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funny aside: I live in a city of over 2.5 million people and there is exactly one groomer I would trust with my dogs.


And I actually never have sent my dogs to her but I did let her shave down a foster.


I have similar thoughts about most veterinarians and some dentists (the dentists esp wrt children)

I have really sad stories about dogs that came to us emotionally damaged from other groomers. Terrified of water or the dryer. One of my favorites was a dog you couldn't muzzle because she was terrified of the muzzle but would bite because she was upset about the water. She was probably washed in water too hot. It gets smells out better. It took me like an hour to bathe her because we were afraid if we didn't comfort her properly she would hurt herself. She was so sweet, just so broken. We had several like that. My boss was a vet tech and loved animals. She taught me a lot.

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Also, little cooking tip for the day.

Heal your leftover steaks in a cast-iron skillet when you go to reheat them for another meal. Your taste-buds will praise you.


ETA: In the oven, yo. Last I checked, my cast iron won't heat itself.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I agree about the dog breeding issue. Any breed can be dangerous. That said, there are certain breeds I wouldn't have because they would not be appropriate for our family.


Hubby has always wanted a Japanese Akita. I like the breed, too, but told him absolutely not until our youngest is a teen. It's a breed with a strong sense of loyalty and it can be aggressive if not trained properly and if it doesn't know it's place in the "pack".


We love the English Mastiff breed, but it's sedentary nature doesn't match our family lifestyle. Plus, when we were dog shopping, we were in our tiny apartment with tenants and we didn't want a big drooly, slobbery dog that might be a liability.


We settled on the boxer breed, then learned of the plethora of health issues and decided to adopt a boxer/lab mix puppy from Second Chance Boxer. That's our 100 lb Sam.


When we moved to the country, we felt Sam needed a companion, as we had much more room to run. We happened to find another Boxer/lab mix at an ASPCA. His puppy picture was identical to Sam's. So we adopted him and that's our Jonah. His frame is much slighter.


They are great dogs and we have carefully trained them, but even still, they have had issues from time to time. Jonah could not be trusted with one of my boys because that particular boy would get in his personal space and Jonah refused to recognize him as superior to him in the flock. He is usually a great dog and has never shown aggression towards me or my husband, but he WILL growl at a child if he has a chew or is resting and being bothered.


Sam has never shown aggression towards the kids and we were in the process of certifying him as a therapy dog. Then, he bit the UPS guy. I believe it was just a fluke, as the guy and Sam were both crossing the threshold of our door, and Sam kind of got squeezed to the side. But still...I can't say that with 100% certainty, so we pulled him from the certification program. Luckily it was just a snap and didn't break skin. We would have been devastated to have to put him down.

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have I shown my dogs? Miss Daisy in the header here is a GSD x Malamute. She has a big bark. https://twitter.com/positivelydog 

Alas she's going deaf so often she doesn't hear anyone at the door LOL  However she's very protective of me & especially objects if men come to talk to me. She raises her hackles and gets on her toes. 

Many Asian students are convinced she's wolf & are scared of her.  

My setter is the avatar on that twitter account. He's uber UNthreatening. He's a dork with a tail. He roooooos. It's a setter thing. Not all do but it's pretty common. 

Bear is gone almost a year now. https://twitter.com/positivelydog/status/600829535509192704He had an amazingly big deep bark.  When I walked with all 3, only crazy dog people came to see me.  

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have I shown my dogs? Miss Daisy in the header here is a GSD x Malamute. She has a big bark. https://twitter.com/positivelydog


Alas she's going deaf so often she doesn't hear anyone at the door LOL However she's very protective of me & especially objects if men come to talk to me. She raises her hackles and gets on her toes.

Many Asian students are convinced she's wolf & are scared of her.


My setter is the avatar on that twitter account. He's uber UNthreatening. He's a dork with a tail. He roooooos. It's a setter thing. Not all do but it's pretty common.


Bear is gone almost a year now. https://twitter.com/positivelydog/status/600829535509192704He had an amazingly big deep bark. When I walked with all 3, only crazy dog people came to see me.

Way, WAY too much hair going on here!

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I'd love setters. Daft dogs, but to me they are just the essence of "dogness". Utterly unconcerned for life in general, every day is the best day ever as long as they have their people and their toys, and completely loony with happiness if you come back to the room you just left.

