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Do any of you watch The View? I have a question...

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I saw two clips from the show yesterday: one with John McCain as the guest, the other with Barack Obama.


Joy Behar (sp?) was her typical biased self, but I was really surprised by the tone used by Barbara Walters who has typically remained neutral and professional. (I'm singling those two hosts out because they're the only ones I heard speak in either clip. The rest of the hosts just sat there.)


In the clip with McCain, Walters is shrill in questioning him about how Sarah Palin is going to bring reform to Washington.


In the clip with Obama, she tells him they all think he's sexy.


Did anyone see both shows? Did Walters continue this flirt-fest with Obama or did she eventually ask him some tough questions? What was her tone? Also, did she lighten up with McCain at all or did she remain inquisitive?

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I didn't see the one with Obama, but did see the one with Mccain. I thought she was extremely rude and unprofessional. Sometimes she would not even *look* at him as he was answering her questions. I was surprised and dissapointed.


So she never lightened up with him at all? I guess I'm trying to see if they (she in particular) treated them equally and fairly because the two clips I saw lead you to believe she did not. It's disappointing to me too; I always thought she was at least professional during her interviews (with the exception of Clint Eastwood who got her all hot and bothered) :lol:

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I do not watch The View. Apparently I saw the same clips you did... on Fox News last night.


Talk about Twaddle! I'd rather shovel elephant dung than watch The View -- at least I'd get some exercise. I lost respect for Barbara Walters some time ago... the whole Rosie/Donald Trump saga was repulsive and then Barbara's autobiography cemented her true character in my mind.


Blah... it all leaves a bad taste in my mouth!

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Funny, I was just motivated prior to reading your post to write to the view and give them my 'view'...I thought it was a complete attack fest on the McCain's...and yes, I have no doubt she coddled Obama...the problem with the 'View' is that you have 4 views that are fairly similar...Sherri Shephard sometimes comes to the conservative Elizabeth's position (Sherri is an evangelical Christian) but when it comes to politics you have 4 liberals and 1 conservative and they're bitter because their candidate has lost 2 elections in a row. They are more focused on getting this election won than being fair and balanced...that essentially is the stance for most media outlets...I have yet to find one media outlet that is completely journalistic...meaning, if I listen to their reporting on McCain/Obama I CAN'T tell which one they're supporting, that is really the only true point of journalism...


Mrs. McCain has been quoted about the 'grilling' on the view and all I hear from the 'mainstream' media is how sensitive she is to it...that it was completely fair and balanced questioning...how can you sit there and tell a candidate his advertisements are all LIES and be fair or balanced? Did they tell Obama his advertisements were all LIES? Did they ask how he managed to afford that million dollar lot he split with a crooked investment manager? Did they say a constructionist take on the constitution would lead us all in to slavery? The last I read, the Declaration of Independence said "All men are created Equal" and Lincoln relied on that phrase to end slavery...so I just don't think the snide remarks thrown in by Barbara, Joy, Whoopi would have been tolerated if Elizabeth Hasselback had made the same snide remarks about Obama...here again, the conservative shows class and the liberal view spews crass...


I can't wait for this election to be OVER!



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I do not watch The View. Apparently I saw the same clips you did... on Fox News last night.


Talk about Twaddle! I'd rather shovel elephant dung than watch The View -- at least I'd get some exercise. I lost respect for Barbara Walters some time ago... the whole Rosie/Donald Trump saga was repulsive and then Barbara's autobiography cemented her true character in my mind.


Blah... it all leaves a bad taste in my mouth!


Oh I forgot about her autobiography. WHY did she feel it necessary to tell about that affair????


I don't watch the View or Oprah; they both appall me for various and sundry reasons.


Maybe I just need to find an elephant.....



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I saw two clips from the show yesterday: one with John McCain as the guest, the other with Barack Obama.


