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How are the commuter students doing?


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Ds starts Monday, although he'll only be on campus Tuesday and Thursday. 


I think he's nervous. He's a bit irritable, which is not normal for him. Tonight we went to the grocery and bought some lunch foods and last minute school supplies. 


To add to the nervousness, his dad moved back to the area this week. We haven't seen him since January. Their relationship is going to need some time to adjust as well. 


Has your student started already? How are they faring? 

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My oldest has finished her first week.  She is doing well.  She just told me today that she LOVES all her classes.  They are all right up her alley this semester:  Anthropology, English Comp II, German, and Life Span Psychology.  


I think the only kink thus far was arguing with her sister (who is taking DE classes this semester) about where to park.  Oh, and running into MOM at school since I also attend full time...lol.  I try to stay out of her hair  :coolgleamA:


Her transition to full time college student was fairly painless though.  She was a DE student there last year so she already knew the ropes, and has several friends that are going full time this year too.  


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My boy is pretty excited. Classes start Monday after a really fun Welcome Week. He's made friends with some international students who were looking for friendly study buddies in the honors college hangout.


I've looked through the textbooks and am not concerned about the academics for this year. His challenges will be organization, taking care of his health, prioritizing GPA to retain scholarships, -- IOW, just learning to go to college.



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College girl has changed her major again and started last week. She is living primarily with her dad because it cuts her commute to thirty minutes instead of an hour. However, all of her classes are online so she is really just staying with her dad to be closer to her part time job and because it is quiet there. And she has her own room. I couldn't do online classes with this bunch of rowdy heathens, either! FYI, she changed her major to one that can be done online because she does not want to go on campus. I thought it an odd and limiting criteria, but she is the one who must live with the decision. She really just wants to be a wife and mom so I think I will focus on the fact that she is getting a degree.


That might be more than anyone wanted to know.

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Ds begin the 8th Mon and Wed 9:30 am to 1 pm, two hours break, 3 pm to 5:30. Tues and Thurs 10:30 - noon and 1-2:30. Sat 9:00 - 11:45. So five days per week on camps. Our only struggle this past week in preparation has been extracting the parking pass as office hours right now are wonky inconsistent. He was being too nice. I had to help h i m stern up a bit, LOL. His comp sci book has already seen some serious study. I have a feeling he is going to whiz through that class.

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Dd20a was nervous about going back this year after she read the syllabus for a couple fo her classes. One seemed to be really heavy on essays in class (with her dyslexia that is her nemesis). She's pretty happy now because it turns out that all testing will be done at home with unlimited time (which is exactly what she needs for those essays!). She is not real happy with her AMerican Lit class because the professor is being very...pushy about religious issues. That makes her very uncomfortable. Hoping that stops when they move to the next chapter/topic. She is NOT liking the parking this year. It seems there are a lot more students with TN Promise. They are taking all the good spots (she arranged her classes to start a little later which really doesn't help).


Ds18 starts tech school next week. He is looking forward to going back and being full time (was de last year). He has gotten bored since the pool closed taking his work hours away.


I'll bet your ds will be a whole lot better after classes start. That waiting is so hard! Such a big change for him. Hope he enjoys it as much as my kids have.

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Brake line just went out on his car. Sigh....this is about the third major repair in a month. I'm big on safety, especially after the year we've had so I think that we need to look for new transportation.


GRRRR.....bet I don't get to deduct that from my extraordinarily out of this world unrealistic EFC!



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Great thread!  DD started classes last week at the same community college where she was dual enrolled last year.  So, a bit of same-old same-old for her.  She is taking only three 4-hour courses: calculus, computer science, and engineering science (essentially calculus based physics).  She is thrilled not to be taking any writing intensive courses.  These technical/math type courses are right up her alley so I'm not anticipating any major problems.  She seems fairly happy with the instuctors she has and the class sizes seem reasonable.


As for commuting, we don't have an extra car so I drop her off on my way to work and DH picks her up in the afternoon when she is finished with classes.  Just as well because parking does look much fuller this year with extra students attending due to the Tennessee Promise scholarship.  

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Really, just do not talk to me about the parking passes. Really. After all of th drama, they gave him the wrong one. The person I need to talk to is on vacation. Guess who is going to begin school parking in the visitor parking garage using his handicap sticker!


