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MRSA. Anything I can do?

Miss Peregrine

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My DH had it and it took several weeks and trips to the hospital to get it cleared up. But we didn't do anything preventative to minimize exposure for DS or myself. Nothing had been advised and it never occurred to me. Will be interested to see what others say.


Hope your DH remains healthy. Is he injured?

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My DH had it and it took several weeks and trips to the hospital to get it cleared up. But we didn't do anything preventative to minimize exposure for DS or myself. Nothing had been advised and it never occurred to me. Will be interested to see what others say.


Hope your DH remains healthy. Is he injured?

Sore but not injured.☺

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I'm not a doctor or nurse or anything medical like that, but I would shower with an antibacterial soap for a few days (maybe even a few weeks) and wash the clothes in the hottest water possible with good soap and dry on the hottest possible dryer setting.


Best wishes.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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One of my ds battled it during his spring semester -- he's not quite sure where he picked it up.  It was a bear and this is a young, healthy guy. 


One of his doctors recommended to wash the affected area regularly with surgical soap. Maybe boost his immune system by cutting out white flour products and sugar and (and red meat some say) and eating immune boosting foods. 

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Maybe wash all his clothes on hot water -- can you use Lysol or bleach too?


I second the washing hands, face, arms, etc with surgical soap.


I'd also go out and Lysol his car - steering wheel, radio knobs, doorknobs (inside and out), keys - anywhere he could have touched. 


Go in and Lysol the doorknobs, light switches, faucets, toilet handle and seat, etc. 

Yes, I'm insane. I had MRSA twice. I don't ever want it again.

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Have him wash with Hibiclens for a week or two. I've had MRSA a few times and I was told to use this.


If he does start showing signs of an infection (pimple-looking things that rapidly get bigger/swollen/redder etc. Start putting a drop of oil of oregano on the spot twice a day and do hot compresses several times a day.


Both of my girls and I have fought MRSA and this works for us.



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My son had MRSA.

Did it contact an open place on his skin? It has to get inside first. I'd have him wash really well. I don't actually think surgical soap or anything is necessary? At least that wasn't suggested to us.  Watch for the tiniest start and get treatment immediately. The sanitize cycle is great. I'd do all his towels and similar there until you know he isn't infected. I still use sanitize for that sort of stuff here. The whole thing was kind of traumatic to me. I hope he stays healthy.


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When she was 3, little dd had extensive MRSA.  The only other family member who got it was ds14, who got a mild case.  We were given Bacitracin (prescription antibiotic) and put it in our nasal cavities.  Little dd was given oral antibiotics and I put the antibiotic ointment on her outbreaks.  She was covered on her torso with some other spots scattered on her body.  It was extensive.  The rest of us never contracted it, and I was in close contact with her, still nursing her at the time.

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Ugh. Sgt is making him go to the hospital. There was blood to blood contact. UGH!


I'm sorry! That would be so stressful to me. I hope the other person comes back clean and hubby is ok. :grouphug:

He's on an antibiotic? Do you have probiotics? Florastor is a fantastic one with antibiotics if you can get some locally.

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I'm sorry! That would be so stressful to me. I hope the other person comes back clean and hubby is ok. :grouphug:

He's on an antibiotic? Do you have probiotics? Florastor is a fantastic one with antibiotics if you can get some locally.

Yes on abx. We have Florastor from ds's Lyme disease. I will force it on him.

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We had a nasty run-in with MRSA. My kids' pedi have us loads of mupirocin. Shove it in your nasal passages because that's where it often colonized. Standard household cleaners will kill it quickly, so I wouldn't be too worried there. Just do a thorough deep clean with special attention to knobs and other areas.

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Well, now we have 6 months of no exchange of bodily fluids  because someone didn't do their job. Guy was released w/o being tested. Lovely.

I am not a medical person, but this sounds like overkill to me.  I would consult with my own physician regarding this.  Also, can they not recall the person for testing?  I don't know what your dh does - if it is medical or police/fire/other.


