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I could use a joke right about now


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Sorry, Gil, us too. Today would have been a lot better, but probably due to stress a medical condition kicked up and caused me to spend most of the day in strong pain. I know that humor does make things better. I called an old friend and we made fun of her ex and that helped for a while.

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My two favorite fixes when I'm in laugh-or-scream mode:


watching Monty Python clips on You Tube (don't know why I howl over the Ministry of Silly Walks, but I do...)


watching Police Squad! episodes (also on You Tube).  Even the kids can watch these and laugh. Lt. Frank Drebin makes me feel smart and successful. ;)


Doesn't make all the **** go away, but it does help my outlook. 

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some corny jokes . . . .


why did the chicken cross the road?



where do penguins keep their money?















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1- to show the opossum it could be done.  (those things are so stupid.  drove past another dead one yesterday)

2 - in a snow bank.

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