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McCain or Obama...is that really it?

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I cant be the only one that thinks that the choice is ummmm.....slim pickins' am I? I dont want this to turn into a debate but I am at a loss. This is the first year that I am tempted not to vote because I dont think I could in good concious. I am scared about what will happen when one of these men are choosen to be our president. I shudder at the thought of what is in front of us.


It creeps me out. Am I the only one?

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There are several other candidates on the ballots. I couldn't live with myself if I voted for McCain or Obama so I'll be voting third party for the candidate that most closely reflects my ideals. I know he won't win, but I feel better about that than throwing away my vote on a person I don't feel is a good choice for president. If more people did the same I think we'd really see "the change we need". ;)

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There are several other candidates on the ballots. I couldn't live with myself if I voted for McCain or Obama so I'll be voting third party for the candidate that most closely reflects my ideals. I know he won't win, but I feel better about that than throwing away my vote on a person I don't feel is a good choice for president. If more people did the same I think we'd really see "the change we need". ;)

I do agree with this. As I said, I feel good about my candidate, but if I did not, I'd vote third party. I voted third party in Georgia's 2002 gubernatorial election.

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You can vote third party. Have you researched any of the other candidates?


Apparently, I live in a state with some of the most restrictive ballot laws in the country(actually, the Libertarian site calls them the MOST restrictive.) We have a choice of two candidates. Write-ins invalidate the ballot.


The Libertarian party suggests that we vote, but leave the presidential choice blank.

Edited by snickelfritz
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I don't vote for the person, I vote for the policy they represent...for me, a third party vote would be skirting the issue...I perfectly respect those who want to vote third party..but for me, I KNOW one of the two WILL get elected...so I want my vote to go for the one that represents my views on family, economy, security...I don't like it when folks are so quick to point out how they don't like one candidate or the other, they're my fellow countryment and it's an attack in a minor sort of way...I prefer to stick to the issues and for that reason I vote for the one that is the most conservative..not naming any names here....


Also, we have the gift of voting again in 4 years...maybe the lack of 'stellar' candidates will prompt others to go for a change because they'll put their country first, many of the fine leaders won't choose running because they don't want to put their families through this mess...but seeing what we have this time, well...maybe that will give them the gumption to take a shot at it next time...and if they are either liberal/conservative and see the voters turning out for that, it may encourage them as well...


This is a two man race...I feel I have to choose.



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I really wish their was some change made to the whole system, at least so that 3rd party candidates can participate in the presidential debates. I realize there has to be some restrictions, could there be some kind of straw poll and the top 3 or 4 or 5 get to participate?

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There are several other candidates on the ballots. I couldn't live with myself if I voted for McCain or Obama so I'll be voting third party for the candidate that most closely reflects my ideals. I know he won't win, but I feel better about that than throwing away my vote on a person I don't feel is a good choice for president. If more people did the same I think we'd really see "the change we need". ;)


This is the first time ever I intend to vote third party. I just can't do anything else. Really. It would feel wrong.

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I vote for the policy they represent...for me, a third party vote would be skirting the issue...I perfectly respect those who want to vote third party..but for me, I KNOW one of the two WILL get elected...so I want my vote to go for the one that represents my views on family, economy, security...Tara


I agree here. I will not vote 3rd party. Why? They won't win so I will vote for the most conservative. I am voting for McCain who is the lesser of two evils (in my opinion).



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I think *both* major parties and their policies are TOO extreme...This is why I'm thinking of voting for someone outside of the 2 major parties.


I'm just sick to death of both *parties*. It seems they want to be so different from on another that they go to EXTREME measures to be different. For example, obviously the Reps. messed up be not having *any* gov. regulations on the banks, but the Dems. will end up OVER regulating it. Both parties are almost always SO extreme with what they want to do, when most of the time the answer is somewhere on the middle ground.

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oh yeah!


There are SEVEN viable candidates running for President that have ballot access to over 270 electoral votes:




i would laugh my a$$ off if they got enough votes despite the fact that the media won't bother reporting about them.


but since i think both major parties are pretty much even in their horribleness, I'm ecstatic to vote third party.

