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Breastfeeding problem, TMI maybe


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OK, weird breastfeeding problem. I would love solutions. I have never had this before.


His hands are very very busy. And I try to stick something in his hand. That only sort of works. But, sometimes, when he is nursing, he pinches me on the arm. Not like intentional, but more like, it is what he does when he falls asleep? Except he is leaving bruises. In addition to this, sometimes, if I look the other way, he will pull off and tweak my nipple. Yep, he does that too. AND, if left when any sort of access, he sticks his fingers in my belly button. Nursing is becoming an olympic sport and is not much fun for me now. In fact, I dread it sometimes. 


Other than being punitive or stopping nursing, any suggestions?

Edited by Janeway
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I had one of those! I had blood blisters from the pinching. Football hold with something in hands worked best for me. Something soft because if he's like mine, he'll smack you with it. The Children's Place had sleep and play suits with the foldover mittens that went to 6-9 mos, though my tiny pinching machine pinched until 18 mos. 

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My last little guy liked to bite, pinch, pull hair, play with the other nipple, squeeze the other boob. I'd get him to quit one thing and he would start a new thing. I wanted this to be the baby I nursed til 2, but that did not happen. We quit around 18 mo.

Also, I never bought a nursing necklace, but I tried using necklaces to distract him, and he broke them. If I held his hands, tried to substitute a toy, etc he would often refuse to nurse, or start biting. I never tried a toy with long hair though. That's a great idea.


The pinching was least objectionable, and I settled for letting him pinch me while nursing to fall asleep. A few bruises on my upper arm was a price I was willing to pay. Anything for baby sleep!


(I also had low supply. I think it's common to take a break, and try again later. Show the baby you will not put up with that. But that led to lower supply for me, so I couldn't do it til we were ready to quit. Also, the slower flow and less milk of low supply can be the cause of some biting. :( ) It's crazy that I think back nostalgically, and miss those nursing times.


That habit of grabbing for my other boob stuck, even though I always tried to deflect him. At 3, when I rock him he still grabs a boob. So weird and annoying.

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My son did that!  He'd leave terrible pinch-marks on the back of my arm.  I looked like I was being roughed up. 


A necklace sounds like a great idea!  I'd just shout "Ow!" and pop him off whenever he pinched... probably not what you are looking for.

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My youngest was/is a pincher while nursing, although she's much better now that she's older. When she was younger I tried to wear long sleeve shirts and keep her hands busy with a toy. The toy rarely worked though, as she really just wanted to feel my skin. She still tries to reach up or down my shirt, or poke my belly button. I'm ready to wean, but she's not on board with that yet. :)

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Okay, you know how if you if you push a finger against a tabletop, and keep it mostly straight, you can get your first knuckle (nearest the tip of the finger) to sort of "pop" to a bent position and then "pop" back to a straight position?


My first used to do that.  Between my ribs.   :cursing:


How old is yours?  A nursing necklace is great, if he'll go for it.  I used to keep a stack of toys and as he dropped/flung one I'd shove another into his hand.  Try kitchen implements, they are apparently way cooler than baby toys.  (Spoons, spatulas, whatever's not immediately dangerous.)

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Had a pincher.  Nursing necklaces, mittens, a toy that had hair (Barbie or a puppy toy with curls instead of a short cut fabric).  And yeah, holding their hands before they could get to the pinching area of choice. 


Yes! Hair toys. My Little Pony works well, but they do hurt if you get whacked in the head with one. I recommend the smaller size.  :o

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Holding their hand and stroking it, or if they put the hand on  your arm or other breast, put your hand over it and hold it flat. I would say "flat hand" and make sure it stayed flat, rather than tweaking/pinching. He didn't like it, but adapted. 


The next two never touched my skin because I was uber careful about it, but turned into hair pullers. Whatever. 

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Nursing necklace! Mine fiddled and scratched something awful until I bought that thing (mommy necklaces.com).


He recently started (gently, thankfully) playing with the other nipple, which I am glad to find out is relatively normal! When he reaches for it, I hold his hand, which he seems to find just as good.

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I did the nursing necklace as well. It was useful for nursing in public. I would also hand the nurser the breast pad out of my bra on the side we were using.  I used soft flannel nursing pads.  It was warm and smelled like milk so the nurser would usually hold it, squeeze it or use it to stroke my upper arm which was not as annoying as being pinched.  I would also rub their little feet with my thumb which was stimulating enough that they didn't need to touch me more.  I covered the other breast with a cloth diaper or receiving blanket.  If he didn't see it, he was less likely to reach for it.  And finally, and this is going to sound crazy, I also did the small dolly with the long hair or the My Little Pony, but what I would do would stick the doll/ toy down the front of baby's shirt/ onsie so that only the hair was sticking out the top. The nurser would stroke the hair that was coming out the top of his/ her own shirt and couldn't launch the toy or hit me with it.  Sometimes I would forget to remove the toy and we have a couple hilarious family pictures where the baby seems to be growing a lovely crop of chest hair.


Good luck finding what works


Amber in SJ

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Slache, has Alex arrived? How did everything go? Congratulations!!! :party:

Yes, I'm so sorry. I'm going to make an announcement as soon as I get my computer up so I can do pictures. I should just do it now. He was born last Monday and everything went perfectly. He's perfect. 8 pounds 11 ounces, 22 inches. Matthew Alexander but we're calling him Alex. His father's name is Matthew. We moved Friday so we're sort of a mess.

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Yes, I'm so sorry. I'm going to make an announcement as soon as I get my computer up so I can do pictures. I should just do it now. He was born last Monday and everything went perfectly. He's perfect. 8 pounds 11 ounces, 22 inches. Matthew Alexander but we're calling him Alex. His father's name is Matthew. We moved Friday so we're sort of a mess.


You should be sorry! It's not like you have anything else going on right now.  ;)


You moved and had a baby in an under two-week span?!? Girl, I hope you have some help so you are able to rest and recover! I'm so glad everything went well. 


Just start a new topic later when you can do pictures. We need pictures!  :001_smile:


Congrats again and many blessings!

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