Joy Behar (sp?) was her typical biased self, but I was really surprised by the tone used by Barbara Walters who has typically remained neutral and professional. (I'm singling those two hosts out because they're the only ones I heard speak in either clip. The rest of the hosts just sat there.)


In the clip with McCain, Walters is shrill in questioning him about how Sarah Palin is going to bring reform to Washington.


In the clip with Obama, she tells him they all think he's sexy.


Did anyone see both shows? Did Walters continue this flirt-fest with Obama or did she eventually ask him some tough questions? What was her tone? Also, did she lighten up with McCain at all or did she remain inquisitive?

I only saw the clips as well and was very disappointed in Walters. Besides the Rep. on the show (forgot her name) I expected the others to not be respectful, but I did expect she would be neutral at least. Really, it just seems to me that Obama is getting the star treatment in Hollywood and I'm so wondering WHY??

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I saw the same two clips. I'm no expert, but the body language alone conveyed a lot. :001_rolleyes:


Honestly, should anyone be the least bit surprised at the difference in treatment? I wasn't. The ladies on that show have made it very clear what their political/social leanings are.

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I saw the same two clips. I'm no expert, but the body language alone conveyed a lot. :001_rolleyes:


Honestly, should anyone be the least bit surprised at the difference in treatment? I wasn't. The ladies on that show have made it very clear what their political/social leanings are.


Regardless of their political/social leanings, I would expect them to be respectful and fair.


I thought they were all supposed to represent the modern, strong woman. If they lack the self control and self discipline to be polite and professional toward a political "opponent", then they only represent weakness of both mind and character.

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The View is an editorial show. I don't see why people are surprised that the hosts of the show voice their opinions, that's what the concept of the show is. :confused:


Kind of like when Obama went on Bill-O's show- I don't think anyone expected Bill-O to try to accentuate the positives there. :001_rolleyes:


I am glad to have such strong and opinionated women as role models for my daughter no matter what their views.

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The View is an editorial show. I don't see why people are surprised that the hosts of the show voice their opinions, that's what the concept of the show is. :confused:


Kind of like when Obama went on Bill-O's show- I don't think anyone expected Bill-O to try to accentuate the positives there. :001_rolleyes:


I am glad to have such strong and opinionated women as role models for my daughter no matter what their views.


I disagree. I understand that the View is an editorial show, and I certainly expect them to voice their opinions -- that's what the show is about. I do NOT understand how Barbara Walters -- an icon in journalism -- could be so unfair in her handling of two distinguished guests, regardless of her personal opinion or leanings.


And yes, I do/did expect O'Reilly to be fair and unbiased and tough in his questioning of Obama and Hillary and McCain and Palin and Biden (if he ever gets them on) just as he was with Bush and Kerry when he interviewed them. He agrees on some things and disagrees on others, and he questioned them all equally.

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I saw the same two clips. I'm no expert, but the body language alone conveyed a lot. :001_rolleyes:


Honestly, should anyone be the least bit surprised at the difference in treatment? I wasn't. The ladies on that show have made it very clear what their political/social leanings are.


Last week whoopi made herself completely ridiculous, and now barbra wawa did too. Her extreme bias was so apparent. She wouldn't make eye contact with McCain, was just shrill and angry and showed her true colors. Those women (other than Elizabeth) make themselves look ludicrous on a regular basis.



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I am glad to have such strong and opinionated women as role models for my daughter no matter what their views.


Oh, wow. My dd, at 13, watched and sat in shock at how ridiculous those women behaved. Role models? No. I shudder to think that those women would be her role models. That just gives me a chill up my spine!!



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but I heard some audio clips of Barbara Walters as she hammered and badgered McCain. What a joke! Now I still haven't decided if I am voting for McCain, but I lost all respect for Barbara Walters as a professional after hearing her conduct herself as she did.


Honestly, I wouldn't watch The View to save my life. The audio clip I heard further confirmed that thought.