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I find it so irritating that if I vote 3rd party (which actually has a canidate that I am somewhat interested in) it is a waste of vote basically. I mean I will feel better that I spoke what I feel (and it matters to me to have a vote) but it is soooo beyond slim that a 3rd party would be elected it seems pointless.


I agree with whoever said both parties are too extreme. It seems that it is one evil or another. I dont understand why their cant be some sort of meeting in the middle. It is frustrating and aggravating that we are assured one of them will win and IMHO neither one presents a platform that will actually help the country.


Grrrr <Sigh> only a few more weeks and we will know the outcome.

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I think *both* major parties and their policies are TOO extreme...This is why I'm thinking of voting for someone outside of the 2 major parties.


I'm just sick to death of both *parties*. It seems they want to be so different from on another that they go to EXTREME measures to be different. For example, obviously the Reps. messed up be not having *any* gov. regulations on the banks, but the Dems. will end up OVER regulating it. Both parties are almost always SO extreme with what they want to do, when most of the time the answer is somewhere on the middle ground.


Whoa. You sort of shocked me with that! You know I am going to get all in your business tomorrow!


Glad to see another of my real life peeps letting it all hang out on the internet, though!!!:D Sometimes I feel like a freak being all open and transparent and stuff!

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The way I look at it is, we are kidding ourselves if we think any one person is going to get into office and miraculously fix everything. It just doesn't work that way. We are more likely to influence change at a local level and via our representatives/senators.


I agree with you here! I have started to follow local politics more since that is where our voice can have a bit more impact.


It would be great if one person could come in a fix the mess but like you said it doesnt work that way. I do think however that the elected one should have the capabilities of looking at an issue from all sides and working with others to meet a goal that isnt just based on self intrest or money. I think that is what bugs me so much about this election. Both of these men (from what I have read) are big on the self intrest and money front. This will impact us hugely! Look at the last 8 years.

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Technically, they could get something like 40,000 signatures (I looked it up overnight, but can't remember exactly) to be put on the ballot.


I do remember my parents voting for Ross Perot, so he met the demands.


This year, there is not a single candidate besides McCain and Obama.


The Libertarian party challenged the law, but lost their court case.


McCain will win the state, anyway. I just don't know who I'm going to vote for.

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I don't vote for the person, I vote for the policy they represent...for me, a third party vote would be skirting the issue...I perfectly respect those who want to vote third party..but for me, I KNOW one of the two WILL get elected...so I want my vote to go for the one that represents my views on family, economy, security...


Yay! Tara! Finally we agree on something! I have been waiting for this day. :D


I voted third party in the 2000 election. I voted for the party whose ideals most closely represented my desires for this country. We got Bush. :001_huh:


As much as I am a huge fan of third parties, I feel that I have to vote for the person representing the party that most closely represents my ideas that actually has a chance of winning. I am disheartened to feel this way. I really want my vote to be my voice and not my concession ... but, given the state of politics today, I would feel worse voting for someone I know will never win than I would voting for the less perfect (in my mind) candidate who might actually win.


Although, I do have to say that I like Obama quite a bit. And I don't dislike McCain. I think he has a lot of experience and has absolutely demonstrated his commitment to this country ... I just disagree with a lot of his ideas. I don't question his sincerity and integrity (nor do I question Obama's).



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I cant be the only one that thinks that the choice is ummmm.....slim pickins' am I? I dont want this to turn into a debate but I am at a loss. This is the first year that I am tempted not to vote because I dont think I could in good concious. I am scared about what will happen when one of these men are choosen to be our president. I shudder at the thought of what is in front of us.


It creeps me out. Am I the only one?


I will not vote for anyone who voted for the bailout. The market is tanking today. The bailout had no positive effect. We were lied to, and they stole money from our children and grandchildren.


Anymore there seems to be the Democrat/Republican ruling class, and then there are the rest of us stuck with voting for one or the other. They are the same party it seems to me. They differ on abortion, which I agree is a very important difference. Just about everything else they seem identical or very close.


