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Which martial arts incorporate weapons?

Melissa B

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I don't know the different types of martial arts. Which include work with weapons? I have a daughter very into stage combat and she has heard that martial arts is a good choice to develop more all-around fighting skill. She isn't interested in any martial arts competitions and would like to work with weapons as much as possible. What form of martial arts should we be looking for?

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Oom Yung Doe http://www.oomyungdoe.com/ (off shoot of moo doe. Covers 8 distinct styles.) does a lot of weapons, but only after a certain point of mastering the basics.
Many weapons started as tools.


eta: to correct spelling.  that's what happens when you use your phonr . . .

Edited by gardenmom5
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Many do. The ones I am familiar with introduce weapons after more basic moves. You may need to go private lesson for weapon first type of training. We have been involved with Aikido, Tai Chi, Karate, Kung Fu and TDK.




Edit- serious comma over usage

Edited by Silver Brook
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ATA TKD has weapons, too-we just went to a black belt test, and some of the weapons forms are beautiful to watch.


^That's what we do.  We do weapons every class.  After the first three belt levels and before black, the weapons forms are based on the form we're learning or specific self defense moves.  The moves learned in the first three belt levels are often found in the upper level forms, sometimes with more flair.  We rotate through the regular weapons every two months in regular classes.  Right now we're doing jahng bong (bo staff), next will be bahng mahng ee, and then nunchucks.  First three belts use one at a time, after that we use two (except jahng bong which is always one for regular forms).  Black belts have a really cool and very, very long jahng bong form.  Some black belts learn to use two jahng bongs at once.  My daughter is learning double jahng bong now.  She was strongly encouraged to do so by Mr. Chat at a private lesson she had with him (former Power Ranger, creator of XMA).  She's hoping to be ready to compete with them at Spring Nationals, or at least by Fall Nationals (we never have to compete - my older kids just want to).  Non regular class traditional weapons (XMA weapons) are kamas, sword, and kali sticks.  There are some that are limited to black belt only like the long range bo.  In Krav Maga classes they do swords and knives sometimes (defense only).

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My kids do karate. They've learned bo staff, bokken sword, nunchucks, kamas, escrima sticks. I think that's all of the weapons. It depends on your studio. Some places don't do any so ask. Also, at our school they don't start weapons until they get to a certain level.

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