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This is Miami. She was dumped on us and we really were not in a position to take a dog in but she was sweet and the pounds were overcrowded and we assumed she would be destroyed if we dropped her off. She would have been happier in a house, but we love her and she loves us so an apartment dog she is.





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Oh, I forgot to mention....I never knew this until we moved to Mennonite (old order type) country, but the Amish and Mennonites are notorious for dog breeding. And not in a good way.


I mean...I understand that there are some cultural differences, but dogs, to most of our neighbors, are not pets. There is no emotional attachment, and the dogs have to earn their keep, usually by breeding. The puppies you see at the pet stores? Probably came from a dealer that bought them from an Amish farm.


They are not necessarily puppy mills, but they are also not carefully bred for standard, temperament and health. And they want their females to welp as often as possible which means poor quality pups in subsequent litters.

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Both my teens have alarm clocks and use them.  (This is not a commentary on other people's routines or kids - just a statement of fact, so please, please take it that way and not any other way.)


Both my teens have multiple alarms and sleep through them.  :lol:


(j/k, but I have been known to be the fall back for both of them from time to time.  And 14yo can't get in the shower until I'm out, so we had gotten into the habit of my waking him after I was finished.  I know you didn't ask for my excuses, but I gave them anyway, lol.) 


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have I shown my dogs? Miss Daisy in the header here is a GSD x Malamute. She has a big bark. https://twitter.com/positivelydog 


Alas she's going deaf so often she doesn't hear anyone at the door LOL  However she's very protective of me & especially objects if men come to talk to me. She raises her hackles and gets on her toes. 

Many Asian students are convinced she's wolf & are scared of her.  


My setter is the avatar on that twitter account. He's uber UNthreatening. He's a dork with a tail. He roooooos. It's a setter thing. Not all do but it's pretty common. 


Bear is gone almost a year now. https://twitter.com/positivelydog/status/600829535509192704He had an amazingly big deep bark.  When I walked with all 3, only crazy dog people came to see me.  


They are beautiful - especially Miss Daisy and Bear.  :grouphug:  again for him. 


How was your ds's dental appt? 


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Both my teens have alarm clocks and use them.  (This is not a commentary on other people's routines or kids - just a statement of fact, so please, please take it that way and not any other way.)



Both my teens have multiple alarms and sleep through them.  :lol:


(j/k, but I have been known to be the fall back for both of them from time to time.  And 14yo can't get in the shower until I'm out, so we had gotten into the habit of my waking him after I was finished.  I know you didn't ask for my excuses, but I gave them anyway, lol.) 



...besides.... I know you're trying to raise responsible adults, but Tex and I are running child-centered homes here!  :smilielol5: :smilielol5:



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Holy Moses! I have missed FORTY pages of fun.


We are alive again. Flu is gone, even though I will probably be tired for another week.


Family wedding this weekend. Good to see family. Cannot say more, but will pm you if you want to hear more, lol.


Taking mil to get hearing aids this afternoon. I hope they work well for her. She enjoys being with people and finding the right combo has been hard.


I wish I slept well enough to sleep through alarms. I am lucky so far in that both boys still rouse to their watch alarms.


I enjoy cats more than dogs, but grew up with 5 dogs in the house. My criteria for dog loving is training. If they don't jump on me with hard, sharp claws and don't lick and sit when I tell them to, I usually like them. Especially, if they like to lie quietly next to me or on my lap, depending on size. I like lap animals. Jean needs to send me her bunny:-)


Missed you guys:-)

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Especially, if they like to lie quietly next to me or on my lap, depending on size. I like lap animals. Jean needs to send me her bunny:-)


Missed you guys:-)


We missed  you too.


Our bunny does not like to lie quietly next to us or in our lap.  He will only cuddle under duress once you've managed to corner him and scoop him up.  He does like to terrorize the one dog who we allow around him and the cat. 

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We missed you too.


Our bunny does not like to lie quietly next to us or in our lap. He will only cuddle under duress once you've managed to corner him and scoop him up. He does like to terrorize the one dog who we allow around him and the cat.



Oh well. At least he is a good little attack bunny:-)

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Wiff soap and shampoo and water. I am the goat. (Not to be confused with the walrus who is someone else - probably one of the Beatles.)

