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No. I wish. I had to explain why we aren't going to the church we have attended for the last eight years. Sigh. Dh gets me into some big messes.


Eta: I think this is the worse BOOYA(h) yet.


Oh. I caught that, but I didn't think of it as an appointment. I'm glad it's over. 

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It was ok. She understood, I think. She was at church the day it all hit the fan. I wasn't even there.....sick children. But I made it plain that these were my words and my feelings. Not dh or dh's family. (Cause they all left too) :( Because I can't be responsible for other people's actions, and I can't speak for 20 other people. So if she relays my words, please say "Dawn said" not "the so-and-so family said".


All I really said was "it just is not a good fit". I really hope my words don't get twisted and misconstrued.


It is just a bad situation that I find myself in the middle of, involuntarily.

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No. I wish. I had to explain why we aren't going to the church we have attended for the last eight years. Sigh. Dh gets me into some big messes.


Eta: I think this is the worse BOOYA(h) yet.

That is stinky.


I will have to be dealing with this kind of thing for the next month - the co-op is having a parent meeting next week at which everyone who doesn't already know will find out that I will not be teaching next year.


I am working on my pat answer: it is time for me to retire; the kids here have been wonderful; if this program is something the co-op wants to continue, I'm sure they will make it work....


I don't know if I need to say anything else.

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Now I think maybe I have chiggers.  I want it to be that.  Not fleas, and dear Lord, not bedbugs. :mellow:


Bed bugs and head lice are two of my great fears.  Fleas are a PITA, but I can deal with them.  Chiggers don't even make the "Worst Case Scenario" list, but I promise you bed bugs is on that list.  Also, head lice...and anyone who has seen my head of hair understands why.  They could have a head lice annual convention in there and never be noticed.  I would have to set my head on fire to eradicate them.

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Thank you, Tex. I appreciate it.


That really sounds like chiggers, the way you described. Are they really itchy? Chiggers are maddeningly itchy. Ticks are out here already.

I know chiggers tend to bite along clothing lines, and I do have a line of bites along where my bra would go.  I have been sitting outside and watching the boys play bball.  No one has mowed yet this year so the grass is higher than usual.  And we've had a lot of rain and a mild winter.  Yep, I choose to believe it is chiggers.

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That is stinky.


I will have to be dealing with this kind of thing for the next month - the co-op is having a parent meeting next week at which everyone who doesn't already know will find out that I will not be teaching next year.


I am working on my pat answer: it is time for me to retire; the kids here have been wonderful; if this program is something the co-op wants to continue, I'm sure they will make it work....


I don't know if I need to say anything else.

I think this is good. Short and sweet with minimal details. Over and over as needed to get the point across. Don't elaborate.

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That is stinky.


I will have to be dealing with this kind of thing for the next month - the co-op is having a parent meeting next week at which everyone who doesn't already know will find out that I will not be teaching next year.


I am working on my pat answer: it is time for me to retire; the kids here have been wonderful; if this program is something the co-op wants to continue, I'm sure they will make it work....


I don't know if I need to say anything else.

I think this is good. Short and sweet with minimal details. Over and over as needed to get the point across. Don't elaborate.


This is so important that I had to say it twice.

Edited by Openhearted
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Odd story of the day, from my odd sons, who are actually Felix and Oscar.


One son was "going to the bathroom", which causes the other son to demand to know if he has washed his hands afterwards and to search for evidence of handwashing with soap.  Bathroom son does not like to be bothered and so often will not tell the handwashing son that he has actually already washed his hands.  So handwashing son stands before me, wringing his hands and regales me with a terrible tale of how his brother has not washed his hands after going to the bathroom and then went into the laundry room searching for a shirt to wear (clean and hanging) but touched ALL OF HANDWASHING SON'S SHIRTS.  So now handwashing son has no clothes to wear, and I will need to rewash all of the shirts.  


It turns out that bathroom son actually did wash his hands.  He just enjoys the scene it produces to not admit to it.  It's fun to be me.  All of this scene is very loud.



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I know chiggers tend to bite along clothing lines, and I do have a line of bites along where my bra would go. I have been sitting outside and watching the boys play bball. No one has mowed yet this year so the grass is higher than usual. And we've had a lot of rain and a mild winter. Yep, I choose to believe it is chiggers.

Yes - itchy, but won't infest your house. A quick shower right after being outside will often get rid of most of them. We use bug repellant with picaridin, which works very well for ticks and pretty well for chiggers.

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Yes - itchy, but won't infest your house. A quick shower right after being outside will often get rid of most of them. We use bug repellant with picaridin, which works very well for ticks and pretty well for chiggers.

I'm also considering Agent Orange and Napalm.  Whoever is left after that, on two or four legs, will not be bothered by any silly bugs.

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I'm not feeling well here this morning. Some kind of gastro-intestinal thing that I've been feeling since dinner last night. I'm wondering if something I ate was cross-contaminated with gluten. :( I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat.


I guess I'll be on a liquid diet for the next few days...



