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I am SO ready for this year to be done and for college to start


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This is a much bigger process than I dreamed.  Is there more that has to be done that I need to supervise or do myself?  There's the campus visits, ACT/SAT, organizing the transcript, admissions applications, FAFSA, financial aid apps, scholarship apps, requesting letters of recommendation for the scholarship committee (We didn't expect this one.  Is it usual?), departmental placement tests, setting up advising appointment, course registration, and soon high school graduation and sending the final transcript.  Then buying textbooks for fall.  Is there more?  Am I forgetting something?  Can I just relax and enjoy our last month and half of high school? 

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...graduation announcements, diploma, any type of celebration. I'm right there and very ready to be done with my college year (one more week) so I can focus on homeschooling for all of May. 


Because ds is living at home, he has to submit a notarized form showing he lives within so many miles of campus. 

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My son actually needed an exam and labs for his university health form.


My son needed to prove his dentist has the necessary x-rays to identify him in case of a casualty. He'll be a cadet so it's not a typical requirement for a college student, BUT he's my last to fly the nest and to have them request dental records nearly made me cry.  It feels like it was just yesterday that I was holding his hand when we were crossing the street. 

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Shot records for the university. They usually need them for orientation. Ds went to his orientation last summer the week we finished school in May. Other than that, relax and hug them while you got them!


:scared:  I thought I'd have all summer to get this worked out. Ds is undervaxed (followed doctor's recommendations due to childhood seizures) and his chosen University requires more vaccines than any other I have ever seen :(. I guess I need to get to work on this. 

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:scared:  I thought I'd have all summer to get this worked out. Ds is undervaxed (followed doctor's recommendations due to childhood seizures) and his chosen University requires more vaccines than any other I have ever seen :(. I guess I need to get to work on this. 


You probably just need to ask the doctor to write a letter explaining the variance in the recommended schedule, along with a list of what he still has to get and when it is due. The university can't mandate that he get vaccination against the recommendation of his physician. They may have their own health services review his case, but as long as the delayed schedule is medically justified, he should be in good shape. Herd immunity is helping to protect your ds from illness and the university health services will realize that. 



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You probably just need to ask the doctor to write a letter explaining the variance in the recommended schedule, along with a list of what he still has to get and when it is due. The university can't mandate that he get vaccination against the recommendation of his physician. They may have their own health services review his case, but as long as the delayed schedule is medically justified, he should be in good shape. Herd immunity is helping to protect your ds from illness and the university health services will realize that. 


He did that with ps long ago, but he's cleared and could get the boosters needed now. I went through and checked and he is only 2 vaccines (1 dose of each) short of requirements. He got all the vaccines, but not as many boosters as recommended after the seizure diagnosis. There is a good chance his immunity is already solid though. 


I did call the Dr. office today and started the process. Some of his records are in archive apparently, so they are working on verification. I may check with the college and see if he actually needs the boosters or if a note of explanation why he didn't get them at the time is adequate. 


Thanks for the suggestion!

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My son needed to prove his dentist has the necessary x-rays to identify him in case of a casualty. He'll be a cadet so it's not a typical requirement for a college student, BUT he's my last to fly the nest and to have them request dental records nearly made me cry.  It feels like it was just yesterday that I was holding his hand when we were crossing the street. 

When my dad was in ROTC (or commissioned in the military, can't remember which), he had to go to the dentist to have a filling put in a tooth. He did not have any cavities, and they wouldn't accept those dental records for being able to identify him. He was an only child; I wonder how his mom reacted to this requirement.


I'm not at the point where I can imagine my last one leaving. Good luck to you as you watch your youngest fly.

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This is a much bigger process than I dreamed...Can I just relax and enjoy our last month and half of high school? 


I couldn't agree more!  I am making sure there is time squeezed in for a few board games at the kitchen table, family frisbee on the lawn, and one (gulp) final read aloud.

Everyone has such great suggestions for what we need to do -- thank you for beginning this post!







Gotta love Kareni!  :001_smile:

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I am ready to be done as well. Not so much ready for his college semester to begin just yet, but quite ready for family vacation in June, and middle ds's MTU aquatic ecology camp in July which is blossoming into a family camping vacation. Since it's such a long drive and expense to get him there, dh and I have decided to haul the camper up and stay the week at the Hancock city camp which is very nice. Lots of kayaking options for everyone. MTU has graciously provided an office for dh to work remotely in since he can't actually have the time off so soon after the June vacation. So, two ds's and myself get to hang out exploring the area, swimming, and kayaking, one ds is doing the thing he loves most - freshwater ecology research - and dh will have fairly stress free work days in which he can join us for evening fun.


It's been a rough year, and we are ready to have some fun together!

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This is a much bigger process than I dreamed. Is there more that has to be done that I need to supervise or do myself? There's the campus visits, ACT/SAT, organizing the transcript, admissions applications, FAFSA, financial aid apps, scholarship apps, requesting letters of recommendation for the scholarship committee (We didn't expect this one. Is it usual?), departmental placement tests, setting up advising appointment, course registration, and soon high school graduation and sending the final transcript. Then buying textbooks for fall. Is there more? Am I forgetting something? Can I just relax and enjoy our last month and half of high school?

It IS a lot! You're close now. It felt like a lot to me and we only applied to a couple and she ended up staying here at home!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just found out today that we needed to "register" for orientation as a family.  I found that because I was just poking around the website.  We have received no notification of this.  Then I realized that we need to book a hotel for orientation and we need to do that ASAP.


Then I realized the school has a hold on Ds' registration because... they won't tell me.  Ds needs to go online and print out a FERPA form and sign it so that I can have access to his educational records.  I just wanted to know if it was that they needed a final transcript (since I will be the one who needs to send it to them), but they would not tell me.  I also found out that he needs to do the same with Health Services so that I can access health records if he ever gets sick or hurt.


It seems as if everyday, there is a new thing that comes up that I had not heard about.  I highly suggest poking all around the "Admitted Students" part of your website.  I am finding all kinds of things there that we need to do that I was not aware of.

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Have you gone through the housing selection yet?  Several of the dorms at ds' college filled fast.  He did not get his first choice, then we realized that the one he was assigned to is going to have construction right next door all year long.  He and I worked to get them to change him to another dorm across the quad from the noise.


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It seems as if everyday, there is a new thing that comes up that I had not heard about.  I highly suggest poking all around the "Admitted Students" part of your website.  I am finding all kinds of things there that we need to do that I was not aware of.


I agree. I know from my own experience with the school that if you live at home, the student has to submit a form. For a student under a certain age it has to be notarized. It's kind of buried in the admitted students section of their website. 

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Be aware that some universities give out assignments over the summer. Students should check to see if any of their classes do this so that the assignment will be done before school. My son's school has assigned one book that all freshman must read but the students were told this in both a letter and an email and later will receive even more info in about a month. Other schools expect students to check schedules and websites before class begins.

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