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New Game: Tell something about your self that you have never told on the board before

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To while away the time when driving, I mentally total the digits in license plates. I "win" if the sum of digits equals my birthdate. For plates with letters, I sequentially assign numbers to the letters.


At boring corporate events, I estimate the square feet of room by estimating s.f. of one tile, then count or estimate number of tiles needed to cover room floor space.


Dustin Hoffman has popped into my head.


"Definitely. Definitely. Definitely."


"I'm an excellent driver."

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I used to exercize race horses (I'm 6' tall:D)


I was homecoming queen.

Tomboy deluxe :glare:Go figure on the homecoming queen business.

Tallest person in my senior class of 13. (Grew up in OK, population <400, 'Salute')

I can haul hay, drive a 4 in the floor stick, tie a knot (that's why my dh married me;)), bait my own hook, run a trotline, work a man into the ground. (ok, can is a big word, I will say could back when I was younger:D)


Along this line, I can cast a line with one arm while holding a baby in the other. My mother made me fish a lot when I was young. My dh used to be in trout fishing compititions. All of my dc were taught to fish except for the youngest who was the baby on my hip. I hate fishing and always have. The things you do for family. :)

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:lol:I had you pegged as a crazy hippy right from the start, LB! :lol:


Now I have to go back and visit our porcupines at the zoo! Your nose looked fine to me - I didn't know you could squoosh it. Does it hurt?


This thread is so much fun. I've started "files" on all of you (muhahaha). People really eat banana/mayo sandwiches? My mom eats peanut butter and pickles so I won't say anything else. :001_smile:



I am taking notes because otherwise I won't remember.

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To while away the time when driving, I mentally total the digits in license plates. I "win" if the sum of digits equals my birthdate. For plates with letters, I sequentially assign numbers to the letters.


Both my dh and my dd do this although the have different "good" numbers. She did not learn it from him. They both recently confessed this and we were all surprised that they came up with this independently. Now I have to wonder how many other people do this.

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I used to be addicted to true crime books, and a lot of them were serial killer books as well, although my favorite was Anne Rule. Her book about Ted Bundy scared the living day light out of me for about a year after I read it. I can't stand True Crime books now.


I love Anne Rule. Did you know that she had actual correspondence with the Green River Killer both before and after he was caught? I haven't read a true crime novel in years as I have no time for that now. I really wish they would solve the Jon Benet case though as it drives me crazy to not know what really happened. I weird, I know.

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Amy , you'll certainly have to add this to your "files" LOL.


I married my high school sweetheart who became a rock-n-roll critic. I went to a rock concert every weekend and sometimes more for about 10 years. I've met Peter Frampton, talked to Tom Petty for about an hour, and been kissed by Nick Lowe. I used to see REM play at parties. And lots more.


Thank God I used to wear earplugs or I would certainly be deaf today.


Of course this was all history when I met the love of my life. Now I look at that former life as :confused: hey who was that? Certainly not a homeschooling mom of 3 girls.





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I took my 2 sons to see Bill Clinton when he was running for President in '92. I have a picture of my youngest (a baby) being kissed by him. *yuck*


From your AR days? :)


A friend of mine used to sing in a group with her 3 sisters and she had picture of herself with Bill Clinton. He was standing in the middle of them with his arms around the shoulders of my friend and one of her sisters. Her BIL told her, 'You better be careful who you show this pic to...you might find yourself testifying in front of a Grand Jury.' :lol:

Edited by Scarlett
ETA---Laura in VA is not from AR (Arkansas). I was confused...:)
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At boring corporate events, I estimate the square feet of room by estimating s.f. of one tile, then count or estimate number of tiles needed to cover room floor space.


How fun! When I am at boring meetings, conferences, etc. I play "buzzword bingo". Before the meeting starts I make a bingo chart out of all the nauseating buzzwords that are popular this year in my profession and see if I can get a Bingo! :D

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I guess my darkest deepest secret to share with you guys is that Metallica is my FAVORITE band (with Incubus a close second). I have a cd visor case in my van that has ALL Metallica cd's.


I did win a Journalism award in high school and started college off in journalism, switched to forensics (I wanted to be a coroner) then dropped out when I got pregnant with dd. The famous face reconstructor, Mary Manhein, was my forensics professor. We worked in the FACES lab at LSU. It was cool.

