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Prayer request...

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Please pray for my dh. He's been having problems for over a week and has been going for various tests. Based on the MRI the GI doctor told him he needs to have his gallbladder removed, but today he also got a call about the MRI from his regular doctor's office. He was told that there's a "small lesion" on his left kidney. He's having a CT scan at 2pm today.


Please pray that this is benign. And please pray that I can keep from falling apart while we wait...I lost my dad to kidney cancer when I was young.


Evening update...no call with results (even though I was told they'd have the results back and would call later today). Thanks so much for your prayers. :)

Edited by Laurie
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Please pray that this is benign. And please pray that I can keep from falling apart while we wait...I lost my dad to kidney cancer when I was young.


Oh, absolutely -- so, so scary! Please don't forget to give us an update!



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. He was told that there's a "small lesion" on his left kidney.


FYI, "incidental-oma" findings in the kidney (i.e. small lesions seen when you were really looking else where) are very common. They are often insignificant. Kidneys do that. Hope this eases your worries a bit.


(the -oma part is from sarc-oma, fibr-oma, lymph-oma, and is a common medical suffix or root).

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FYI, "incidental-oma" findings in the kidney (i.e. small lesions seen when you were really looking else where) are very common. They are often insignificant. Kidneys do that. Hope this eases your worries a bit.


(the -oma part is from sarc-oma, fibr-oma, lymph-oma, and is a common medical suffix or root).

Yes, this helps! Dh is supposed to get the results later today. Unfortunately I couldn't help myself and looked on the internet. Trying to be positive, I looked up "benign kidney tumor" and one of the first things that I found was all about something called tuberous sclerosis. Apparently this genetic condition has a connection with autism. The more I read and saw similarities with dh and dc the more concerned I became...so much so that I called dh's doctor's office and gave them family history so that if they needed to look for anything else while they had him in the tube to please do it and maybe save him from having to have yet another procedure. Maybe they'll just write me off as a crazy lady, but there were too many similarities for me to ignore.

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so much so that I called dh's doctor's office and gave them family history so that if they needed to look for anything else while they had him in the tube to please do it and maybe save him from having to have yet another procedure. Maybe they'll just write me off as a crazy lady, but there were too many similarities for me to ignore.


If you look down under Kidney, you'll see that 1 in 300 people have a single on of these babies in their kidney, whereas T.S people have many. 1 in 300 people is a whole heck of a lot of people.




Not to worry about being the crazy lady. My father, when he had a small stroke and was dragging his leg about, called me while my mother was in the garden and said he thought he had botulism. He'd gotten out a book and told me it must be botulism. I said "what about a stroke? I've only seen one botulism case and zillions of strokes". "Oh, no" he said "this is botulism". I told him I'd call him back, called the neighbor and asked them to go out and get my mother, told my mother he'd had a stroke and to please get him to the doctor. Then I asked how long he'd been dragging his leg, and she said two days. When asked why she hadn't approached him about a little medical help, she said "you know what it is like to get through to that stubborn old goat".


Much to his children's amusement, this man, who wrote down every bit of expense, completely left all bills related to this stroke out of his annual accounts. So even college science professors gravitate to the unusual conclusion.


Just a bit of amusement to make your evening pass.....

(Papa recovered completely and lived to be 97).

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The results of dh's CT scan showed that it's a solid mass on his kidney so they know it isn't just a cyst. Now he's got an appointment on the 20th with a urologist so they can find out if it's a benign solid or the bad kind.


Tomorrow he's having an ERCP done because the GI dr. thinks there's a gallstone stuck in a tube. This is a quick-fix procedure; he'll still have to have his gallbladder removed in 2-3 weeks when they can fit him into the surgery schedule.


I just talked to my sil on the phone. The best she could offer was a "Well, let us know when you find out". I sure wish I still had my mom to call right now.


Thanks for your continued prayers. The waiting is going to be hard.

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The results of dh's CT scan showed that it's a solid mass on his kidney so they know it isn't just a cyst. Now he's got an appointment on the 20th with a urologist so they can find out if it's a benign solid or the bad kind.quote]


Laurie, I just wanted you to know that my FIL was diagnosed with a cancerous mass which led to his having half of one kidney removed. He never had to have chemo or radiation for it. Many years later (more than ten) he developed another two cysts, most likely non-cancerous, on the partial kidney, but the docs recommended watchful waiting on them to see if anything developed. He died from other health issues, and even though his body was in terrible shape, those two cysts never progressed. He lived for eighteen years past his first cancer diagnosis, and like your dh, if it hadn't been for something else they were looking at, he would not have known until much later that he even had a cancer.


I just wanted to pass along a reason for hope and give thanks with you all that it was found early.


Praying for peace and rest for you all!!

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I just talked to my sil on the phone. The best she could offer was a "Well, let us know when you find out". I sure wish I still had my mom to call right now.


Thanks for your continued prayers. The waiting is going to be hard.



Sorry you don't have your mom to call right now. I hope your sil will rise to the occasion and offer you the support you need.

(not sure why this part of your post upset me, but it did)


Anyhow...this is for you and dh :grouphug::grouphug:

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Praying for you and your dh, Laurie. I know how hard it is to want to talk with your mom and she just isn't there anymore, but even tho we aren't as good as Mom, we are here for you and interceding in prayer. :grouphug:

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