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Can this PITA day get better? A minor whine.

dirty ethel rackham

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So, I'm having this great morning.  Got the dog walked.  Got to meet a friend to go climbing.  I'm thinking this is going to be a good day.  Well, little did I know that this was going to be a major PITA day (as in Pain In The A$$.) 


Took the dog to the vet because he is eating less and less.  I forgot to avoid the parking lot entrance with this weird, out of place median that is hard to see, and I hit it.  For the 5th time, but the first time in this car, which we have had for 6 days.  I see the tire pressure light go on.  I check on the tire and hear that dreaded hissing.  Yep, the tire is flat.  


So, I took my dog into the vet,  wrestled him into the room (after I removed the chairs because he hides under them.)  The vet examined him and can't find anything wrong with him.  He actually gained weight from his last visit despite eating less and less over the last 2 weeks.  He says to feed him hamburger and sweet potatoes and bring him back for a weight check.  That was some expensive peace of mind.


So, I checked my AAA membership card and it said that my membership was through the end of the month.  I called them and they told me that my membership had expired a year ago and they can't  help me.  I decided to put on my big girl panties and change the tire myself (with the dog in the car and hoping that he doesn't get too hot.)  Only to find that the car is missing the lug wrench.  My two friends who live near my vet were not home.  Dh was in a meeting.  So, I decided to walk home.  I wasn't wearing my trusty Brooks Adrenalines with the uber pronation control, just my Chaco sandals.  After 2 miles, my dog decided he was done and so was my ankle since I had already walked the dog for 2.5 miles this morning.  So I called dd and she rode her bike the last mile to meet us and brought us some water.  He cooled down enough to continue on.  I thought I would ride the bike (since my ankle was killing).  Bear wanted no part of that.  He did not want me to go on ahead without him.  So, I had to ride at a walking pace.  After I got home, I at the last chocolate chip cookie and I'm done. 


Unfortunately, after dh gets home from work, I will have to go back with him to change the tire and bring the car to the tire shop. 

If I was a drinking person, I think I would have one of those fruity, frozen umbrella drinks right now. 


You may now return to your non-PITA day!




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And it just kept getting worse and worse.  I texted the guy who sold us the car (dh's uncle - a really good guy, good salesman, but not really a car person.)  He apologized profusely and told us he would get it taken care of when we brought the car back in for something they are adding next week.  I was careful to give him the crap for this, in a good-natured way, of course.  So, dh got home and we went back to the car.  Found the lug wrench under the spare tire with the jack, not in the space they said I could find it.  We attempted to change the tire, but the lug wrench was too small for the lug nuts.  Major confusion there.  Re-read the manual.  Says something unintelligible about some type of wheel covers that need to come off, but we can't find any pictures of that and the lug nuts looked real.  Dh tried the lug wrench in his car (a Toyota.)  Doesn't fit either.  Call a friend to see if she had one of those multi-lug wrenches.  She doesn't but she brought other tools.  None work.  Dh goes to a car parts store.  They sent us to the Ford dealer.  They lent us a lug wrench.  Still doesn't fit.  So, dh calls for a tow.  I returned the lug wrench to the Ford dealership and they said that our model car definitely has these wheel covers with the fake lug nuts and you have to remove the wheel cover and they show me how.    So, I go back to dh and we try to remove this wheel cover to expose the real lug nuts.  No can do.  The wheel cover is not coming off.  Oh, and after we had the tow truck get the car, we found out that because our car is a Certified, Pre-owned car, we had roadside assistance covered.  I could have had this taken care of hours ago. 


I think I am renaming this the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day (a la Judith Viorst.) 

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And it just kept getting worse and worse. I texted the guy who sold us the car (dh's uncle - a really good guy, good salesman, but not really a car person.) He apologized profusely and told us he would get it taken care of when we brought the car back in for something they are adding next week. I was careful to give him the crap for this, in a good-natured way, of course. So, dh got home and we went back to the car. Found the lug wrench under the spare tire with the jack, not in the space they said I could find it. We attempted to change the tire, but the lug wrench was too small for the lug nuts. Major confusion there. Re-read the manual. Says something unintelligible about some type of wheel covers that need to come off, but we can't find any pictures of that and the lug nuts looked real. Dh tried the lug wrench in his car (a Toyota.) Doesn't fit either. Call a friend to see if she had one of those multi-lug wrenches. She doesn't but she brought other tools. None work. Dh goes to a car parts store. They sent us to the Ford dealer. They lent us a lug wrench. Still doesn't fit. So, dh calls for a tow. I returned the lug wrench to the Ford dealership and they said that our model car definitely has these wheel covers with the fake lug nuts and you have to remove the wheel cover and they show me how. So, I go back to dh and we try to remove this wheel cover to expose the real lug nuts. No can do. The wheel cover is not coming off. Oh, and after we had the tow truck get the car, we found out that because our car is a Certified, Pre-owned car, we had roadside assistance covered. I could have had this taken care of hours ago.


I think I am renaming this the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day (a la Judith Viorst.)

I will meet you in Australia😉


What a miserable day! I hope tomorrow is much better.


But I have to say, though I have always thought you were virtually cool? I am now convinced by the fact that you were going climbing and the fact that you were wearing Chacos:) I can always recognize other climbers by their footwear...and their misshapen, strange climbing feet:)

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