If they do not like it, mamma bear is going to have something unpleasant to say to student services. He is not parking in the "back forty" (as the saying goes around here) and walking five blocks to his first class on a leg that we just got to the condition that he is not using a cane.


They will figure this out! They will want to figure this out and not run afoul of the disability laws.

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Dd is living with my mom and commuting. The first day, she had to park really far, got lost twice and was late to 2 classes (one of those was because of a schedule change). At the time I think it really stressed her out, but by the evening she had a hysterical story that played well over FaceTime.


After that, she seems to be getting the hang of it. She likes her class spread, and is making friends. Last week was all of the fun orientation activities (which I've been calling Camp College). She secured a nannying job that seems to be a perfect fit.


All in all, things seem to be settling nicely.

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Mine is doing well--she's going to have a challenge with time management. It's always been a struggle for her. This week is going to be rough--she sprained her ankle and is now on crutches. Not sure she'll be able to drive, so I'm going to be spending a lot of time sitting in parking lots waiting for her. Ugh. The music building is being torn down all except for the outer walls, so they're spread all over the campus. That's adding to time crunch, as she doesn't have an instrument locker in all the different buildings. It's going to be a trick to put a cello on her back and then use her crutches. 


If it's going to be very long, look at a knee walker:


I'm sure I'm heavier than your dd (and older), but crutches caused a problem with my shoulders (not a problem a cellist needs!)  I was able to rent a knee walker (some other brand) at a full service pharmacy next to the hospital, and it helped so much.  I'd crutch to the trunk, pull it out, and go.  As long as campus is wheelchair accessible she should be good.  Fortunately it was my left ankle, and I drive an automatic.

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DD is getting along.  She only has 3 classes again this semester so she feels like she can handle it.  She has been asked to be an ADA notetaker for a couple of classes and is finding it to be a bit more work than anticipated.  She isn't paid for the work but was told that if she completes the term a small stipend will be applied to her account for next year.  Not next semester but next year (her super senior year).  I hope she is incorrect and the money will be applied for spring term.  


DGD is in FT preschool and that is helping with time management and daycare stressors.  


She is still struggling with being a commuter and has voiced some disquiet about not being able to pledge a sorority or do many of the on-campus activities.  Those issues have more to do with being a single mom and a commuter and I don't know what to say.  Some things cannot be changed.

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Just received this text from C, "Class went well. I think my instructor is a super writing genius, and am glad I was assigned her section. There are some optional books she recommends so we don't have to get them, but students that do will receive extra credit for completing extra assignments from those books. Can we go shopping?"


Yes, son...mom and dad are only hemoraging a little money this week, but LOL, if you are willing to do the extra work and put more effort into your college experience, then by golly we will certainly pitch in the extra!


I have to say I'm smiling big here because I have prayed that his first class experience would be really, really positive and especially knowing he was in pain this morning.

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Mine is doing really well too.


He likes his professors. His general business professor is quirky and opinionated, but he's doing a lot of good writing and thinking in that class because of her.


He also finds some of the students interesting. Especially the one who introduced himself by saying that the legalization of pot is the answer to all social and economic problems.


My own classes seem a little more self-sufficient than most so far.

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DD joined a student club today.  She is not very outgoing and not usually a "joining" type but DH and I have been encouraging her to find some campus activities outside of her courses.  She was very chatty this evening about the first club meeting that she attended so I think she's found some people that she can relate to.  The club has a long name: Sci-fi, Ultima-anime, Role-playing, Games, & Everthing else  :laugh:

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Ds (he's an Aspie) is adjusting, but it's not easy. He said his classes are just okay, and he's only taking two this semester. He has his first quiz in History today and didn't know how to study for it because he never had to do anything like that in his online high school. We discussed different methods and I assured him he would find his own way that made sense to him. My oldest dd's boyfriend is in the same math class as ds, which is nice. They plan to study for the tests together. Unfortunately, he doesn't drive, so I'm his taxi. I helped him fix his schedule so he has two classes on Tue/Thur with only an hour break between them so I only have to drop him off once and pick him up once. I wish he'd get his license but he's really resisting the idea.

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Night Elf is he familiar with the learning center on campus?  He can get help there and they may even be able to assign him a tutor for the semester.  The disabilities office can also help him.  There may also be a class available for new college students which teaches how to study, take tests, research, etc.. That might be of great help to him.  If there's still time to drop/add, and the days and times work out, I'd ask him to consider doing that.