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I am glad to have such strong and opinionated women as role models for my daughter no matter what their views.


Not for my girls! Learning to behave respectfully to those you do not care for or who disagree with you is too important. Lots of people are opinionated. But if they cannot reasonably discuss those opinions and respect people whose opinions differ - what is the point?



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here again, the conservative shows class and the liberal view spews crass...





Athough, I don't agree with the View interview (haven't watched it, just going by what was posted here) and I won't get my politics from the View, I just can't believe that you think the Conservative shows show class. :confused: I have to go teach my children now but all I think Ann Coulter calling Edwards a faggot was not very classy and some might say... a bit crass.


Or Guiliani laughing, about being a "community organizer" putting a finger in the eye of all those who are trying to do service in their communities (especially young, just out of college grads like Obama was at the time) but really anyone. I thought that showed no class at all.

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"The View" used to be part of my morning line-up. When Rosie showed up, I tried to watch it, but couldn't handle it. There's enough screaming and yelling in my house -- I don't need to invite anyone else in to add to it. So I wasn't sorry when I heard she was leaving, and tried to watch it again because I really like Whoopi. But the first show I tuned in they were all ganging up on Elizabeth and trying to justify voting for Mr. Obama because, and *only* because, he's black. I thought at the time, "I will be *so* glad when this election is *over*!!!!!" They weren't making any sense at all.


Barbara Walters wasn't there for that show, and I couldn't help but wonder if she wouldn't have helped the discussion rise to a more reasonable level, because she always seemed to be able to hit the middle ground. If she was acting that way with Mr. McCain, it would disappoint me.


I doubt I will try to watch it again even after the election is over. While I like Whoopi, I was disappointed that they didn't bring someone in to balance the panel a little more. Elizabeth is the only conservative on the show -- unless I missed something -- and too often it's Them vs. Her. What's interesting about that?

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>>I am glad to have such strong and opinionated women as role models for my daughter no matter what their views.<<


Rosie, Whoopi, Joy, etc. are ANYTHING BUT the kind of role models I would want for my children. Elizabeth I like, but she can't get a word in. Joy I could just SLAP! And don't even get me started on Rosie or Whoopi. I used to think Barbara Walters was OK, but now I can't stand her. I couldn't stand Meredith either, and won't watch her on anything.


I NEVER put the view on my tv. I don't want to accidentally have some satellite that's watching me pick up that I might have watched it for one. single. moment. I just cannot support that kind of garbage.

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The sad thing about this is that this is the only way that some women hear about current events. And they form their opinions based on the interviews these hosts do with people. It's scary how TV/entertainment people can sway people's opinions anymore!



:iagree::iagree::iagree: That, to me is the frightening thing about the world today. People do not take the "time" to truly investigate anything anymore. We are a fast-food society. Scary is right.:scared:

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Oh, wow. My dd, at 13, watched and sat in shock at how ridiculous those women behaved. Role models? No. I shudder to think that those women would be her role models. That just gives me a chill up my spine!!




It's called getting ratings. I am also glad that my daughter can see examples as to how easy it is to get reactions out of an audience.

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The sad thing about this is that this is the only way that some women hear about current events. And they form their opinions based on the interviews these hosts do with people. It's scary how TV/entertainment people can sway people's opinions anymore!


I remember hearing years ago that The Tonight Show with Leno and Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update were two main areas that college students got their news. Probably these days you'd have to add Comedy Central to that with Jon Stewart's show, etc.


Who was it [Thomas Jefferson?] that said that uninformed voters have nothing to complain about?


The other clip I saw recently regarding the View showed Walters leaning over to McCain talking about Palin's jet sale, "she sold it for a loss." What economic vortex do these folks live in where a used vehicle several years old sells for more money than the original price? :001_huh: If nothing else, trying to sell it on ebay might have yielded more the way some things get bid up. I mean, we learned in high school that as soon as you drive the car off the lot, it depreciates in value.


