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Chest Freezer in the garage... bad idea or not?


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Our old freezer died and I've bought a slightly smaller chest freezer.   It will take up more floor space in our laundry room (not heated/airconditioned) and am considering putting it in our garage up against the house (farthest away from the outside).


Is this a bad idea?  Will this be putting too much of a load on my freezer in the summer?  It's consistently hot and humid here from June-Aug (some days going over 100, but mostly upper 80s and90s)... with sporadic hot/humid in May & Sept.


Should I just bite the bullet and loose the space in my laundry room?

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Not sure, but I can tell you what we do. I have an upright freezer in our garage. It is against the outer wall because that is where the outlet is located. Our summer temperatures are generally in the 70s and 80s from mid June through August. Occasionally we get a few days in the 90s, but that is pretty rare. So far, we have not noticed any problems (knock on wood).

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When we bought our upright freezer they told us not to put it in the garage because the extra energy required to keep it cold in a hot garage would offset the savings of having an energy-efficient freezer.  It probably wouldn't be a problem for the freezer, just the electric bill.

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NOOOOOOOOOO ! ! ! ! ! !


to placing a freezer in the laundry room. We made that mistake once. Unless you never (or rarely) use your dryer, this is a fast track to destroying the freezer because of the constant heat and humidity.


You know where I live (so know the weather) and I reassure you that I know of freezers happy in the garage.

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If the freezer is in the garage and the compressor goes out, you will not get warranty coverage for that unless you buy one that is "garage rated".  This actually happened to us - they looked up our model and it was in fact garage rated, so we got the compressor replaced for free on year 4 of a 10 yr warranty.  If it had not been garage rated, they would not have replaced the compressor. 

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Ours is in the garage.  We do have a high electric bill in the summer (hot and humid here) but that's mostly the air conditioning, not the freezer.


I know of someone in Las Vegas whose freezer is on the back porch.  I guess their electric bill is quite high!

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We have a chest freezer and a fridge in our garage, and in the summer I don't notice them working any harder to keep cool than the fridge and chest freezer that are in our kitchen.  We don't have air conditioning though, so maybe ALL of them are working extra hard and I don't notice?  I don't think so though, haven't noticed much of any difference in the electric bill between summer and winter.



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we have a chest freezer in the garage.


I would think climate could affect the longevity of the freezer.

we don't have tons of humidity, and the temps are usually upper 70's, low 80's.  with bursts into the 90's in the summer.  winter cold snaps (as in, makes the news) are usually overnight upper teens for a few nights.  we haven't had a problem.

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Heat is not a problem for freezers and it will not make them less efficient.  Freezers are heat-exchangers so they actually NEED heat to work properly.  That is why someone above mentioned that a freezer must be "garage-rated" in order to keep the warranty.  Not because of the heat but the cold.  Regular freezers cannot work properly in temps below freezing (ironically) and will actually be LESS efficient in below-freezing temps.  Some will simply give out.


That said, we have had a (garage-rated) chest freezer in the garage for over a decade with no problem.

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