, that was another even draw.

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Have to disagree with ya on the VP debate. Biden clearly had that one. He was the only one that anything to say.


I voted that this debate was slightly won by Obama. I think it would've been a tie if McCain hadn't been slinging so much mud at his opponent. He started out strong, did well. Then he got ugly enough that it ruined his good start. He meandered a bit while he was doing his mudslinging too, so he was almost ranting.

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Thank God for Joe the Plummer!


Plus I heard something I have been working, praying for, for years last night and it was the third reason why I am voting McCain Palin. I posted a thread about it so I won't post here in depth about it.


  • Life
  • Taxes
  • Autism
  • not mention in the debate Israel


Top reasons why I am voting McCain.


I did think that McCain started to fade toward the end..... and I felt that he could have elborated a bit more....


I was part of a phone and writing drive that surrounded the abortion votes in IL so I knew Obama was fudgeing on some of his statements, and I have no desire to debate or try and win you over on that, it is my opinion and what I saw here in IL. I did tho like his suite and tie.

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Other-- I couldn't bring myself to watch more than 15 minutes of it. From my understanding, Obama was literally *lying* throughout, which was infuriating, and McCain... sigh... he just doesn't seem to understand what people want or need to hear from him. I agree with him in principle and support him for his leadership and experience, and believe that he is more honest than Obama is, but the man just doesn't seem to be able to connect with the American people at all. While I support him, he makes it hard for me to feel enthusiastic about it.



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So who won?


Well.... remember in high school? Debate club? There were rules, and winners were determined based on how well they applied and adhered to the rules.


Just on my memory of debate rules (and the link above to one province's junior debate rules) both candidates were -- to use dated high school vernacular -- total suckage, dude.


These aren't debates we're watching, folks -- it's just a couple of guys campaigning on a stage. They might be able to convince you to vote for them, but there's no real debate happening.


So, who won? Check back in on Nov. 5. That's the only way you'll know.

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This remark bothers me. I'm capable of listening to and watching these debates objectively and haven't presumed "winners" before doing so.


I agree with the one who said that because alot of people will not watch these debates with open mind. A few will watch with open mind like you Colleen. However I really do feel that McCain did a great job last night. He was at his best last night. I felt that McCain won this one over Obama. Obama made some errors last night. He didn't answer two questions posted to him. He didn't make clear about the spreading wealth around per Joe the plumber. He didn't clear that up and he is scaring me much more. I do not want Joe's money. I do not want my money to go to somebody else either.


My success (if any) is my own and only belongs to my family just like Joe's belong to his family. I really felt that McCain hit this home with Obama and he didn't explain this at all from my POV.



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Well, to quote myself from the earlier "I'm not going to watch this debate" thread (I DID watch, BTW), "I thought McCain came off as angry, bitter, maniacally giggly at times, desperate, and...oh, I hate to say this...old. DH and I spent most of the debate just shaking our heads. At the very least, this debate didn't change any minds, which obviously isn't good news for McCain."


So to sum up, this undecided independent in a swing state thinks that Obama mopped up with McCain just by remaining calm and collected. Now, if they go fisticuffs, all bets are off: I think that McCain could take Obama in hand-to-hand combat, regardless of the height and age difference. :D But in the speechifyin' arena, there's no contest.

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Now, if they go fisticuffs, all bets are off: I think that McCain could take Obama in hand-to-hand combat, regardless of the height and age difference. :D


Now that would be an interesting debate! :lol: I watched some of it, but I guess I'm just soured on this whole election.

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I didn't watch the debate, but I do know that after watching it my dad (always been a Republican, though a fairly moderate one) has decided to vote for Obama rather than McCain. That implies to me that Obama won (at least my dad's vote).


The concept of "winning" a presidential debate is odd to me. I think of the debates as an opportunity for the candidates to present their views to the American people. So whichever candidate's view more closely align with mine is going to be the one I see as the winner. I agree with the pp who said that we won't really know who won the debates until after the election.

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I didn't like the behavior of either candidate. I couldn't watch.

I enjoyed it while I was listening, but found myself increasingly irritated with smirks, condescending laughs while watching it. Both candidates behaved like boys who just didn't want to be in the same room. Behind the camera smile, I felt contempt oozing from both men. Each avoided at least one question, or babbled nonsense or reiterated their points.