I promise you I exchanged plenty of bodily fluids with my 2 year old who had fluid filled blisters, and I did not get MRSA.

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Well, now we have 6 months of no exchange of bodily fluids because someone didn't do their job. Guy was released w/o being tested. Lovely.

I'm so sorry. That's awful.


I hope the guy who needs to be tested bounces back into custody or something so that you can have some peace of mind or just better information if he tests positive for something serious.

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I am not a medical person, but this sounds like overkill to me.  I would consult with my own physician regarding this.  Also, can they not recall the person for testing?  I don't know what your dh does - if it is medical or police/fire/other.


I promise you I exchanged plenty of bodily fluids with my 2 year old who had fluid filled blisters, and I did not get MRSA.

We don't know what else he might have.


He is transient and was released from a psych hold.

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I'm so sorry. That's awful.


I hope the guy who needs to be tested bounces back into custody or something so that you can have some peace of mind or just better information if he tests positive for something serious.

 We are hoping he is arrested again before the 6 months so we can find out sooner. 

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My ds left the NICU after having surgery for congenital diaphragmatic hernia with MRSA.  I will say a prayer for you.  It was not something I hope to deal with ever again.

I've been told that MRSA is on nearly all surfaces.  Maybe that is false or hyperbole, but it is a very prevalent bacteria. 

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Former nurse here. 


Sorry to scare you but the no body fluid contact is due to a concern about blood borne pathogens (most commonly hepatitis and HIV), not MRSA.  You definitely need to take that seriously.  Go to the drugstore and get some lubricated latex condoms to have on hand so you're not tempted to violate that rule.  If it were a known exposure they would have given an antiviral prescription, so chances are minimal but you should still take them seriously.  Given that they knew about MRSA they probably but not definitely would have known about other issues.


MRSA is somewhat common in the environment, but given known exposure I'd still take it seriously.  Lysol wipes for his car. If you have multiple bathrooms have him shower in a different one than the rest of the family for a while.


Definitely the sanitize cycle of your washing machine for clothes.  I would also pour straight vinegar into the rinse cycle, or into the fabric softener dispenser with a second rinse.


If you don't have Hibiclens on hand you can use regular soap, some more vinegar and some tea tree oil.  Pour tea tree oil into the vinegar.  You can also add another oil to improve the scent - lavender or peppermint are good options.  Wash with soap.  Rinse.  Get a washcloth and douse with the vinegar mixture and wipe all skin down with it after washing.  Vinegar and oils kill bacteria and restore the correct acid balance to the skin so good bacteria grow and outnumber MRSA.  Vinegar does kill MRSA, that's why it's used to clean catheter bags.


I wouldn't go super paranoid about the MRSA unless someone else in the family has a scratch or sore.  Be paranoid about keeping them clean.


It's been a few years since I looked into it but last I knew antibiotic resistant bacteria are still killed by essential oils. I am not an EE fanatic at all, do not recommend taking them internally,  spending too much money, or joining some ridiculous network marketing organization.  The cheap NOW Foods brand has pure, food grade essential oil and is commonly available in health food stores, health food sections of larger grocery stores, and Amazon. You can add several drops of lavender, peppermint or tea tree oil to all the liquid hand soap containers in your house. I would not add antibacterial soaps to the house (except for Hibiclens) because many of them are thought to increase the spread of MRSA by killing harmless bacteria but not MRSA.


You may want to add a nail brush (the kind used to scrub fingernails with a manicure) to each sink to scrub under nails when washing hands for the next month or so.



ETA:  When you're at the drugstore grab some extra bottles of lotion.  You'll instinctively do extra hand washing, and having dry cracked skin will make things worse.  Before I developed a wheat allergy my favorite was Aveeno.  Now I like St Ives Coconut Milk & Orchid Extract Body lotion.  Light, moisturizing, not greasy.

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