Dh and I did see those clips last night while we were flipping around. The contrast in treatment, demeanor, and substance of discussion is striking. Hillary was none to happy about it in the spring and here it is again. :tongue_smilie:

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I just can't believe that you think the Conservative shows show class. :confused: I have to go teach my children now but all I think Ann Coulter calling Edwards a faggot was not very classy and some might say... a bit crass.




No, you misread what I wrote I said the conservative showed class and the liberal side didn't, I was stating a fact and only referring to the ladies on this show , the only far right conservative on that show did not treat Obama as distastefully as the liberals treated McCain...I did use the word "again"...in my mind, I'm referencing instances like the thousands (yes, thousands) of protestors that were arrested outside the Republican national convention because their protesting became violent and the police had to intervene...you did not have that happening at the Democratic National convention..so why is it that thousands of liberal minded folks can't can't control themselves and mind the laws and respect the other side...I just see much more respect from the general conservative side than the liberal...I in no way condone Ann Coulter much as I don't condone Keith Olberman...but we're talking Barbara Walters and folks that are supposed to represent the women of the US....they don't come close to representing all the views equally...



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I disagree. I understand that the View is an editorial show, and I certainly expect them to voice their opinions -- that's what the show is about. I do NOT understand how Barbara Walters -- an icon in journalism -- could be so unfair in her handling of two distinguished guests, regardless of her personal opinion or leanings.


And yes, I do/did expect O'Reilly to be fair and unbiased and tough in his questioning of Obama and Hillary and McCain and Palin and Biden (if he ever gets them on) just as he was with Bush and Kerry when he interviewed them. He agrees on some things and disagrees on others, and he questioned them all equally.


So do you think Hannity asked Palin hard hitting questions last night?

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Did you actually watch the Obama interview on O'Reilly? There is no comparison between the two (The View and O'Reilly) shows. The Obama interview was fair and civil. Yes, there were tough questions, but no rude treatment like McCain got from the View.

I thought it was a mistake for McCain to go on the View knowing that he would not be treated fairly.

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Regardless of their political/social leanings, I would expect them to be respectful and fair.


I thought they were all supposed to represent the modern, strong woman. If they lack the self control and self discipline to be polite and professional toward a political "opponent", then they only represent weakness of both mind and character.



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I can't STAND The View. I really can't.


I saw a clip of the McCain interview on TV and I burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. I saw the look on Barbara Walter's face and she was not happy. At. All. At least she could have pretended to be nice for the sake of professionalism but I guess it was too much for her.


I also saw a clip of the Obama interview and she was fawning all over him. If I remember correctly, she kept her hand on his leg for a lot of the interview. Again, professionalism out the window!

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I can not stand that show and have no respect for the women on it (Except Elizabeth)


I did watch clips from both Obama and McCain's appearances on The View. I was amazed at the difference in tone and attitude with the candidates. They were telling Obama he was sexy and giggiling and then they treated McCain with such distain and picked him apart.

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I didn't get to see it, but did you think that the View asked Obama any difficult questions? :glare: Of course not, they were practically giving him lap dances!


For the record, I can't stand Hannity.


But you are comparing a daytime ladies chat show with a nighttime news program (fair and balanced). One show features comedians, and I would include Babs as well, since she is really an entertainment/celebrity interviewer. Hannity bills himself as the best in news information and balanced coverage. It's apples and oranges to me. I will give Bill O'Rielly a nod for his Obama interview. He continues to defend Obama on a number of points, for example with Dick Morris on Tues night.


The View is a silly show. Never have watched, except for the clips that Fox loves to run as examples of the media/cultural elite; a word I would really like to see defined. Many use it to describe shows and people I don't see as elite at all. :lol:

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I saw two clips from the show yesterday: one with John McCain as the guest, the other with Barack Obama.


Isn't the McCain clip from last week, the Obama clip from March? I would hope that The View hosts would be tough on Obama now, now that we're so close to the election.