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I haven't been able to vote yet, as I want to cast an "honest" vote and my mind isn't settled.


I'm perplexed as to "who won" (on a "political/electorial level") last night.


Scored as a "boxing match" I'd have to give it to McCain. He was very well prepared with an arsenal of jabs that were delivered relentlessly. He had an energy in this debate that was absent in the last.


But while McCain did well as a "pugilist". I'm not sure how this will play out with voters. His campaign has gone almost totally negative. And the points he scored last night were also "negative". I'm not sure if the "negativity" will work for McCain. Not that he has a lot of options.


And when I see people like Leila finding him angry and bitter, I don't know how to balance the blows he landed against the "damage" he did to himself by being the "angry man". So I'm uncertain who helped themselves last night.


I was somewhat surprised to see the "insta-polls" all showing a strong victory for Obama. People seem to be responding to his ability to remain "cool" under pressure, and find his bearing "presidential". I thought he took this a little "too far" last night, and vered toward looking a little "weak" next to a strongly assertive McCain.


The problem for the "strongly assertive" McCain is you risk looking angry and contemptuous, which he did. There is the potential of a substantial down-side in the same elements that made this a strong showing from McCain. So it was a double-edged sword, if you will.


I have learned from watching McCain that when he's angry he "blinks", and last night the blinking was virtually non-stop. While it was difficult for me (as an Obama partisan) to watch my candidate take so many jabs last night, I'm not sure if McCain helped himself or cemented the perception that he's mean and angry (or both, as some folks think "hard-guys" make the best presidents).


I do think if McCain had distanced himself from Bush many months ago, (certainly by the first debate) the way he did last night, this would be a different race today. But the timing seems all wrong to me. Too late.


So a mixed judgement from me. I think McCain scored with his conservative base last night, but I think he may have damaged himself with people who are asking themselves which of these men they want to invite into their living rooms for the next 4 years. On the other hand Americans tend to like "strength" in their leaders, and last night McCain's sack seemed a little more full.


Bill (who is doing his best to judge this outside his "bias")

Edited by Spy Car
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It seemed that Sen. McCain *finally* did what so many Conservatives have been waiting for him to do. I thought he won convincingly. The first few debates were in Sen. Obama's win column, but this one I have to give to Sen. McCain.


Perhaps it was the sit-down format that gave McCain the edge *or* it was his campaign's willingness to listen to the Conservative constituency. He came out strong, sounded good, and he wore confidence like a badge of honor.


Now, I'm still not thrilled about McCain, but I have decided to vote for him. It is the goal of many Conservatives to drag McCain across the finish line and then deal w/ him later. So many of us have been utterly frustrated by his talking points and mantra (especially the phreakin' "maverick" term).


It seems this one will be a fight to the finish, and that makes it exciting.


Hope all is well with you and yours, Bill.





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Well, to quote myself from the earlier "I'm not going to watch this debate" thread (I DID watch, BTW), "I thought McCain came off as angry, bitter, maniacally giggly at times, desperate, and...oh, I hate to say this...old. DH and I spent most of the debate just shaking our heads. At the very least, this debate didn't change any minds, which obviously isn't good news for McCain."


So to sum up, this undecided independent in a swing state thinks that Obama mopped up with McCain just by remaining calm and collected. Now, if they go fisticuffs, all bets are off: I think that McCain could take Obama in hand-to-hand combat, regardless of the height and age difference. :D But in the speechifyin' arena, there's no contest.


He is the pitbull without lipstick.

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Well, to quote myself from the earlier "I'm not going to watch this debate" thread (I DID watch, BTW), "I thought McCain came off as angry, bitter, maniacally giggly at times, desperate, and...oh, I hate to say this...old. DH and I spent most of the debate just shaking our heads. At the very least, this debate didn't change any minds, which obviously isn't good news for McCain."




Hum, I could probably agree with some of that, but let me add that Obama came off as a unapologetic SOCIALIST. But I guess that being the defining characteristic of our possible future leader doesn't bother too many folks around here.

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Hum, I could probably agree with some of that, but let me add that Obama came off as a unapologetic SOCIALIST. But I guess that being the defining characteristic of our possible future leader doesn't bother too many folks around here.


If socialism is what it takes to give everyone access to education, health care, and gainful employment, I'm not opposed.

