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What to get child for him to look up proper spelling?

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Ok the only answer that sounds right is a dictionary, but is there a kid friendly version? DS has taken to writing stories and letters when he is by himself. He's doing great with reading and spelling but he is trying to write more advanced than he has learned in spelling, so he does things like realy. I want to encourage him but I also want him to have a resource to look things up. I really wish there was a spelling version of a calculator I could give him! Any recommendations on this?

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Ok the only answer that sounds right is a dictionary, but is there a kid friendly version? DS has taken to writing stories and letters when he is by himself. He's doing great with reading and spelling but he is trying to write more advanced than he has learned in spelling, so he does things like realy. I want to encourage him but I also want him to have a resource to look things up. I really wish there was a spelling version of a calculator I could give him! Any recommendations on this?


Is he wanting to look things up? Otherwise...it looks like from your signature that he's only 6, is that correct? I'd just let him write and have fun with it. He'll get there with the spelling. 

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Either let him use a word processor and spellchecker, have him ask someone, or allow it to be misspelled until later.  If he absolutely must look up a word for spelling, get him an electronic dictionary.


I vote for allowing things to be misspelled and NOT correcting them unless he wants to.  Your child wanting to write on his own is a gift.  I'd be very careful about doing anything that might make it less fun for him.  I promise that he will learn to spell in time.  And if he doesn't learn to spell well, it won't be because of this.

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Is he wanting to look things up? Otherwise...it looks like from your signature that he's only 6, is that correct? I'd just let him write and have fun with it. He'll get there with the spelling.

I was going to say that, too. Unless this is something he is asking for, don't worry about the spelling. The editing process shouldn't be combined with the creative process. And I have never made my kids look up the spelling of words. That never made sense to me anyway. How can a person look up a word to see now it's spelled if they don't know how it's spelled? I always spell words for my kids if they ask.
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We have that Amazon doohickey that sits in your living room and responds to voice commands. My kids can just ask, "Alexa, how do you spell ___?" and she will spell it for them.


Having her spell "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" was entertaining to them for an annoyingly number of repeats.

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Is he wanting to look things up? Otherwise...it looks like from your signature that he's only 6, is that correct? I'd just let him write and have fun with it. He'll get there with the spelling.

The kids have quiet time in the afternoon in their rooms and lately DS just wants to write and show me his letters and stories. He always wants to know how he did and what is wrong. He's a great natural speller and about 2 weeks from being done with AAR4 and doing great with AAS. Of course there are so many words he hasn't learned yet like why really has two l's and why its spies not spys. I absolutely encourage him and he loves to show me what he's done. When he's writing and I'm in the same room we work on sounding anything out he's spelling which has really helped, like he knows would/could now just from that, but obviously when he's by himself I can't help and I'm trying to discourage his constant running out of his room to ask me how to spell something.

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So does he know how to look words up in a dictionary or a speller-type book, as young as he is?


I can see where it would be wonderful for him to satisfy his curiosity about how a word is spelled. I guess the trick is to find a way to do that without frustrating him. And the only way to know that is to figure out how HE would best like to look up the words, I suppose.

We have this Spelling Dictionary for such purposes but we also use google voice command on what ever device is handy. It is mostly my 11 year old that I have use the book.

Ok I've never tried multi quoting so hopefully this works!


I have no idea if he will be able or interested in using a dictionary. For the most part he can pretty easily sound out the beginning of a word but he can get stuck in the middle so if he chose the right letter to look something up I'm not sure if he'd be able to find the right word or get frustrated. Plus he still doesn't always hear the difference between L and R and will write crose when he means close which I'm not sure a dictionary could fix. That's why I wish there was a cheap hand held thing I could get him that would say crose is not a word. I don't trust him with a device unattended to give him a spell check app, I think he'd for sure start playing games. Looking at the different online options reminded me that I must have had something similar as a kid and I think it could play hangman. It's too bad that there isn't a cheaper one out. It's like they only make the toddler version but not a useful one for an older child.


I actually bought that book last night! Plus a child's dictionary. I'm still not sure if he'll use them for spelling but I figure it certainly cannot do any harm to start showing him. He asks what some of the words mean on his AAR sheet everyday so I figure instead of just telling him I can have him start looking it up.

Edited by ExcitedMama
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