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One fine, summer day a little piece of string was strolling around downtown.  It was a special holiday for the town, and most businesses were closed and the people off getting ready for the big celebration.  It was a hot day, and the little piece of string was getting thirsty. 


He came upon a bar that was still open, and entered with anticipation.  Hopping up onto a barstool he happily called out, "Bartender, I'd like a drink, please!"


The bartender turned, and upon discovering his new customer was string declared grumpily, "We don't serve Your Kind here.  Go on, get out!" and promptly chased the little piece of string out of his establishment.


Well, it was such a HOT day, and there really was no place else around in which the little piece of string could get a libation.  Looking around he saw a gentleman on the corner waiting for a bus, and got an idea.  Approaching the man the little piece of string said, "I beg your pardon, sir, could you please assist me?" 


The man, a little taken aback to be addressed by a piece of string, asked, "What do you need, son?"


"Would you please pick me up and tie a knot in me?  It would be ever so much help, and doesn't need to be an intricate one." replied the little piece of string.


"Oh, okay.  Can't see any reason why not."  responded the man, and he picked up the string and tied a granny knot in him.


"Thank you very kindly, sir!  Have a good holiday!" exclaimed the little piece of string.


Next the little piece of string headed across the street and into the small park, in which he had noticed a lady sitting on a park bench, brushing out her little dog.  "Pardon me, ma'am, but would you be so kind as to help me look my best?  Would you please fluff up my ends for me all fancy-like, for the festivities?" he implored.


"Why, certainly!" she gleefully cried, and picked him up and proceeded to fluff and primp and style until she was satisfied he was the fanciest piece of string she had ever seen.  "There, how's that?"


"Ooo, thank you, ma'am!  I've never looked better!  Thank you for your help!" and bidding her Good Day he left the park.


Back across the street and back down the street, into the same bar went the little piece of string.  Hopping back up onto a barstool he called out, "Innkeeper, I would like a libation, please!"


The bartender turned, looked closer and demanded, "Say, ain't you that same piece of string I just ran out of here?"




"Oh, no," replied the little piece of string with all seriousness.  "I'm a frayed knot!"






The groaning may commence!



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 Heisenberg and Schrödinger are out for a drive when they get stopped by the police. The policeman asks Heisenberg, “Sir, do you know how fast you were going?†and Heisenberg says, “No, but I know where I am!â€. Confused, the officer says, “Sir, you were doing 80 mphâ€, and Heisenberg throws his hands in the air and huffs, “Great, now I don’t know where I am anymore!â€. The policeman thinks something is going on, and orders the pair out of the car so that he can search it for contraband. He looks under the seats, in the glove compartment, in the back, and then walks around the car and opens the boot. He stares into it for a moment, turns to Schrödinger and says, “Sir, did you know there’s a dead cat in here?!â€, so Schrödinger rolls his eyes and snorts. “Yeah, we do now!â€.

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What does the "B" in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for?


Benoit B. Mandelbrot.



Oh, thanks. I'm sure that iced coffee will clean right off my pants. :)





ETA: I just realized my jokes are "corny" not "nerdy." I'll stop posting now.  :blushing:


Noooo! Don't stop...your jokes are great!

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At one end of a football field stand a first violinist, a second violinist, and a virtuoso violist. At the opposite end of that football field lies a crisp, new $100 bill.


Q: Who gets the $100?


A: The second violinist. First of all, there is no such thing as a virtuoso violist. Secondly, a first violinist would never work for so little.

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Two scientists walk into a bar. The first one says, "I'll have some H2O."


The second says, "I'll have some H2O too."


The second scientist dies.



Two scientists walk into a bar. The first one says, "I'll have some H2O."


The second one says "I'll have some water too. And why on earth are you calling it H2O? We aren't in the lab, doofus."


The first scientist mumbles to herself, annoyed that her assassination attempt failed.

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At a meeting of the APA, an angel suddenly appears to the gathered philosophers. "As a reward for your distinguished services to the cause of wisdom," he says, "I will tell you the answer to any one philosophical problem you wish. Think a while; I will return in an hour." Then the angel disappears.


The philosophers debate. What will they ask? Why is there something instead of nothing? Is there a God? Is there free will? Is knowledge the same as justified true belief? What about the Munchhausen Trilemma? Finally they arrive at a clever solution.


An hour later the angel reappears. "What is your question?" The chosen spokesman steps forward and says, "O angel, here is our question. What," he asks smugly, "is the ordered pair, such that the first member is the best question we could possibly ask, and the second member is its answer?"


"Well done!" cries the angel. "It is the ordered pair whose first member is the question you just asked, and whose second member is the answer I have just given." And he disappears.

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Newton, Pascal, and Einstein were playing Hide-and-Seek. It was Einsteins turn to seek, so Einstein closed his eyes and counted to 10 while Pascal and Newton went to hide. Pascal hid behind a tree, but Newton just stood there and drew a 1 meter by 1 meter box around him on the ground.  When Einstein was done counting, he opened his eyes and said, "Newton, I see you!  You're out!" And Newton replied, "No, you're wrong, You see Pascal!  Pascal is out!"


Pa = N/m^2

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A man needed a new horse. He looked up an ad in the newspaper and went to see a man selling a young horse. 


When he got there, he saw that the horse was in excellent health, and, in addition, the man was selling for a very reasonable price.


"I'll take him," the man said to the seller.


"Great! There's only one thing about my horse here: he used to be a preacher's horse. He doesn't answer to Giddup or Whoa, instead, you have to say, 'Praise the Lord' to get him to go, and 'Amen' to get him to stop. That ok with you?" 


"Seems straightforward enough," the man concluded. "No problem."


After paying for his new horse, the man mounted and set off for home the long way, in order to better be able to test his new horse.


"Praise the Lord," he called. And the horse started. 


He wanted to canter, so, "Praise the Lord!" he called a second time. 


Deciding to put the horse through a gallop as well, he called "Praise the Lord!" a third time. 


They were flying along, enjoying the marvelous day and the wind in their faces when the man saw a sign flash by. He barely had time to make out the words: BRIDGE OUT AHEAD.


In the near distance he could see the bridge. His heart flipped and he began to panic. "Whoa, horse!" he yelled. "Slow down!" But his words had no effect on the horse whatsoever. 


"Cease! Desist! Stop! Quit! Slow! Halt! Easy! Steady! Quiet! Calm!" he shouted, but to no avail.


The bridge, or lack thereof, was very near now. In desperation, he lifted his eyes heavenward and prayed: "Dear God, I can't stop this horse, and I know I'm going to die. Please take care of me! Amen."


Dust flew, and the horse came to a screeching halt right at the edge of the precipice.


The man looked down into the canyon and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Wow, that really was a close one. Praise the Lord!" 



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A positron walks into a bar, and orders a drink. The bartender peers back across the counter and asks, "Are you an electron? Because we don't serve electrons in here."

"Why, no," replies the positron. "I'm not."

"Are you sure?" The bartender eyes the particle suspiciously.

"Yes! I'm positive!"

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