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Just wanted to share...


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Hi Everyone,


I know I haven't been around long and I'm not a big poster but I just wanted to share something with you today.


Today marks what would have been the fourth birthday of my daughter Katherine. We were expecting a healthy baby but learned several hours after her birth that she had a severe heart defect. We had her for six weeks before she passed away.


I just wanted to share my blog post for today.


(Note: It has very over Christian content.)

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Hugs to you today. Our dd would have been 17 and I still feel the same way. I look at our children and I never forget that she is part of it.


Two lines from 2 poems that I read during those months right after her death have always stayed with me:

"In dying your darling brought a piece of heaven closer to you."




I'll lend to you for a little time, A child of mine," God said, "For you to love while she lives And mourn for when she's dead."


Our dd's short life has been one of huge blessings in our lives, even though invisible to the rest of the world as to the cause.


I know that your lives were changed forever during the 10 1/2 months of her life. Her reality is far greater than we can comprehend.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I am less than two weeks away from my own deceased daughter's 9th birthday and have already moved into my "annual late September period of reflection", so to speak, so Katherine's story struck close to home. I know how bittersweet the birthdays are.


Your daughter was absolutely gorgeous, and I am struck by the love and the pride which are evident on every face, in every picture.


Thank you for sharing her life with us.:grouphug:

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