Many think the McCain campaign has crossed a line in the past few weeks. For example, Richard Cohen, "The Ugly New McCain":




The precise moment of McCain's abasement came, would you believe, not at some news conference or on one of the Sunday shows but on "The View," the daytime TV show created by Barbara Walters. Last week, one of the co-hosts, Joy Behar, took McCain to task for some of the ads his campaign has been running. One deliberately mischaracterized what Barack Obama had said about putting lipstick on a pig -- an Americanism that McCain himself has used. The other asserted that Obama supported teaching sex education to kindergarteners.


"We know that those two ads are untrue," Behar said. "They are lies."


Freeze. Close in on McCain. This was the moment. He has largely been avoiding the press. The Straight Talk Express is now just a brand, an ad slogan like "Home Cooking" or "We Will Not Be Undersold." Until then, it was possible for McCain to say that he had not really known about the ads, that the formulation "I approve this message" was just boilerplate. But he didn't.


"Actually, they are not lies," he said.


Actually, they are.


McCain has turned ugly. His dishonesty would be unacceptable in any politician, but McCain has always set his own bar higher than most. He has contempt for most of his colleagues for that very reason: They lie. He tells the truth. He internalizes the code of the McCains -- his grandfather, his father: both admirals of the shining sea. He serves his country differently, that's all -- but just as honorably. No more, though.


Even Karl Rove said to Fox News: "McCain has gone in some of his ads -- similarly gone one step too far and sort of attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the '100 percent truth' test."


The View ladies did give McCain a pass: he claimed that Palin hadn't taken any earmarks as governor, which is untrue.


I'm not sure how one can be nice and respectful when questioning someone about lying. Or aren't we supposed to care about that when it comes to Presidential candidates? I'm not that cynical (yet).

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So do you think Hannity asked Palin hard hitting questions last night?



No. Not at all. I would expect Alan Colmes to treat Obama and Biden the same way Hannity treated Palin (and McCain when he gets him). They are definitely "friendly" interviews, not what you'd get with O'Reilly or Gibson.


Can you imagine Olbermann or Matthews with Obama? I've seen Matthews with McCain, and he was mostly fair; Olbermann wouldn't be capable of it I don't think.

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No. Not at all. I would expect Alan Colmes to treat Obama and Biden the same way Hannity treated Palin (and McCain when he gets him). They are definitely "friendly" interviews, not what you'd get with O'Reilly or Gibson.


Can you imagine Olbermann or Matthews with Obama? I've seen Matthews with McCain, and he was mostly fair; Olbermann wouldn't be capable of it I don't think.


Just illustrates how much all of us miss Tim Russert.

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I am glad to have such strong and opinionated women as role models for my daughter no matter what their views.


I have to disagree. I do not think these women are strong in a good way. I think they come off as hard, cold, bitter and biased. I want my daughter to be strong, smart, compassionate and objective. These women hold none of those values. I think it's great they can express their opinion. My personal opinion of them is just disgust.

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I have to disagree. I do not think these women are strong in a good way. I think they come off as hard, cold, bitter and biased. I want my daughter to be strong, smart, compassionate and objective. These women hold none of those values. I think it's great they can express their opinion. My personal opinion of them is just disgust.


Would you feel the same if there politics matched yours but their style was the same? I don't see many here objecting to Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter. Again, most of the gals on the view are comedians.. not "news" talking heads.

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I don't watch The View. Not at all. EVER.


However, I am a little amazed that everyone is willing to jump all over them for two clips taken out of context by Fox News. I think being critical of daytime talk show hosts, political talking heads, partisan and non-partisan interviewers is *fine*. I do not think it's fine to make criticisms based on clips shown on a partisan news channel.