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If Britain had Jeff Foxworthy defined rednecks, I'd be one. My father is my uncle and my uncle is my (step)father. Does that make me my own cousin? :tongue_smilie:


My dc's family line is so confusing that I hardly even understand it myself. Poor kids. My two teens once enraptured a waiter at Olive Garden by spending an hour explaining it to him. They find it quite amusing.

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Wow, I worked some in forensics and ended up as a medical malpractice adjuster. I studied physical anthropology in college (forensics, among other things). I thought of going into profiling. (I minored in psychology in school.) I think I've told all these things before


I took several anthropolgy, psychology and criminal investigation classes in college.

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I was a serious nerd in high school. I showed up at a party one Friday night. Everybody kept asking why wasn't I home studying or something.


Along with that nerd aura, I never was asked to a dance in high school. Never went to home coming. Did go to prom, but I had to ask someone as a friend. That really lifts a girl up, doesn't it?


I was a huge teacher's pet for all but one. She was awful. I complained to my parents who didn't believe me. When open house rolled around, dad came home and said, "she really doesn't like you, does she?" DUH!


It took me over 10 years to be able to eat ranch dressing again after a particularly nasty encounter with multiple margaritas while in college. Still don't go for margaritas. Nor will I ever be able to stomach the combination of a baked potato with bacon bits and ranch dressing. Can eat ranch on a salad now though.

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I got drunk for the first time when I was 10 years old.


By the time I was 16, I had received 3 proposals of marriage.


My grandfather was arrested for the attempted assasination of President Truman.


I was an "Egg House Princess" when I worked in an Alaskan salmon cannery, earning money for my freshman year of college. Our product was so underpar, it could not be sold in the United States. The nearest phone was 45 minutes away by boat or 20 by small plane.

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I love the Smothers Brothers, and in addition to what is available on CD, I collected all thier LPs. But I don't have a turntable.


I collect Alice's Adventures In Wonderland memorabilia--but not the Disney version. Mostly items based on the Tenniel art, plus lots of different editions of the books.


Although I'm a Methodist pastor and my family isn't Jewish, I attended a Hebrew day school for 3rd and 4th grade. My mom picked it because it was "the best private school in town".


I'm allergic to shellfish--especially scallops and clams.


I went to Milwaukee for my honeymoon--to a role-playing game convention. This is my claim to uber-geekdom.

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I'm late to the game, but this looks fun! Here are mine:


*My husband and sister are both named Angel.


*I met my husband in a dream about a year before I met him in real life, and was living in another state at the time. We have been a couple since the day we met, though he didn't speak English at the time. He could understand quite a bit, and I understood a lot of Spanish, but we carried around a Spanish-English dictionary all the time for several months.


*My son was "Baby Boy" for the first 3 days of his life...my excuse is that he was unexpectedly early, but now I like the idea of meeting your child before choosing a name.


*I was once sent to classes on the dangers of alcohol for blowing a triple zero on a breathalizer...I had had not even 1 SIP of alcohol. Go figure. The lady who taught the class was like..."These are some reasons why you all should stop drinking, and why YOU (pointing at me) should never start."


*My dream is to open a classical private school someday, and it is the first goal I've had in my lifetime that I have been able to break down into manageable steps!

Edited by jenadina
edited to add another!
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Does this pay well? I used to be able to cast a chart but haven't done it in years.


I only charged $30 or $35 at the time. Some people charge $75-$150 a chart, though, depending on their experience and what service they can provide. I had a little business where I sold charts online, and I actually taught classes, too, in Jungian astrology. The classes paid better. It probably could have paid well, if I was willing to work at it. I wasn't :)


I love doing it, though. I like doing personality readings, but not forecasting. I'm pretty bad at forecasting! :D

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I make up songs all the time. They are not long or especially brilliant...but we have fun with them.


They always rhyme and I borrow melodies from popular tunes.


I make up A LOT of songs about our cats but have been known to come up with a new ditty for the most inane of events. I've got my DH doing it and DD has never known our house any different so she plays too.

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As a child, I played the clarinet and saxophone. As a young parent I became a violin student. I have always sung, and I just purchased a guitar :001_smile:


Oh--- I played the piano, flute, guitar, violin, bassoon, and messed around a little with the sax for a couple of months. I took choir, music theory, band, marching band, pit orchestra, and was in a private flute choir. I thought about majoring in music. I can sing in the shower and trust me, that's about the only place I should be singing!!!:D

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