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say your 6 1/2 year old colored on the ceiling from his top bunk...


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and you didn't want to spank. (although I'm wishing I could knock him into next week - he is WAY too old for this garbage). I'm thinking....


1. loses art supplies except at kitchen table under my direct supervision

(he was supposed to be coloring his picture of Alexander the Great up there)

2. loses top bunk - has to move back to bottom bunk.

3. has to clean the ceiling (if this can be done safely)


Too much? I'm really mad right now....

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1. loses art supplies except at kitchen table under my direct supervision

(he was supposed to be coloring his picture of Alexander the Great up there)

2. loses top bunk - has to move back to bottom bunk.

3. has to clean the ceiling (if this can be done safely)


Completely related, appropriate and reasonable.


That said, I've humbly learned that some kids are more prone to violating the "writing on paper only" rule at much later ages than I anticipated.

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You know what I would say....


Assuming that this really is just crayon, leave it. It won't stain long-term.


He losses the top bunk and the option to do art unsupervised.


At some point in the future when he wants to color in his room, show him his "art work". "It's still there."


If he has the initiative to remove it himself (even if he asks for help), then advise him how. A self-initiated way for him to show maturity.




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Magic eraser is your friend.

I'd just have him clean it up.




My 6yo once had a penchant for coloring on the walls.


I bought a box of Magic Erasers and that child spent over an hour cleaning it off.


Hasn't done it since!


A little elbow grease will go a long way toward learning that only paper is for coloring!

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Not too much, but just to let you know, my 10 yo artist still does this. I don't get mad anymore-unless it's on the hardwood floors. When they grow up, they get to come back and paint the walls and ceilings. I'm delaying thier punishment. :0)



I might try that, too...then they'll really have something to tell their therapist, eh? LOL

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I would watch the Randy Pausch video again on abc.com and then remember that it's alright that my kiddo did this. If in fact, it stays in the bedroom only!


I *know* they shouldn't do this, and some of them do, but then I think, "Is this REALLY a problem?"


I may be more lax than others, though.

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Tell him to climb up on the top bunk with you. Lie down together. Ask him to explain his creation. Nod and say "uh-huh" as he does this. Then tell him paper is a better choice next time for drawing and that you will, indeed, "knock him into next week" if he does it again. Honestly, this is something I could see a little doofus 6 yo doing. They just do the silliest, non-sensical things sometimes.


I'd give him a big hug and let him know he did a great job. Perhaps he could assist you in the clean-up or repainting effort?


Use the incident to tie some strings w/ the little guy.



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It would depend on which one. When my oldest colored on the walls, I had a fit, gave her a long lecture, and made her scrub it off. When the second child did it, I told her she knew we weren't supposed to color on the walls, and happily helped her scrub it off. When my youngest colored on the walls, I barely noticed, and we left it up for a year.


I'd say the middle ground is probably best, unless he's a repeat offender (in which case I'd have those crayons out of the bedroom for awhile).

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I *know* they shouldn't do this, and some of them do, but then I think, "Is this REALLY a problem?"


I may be more lax than others, though.


Laxin' with you, Tanya. :)


I think the main reason I got so upset with my first child was because we had just rented a new house, and it had *flat* paint going all the way from the living room up the staircase. There was no way to paint just a patch, or scrub it off.


The youngest, well, I have no excuse. She also has free access to scissors.

Edited by gardenschooler
can't refer to my 9.5 yr. old as 'the baby' anymore and have it make any sense at all
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