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Funny, I was just motivated prior to reading your post to write to the view and give them my 'view'...I thought it was a complete attack fest on the McCain's...and yes, I have no doubt she coddled Obama...the problem with the 'View' is that you have 4 views that are fairly similar...Sherri Shephard sometimes comes to the conservative Elizabeth's position (Sherri is an evangelical Christian) but when it comes to politics you have 4 liberals and 1 conservative and they're bitter because their candidate has lost 2 elections in a row. They are more focused on getting this election won than being fair and balanced...that essentially is the stance for most media outlets...I have yet to find one media outlet that is completely journalistic...meaning, if I listen to their reporting on McCain/Obama I CAN'T tell which one they're supporting, that is really the only true point of journalism...


Mrs. McCain has been quoted about the 'grilling' on the view and all I hear from the 'mainstream' media is how sensitive she is to it...that it was completely fair and balanced questioning...how can you sit there and tell a candidate his advertisements are all LIES and be fair or balanced? Did they tell Obama his advertisements were all LIES? Did they ask how he managed to afford that million dollar lot he split with a crooked investment manager? Did they say a constructionist take on the constitution would lead us all in to slavery? The last I read, the Declaration of Independence said "All men are created Equal" and Lincoln relied on that phrase to end slavery...so I just don't think the snide remarks thrown in by Barbara, Joy, Whoopi would have been tolerated if Elizabeth Hasselback had made the same snide remarks about Obama...here again, the conservative shows class and the liberal view spews crass...


I can't wait for this election to be OVER!





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Would you feel the same if there politics matched yours but their style was the same? I don't see many here objecting to Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter. Again, most of the gals on the view are comedians.. not "news" talking heads.


:lol: I was just telling my mom the other night how much I can't STAND Michelle Malkin. And I think Ann Coulter just simply is too caustic. Blech and double blech.

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Just illustrates how much all of us miss Tim Russert.


Absolutely. He was fair to every guest he had. I was struck by the comments made about him after he died; I couldn't believe I was hearing Keith Olbermann talking about how neutral Tim Russert was, that people never knew where he stood politically and how wonderful that was. Ummm....maybe he should've been taking notes. :glare:

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I've been getting more than my fair share of news programs in lately (and commentary). My least favorite is Hannity and Colmes. Occassionally, I see a glimmer of intelligence in Sean -- and then the mouth. Same with his partner, only I have yet to see the glimmer of intelligence:D.


Commentators like Hannity, Colmes, Coulter, et. al.. are imho, there to simply over dramatize, belittle and repudiate (usually, in a one-sided, unthoughtful, keep the blindfold on and plug my ears kind of manner). A Journalist should rise above that...


My opinion of Geraldine Ferraro has grown considerably during this campaign. She's supporting Obama, but she's a thoughtful, well spoken woman not trying to grind an axe on national television. Someone I could talk to, politely disagree -- find places we agree, and go to dinner with.


Karl Rove actually surprised me when he was willing to say that the McCain Campaign put on ads that didn't meet the 100% truth test (he said more or less the same thing about Obama btw).


Stephanopolis has begun to strike me as someone who is attempting to remain fairly balanced. But, I still can't stand Carville -- he's a commentator who runs his mouth like a bad tape recording.


I want my children to be willing to see both sides, able to politely -- but firmly -- argue their position, and be willing to find areas of agreement with someone they might not see everything 100% eye-to-eye with. Blind allegience is highly overrated.

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I don't watch The View. Not at all. EVER.


However, I am a little amazed that everyone is willing to jump all over them for two clips taken out of context by Fox News. I think being critical of daytime talk show hosts, political talking heads, partisan and non-partisan interviewers is *fine*. I do not think it's fine to make criticisms based on clips shown on a partisan news channel.


Did you read my op?? This is why I started the thread in the first place -- I was asking for context.


So far, only one person has seen the McCain interview in its entirety, and she hasn't gotten back to me regarding whether or not the hosts ever lightened up with the McCains.


