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Which AAS levels have you completed?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Levels have you completed?

  2. 2. How far do you plan on going?

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It's hard to say for sure what the future holds. :) We plan on using AAS again next year.  I'm intrigued by Phonetic Zoo and may check that out when they're a little older though.  Or we may stay the course.  I put through 4 since I'm fairly certain we will do that at least.

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One ds did through the end of 4 and part of 5. He hit such a wall that it is simply not helping him get better anymore at this point. We're dropping it for now.


His twin is my natural speller. He finished through 6. If I had 7, I'd go ahead and use it, but I decided it's not worth the cost, at least for now. He's a pretty good speller. I'm fine with letting him stop, especially since his brother is taking a spelling break for a few months while we decide what to do.

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I had one go through level 6, but I decided not to do level 7 with him because level 7 is a lot of root study and he was already several years into Latin.


Since I already have level 7, I plan on using it with my youngest, whose Latin study ended last year and who just finished level 5.


I didn't use AAS with my oldest. Not only was it not yet published when she would have used it, but she's a natural speller and didn't need it.

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I voted that I've completed 1 and 2, although technically we have three lessons left on 2 to finish within 2 weeks. I also voted going to level 7 although I am not completely sure about that. I debated about changing this year because my daughter is not a big fan, but I decided to stick with what works. AAS has drastically improved my middle dd's spelling after the previous one actually made it worse!

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I only have two kids to teach and Dd is a natural speller, so spelling does not take too much of my time. After 4 years and 6 levels, I have figured out how to tweak it when necessary. Dd goes through it quickly. Ds at a more typical pace, but still perhaps a bit lighter than what AAS recommends. It is quick, effective and not stressful for us. I am a better speller because of teaching it!

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Faith completed Level 1, but wasn't retaining well, so we switched her to studied dictation, with which she is progressing nicely. We may go back to AAS at some point, but it will only be if absolutely necessary.


Simon completed through the beginning of Level 3 (a few lessons in), and I switched him over to Apples & Pears. He may be mildly dyslexic and seems to be thriving with A&P.


Theodore also hit a wall with AAS around Level 3, but he is another studied dictation child, so he is doing Spelling Wisom and enjoys it.


Alvin is my spelling sponge. He completed AAS through Level 5, but wanted to move more quickly (he was working with Joy at the same pace.) He picked up my copy of Spelling Plus and Dictation and will complete the book by the end of June. He loves spelling! I will probably have him do level 7 of AAS once he completes the other books.


Joy has been working steadily through all the levels. Level 6 was more challenging for her, with all the -able and -ible endings giving her grief. She will be starting Level 7 next week.


I have five different spelling programs going on right now, for various reasons, but AAS is still my favorite program. It works well with my teaching style, but isn't always a good fit for my kiddos.

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AAS is perfect for my 2E dyslexics. Lots of color-coded, targeted instruction for remediation and enough flexibility to adjust the pacing. Ds 1 has completed levels 1-5 and will start 6 in the fall. Ds 2 is finishing level 2 and will start 3 in the fall. I plan to take both of them through all 7 levels.

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This is our first year homeschooling and I started both my 1st and 3rd grader in level 1 this year.  My 3rd grader is now in level 3 and my 1st just started level 2.  I love it-it works well for both of them and I plan on going through the entire program-my younger son is also doing AAR which I love more than I can explain as well!!

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I love it. I have a seemingly natural speller so many would argue that spelling was unnecessary...but she really enjoys the rules-based approach and the format. She loves being able to identify the 'why' of how a word is spelled. We finished level 6 and are going through level 7 a bit more slowly as she has suddenly thrown herself into spelling bee prep:)

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I found this a tricky program to do with littles running around. They were constantly wanting to mess up our board. It was like the fun game they weren't allowed to play. And the magnetic plastic letters and magnetic animals I bought were not nearly as fun (in their opinion).


For a while we did AAS during nap time, but that time is precious and I didn't want to use it for spelling.


We moved on to rod and staff and things are going well. Plus r & s is much more independent!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did levels 1-3 with my oldest. It really wasn't improving his spelling, so we dropped it and switched to R&S Spelling By Sound and Structure. His spelling has greatly improved since using R&S the last 3 years. 


I'm considering this... did you put him into R&S 4 after AAS 3? 

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