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need hugs . . . . . vent warning.


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I mentioned a couple weeks  ago, I invited my brother to lunch for his birthday.  we've been estranged due to incredibly untoward behavior on his part.  (so much so, that when I was revisiting it, I was asking myself *why* I invited him to lunch.)


I'm now very frazzled.  dh is not available.


he's become a conspiracy new-world-order theorist.  way beyond that even. (he's an engineer . . . he's lost his marbles.)  he's very into near-death-experiences.  he loves to tell people what THEY should be studying.  he got mad at  me  for asking "how do you know? what evidence is there?" questions about them too.  "just take what I'm saying as fact". uh, no thanks.  (I'm a very religious person, I know all about taking things on faith -but God gave us a brain, and I believe He expects us to use it.)


all the while - I get to listen to him say how he's not judgmental (I don't want to hear the conspiracy theories - so I'm choosing to be blind.  eyeroll.)  he says he can tell if someone is calming  or not to be around. . (he makes family very stressed just being around him.)


mostly I just rolled my eyes.  he did get out of line by asking my how heavy dh was. . . no heavier than you are. . . . (proceeds to belabor his opinion).. ..  db - no he isn't and that is very RUDE.  he actually looked confused.  (someone contradicted him.)    he also never mentioned dh again the entire  time.


I repeatedly had to bring him back on topic. I wanted to hear about his children . . and what he is doing.  he would hardly talk about his  kids.    oh - and when I asked specific questions because his comments were so broad - he'd get mad and claim I was interrupting.


he makes me think of a chicken without it's head running around looking for something, but doesn't know what.  ever searching and never coming to a knowledge  of the truth.


now - how to decompress . . . . WITHOUT eating chocolate . . . .

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I think chocolate is warranted.  :grouphug:

I had some hot chocolate (I add extra cocoa powder and whipping cream.)


If anything calls for chocolate, I would say today qualifies. I think you handled it beautifully. I might have mentioned "..."Hilary Clinton, our next president" just to see him foam at the mouth, but that's just me. ;)


I don't like her either  (nor do my ultra liberal family members.  including his daughter.).  talking politics with him - no thanks.  maybe I should have brought up roswell aliens . . . . they are kinda cute.  well, they grow on  you.  like a fungus.


actually I want the cartoon that had the kid being dragged to the voting booth - but I don't wanna vote. 


I did come up with an idea of how to deal  with all the garbage he sends me.  send him quotes. (looks innocent)  I've sent my first one.   I'm wondering if it will raise his blood pressure.  ;p  he started it . . ..

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When I talk to people in my family, who are frustrating to talk to because they seem to live in their own version of reality, I just reminded myself that when they start to make sense, is when I need to worry!


Otherwise...live and let live. Once conversations get to the point that we both walk away shaking our heads, that it is time to take a break from eachother.

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I have several similar family members. Interestingly, they've all been diagnosed with Asperger's as adults, and most of them are engineers.


Now I just smile and tell myself this is how they are trying to relate to other people. My son is high functioning autistic, and the more I enter his world the more I understand.


And then I let it go.

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That was my first thought upon reading the OP, especially the bit about him looking confused. 

the confusion was that someone dared to contradict him and directly object to what he said.  (you'd have to know his ego.  and it's *ego*.)  he's incredibly abrasive.  (I severed contact because he did things that pushed the legal envelope.)  If it was just abrasiveness - it wouldn't be so bad.


as for aspergers - I have an aspie.  I have another child who preferred aspies for friends.  I've been around a lot of aspies . .

I would have been more likely to be diagnosed with asd by today's criteria than he.




Maybe too rude of a question, but does he have mental health problems? 

my sister once asked me if I thought he was bipolar.  no.  he may be depressed - he's made some really stupid life choices, and the last few years they've bitten him where it hurts.  (which is probably why he's "searching" for something.)


I personally think he has narcisstic personality disorder.  our grandmother likely did - and he was the golden child.   

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thank you for good thoughts and hugs.  I'm feeling better.  I feel very good about sending him 'quotes' or even links to books.  whether he reads them or not, i really dont' care.  it might make him realize his isn't the only opinion in the world.

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