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I need some mental stimulation


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What do you do to keep your mind from feeling like it is atrophying at an alarming rate?


DS17 is a senior this year and is taking most of his classes in a co-op setting. As such, I decided to go back to work full-time when I was offered a position in June. I work in a Pre-K - 12 school and my job is in the pre school department. I don't love my job, but I don't hate it either. It is easy, I have no need to take my work home in the evenings, and the administration has been very gracious in allowing me a level of freedom this year that I would not be afforded elsewhere.


The problem that I am having is that I feel like my brain is turning to mush. Most days I come home feeling dumber than when I left. I can't focus or concentrate more than a few minutes. There is no challenge in the work itself and the woman I work with is, to be frank, not one who is capable of any intelligent discussion beyond that which pertains to our preschool students. When I get home at night I'm tired, bored, and relatively unmotivated to do much beyond the basics around the house and then fall into bed.


Beyond the teaching of new things to your own children, what do you do to keep your mind sharp? I need some motivation.

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Join a classical book club, learn to play a musical instrument, learn a new skill, sign up for a lecture series, buy an audio/cd learning tape, take a class in something, join an exercise group or challenge (b/c sometimes lack of exercise turns my brain to mush!)



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It may sound like the opposite of an intellectual pursuit, but have you considered a dance class? You're stimulated by the music, teachers, and other students. You have to move your body, remember the techniques, learn the choreography, and keep going when you're tired and your brain is full. I find it VERY therapeutic to be moving, sweating, playing my finger cymbals, and expressing the music. It seems to activate my brain in a way that sedentary studies don't.

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What do you do to keep your mind from feeling like it is atrophying at an alarming rate?


Beyond the teaching of new things to your own children, what do you do to keep your mind sharp? I need some motivation.



Games!  Are there family or friends with whom you can play?


Some favorites:















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I'm taking 3 classes at the CC for fun... thinking of a second degree in science or math just to keep my brain occupied and thinking hard.


Homeschooling dd helps, I find myself taking notes during her online Biology lecture.


I've just taken a position as a pre-K Hebrew School teacher on Sundays.


I would LOVE to learn to play piano... 

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Genealogy. I started when my kids were young--partly out of curiosity, and partly for the mental stimulation. 16 years later I'm still at it and I still love it. I can work on it as much or as little as I want, and there's always another branch to explore, another problem to solve. 

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Listening to NPR in the car or podcasts while doing housework. It "forces" me to think about topics and expand my knowledge, especially All Things Considered. They delve into topics and make them so interesting and informative, though on the surface I feel that I wouldn't care much about X topic.


Or pick up a new hobby. Mastering a new skill (rinse and repeat), can be mind opening. It doesn't need to be intellectual. Anything you don't know about has a wealth of things that can be learned.


Study for a new career?

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There are so many things you can do the trick is to pick out what will work for you. I think the vast majority of women on here have been through this at least to some degree(as evidenced by all the posts about it). Keeping ourselves while raising children is hard. My process has been just to keep an open mind and try lots of things, say yes and stop thinking so much. I've found a lot of stimulation in physical pursuits- working on Aerial Silks- totally rewiring neural pathways doing something unlike I've ever done before. My current focus is training to become a Yoga Teacher- which is physical and mental(learning philosophy- which has led to philosophy and religion study on my own, anatomy etc). I like reading a wide variety of books- I go on binges of fiction and non-fiction. Nature study is a hobby. I explored various artistic pursuits, never found my niche really, but perhaps because my desire is using my body for creative expression. I also started by thinking what I wanted to be when I grow up, quickly realized I didn't know :) I still don't know exactly BUT I'm starting to see some paths opening in front of me, once I let go of this idea of how I think my life should look. 

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