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Anyone following the Schwandt family? Her due date is today.


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I happened upon them recently reading the news. Babe's due date is today. Her sister has 10 boys and no girls. I'm hoping for a daughter/sister for them this time!


After our fourth son, we just figured/accepted they'd all be boys too. I was so excited for our little Ben, only #5 was a girl. I couldn't do justice describing how special having a daughter is, though I would have been content and happy with another son, I believe.

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I have 2 boys one girl. 12 boys and my house would be destroyed. My boys break things. Sometimes by accident, sometimes while "investigating it", but they always break things. 


My grandmother had 5 boys and they were the same way. She'd kick them out of the house for most of the day. That might work.

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I have "My three sons" (I never tire saying that, loved that show) and #4 was our surprise baby and is a girl. A very independent, free spirited, artsy, beautiful,strong, brave, girl.


My friends daughter told me when I was pregnant with baby girl, "Mrs. W. You have got to have a girl, you have to many boys."

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I have four boys, no girls, and it's awesome but crazy. I spend way too much time at the emergency room (currently: badly sprained ankle and broken arm), and we consider ourselves to be pretty conservative, safety-oriented people.


It's a lot of fun, too, as there is always something going on. DH and I joke that boys are like dogs: they need to be exercised every day or they start getting out of control. So, my boys are all on a swim team, and also do track and cross-country.


Boys are great -I wouldn't have it any other way.

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I have two boys and I like having two boys. 


I didn't care in the end, but what I secretly did not want was one of each.  Maybe I'm odd, but that worried me.


I don't really care, but if we were ever to adopt a kid, I'd want a boy, preferably in between C's and B's age. Whereas my wife wants a girl. We agree we don't want to deal with pregnancy and the toddler years again (plus, I'd like for my kids to move out before I'm *old*, and a new baby would add years to my life sentence), so we're *done* having babies of our own. With 2 boys though, I think adopting a boy that's roughly the same age as my boys would make more sense than adopting a girl that's roughly the same age. That said, not sure that's ever going to happen. My two are a handful!

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I have two girls - and three boys.

for climbing and daredevil stuff - had nothing to do with gender. one girl and one boy (whom I have jokingly referred to as my twins) are very much that way.  

and one girl and one boy who prefer to stay on the ground.


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I have six kids, five which are boys. The only girl,is smack dab in the middle. The girl is more a tomboy. The older boys made a deliberate effort not to make her too girly. They didn't want to get sucked in to playing with dolls, I think. Lol. And instead of Disney princess movies, it was all super hero movies. I think I'm more suited to be a mom of boys. I have a hard time with the whiney girl thing or being melodramatic. Thankfully she doesn't do it too much but when she does I'm at a loss as to what to do as we tend to be more of a suck it up buttercup type of family.

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I have a hard time with the whiney girl thing or being melodramatic. Thankfully she doesn't do it too much but when she does I'm at a loss as to what to do as we tend to be more of a suck it up buttercup type of family.


Yeah. I just wish my boys would get that memo. They can be quite whiney and melodramatic.

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I'm not exactly drowning in testosterone, but I'm certainly doing the backstroke in it.


I even have a boy cat for the first time in over 30 years.


This is a new chapter in my life and I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying it. The more time I spend with my men, the harder it is to dismiss them as interchangeable evil exploiters or to deny that they are intrinsically different from us.


I kinda like them. <3

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I was thinking about this the other day! I'm curious to find out. Hopefully the news gets published.


They were in the NYT and other news outlets, so I think we'll be hearing about their happy news (boy or girl)!


I know a few really large families (even most of the parent's who want big families don't have near as many as the Duggars or this family in the news - the largest I know is 12 and the mom's hit menopause) and both of those moms are wonderful. They truly love their large family and would do it all over again. Their kids are super cool too and dig their brothers and sisters. I know it doesn't always turn out that way though. All that to say, I hope this family is healthy and happy and wish them the best!

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I went to an amusement park this evening, and the family walking in front of me to enter the park appeared to have 7 boys. The oldest appeared be younger than 13, and the youngest was about 2. Two, around 8/9 were wearing matching soccer uniforms, so I couldn't decide if they were brothers or teammates. The boys, and the parents, all looked alike. I wonder how their day went?

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My great-grandparents had 6 boys and then the 7th was a girl.  The midwife came down the stairs after she was born and said, "Mister Fred, Mister Fred!  You stopped shopping at Montgomery Ward and switched to Sears!"  And that's how my great-grandfather learned he had finally produced a daughter!

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My Aunt had 6 boys and finally had a girl for her 7th. My Mom had me sandwiched between two boys. The girls in the family were all born at one hospital & the boys at another. The joke was that my Aunt finally had her girl because she went to a different hospital!


A friend just had her 5th girl. She was so relieved because she was terrified she wouldn't know what to do with a boy!

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We've had a number of stillbirths along the way. Altogether we had 8 boys in a row.... and then pregnancy (and baby) #9 shocked the heck out of us by being a girl. In the ultrasound room when they told me I literally did not believe them. My husband finally had to say "Honey, I don't think they're lying..." lol. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

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