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Taking some rather ... um ... risque photos for dh

Have you or would you ever take risque photos of yourself for dh (or dw!)  

  1. 1. Have you or would you ever take risque photos of yourself for dh (or dw!)

    • Heck, yes, he/she loves them
    • Yes, I would consider it
    • Yes, I did it but he/she didn't love them or I regret it
    • No, why bother when he/she has the real thing, baby!
    • No, it goes against my moral principles
    • Other--in case I missed anything

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You in a sexy-type nighty, looking sultry, and NOT actual porn-type stuff.


I'm sure my DH would love such pictures, and I would venture to guess that so would 99% of other DH's out there. I certainly have no problem with it, after all, you are a married couple, right? If it turns on DH, why not?


I would most likely do those type pictures too, but currently I'm 25 lbs overweight, and just can't bear to see ANY pictures of myself. Maybe if I lose weight one day....

Michelle T

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I'm not judging you...just consider this. Your body was meant only for your dh to see, no one else. It's supposed to be a gift from you to him, no one else. And once you take those pictures, you now have something you are going to have to guard with your life so they don't end up in your kid's hands. How would you explain that to your children?


Please believe me, I'm not judging you; I just think these things are worth your consideration.

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I'm not judging you...just consider this. Your body was meant only for your dh to see, no one else. It's supposed to be a gift from you to him, no one else. And once you take those pictures, you now have something you are going to have to guard with your life so they don't end up in your kid's hands. How would you explain that to your children?


Please believe me, I'm not judging you; I just think these things are worth your consideration.


If the photos ended up in my children's hand, I would say something like, "Mothers and fathers enjoy one anothers' bodies in special private ways. The pictures are a way of commemorating this and reminding only Mom and Dad that we bring each pleasure."


I've seen photos of the type original poster is referring to and they are quite tasteful.

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I found pictures of my mom as a youngster and then later going through my father's stuff after he died. It's really not a big deal for kids. My mom was embarrassed and asked me to burn them. That made me sad. She was beautiful. I thought she should keep them and told her so. I think though that they reminded her of my father and the marriage never had been good.

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As a photographer I have had plenty of Boudoir photo sessions. They are not as bad as one would think. They are not porn by any means, and I would be upset if someone classifed my work as such. The shots are not completely nude unless that is what you wish. The setting is extremely comfortable, your home. I had mine done when I was younger and pre-kid, not sure I would want to do them now.:001_smile: If you feel more comfortable with a female, there are plenty to choose from; there are plenty of students that would love to do them for free as well. I have done materinty, wedding, birthday, and boudoir, the body is a thing of beauty no matter the age and if you want to give your dh the gift of you captured in photo then I say go for it. I hope you go through with it, it can be something for you to see yourself as your husband sees you, we rarely get to see that side of ourselves and can be a great self-esteem builder.

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I put other because dh is an amatuer photographer. He took a bunch of photography classes in college...... Back in the day, before kiddos, when I was slim and young, he took photos of me as you describe and he processed the film. No one but the two of us ever saw the photos or the negatives. Those photos and negatives are in a box somewhere and if I ever run across them they will get very hot...... ;) and burst into spontaneous combustion..... Not something I want my grown sons :eek: finding when we have passed. Might feel different if I had daughters but I doubt it. Want my sons to think of me as mom not as dear dad's hotty. Now that the day is long past and I have c- section scars and am no longer slim I am gald they are in a box somewhere because there is no way this going gray 48 yo lady could live up to those photos of a just turning 30, military shape, no c-section bod........ :rolleyes: :blush:

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No, I don't think I would. (I went with the "already has the real thing" option.) I feel very uncomfortable having my picture taken fully clothed. I know dh would like such a picture, but I don't think I could bring myself to do it--even if he was taking the photos on our digital camera to be printed on our own printer. I'm not the most modest in dress, I'm not shy in the bedroom, but I feel so very awkward in front of the camera. I have such a hard time overcoming that feeling that most pictures of me come out absolutely horrible. I don't think I'm that hideous looking, but I usually am in photos. I will suck it up and allow my picture to be taken now and then so some day my great great grandkids have proof I existed. A boudoir portrait is not the type of proof I'd like them to have:lol:

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Me? No. But a tip for those who would/do.




A co-worker did these, and insisted on sharing them with the entire office (yes, even the men. And even the UPS guy and postman.) She even "tricked" several of us into "looking". ("Come here and see this e-mail, I'm not sure what it means. Ha ha, made you look!"):glare:


So for your husband, by all means, go for it! For sharing with casual acquaintances? Uck, no!