I am going to see if I can find out why third party candidates are not allowed to participate in the debates. Let me guess, the Democrat/Republican ruling class is scared of the competition. :scared:

Edited by fractalgal
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Guest Virginia Dawn

Aren't the media the ones responsible for shutting out 3rd party candidates from the debates? I heard that they require a candidate to be polling at 15% before they will allow them to participate.

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I reached the same conclusion as the OP before the Demo candidate was finalized. I was just AGHAST that the 3 that we were down to by then were being represented as the only serious candidates.


I'm back to where I was before the first debate. I'm voting for Biden.


I don't think Obama can do the job--he's not ready. I like McCain and thought he won the first debate, hands down, but I'm not sure that he can do the job either--he is so impulsive and he thrives on being a maverick--those are great where he is right now, or maybe as a Governor, but for President? I just don't know. He's certainly very up on foreign policy, and I think that he would get us out of the war faster than anyone else, if only he didn't get us into another one or two along the way (kind of the same principle as Reagan--convince everyone that you're thoroughly willing to war to the death, and maybe you won't have to). But he could do a lot of damage as well, and I don't like a lot of his domestic policy positions and inclinations. I don't think he will significantly reduce our dependance on foreign oil, which is crucial. I don't think he knows much about economics, which is crucial. And I think it's very very possible that he will die or become debilitated while in office, which brings us to Palin, who, though very smart and likeable, is less ready than any of them for this job.


So that leaves Biden. He's quite knowlegeable on domestic and foreign issues. He knows what he doesn't know. He has true compassion--BTDT kind of guy at home and abroad. I wish he were president, of the 4, and I hope that if Obama is elected, he will rely heavily on Biden. Biden strikes me as diplomatic enough to be an effective councillor to Obama without overreaching.


I'm voting for Biden.

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oh yeah!


There are SEVEN viable candidates running for President that have ballot access to over 270 electoral votes:




i would laugh my a$$ off if they got enough votes despite the fact that the media won't bother reporting about them.


but since i think both major parties are pretty much even in their horribleness, I'm ecstatic to vote third party.



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I will not vote for anyone who voted for the bailout. The market is tanking today. The bailout had no positive effect. We were lied to, and they stole money from our children and grandchildren.



So much for the claim that the deal had to be done yesterday or the world would end.


I'm hoping that things will balance out in a few days.


Remember, the market wasn't even in the 3000s til what -- the early 90s?

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So much for the claim that the deal had to be done yesterday or the world would end.


I'm hoping that things will balance out in a few days.


Remember, the market wasn't even in the 3000s til what -- the early 90s?


I am hopeful for the best as well.


Bush claimed this had to be done now, not even taking the time to think through the bill nor explain it better to the public.


Now Bush is saying it will take time. :confused:

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I haven't read the other posts, and probably wont (just because I don't want to be pulled into any debates ;)). As far as the OP, that's how I felt the last election. I never have liked Bush, but Kerry was so unexciting or uninspiring for me.


This year I've been very excited about the election, from both sides. Although I'm an Obama supporter, both sides have made the process very interesting this year.

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I find it so irritating that if I vote 3rd party (which actually has a canidate that I am somewhat interested in) it is a waste of vote basically. I mean I will feel better that I spoke what I feel (and it matters to me to have a vote) but it is soooo beyond slim that a 3rd party would be elected it seems pointless.


I agree with whoever said both parties are too extreme. It seems that it is one evil or another. I dont understand why their cant be some sort of meeting in the middle. It is frustrating and aggravating that we are assured one of them will win and IMHO neither one presents a platform that will actually help the country.


Grrrr <Sigh> only a few more weeks and we will know the outcome.


actually, it's only a wasted vote if you're trying to play a two-party game. If you are sincerely expressing who you want to vote for then it's not wasted --it always counts FOR the candidate you cast your vote for and simply doesn't get transferred to another candidate :)


I'm not playing the game anymore. :D

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actually, it's only a wasted vote if you're trying to play a two-party game. If you are sincerely expressing who you want to vote for then it's not wasted --it always counts FOR the candidate you cast your vote for and simply doesn't get transferred to another candidate :)


I'm not playing the game anymore. :D



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