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If someone dropped their child off and then did not return.....


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Let's say you knew someone from your child's activities. Your child had had their child over a few times. You have been to their house. You have known them for over a year, maybe for two years. Then, today, they drop their child off. And later, they do not come back. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You text and call, and it is as if the phone is shut off. What would you do?


OK..here is what happened!!!! And you are going to laugh..or just go "sheesh!!!" But here goes....Son has been friends with this other boy from some of his homeschool activities for a year and a half or more. He has been to that boy's house and the mom has been here. Recently, they moved. The mom texted this past week asking if son could come over. They live 20 minutes away. I said sure and she texted me the new address. Today, I used my GPS on my phone to find her house. It involved driving in to neighborhoods in a different town and I do not know the area. But, I got there, fine. I use the GPS to get back out of the neighborhood. I go home. I am in the backyard with the younger children when the baby manages to reach my phone and throw it in to the water table!! I grab the phone out, power it down and stick it in a bag of rice. A little bit later, I go to leave to pick son back up from friend. Ummm, phone number and address to friend are on the phone!!! And I turn on phone and it is not working!!!! I do not even have an email address nor are they on FB. 


LOL...it all turned out ok.....but I just had to share. I decided to just head that way and drive and see if my memory can figure out how to get there. Turns out, I have a good memory!!! I got there. PHEW! I wonder what they would have thought or done if I had not returned. 

Edited by Janeway
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When I was 16, my mom sent me to pick up my little sister and her friend from a birthday party. It was at one of those arcade places with all kinds of games, go-karts, bumper boats, etc. This one happened to be in a nearby city (where I'd rarely driven by myself) and located right off the interstate. In fact, you could see it from the highway, so I knew right where to go.


Or so I thought.


I could. not. figure out how the heck to get into the place! Every time I thought I had the turn right, I'd end up on the on-ramp headed back onto the interstate! I don't know how long I drove around in a circle (this was before cell phones, and I was too scared to stop for directions). Needless to say, by the time I finally made it to the party, my sister and her friend were the last guests left. And the friend's poor mom was beside herself when I finally dropped her off...


All's well that ends well. :lol:

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Let's say you knew someone from your child's activities. Your child had had their child over a few times. You have been to their house. You have known them for over a year, maybe for two years. Then, today, they drop their child off. And later, they do not come back. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You text and call, and it is as if the phone is shut off. What would you do?


I would probably call all joint acquaintances to attempt to find them and go to their house, to call a husband, work, anything. I would first be concerned about alerting the spouse/partner, so that I was assured that the kids had a parent to go back to.


If none of us could find that person for two hours, we'd call the police I suppose, but I don't know how long it takes for them to have to do something.


I am glad you found the house. :) In your shoes... I'd probably call all acquaintances to find the address, from Skype on the laptop.

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Whew. I was concerned someone had abbandoned a young child. That did happen when I worked at a community center with a drop in childcare. Parent didn't come back with in their pick up window. Nor by the time the drop in was closing. I hung around with the child while other staff called anyone and everyone they could think to call. We ordered some dinner and waited. Eventually we had to call the police, who found the grandparents and sure enough, the parent was in the wind and to my knowledge didn't return. :(

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Whew. I was concerned someone had abbandoned a young child. That did happen when I worked at a community center with a drop in childcare. Parent didn't come back with in their pick up window. Nor by the time the drop in was closing. I hung around with the child while other staff called anyone and everyone they could think to call. We ordered some dinner and waited. Eventually we had to call the police, who found the grandparents and sure enough, the parent was in the wind and to my knowledge didn't return. :(

I know some who came home from school at 15 to find her step parent had moved (taken furniture and left). Her father was on extended business out of town. Another neighbor let the girl stay with their family until the father could get back.

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When I taught at my previous (all special ed) school a kid in the class across the hall went home with a friend for an afternoon playdate on a Friday. Both kids were 5, parents were not friends had only met at school function. Mom called in the evening, hours after pick up and said "family emergency can you do a sleepover?". Mom then didn't call back until Sunday when she said "if you bring him back to school on Monday I can pick him up at the end of the day.". She never offered an explanation for where she had been for those 3 days.

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Way back before cell phones my grandma failed to pick my brother up from preschool. Her mom died that day and she just forgot about everything else once she got that call. His preschool teacher hung out with him until someone finally got ahold of her a couple hours later. She still feel bad about forgetting him.


I thought you were going to tell us about a child left at your house for similar reasons.

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When I taught at my previous (all special ed) school a kid in the class across the hall went home with a friend for an afternoon playdate on a Friday. Both kids were 5, parents were not friends had only met at school function. Mom called in the evening, hours after pick up and said "family emergency can you do a sleepover?". Mom then didn't call back until Sunday when she said "if you bring him back to school on Monday I can pick him up at the end of the day.". She never offered an explanation for where she had been for those 3 days.

That is crazy!
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