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With the majority of photographers shooting digital these days, I would never assume that I had the only copy of any picture I didn't take myself.


Let your husband take the photos. He'll have beautiful pictures of you and memories that will be with him Forever.

Save the images on just one CD, delete everything else, and make any prints that you may want on your desktop printer.

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I once sent my dh pictures when he was deployed (about 15 years ago) that my best friend took for me. I've also sent him pictures of myself in my running outfit and I think he enjoys those pictures just as much. I would not send him "suggestive" photos now. Long story.

Edited by Laura in VA
removed tmi and added another thought
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With the majority of photographers shooting digital these days, I would never assume that I had the only copy of any picture I didn't take myself.


Let your husband take the photos. He'll have beautiful pictures of you and memories that will be with him Forever.

Save the images on just one CD, delete everything else, and make any prints that you may want on your desktop printer.



Ours was a money-motivated decision though -- we just weren't prepared to spend the bucks for professional photos. Dh has taken digital images of me here and there which are for his eyes only. But, I do sometimes wonder about having a professional do the work so that lighting and position would be the most...um...flattering. Interestingly, dh doesn't seem to mind anything about ANY picture he has of me scantily clad. ;) Honestly, though, if I was to spend the money on professional photos, I'd probably do the kind that everyone could enjoy viewing.

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A friend of a friend was a professional wedding photographer who had an album entitled "World's Ugliest Brides" on the coffee table. This was passed around at parties, guffaws ensued.


I would worry about ending up in a "World's Frumpiest and Dumpiest Barely-Clad Women" book.

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and had them in a portfolio open on his pillow when we returned home after our wedding.


A lady photographer took them. They weren't nude, but in some nice lingerie and things like that. One with jeans and a cowboy hat covering my chest, one was a nude profile shot in front of a window with a curtain (it was actually really nice). One was actually a nude, but I was sitting in such a way that you couldn't see anything. It's his favorite and he has it hanging behind his clothes in his closet. My kids have seen it, but I'm not a nudity freak, and it's a tasteful photo. They know it was a gift for him because I love him.


I figure that many a person other than dh have seen my body (ob, midwives, etc) so it didn't really bother me. Now if it had been a man taking the pics, totally different story...

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I would have my husband take the pictures and not a photographer. I just think it's wrong that a man other than a woman's husband see her looking sultry. My husband would not want a photographer seeing me that way either. Now, if the photographer were a woman, I might feel different morally, but I'd still rather my husband take them. I think taking the pictures would be half the fun for him. Plus, I wouldn't want those kind of pictures in someone else's hands.

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I had some done for a gift for my DH on our 10th wedding anniversary. He loved them. They are not rude and I would have no problem with other people seeing them. There are no "bits" showing. My kids have seen them.


eta: In fact I've just realised that my avatar is cut from one of them. I could happily put the whole photo up here and I dont' think anyone would be offended by it.

Edited by keptwoman
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I voted "other" because I wouldn't do it but not for "moral reasons." I'm simply too embarrassed and inhibited!


Same here. Like I told Sweetie the other day (I've lost a lot of weight recently) -- "There's not as much there, but it's still ugly." :lol:


*I* wouldn't do it -- but wouldn't think twice about someone else wanting to.

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Has you ever done this? Would you ever do this? I'm talking professional photos with a reputable photographer. :)


Not only have I never done it, the thought has never crossed my mind. I was floored, in fact, by the poll results thus far and some of the accompanying posts here. I would never, ever have a photographer take such pictures of me. I wouldn't be comfortable with my own husband taking them, either. (And it'd seem so ridiculously funny to me, anyway.) I guess...how should I say this...I was a very swinging single. I did a lot ~ a whole heckuvva lot ~ of things I'd not do if I had the chance for a "do over". It is good to share the special, private things within marriage now, but I'd rather just do that naturally ~ and risque photos don't fit the bill.

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Hmmmm.. good gift idea!


That's kind of what I was thinking. I know dh would love it. Dh took some pictures of me after we first got married and I think they turned out *awful*. Maybe he didn't think that though. I figure a professional photographer would do a better job! I don't know if I can bring myself to do it though. It would definitely have to be a woman photographer. I talked to a photographer before and she said that some women bring a friend along. Now that would be embarrassing! And I definitely wouldn't be showing them to anyone else! But that is another concern. I really wouldn't want to end up on the internet somewhere! I've been in the mulling it over stage for a couple of years. :lol: It's curious that no one has chosen the Yes, I did it but he/she didn't love them or I regret it option....