I suppose if you're in bad enough shape to confuse yourself with a goat you should probably go do that.
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My elementary school growing up had German Baptist Brethren (Dunkard) cooks.  It was the best food I ever had, and I think still think of the sweet ladies in their shawls and caps making cinnamon rolls and chili and all of the amazing things we ate.  There were some Amish around us, growing up, but way more Mennonites.


ITA that puppy mills are an issue in some of those communities.  I think it's compounded by poverty.

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I like it! I was trying to remember if that was good or not regarding mileage too.


It appears to be well taken care of Honda. I'm going to argue that I can get 200,000 miles out of it (65,000 more) without an issue. My complaint is that that's a heck of a lot of money for 65000 miles. I don't know how much vans cost though. I told Matt yesterday I'm willing to begin looking because we have the amount saved for the apartment I wanted to have. This is the first one we've looked at.
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Slache--I love Odysseys, but I think the price is a bit high.  Hopefully it went through it's 105K maintenance, but it's likely due for another big maintenance. The sliding door seals can be a big issue, and there's some ongoing issues with power steering and transmissions with the Odysseys.  The Odyssey and Sienna are the two really good minivans out there--but I'd go in with my eyes open. 



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Slache--I love Odysseys, but I think the price is a bit high. Hopefully it went through it's 105K maintenance, but it's likely due for another big maintenance. The sliding door seals can be a big issue, and there's some ongoing issues with power steering and transmissions with the Odysseys. The Odyssey and Sienna are the two really good minivans out there--but I'd go in with my eyes open.

Thank you so much!

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Also, we probably are not getting this particular van I'm just trying to get a handle on what we're doing. I would like to get approved for an apartment and know what our monthly rate is going to be before we make any big decisions. :)

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Slache, check out consumer complaints for whatever model you are thinking of. Frequent complaints of the same issue are a red flag. There's a website, but I can't think of the name now....probably something like consumer complaints, lol. Or car complaints. Something like that.


I know the Odyssey and Sienna are considered two of the best for minivans, but both had a couple of tough years with tranny issues I think.


Whatever you do...do NOT buy a Dodge Grand from 2008-2012. I think it was 2012 when they fixed chronic brake issues. We had a 2008 and it nearly put us in the poor house. And I wish I was exaggerating. But we had several times where we had to choose between parts for the car my husband needed to get to work, or food. And he was making a LOT of money at that time.


The problems were constant, and my husband is very particular with his vehicle maintenance. Neurotic, even.


Oh and....it blew a transmission the week after hubby broke his leg.

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Hello, Prof!  Welcome back!


My teens have alarms but do not use them.  I am discussing retiring as the alarm since I am broken.


I once fired a vet because he did not treat my cat as the princess that she is.  That'll show him.



...besides.... I know you're trying to raise responsible adults, but Tex and I are running child-centered homes here!  :smilielol5: :smilielol5:



:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


I think our home is more cat-centered than anything.


Yay or nay? Matt and I are in disagreement.


Eta: I think it's gorgeous but I don't like the mileage. I've never bought a van before.

I have a 2007 Odyssey.    It has had a couple of recalls that have been fixed.  It's still going strong, and I expect to have it through 200,000 miles.

Edited by texasmama
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My neighbor has two huge vicious sounding dogs. A lot of people here do. It doesn't seem like a friendly community as a result, and that is sad.

When I was a kid we lived in th country. We had 2 dogs - a beagle/Bassett mix and the Rottweiler mix. The beagle was this little guy,but he had this big, booming bark. So when people came into the yard Zeke would sound the alarm and Dixie would come running. They had a pretty good thing going. Of course the worse thing they ever did was sniff your crotch, but they did sound mean!
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Slache, your inbox is full. ;)



Slache, check out consumer complaints for whatever model you are thinking of. Frequent complaints of the same issue are a red flag. There's a website, but I can't think of the name now....probably something like consumer complaints, lol. Or car complaints. Something like that.


I know the Odyssey and Sienna are considered two of the best for minivans, but both had a couple of tough years with tranny issues I think.


Whatever you do...do NOT buy a Dodge Grand from 2008-2012. I think it was 2012 when they fixed chronic brake issues. We had a 2008 and it nearly put us in the poor house. And I wish I was exaggerating. But we had several times where we had to choose between parts for the car my husband needed to get to work, or food. And he was making a LOT of money at that time.