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Night Elf is he familiar with the learning center on campus?  He can get help there and they may even be able to assign him a tutor for the semester.  The disabilities office can also help him.  There may also be a class available for new college students which teaches how to study, take tests, research, etc.. That might be of great help to him.  If there's still time to drop/add, and the days and times work out, I'd ask him to consider doing that.


The first problem is that he's at a satellite branch of the college. They don't have the same resources as the main campus which is nearly an hour away. They do offer tutoring services online which I have showed to him. We didn't go the disabilities route. He would have needed serious testing and neither he nor DH wanted to do that. He's a good student. He has a great grasp of the material, so it's just a matter of getting used to timed tests. And drop/add is over. School started on the 17th. He had his first quiz today. It took him 20 minutes and he texted me to say it was very easy. He's also had two writing assignments in his History class and has gotten 100s on both of them. He's a great writer. We'll see how he does with the essay questions on the mid-term and final. That's where he will have trouble. I don't know if there is a beginning student class. I'll have him ask the advisor. He's used to research though. He did a lot of it in high school.

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Beth it sounds like he's done very well in his history class.  if he has concerns with writing the essays fast enough, he can talk with his professor and tell them that it took 20 mins for the essay and at that rate will he be able to complete the midterm and final within the allotted time.  Of course nothing is certain depending on the questions, but it will give him an idea.  I think the online tutoring sounds great for preparing for the major tests.  If the timing works out, it would also be good for him to see his professor during office hours.  The more interest he shows, the more they're likely to help.  Good idea for him to ask his advisor about a college skills type of class and whether it's recommended for him or not.

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I wish he'd get his license but he's really resisting the idea.


DD18 was also very resistent to learning to drive.  It wasn't until FIL was having a health crisis and DH was needing to leave town at a moments notice that DD accepted that DH wouldn't always be around to drive her places and she needed to learn to drive herself.  

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Both the two oldest took summer job money and bought inexpensive commuter cars for this year but DS doesn't have a license yet.  His classes are at the local comm. college so DH is dropping him off in the AM before work and then I'm picking him up after.  I'll be grateful when he has that license!


I'm a little sad for DD because she decided following her heart and taking a lot more Russian wasn't prudent since her intended job would have nothing to do with it.  She's missing it quite a lot. :(  She has both Clinical Psych and Developmental Psych this semester and that makes her happy.  She only has one class she isn't loving and it's a German literature class.  The class and reading is fine but not loving the teacher.  Then another Greek mythology class.  She's found out she isn't fond of Greek culture.


DS, as a high school student, can only take a max of 23 credits per year so he's only taking 3 classes instead of the 4 we had intended.  He loves the Intro to Civ. Eng. and Architecture class.  It's actually a Project Lead the Way class. He not only enjoys the class, but also the teacher.  He doesn't love (but doesn't hate) his Intro to Psych class.  Composition is NOT thrilling him.  I knew he probably wasn't quite ready for this class (despite the tests), but we've been very surprised by how basic it starts!  So, actually he's doing great in the class and I'm happy for him.  He's moderately dyslexic, severely dysgraphic, and lacks prosody so writing is just hard from every angle.  But I'm *very* encouraged by how willing he is to put forth the effort, do all the reading, and talk to me about it all.  The text she is using lacks a bit of tact IMO *but* I admit it grabs your attention and it explains how to use grammar (and how not to use grammar) in your writing quite clearly, though she's wordy.  (And that's ME saying she's wordy.  Imagine that!)


DD decided she needs to work too, so she started a part time job (trying to stay around 12 hours) last week.  I have no idea why.  Books & tuition are covered, she paid cash for her car.  But I am happy about how together she seems to be this year.  



*After having two kids start college, I absolutely know socialization isn't an issue.  But, watching them, I absolutely believe they weren't properly prepared for time management.  I think so much coming at them bowled Ana over last year and I can see it's a bit heavy for DS too.  I think he'll hit his stride easily.  He's a hard worker and Ana feels right at home juggling all this now, but it sure was a learning curve!


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  The text she is using lacks a bit of tact IMO *but* I admit it grabs your attention and it explains how to use grammar (and how not to use grammar) in your writing quite clearly, though she's wordy. 


May I ask the title of the book?


Glad to hear that things are going well for both of your commuters.




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