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Have any of your kids have to had baby teeth pulled?

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I've been for a third orthodontist opinion & gotten yet a third different opinion on how to treat my 13 yo dd. This Dr. thinks she needs her last 3 baby teeth pulled because they still have deep roots and won't be coming out soon on their own & at least one seems to already be causing the adult tooth to go crooked.


Have your dentists/ortho.'s felt it necessary to pull baby teeth? For what reasons? Has anyone ever told you it's not necessary to pull baby teeth?


I really liked this 3rd guy & his office & staff. I have a friend that goes to him that's happy with him. He's a little further away and more expensive (so far) than the other 2 I've seen. But the baby tooth thing bothers me. The other 2 guys didn't say anything about needing that.


BTW, this Dr.'s name is Dr. Firth and he could actually pass for looking like Colin Firth. So now I have a choice of 2 celebrity look alike orthodontists.:tongue_smilie:




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He had a baby molar that wouldn't come out. The adult tooth was coming in so that the baby tooth was being pushed in to his gums (one side of the baby tooth was out...but the inside roots were hanging on, LOL).


He didn't feel a thing...but he is a brave boy and nothing much worries him.


Now...my daughter had to have this very same baby molar pulled also. Needless to say....she freaked out....had to be moved to a 'private' room so no one could hear her crying....but...after about 2 hours....the tooth was pulled, LOL!


My dentist told me that if the baby tooth isn't exactly where it should be....sometimes you have problems with the adult tooth pushing it out. He did tell me that my 13yo shouldn't have any more problems with the 2 (or did he say 3) other baby molars in his mouth....thank goodness!


I was more freaked out about him getting the 'shot' to numb it up...than he was....but he (my son) didn't feel a thing....he said.


Good luck....



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My friend's 9-year-old did have a few pulled for that reason--the adult teeth were already up and growing in crooked because the baby teeth were in the way (they're close together, like my own DD's), and they were concerned that it would continue a progression of misalignment (IIRC, but I'm pretty sure that's the case). I'm concerned that mine might need one or two out too for the same reasons--her baby teeth are very close together, and one adult tooth is turned completely sideways. We have a consult in October. Though I'm usually skeptical of this kind of thing, I could see where having it done now might save more difficult and expensive work in the future.

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My 6yo had to have a baby tooth pulled because the adult tooth came in behind it. It wasn't a big deal.


My older dd had to have three baby teeth pulled (and will probably have to have more) because they were "ankylosed." The way it was explained to me is that there is a sheath or sleeve-like covering on the roots of teeth. Sometimes, for unknown reasons, these sheaths get a hole in them and then the root fuses to the jawbone. This means the tooth will never come out on its own and the permanent tooth will not be able to erupt.


Our orthodontist doesn't like to pull any teeth until absolutely necessary. With my ds, he said the four in the front (top two and bottom two in the center) are inconsequential (this was one of the ones we chose to have pulled a few weeks ago) but not to pull any others without consulting with him. He prefers to keep baby teeth in for as long as possible for "place holders." My oldest dd has a couple more ankylosed teeth but because her permanent teeth are nowhere near ready to come in (she's only 11) he wants them left in until it's time to start moving her permanent teeth into position. (We also have to do some rearranging with her teeth anyway because two of her teeth are congenitally absent--so it is even more important that we hold that space until we can see what will be possible).


I'd want to know WHY the orthodontist does or does not want the teeth pulled. One of the first orthodontists we consulted (and one we did not choose) wanted to pull some of dd's baby teeth--an ankylosed one and the one opposite it "just to be even" and then wait a year and see. He seemed much less thorough than the orthodontist we eventually chose. He was only interested in teeth and their alignment and not as interested in bone growth, upper versus lower jaw size, width of palate, or congenitally absent teeth.

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Ds (then 8) had 2 baby teeth pulled because his permanent lower lateral incisor erupted 2 teeth over by pushing out a baby molar. xrays showed this misplaced tooth was lying diagonally, with its roots under the 2 baby teeth (eye tooth and baby incisor) but above the still developing permanent ones. If left in place the erupting permanent teeth below the misplaced incisor would have caused that tooth's roots to disolve, resulting in the loss of the incisor. He now has braces to pull the incisor into the right position.



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My oldest (7th grade age) has had to have several teeth pulled. One time it was because the baby tooth refused to wiggle loose and the adult tooth was already out and behind it. She woke up one morning with it severely inflamed. Had to come out.


Then last month for ortho work, the x-rays were showing some reason to get the last baby 4 teeth out because it wasn't going right. I couldn't tell you the reason, but it looked weird on the x-ray even to my untrained eyes.


She was brave during the pain med shots. Our regular dentist did it. They were ready with "happy air" if needed , but she decided to start singing a few Nicole C. Mullen songs to deal with the shot. She is a wimp with pain, but did great. The dentist does some odd thing with rubbing the gum and moving the lips during the shot to do something. She was numb until bed time, but didn't need the "happy air". :)



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My kids haven't had any pulled out but I have. In fact, I have had 11 baby teeth pulled out. When my permanent teeth started coming in they never knocked out the baby teeth and thus started coming in at very bad angles. After enough of them started doing that (without the baby teeth even wiggling) they decide to start pulling baby teeth in anticipation of when the next permanent teeth would arrive. That way the adult tooth would be more likely to come in somewhere close to the right spot and less movement would have to be done with braces later. As it was, it still took over 3 years to get my teeth into somewhat of a normal row.