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Well.... remember in high school? Debate club? There were rules, and winners were determined based on how well they applied and adhered to the rules.


Just on my memory of debate rules (and the link above to one province's junior debate rules) both candidates were -- to use dated high school vernacular -- total suckage, dude.


These aren't debates we're watching, folks -- it's just a couple of guys campaigning on a stage. They might be able to convince you to vote for them, but there's no real debate happening.


So, who won? Check back in on Nov. 5. That's the only way you'll know.


I was a high school debater. We had rules.


Once I was at a tournament and we came up against a team from a podunk Missouri town (because Poplar Bluff Missouri is certainly NOT podunk:lol:). I got all full of myself and while this poor girl, who had probably not really been coached, stumbled over her weak platform speech I made McSmirk faces at her.


You should have seen the judge's sheet, he recorded everything my partner and I did and then, of course, the sheet was given to my debate coach. It took an hour to get home and that was how long the coach sat in the back of the bus with us, chewing us out.



It was a pitiful display last night, wasn't it?

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You spend a lot of time telling other posters how to act.


Want to add to the discussion? How about you define "socialist" to me, and show me how Obama fits the criteria. The hysteria is overwhelmingly amusing to me. Unless a "socialist" congress is also elected, there's very little chance of our government becoming "socialist". However, if Obama is elected there's a very GOOD chance that health care, education, and jobs for the already born will be a priority over war and the constant bleating of sheep.

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Just interested... Have you been to France, Great Britain, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Canada, or Australia? Do you know anyone from these nations? It would be interesting to get their take on the evils of socialism.


No I haven't been to any of the places you mentioned. Oh and by putting the "Eek" smile and asking if someone was serious how did that say that I thought socialism was evil? Maybe I was just a bit surprised to see that.

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Wow! For only having 12 posts, you sure know a lot about me. I'm flattered.:001_smile:


I would answer your questions but I don't really think that you are looking to discuss anything with me. It's much more fun for you to just insult me, right? It's OK, I can take it.


I've read more than 12 posts. Yesterday you told someone else named Elaine not to respond to someone else - I'd link you but your action resulted in that thread being deleted. Now you're calling me a troll and feigning insult. Where exactly did I insult you? I asked you legitimate questions. It's your choice to pretend you're the victim.

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No I haven't been to any of the places you mentioned. Oh and by putting the "Eek" smile and asking if someone was serious how did that say that I thought socialism was evil? Maybe I was just a bit surprised to see that.


I also interpreted your response as having no idea what socialism is, or that it's somehow a "bad thing". However, I answered you with a "sure", hoping you'd extrapolate on your response. If you're so inclined, you still can, after you consider that "all those places" have socialist governments. Regardless of the troll accusation (aren't we all new here at some time?), I'm sincere.

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Well, to quote myself from the earlier "I'm not going to watch this debate" thread (I DID watch, BTW), "I thought McCain came off as angry, bitter, maniacally giggly at times, desperate, and...oh, I hate to say this...old. DH and I spent most of the debate just shaking our heads. At the very least, this debate didn't change any minds, which obviously isn't good news for McCain."


So to sum up, this undecided independent in a swing state thinks that Obama mopped up with McCain just by remaining calm and collected. Now, if they go fisticuffs, all bets are off: I think that McCain could take Obama in hand-to-hand combat, regardless of the height and age difference. :D But in the speechifyin' arena, there's no contest.


That's exactly my take on the debate. Especially the maniacal giggling. Oy. As someone who rather wanted to see McCain at least hold his own, that was painful to watch.

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Economically speaking, he gave the impression that he was fighting for the rich.


Even if McCain had a more reasonable(economically sound) stance on the economy I don't think most people will vote for him because most people aren't rich (net income > $250,0000).


Well, McCain wants to raise my taxes and we don't even make half that..not even close to half that.


I don't actually care about Joe's taxes, I just don't.

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OK let's not turn the thread about last nights "big fight" into a big fight because that would be....:tongue_smilie:


What was the line from Dr Strangelove?


"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!" :D


Here ya go, Bill:




Are we good now? :D


For what it's worth, I still contend that Presidential Smackdown would be a heck of a lot more interesting than these last three debates. And I've modified my view on that: I think that Pit Bull Palin might be able to take all THREE of the rest of 'em. :D

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