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Best Creative Toys people have never heard of?

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What are some of the best toys / materials you have found for sparking open ended play and creativity in your children?


For us:


1. cable ties. Seriously, these get so much use.

2. an assortment of blankets

3. bungee cords - we found a set for $3 at Wal-Mart that the kids use for indoor play.  These are great for outdoor play.

4. Thinker Linkers. Ok, so these are quite pricey but they get so much more use than almost any other toy in the home (except for the bungee cords). We got these second hand but later bought additional pieces to augment our set.  We decided to invest in these in lieu of other toys. They get heavy use and my kids have come up with some incredible creations.

5. Found materials - we keep a bin of "clean trash" -- basically random stuff that we would have thrown in recycling... bottle caps, plastic containers, scraps of ribbon, packaging... The kids make stuff out of it. We recycle it once they are "through" with their creation.

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Kapla blocks.  They are unique and wonderful.  I have a friend who kept a duffle bag full of them with her at all times so she could pull it out. Her son would play with them and make friends anywhere they went.


A little pop up tent.  These are club houses, meeting rooms, reading nooks, doll houses, forts, beach shelters, and more.


Refrigerator boxes.

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Probably not very original but here are ours:


Sheets, preferably the fitted kind since the kids can hook them onto things.


Their own latching tool kit including measuring tape, hammer, level, etc.


The obligatory big cardboard box.  And smaller ones that can be attached to the big one.


Small pop up tent with extended second section.  


Colored duct tape


Palm fronds.  DD can make an entire outfit out of palm fronds, including the latches for her palm frond sandles. 


Marble runs.  Get enough of these and you can make many exciting runs.


Matchbox cars.


Foam packaging.  DS made a shield, helmet, shin guards and a chest guard out of foam packaging.  The stuff was sturdy, too.


Shoe boxes.  



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Paper bags--my boys don't put things in them, they stand them up on the open end in large groups, at which point they become Zombies, Trojans, Storm Troopers, or whatever the bad guy of the moment is and are battled with sticks.

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Magna Tiles - I love seeing even the adults who come and visit play with them.


Wood scraps - the little extra pieces cut off from the table saw when DH is doing some house repair work


Blankets/sheets and our funiture


Lawn clippings and branches that have been pruned


My kitchen items


Water and dirt/sand and a shovel



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Given the previous posts, I would say scotch tape and duct tape.... the ability to build things out of paper or cardboard has been huge for us.


Learning the limits of paper, cardboard, and recyclables w/ duct tape has been huge... frustrating, annoying, etc ... but still huge.


ETA: A standard set of unit blocks, or better two, has also been great for us. You could build an arch bridge and a cantilever bridge. Unit blocks allowed  discovering all sorts of building principles...

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Clothespins, usually used in conjunction with sheets and blankets and/or twine

Those round containers blank CDs come in. DH has a bunch because he prints CDs, and DD has used them for so many things I can't even remember. Stilts, pillars, buckets, bug observatories, hats, shoes, drums...

Dog kennel (large) - it's been many things, from a spaceship to a cave, to a "safe" place for wild bunnies, virtually none of which involves the actual dog


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Yarn.  The kids made ziplines and swings and hammocks for stuffed animals, wrapped maze type contraptions all over the bedroom, figured out how to tie different kinds of knots, you name it.


Scotch tape

Foil (to make knight helmets and swords for the cat --yes, he tolerated wearing the helmet --, stuffed toys, etc.)

Paper and scissors.


These are all "toys" that others have heard of.  I'm guessing the OP means commercial not-well-known toys?  My kids were enthralled by Playmobil although you can't really *make* something from it, but it is superb for creative play.  One of my kids liked the Brio Builder System, then later played quite a lot with Jawbones, Knex, Geomags (the originals - the current Geomags are not the same size), and of course Legos.

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Given the previous posts, I would say scotch tape and duct tape.... the ability to build things out of paper or cardboard has been huge for us.


Learning the limits of paper, cardboard, and recyclables w/ duct tape has been huge... frustrating, annoying, etc ... but still huge.


ETA: A standard set of unit blocks, or better two, has also been great for us. You could build an arch bridge and a cantilever bridge. Unit blocks allowed  discovering all sorts of building principles...


So glad to see this post! I thought we were the only ones dealing with this kind of issue.

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Our most-used creative toy is Zoobs. Not sure how well known they are (we're the only family I know in IRL that has them or has even heard of them)? DS uses his Legos almost exclusively to build cars, but his Zoobs have been cars, swords, axes, working bows and arrows (with the addition of a couple of rubber bands), crowns, balls, baskets, golf clubs... 

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Dirt pit





Tree stumps



Flower petals

Leaves, green and not

Glass gems

Tree blocks, bits of cut wood


Duct tape

Any kind of tape


Glue- all kinds. Wallpaper paste is wonderful.

Wax crayons

Paint & brushes

Clay of all kinds

Kitchen activities - baking, making tortillas, pasta etc

Playmobil, Lego


PS Yes to the zipline. I am sorry we never invested it in one. I will remedy that for future visitors.




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My kids got a small box of squigz for Christmas and have played with them daily since. They get made into spaceships, get thrown at the wall like darts, and become obstacle courses for cars. Even the baby loves them so we got him the baby version, PipSquigz.


Trio blocks are another hit around here. We have only one small box but they make them into all sorts of things. I'm afraid to buy more because I think they small number somehow makes them more creative with them.


They also play with coins a whole lot. They sort them, play store, etc.

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