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Gotta agree here. And, OMG, what if the photos got into the hands of the young men around here :scared: or think about other family members going through 'personal effects' upon ones demise! :ack2:


And, I certainly don't think, after 4 pregnancies, that it all looks as good as it did before. I guess I hope he just remembers when it looked really good...

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If you get your inlaws an e-photo frame with a bunch of family photos on it...


screen it first, before your dh sends it off. The halloween "french maid" photos that were funny at home are NOT funny when your MIL sees them.


That is all.




I would just die.

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Dh would love it, but only if they could be taken by a blind photographer : )

As for me, I would probably fall into a fit of laughter, so I guess the photographer would have to be blind and deaf....

Personal home photos would be/are my/dh's preference -even though they are not exactly as perfectly flattering as the pros

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This thread reminds me that my husband took some pictures of my on our honeymoon with lingerie and also some in the whirlpool tub in our B&B room (all you could see was my shoulders and up).




I haven't been able to find them. Sometimes I wonder if the kids will find them when they go through my stuff when I'm gone. Yes, I have three boys, so perhaps I need to locate those!

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It's never crossed my mind to do something like this. Dh can barely turn on the computer, God forbid he got his hands on a digital camera. I'm remembering when our old neighbors moved to a new house. My older boys had lifelong crushes on the wife of this couple. They were younger than us and she was so pretty and nice to them. We were invited to a party at their new house. (They older boys were between 8-10 I think). She took us all through their very nice, very big new house. The master bedroom was the grand finale. Over their bed was a picture of our neighbor in a very tasteful, pose. She was nekkid (Streak anyone?) and it was a HUGE picture. No naughty bits were showing, but she was most definitely nekkid. My boys flipped out. They'd just seen Miss M nekkid. It was so embarrassing. And I couldn't help but think (once we'd convinced the boys to get out of our car and come back to the party and that Miss M would be keeping her clothes on) that EVERY single person there had seen that picture. But, "Miss M" is a very confident person. I'm not. She loved that picture and was ok with it. Her dh thought it was great too.


I imagine my dh would love pictures like this. I don't think I have the nerve or the confidence to do them, though.

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Even though dh and I never have and aren't into it (although there are a few spontaneous ones floating around) my father, an excellent photographer, took many of my mother when she was a young bride, and I have seen some and they are quite beautiful. They are divorced now, but its actually a lovely memory.


My father and his wife were visiting me recently- we only see each other every few years- and he was going through his beautiful nature photos with me- on his computer- and somehow a photo of his wife, naked and "posed" had got mixed in there- poor things, they were so embarrassed, but I thought it was highly amusing and just reassured them it was nothing I hadnt seen before, no big deal.

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I would never be comfortable doing that. I don't care about the photographer's professional reputation. I would still feel incredibly uncomfortable in little or no clothing having my photo taken. Yikes. I don't like my photo taken fully clothed on my best day.


No. It just would not be for me.


And I don't think DH would like having a stranger take such photos.


That said, if DH turns the heat up really high so that I am not cold, I will pose for him when he draws. He's trying to improve his figure drawing. It's not supposed to be sexy, but it sort of it:)

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That's hilarious.


But you know, as a mother of sons, I would be so happy if I discovered that after years of marriage and kids and life, they wanted the french maid outfit. I would never mention that I saw it, but inside, I'd be thinking, "good for them, I hope she's making him happy."

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That's hilarious.


But you know, as a mother of sons, I would be so happy if I discovered that after years of marriage and kids and life, they wanted the french maid outfit. I would never mention that I saw it, but inside, I'd be thinking, "good for them, I hope she's making him happy."



...you're going to make a great MIL some day!




Dana in Or, your story makes me smile!

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This thread reminds me that my husband took some pictures of my on our honeymoon with lingerie and also some in the whirlpool tub in our B&B room (all you could see was my shoulders and up).




I haven't been able to find them. Sometimes I wonder if the kids will find them when they go through my stuff when I'm gone. Yes, I have three boys, so perhaps I need to locate those!



...you've asked your dh about them? My dh has a little "stash" of photos of me that he enjoys. I'm quite sure my kids will discover them someday - particularly the youngest who seems to know where EVERYTHING is, even things I'd rather her not know about. But, hey...too bad. Our lives are a rich tapestry, and those photos are just part of its beauty. :001_smile:

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