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What's your grading scale?

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Looking at my high school transcript from 1995, this was the grading scale:


A= 95-100

B= 87-94

C= 78-86

D= 70-77

F= below 70


Now, schools here use this:


A= 90-100

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

D= 60-69

F= below 60


I've been using the one on top all these years for my kids.  It could explain why my kids don't make A's.  Well, that and the fact that they hate school :).


Is this relaxed grading scale now common across the nation?  I've wondered how so many kids now have straight A's.  In my high school, only 2-4 students made straight A's each semester out of a class of 400.  Looking at the high school in my county, there must be at least 50 with straight A's.

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In my high school in the early 90's an A started at 91.  At my DN's previous school before moving in with us an A started a 93 and anything below a 67 was failing. At our local H.S. anything below a 63 is failing.  It really varies from school to school. For us I'm pretty lenient so I do the whole 90's A, 80's B, 70's C, 60's D. But I wouldn't accept anything under a B anyway.

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As of now, I'm switching over to the 10 point scale!  My kids just got a whole lot smarter!  I may even start actually giving tests.  My dd use to think 80 on a CLE math test was pathetic, now I can't wait to tell her she's got herself a B.

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The grading scale from my high school years (1970's) was:


90 - 100 = A

80's = B

70's = C

60's = D


When my kids took an occasional course at the public high school, that's also what it was. That's what I used in homeschool as well.

Graduated high school in mid 90s, this was my grading scale in 2 different states. I did have a couple classes that used 94-A, 88-B... I think they were honor classes but I don't remember.

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Here is the grading scale from our local high school.




Letter Grade: A+     Numerical Equivalent: 100-97     GPA Equivalent: 4.3


Letter Grade: A       Numerical Equivalent:  96-93      GPA Equivalent: 4.0


Letter Grade: A-      Numerical Equivalent:  92-90      GPA Equivalent: 3.7


Letter Grade: B+     Numerical Equivalent:  89-87      GPA Equivalent: 3.3


Letter Grade: B       Numerical Equivalent:  86-83      GPA Equivalent: 3.0


Letter Grade: B-      Numerical Equivalent:  82-80      GPA Equivalent: 2.7


Letter Grade: C+     Numerical Equivalent:  79-77      GPA Equivalent: 2.3


Letter Grade: C       Numerical Equivalent:  76-73      GPA Equivalent: 2.0


Letter Grade: C-      Numerical Equivalent:  72-70      GPA Equivalent: 1.7


Letter Grade: D+     Numerical Equivalent:  69-67      GPA Equivalent: 1.3


Letter Grade: D       Numerical Equivalent:  66-63      GPA Equivalent: 1.0


Letter Grade: D-      Numerical Equivalent:  62-60      GPA Equivalent: 0.7


Letter Grade: F       Numerical Equivalent:   59-0        GPA Equivalent: 0

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Here is the grading scale from our local high school.




Letter Grade: A+     Numerical Equivalent: 100-97     GPA Equivalent: 4.3


Letter Grade: A       Numerical Equivalent:  96-93      GPA Equivalent: 4.0


Letter Grade: A-      Numerical Equivalent:  92-90      GPA Equivalent: 3.7


Letter Grade: B+     Numerical Equivalent:  89-87      GPA Equivalent: 3.3


Letter Grade: B       Numerical Equivalent:  86-83      GPA Equivalent: 3.0


Letter Grade: B-      Numerical Equivalent:  82-80      GPA Equivalent: 2.7


Letter Grade: C+     Numerical Equivalent:  79-77      GPA Equivalent: 2.3


Letter Grade: C       Numerical Equivalent:  76-73      GPA Equivalent: 2.0


Letter Grade: C-      Numerical Equivalent:  72-70      GPA Equivalent: 1.7


Letter Grade: D+     Numerical Equivalent:  69-67      GPA Equivalent: 1.3


Letter Grade: D       Numerical Equivalent:  66-63      GPA Equivalent: 1.0


Letter Grade: D-      Numerical Equivalent:  62-60      GPA Equivalent: 0.7


Letter Grade: F       Numerical Equivalent:   59-0        GPA Equivalent: 0

Now that's just confusing!  I think our high school may have something similar, though.  It's nice that it differentiates between a high A and low A, but the 4.3 thing is a little odd.  Back in the old days, we only could get greater than 4.0 on honors or AP classes.  It doesn't seem right to be getting 4.3 for PE or typing.


It's all becoming clear now how so many kids graduate with such high GPA's.  I was thinking maybe there was just an increased focus on academics.  But it looks like changes in grading may have more to do with it. 


On television you often see funny clips where they interview students at some well-known schools, and the kids don't know who the vice-president is or some other basic facts.  Now I'm catching on.

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When I was in school, it was as follows:

92-100 A

83-91  B

74-82  C

65-73  D

64 & below F


This is how I had intended to grade, but then I found out that our local school system had moved to the 10pt system. I decided it was best to mirror the school district we are in.


This was mine throughout school too.  I don't usually put a letter grade on their papers.  I usually put the fraction or percentage on their paper.  We'll probably go with the 10 point system for high school since that's what most schools seem to use.  I don't think it's fair to grade them more harshly than PS students, especially on a transcript that will be compared against theirs.

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But the scale makes little difference! It is all about how the test is designed and how the points are given/taken away.


I could write a math test where the average grade is anything I want it to be. Or an English report. Or any other subject. The numeric scale means nothing.

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Here is the grading scale from our local high school.




Letter Grade: A+     Numerical Equivalent: 100-97     GPA Equivalent: 4.3


Letter Grade: A       Numerical Equivalent:  96-93      GPA Equivalent: 4.0


Letter Grade: A-      Numerical Equivalent:  92-90      GPA Equivalent: 3.7


Letter Grade: B+     Numerical Equivalent:  89-87      GPA Equivalent: 3.3


Letter Grade: B       Numerical Equivalent:  86-83      GPA Equivalent: 3.0


Letter Grade: B-      Numerical Equivalent:  82-80      GPA Equivalent: 2.7


Letter Grade: C+     Numerical Equivalent:  79-77      GPA Equivalent: 2.3


Letter Grade: C       Numerical Equivalent:  76-73      GPA Equivalent: 2.0


Letter Grade: C-      Numerical Equivalent:  72-70      GPA Equivalent: 1.7


Letter Grade: D+     Numerical Equivalent:  69-67      GPA Equivalent: 1.3


Letter Grade: D       Numerical Equivalent:  66-63      GPA Equivalent: 1.0


Letter Grade: D-      Numerical Equivalent:  62-60      GPA Equivalent: 0.7


Letter Grade: F       Numerical Equivalent:   59-0        GPA Equivalent: 0

This was very similar with the exception of the GPA Equivalent.  Our highest GPA was 4.0.  A+ was 4.0, B+ was 3.0, C+ 2.0, D+ 1.0, F 0.0


I didn't realize the scale was so diverse.  I guess it makes sense why college like an independent standardize test to help evaluate students.

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Wow, I'm surprised some of you had 10 point scales back when you went to school!  I feel cheated!

My dad was in the Army, so we moved around a lot. I attended lots of schools elementary through high school, plus three colleges. I never had anything but the 10 point scale (except my fabulous 6th grade year because that was the year I had my most awesome teacher ever, who graded us with colors—I got blue!!! :D ).

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