I'm also still waiting to hear from someone who saw the entire Obama interview to find out if they ever asked him the same tough questions they asked McCain.

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I've been getting more than my fair share of news programs in lately (and commentary). My least favorite is Hannity and Colmes. Occassionally, I see a glimmer of intelligence in Sean -- and then the mouth. Same with his partner, only I have yet to see the glimmer of intelligence:D.


Commentators like Hannity, Colmes, Coulter, et. al.. are imho, there to simply over dramatize, belittle and repudiate (usually, in a one-sided, unthoughtful, keep the blindfold on and plug my ears kind of manner). A Journalist should rise above that...


My opinion of Geraldine Ferraro has grown considerably during this campaign. She's supporting Obama, but she's a thoughtful, well spoken woman not trying to grind an axe on national television. Someone I could talk to, politely disagree -- find places we agree, and go to dinner with.


Karl Rove actually surprised me when he was willing to say that the McCain Campaign put on ads that didn't meet the 100% truth test (he said more or less the same thing about Obama btw).


Stephanopolis has begun to strike me as someone who is attempting to remain fairly balanced. But, I still can't stand Carville -- he's a commentator who runs his mouth like a bad tape recording.


I want my children to be willing to see both sides, able to politely -- but firmly -- argue their position, and be willing to find areas of agreement with someone they might not see everything 100% eye-to-eye with. Blind allegience is highly overrated.




:grouphug: :D

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Karl Rove actually surprised me when he was willing to say that the McCain Campaign put on ads that didn't meet the 100% truth test (he said more or less the same thing about Obama btw).


Ahh...see...that is the political brilliance that is Karl Rove. Admit your guy is a little over the top but claim so is the other guy.


Do a lot of political ads stretch the truth? Sure they do, on both sides. But *many* of McCain's ads and direct statements from him have been outright lies.


Check these sites:



If you check it out by ratings, only one of the presidential candidates is listed under the "pants on fire" rating and that candidate is John McCain.




Stephanopolis has begun to strike me as someone who is attempting to remain fairly balanced. But, I still can't stand Carville -- he's a commentator who runs his mouth like a bad tape recording.


I agree about Stephanopoulos, I've always liked him. I don't think anyone likes Carville on a personal basis, it wouldn't matter what he was saying.



Did you read my op?? This is why I started the thread in the first place -- I was asking for context.


I wasn't addressing you, I was addressing the many other people in the thread who were clearly making judgments based on the clips alone. I realize that's what you were looking for but not everyone chose to reserve judgment.

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Now I'm confused -- are they role models or bad examples?


They are role models and good examples. Those women pull in some pretty good daytime ratings. We don't watch the show- don't have time during the day and not really my kinda thing- but see clips of it all the time. My kid has a pretty good foundation of knowledge when it comes to the entertainment industry.

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I disagree. I understand that the View is an editorial show, and I certainly expect them to voice their opinions -- that's what the show is about. I do NOT understand how Barbara Walters -- an icon in journalism -- could be so unfair in her handling of two distinguished guests, regardless of her personal opinion or leanings.


And yes, I do/did expect O'Reilly to be fair and unbiased and tough in his questioning of Obama and Hillary and McCain and Palin and Biden (if he ever gets them on) just as he was with Bush and Kerry when he interviewed them. He agrees on some things and disagrees on others, and he questioned them all equally.


I expect the same and agree with you DB. O'Reilly does ask some hard hitting questions of his quests reguardless of their views and/or positions. He treats all of his guest with respect. I would expect the same of the women on "The View."


I do not watch "The View" on a regular baises, but tuned in to see these two interviews. I was very disappointed in Ms. Walters behaivor in both cases. I could care less that she thinks Obama is sexy. I thought the comment was very unprofessional. I tuned in to learn where they stand on positions and more about their lives. She was just plain rude and disrespectful to McCain. I expected both men to be treated equally and with the same level of respect after all one of them will be our president on Jan. 20th.

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