The problems were constant, and my husband is very particular with his vehicle maintenance. Neurotic, even.


Oh and....it blew a transmission the week after hubby broke his leg.

Taking notes! Thanks!


I have a 2007 Odyssey.  Bought it eight years ago with 42,000 miles on it.  It has 165,000 miles now.  It has been a good van with only one "weird" problem which our mechanic was able to diagnose and fix cheaply.  Took him a couple of weeks.  Be aware that these vans have a timing belt, not a chain, and it needs to be changed every 90,000 miles.  Now, one of the sliding doors won't open from the inside, but this could have been caused by hard kid use.  It has had a couple of recalls that have been fixed.  It's still going strong, and I expect to have it through 200,000 miles.


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Tex, we had to reset our sliding door once through some fuse.  There is a youtube video on how to do it.  The track had gotten jammed with a torn seal, and when we unstuck the seal, it no longer operated.  The fix was resetting a fuse which is down by the driver side? or front passenger side? Simple fix, and it got the door working again. I read about it on the Odyssey forums; apparently it is a weird but not unheard of issue. I don't know if that's your problem, but if it's not opening from the inside, but will from the outside manually as a slide, I thought I'd toss that out there.

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This dog discussion is making me .... tense....


I have many many thoughts on this. There are so many mislabelled, misunderstood, and abused breeds. My general blanket statement is that the vast majority of people should not get anything remotely 'guardy' and should stick to dogs who simply make noise to warn of intruders.


No dogs make my "no" list. (I lie. I have "no" lists but their criteria have nothing to do with what's being said here)


I'm waiting for our dentist to open. I thought they opened at 8:30 but apparently not.

I know. Our new neighbor's have guard-y rescue dogs. :/ I hope it continues to work for them. The dogs seem very nervous though. We are looking at the positive. Those dogs will flip out if anything happens at our house.

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I'd love setters. Daft dogs, but to me they are just the essence of "dogness". Utterly unconcerned for life in general, every day is the best day ever as long as they have their people and their toys, and completely loony with happiness if you come back to the room you just left.


Setters are my heart dogs.


I love the whole sporting group though. And a chunk of the hound group. And the working. And I have a soft spot for terriers. 


I tried to plan out my dogs for the rest of my life & I have to hurry because I won't get to all of them. That's why I need multiples. And why I bought a soccer mom van again even though my kids are old. 



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We have a couple of kids who vomit if we don't time their meals well. I was the same way. :(  I now travel with Lara bars in my purse, glovebox, and a number of other places.


I was reading this in context of guard animals and thought "hmm, ok, yeah, a projectile vomiting child could be used for protection. Hard to time though...." 



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She will have two backpacks. We are not rich. I look upon it as the cost of meeting this extremely social child's needs who really just wants to go to school. Some kids want the lunchbox and the backpack and the locker and the changing of classes and the friends in every class....that's my girl. So she gets it once a week with the fine arts classes and the special backpack. She has already planned how she will pack her lunch in the lunch cube she got for Christmas. That is how this child rolls.



Our Daisy is not mean, but she is a guardian breed so she will bark and protect her flock, which is us. They will take down a coyote if needed, but mostly they use their deep, booming barks to warn people to stay away. She does bark at people and other dogs passing by. She would only hurt someone or another dog if they hurt her or us. She is very gentle. Pyrs need a fenced yard because they are roamers. They cannot ever be trusted off leash. They are also stubborn and independent but are overall good dogs for people who understand them and that they need to be convinced, not controlled. They do need a strong, decisive owner. I have to be very firm and clear and loud in my "leave it" command. It sounds like I am angry, but she knows it as my serious voice.

If I followed this advice, I would not sprain my ankle.


The only dogs at the Humane Society who ever bit me were chihuahuas. I think they are mentally daft. :lol: The multiple pits were sweet and gentle.


Yes, I agree.

Two is manageable. One for home and one for coop? I was thinking like three co-ops.


I totally get the desire for school. My kids love school. We are fortunate enough to be able to live in an area where schools are good, diverse, caring places. Not perfect but kind communities.


I think I'd have to install actual lockers if we homeschooled.


Homeschooling is a threat in this house. Not really to me--but when I say, "I could work from home two days a week and we could homeschool," they beg not too. :( I know they're missing out but we are lucky school suits them as well.

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