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I've been for a third orthodontist opinion & gotten yet a third different opinion on how to treat my 13 yo dd. This Dr. thinks she needs her last 3 baby teeth pulled because they still have deep roots and won't be coming out soon on their own & at least one seems to already be causing the adult tooth to go crooked.


Have your dentists/ortho.'s felt it necessary to pull baby teeth? For what reasons? Has anyone ever told you it's not necessary to pull baby teeth?


I really liked this 3rd guy & his office & staff. I have a friend that goes to him that's happy with him. He's a little further away and more expensive (so far) than the other 2 I've seen. But the baby tooth thing bothers me. The other 2 guys didn't say anything about needing that.


BTW, this Dr.'s name is Dr. Firth and he could actually pass for looking like Colin Firth. So now I have a choice of 2 celebrity look alike orthodontists.:tongue_smilie:





I had my last one pulled when I was in my 20's. I don't see a hurry to pull them, but I'm not a dentist either.

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When I had braces, I was 13. I had 3 baby and 4 permanent pulled and my mouth is still a little crowded (big teeth according to my dentist). I am fine. I know that some orthodontists use palate expanders instead but it wouldn't have helped my case. I think it depends on your kids' teeth and how crowded everything is.

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I had a baby tooth that never fell out, and the adult tooth was laying on it's side up inside my gums.

As a adult, age 28, I had to have that baby tooth removed (didn't HAVE to, but choose to), and then had to have a chain, yes a CHAIN, attached to the adult tooth, that was after they cut the gum to expose part of the tooth. I was fitted with braces (for other issues too) and then they would tighten the chain to slowly pull that tooth down.


So if having the baby teeth removed at a younger age will allow the adult teeth to come down naturally, I would totally recommend it!



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It was to make room for his crowded adult teeth, which had already emerged very crooked. It was almost miraculous how much difference this made. One of his upper front teeth was in front of his lowers, the other behind, one of his lower teeth was at a 90 degree angle to what is normal. Within 6 months of the extractions, they all straightened completely, with no further intervention! it was amazing.


I realize this is a different reason for extraction than that proposed by your orthodontist. I really don't know anything about a situation like your daughter's.

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Both of my big guys have super delayed baby teeth. Those suckers don't get lose until the permanent tooth is already coming in. Also, they take forever to come out. It must be a really happy atmosphere in their mouths because they hang on for dear life!


One of their dentist appointments was scheduled during a time that one of my guys had the "loose tooth while permanent is nudging in at the wrong place" happening. I asked the dentist what we should do and he asked if it had happened before. I told him it always happens. His opinion was that almost all the time it's better to let your mouth take care of it. That baby tooth will come on out (encourage it frequently) and the permanent tooth will move into position. He's been right every time.


However, my oldest doesn't know it but if his last baby tooth doesn't get out by the time we go back in October, they are going to pull it. The permanent is pushing up below it like normal for him but there is a cavity in that baby and it's bumping against a healthy permanent tooth. We don't want the cavity to travel and the permanent is ready anyway. Wiggle, baby, wiggle! LOL :)


Hope that helps. I am for being as non-intrusive as possible and letting your body handle things. I guess it would depend person to person and mouth to mouth though.


Added to say: my guys have lots of room in their mouth so that's contributes greatly to that decision.

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When I had braces, I was 13. I had 3 baby and 4 permanent pulled and my mouth is still a little crowded (big teeth according to my dentist). I am fine. I know that some orthodontists use palate expanders instead but it wouldn't have helped my case. I think it depends on your kids' teeth and how crowded everything is.


This EXACT thing happened to me, except I had 4 baby teeth and 2 perm teeth pulled when I was 13 for braces.


My teeth are normal size, but my mouth is small. My husband would probably disagree with the latter, though, lol.

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A few weeks ago my ds12 had 3 baby teeth pulled. It was quite traumatic, actually- two had deep roots- it hurt, he was in mild shock and had to take it easy a couple of days. He will need braces- he has teeth growing in completely the wrong places throuh his gums- he needed the baby teeth pulled to create space. I dont like "interfering" in nature very much, but I could see something needed to be done in ds's case.

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Yes, the ortho pulled one of dd's baby teeth. It was loose, but hanging around forever. He mainly pulled it to get it out so she could go on into braces. (We had reasons to need to get moving with them.) The dentist has wanted to pull my other kid's baby teeth before to keep the next ones from coming in crooked. I didn't go for it. 1st dd had her perm tooth come in high in the gum, but it moved right on into the correct position after about a month. 2nd dd (same tooth position) had hers come in high in the gum (just like 1dd), but it wouldn't move down because it was too large to fit into the space left. An orthodontist shaved it down a tiny bit, put a single brace on it, and pulled it into where it belonged. I have no idea what would have happened if we had allowed the baby tooth to be pulled. That tooth would still have been too large for the space. would that have made her front teeth move and be too crowded causing her to need full braces? Would it have pushed the teeth behind it back and she have a perfect set without any work? No way to know.

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My ds has had to have 8 teeth pulled! They started serial pulling them when he was about 7 because his 6 yr molars were hung up on the baby teeth in front of them. He has a very small mouth and will probably never have a full set of teeth. He is a pretty big wimp but took them all like a trooper until they got to his top canine teeth - those roots go way up high, so they gave him some gas with them. I think it was all more traumatic for me than him. He enjoyed the ice cream we would go get afterwards.

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