ETA: Really? sigh. A tummy-hurts booyah. :(

Hope you are feeling better!

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OK - I'm going to have a mini meltdown here. I've been dealing with stuff possibly related to kidney stones for months now. I have talked to two doctors about this so I'm not keeping it a secret. One doc put me on a med. designed to help flush out kidney stones. This got better at the end of last week. And now today I'm in pain and my urine is dark. (TMI, sorry). So. . . I think I'm going to have to call my primary and see what he says.


And ds has been sick for a month now and it isn't getting any better. So I need to call regarding him as well.


I'm behind on paying the bills. And I'm behind in laundry. And the refrigerator needs to be cleaned out. And then there's stuff like pet care and cooking and school and. . . (The kids do help around here but I still have to coordinate everything.)


So. . . I can't call the doctor yet and I don't know what my schedule is going to be, because I don't know what he's going to say that I should do.


You have my permission to not clean the fridge.

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So this morning I took the uncivilized supermodel dog for her shots, deworming, and heartworm test (and meds) at the low cost clinic.  She was the belle of the ball, as usual.  It was mostly little dogs.  There was a man with a six month old male Pyr there, and he extended an offer of marriage to Daisy between his dog (named Brian) and Daisy (who he called Stacey :lol: ).  He actually did not say marriage, but given the content of what he was proposing, I assume it because she is not that kind of girl.  The man was sad when he learned that Stacey had no girl parts left.  So during our hour long experience at the low cost clinic, Daisy was propositioned, she made friends with some toddlers, was admired by many for her great beauty, refused to step on the scale (I had to lift her on), refused the deworming meds (I had to squirt it in the back of her mouth) and flinched during the blood draw.  I did a lot of saying "Leave it!" regarding the plethora of little dogs, and overall, she was a good girl, though she growled at her potential boyfriend and scared him.  

Edited by texasmama
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Ok in a BA ninja move I bundled dd and I out the door 20 minutes early and stopped by Target on the way to the big city. I went in and bought pants in less than 10 minutes. I didn't even have to use a bazooka. I've been to the lab and am now waiting for the doc.



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This is what I was just thinking I would have suggested had I read your post earlier. Yay for Target!

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Odd story of the day, from my odd sons, who are actually Felix and Oscar.


One son was "going to the bathroom", which causes the other son to demand to know if he has washed his hands afterwards and to search for evidence of handwashing with soap. Bathroom son does not like to be bothered and so often will not tell the handwashing son that he has actually already washed his hands. So handwashing son stands before me, wringing his hands and regales me with a terrible tale of how his brother has not washed his hands after going to the bathroom and then went into the laundry room searching for a shirt to wear (clean and hanging) but touched ALL OF HANDWASHING SON'S SHIRTS. So now handwashing son has no clothes to wear, and I will need to rewash all of the shirts.


It turns out that bathroom son actually did wash his hands. He just enjoys the scene it produces to not admit to it. It's fun to be me. All of this scene is very loud.

Sounds like something that could happen at my house!
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Ok in a BA ninja move I bundled dd and I out the door 20 minutes early and stopped by Target on the way to the big city. I went in and bought pants in less than 10 minutes. I didn't even have to use a bazooka. I've been to the lab and am now waiting for the doc.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That reminds me of the time when DD was a newborn and I had to get her SS card. Of course nothing goes quickly in the SS office so I was in there a long time. And it was also during this point in time when we were working out her milk allergies. So, she had really runny poop. And I had to change her on the floor of the women's bathroom of the SS office because they had no changing table. And I got runny newborn poop on my top. And ran out of wet wipes. And I had another appointment after the SS office. So, I ran to Target, bought a new top and more wet wipes and changed in the car.
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I took the perfectly cooked chicken out of the oven and placed it (in an iron skillet) on a burner that had been left on.  Didn't realize it and burned the chicken.  Sigh. 


And I took chicken tenders out off the freezer and tossed them in the microwave.  I served them with white shells and cheese and peas. 



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I took the perfectly cooked chicken out of the oven and placed it (in an iron skillet) on a burner that had been left on. Didn't realize it and burned the chicken. Sigh.

You are having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. (((Jean)))


(Blackened chicken. It's a real thing.)

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And I took chicken tenders out off the freezer and tossed them in the microwave.  I served them with white shells and cheese and peas. 




What?  No hot dogs and bacon in the mac and cheese?   :laugh: And was there something else your dh put in there?   

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I had a baked potato.

But I conquered the paper mountain, took care of the homeschooling cabinet, cleaned the kitchen, dining room and laundry room and now I'm making up the planning notebook proper for next year. 

Tell me, if you could choose five Shakespeare plays for two young boys who like to laugh, but also like plenty of epic action; which plays would you pick? They will not be reading them (by themselves) in the original language, but I wouldn't mind reading them aloud with them as a special reading/lit class this summer. No real literary analysis with this. The goal is exposure and enjoyment.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Hugs to everyone. 


Double hugs to Jean.  Hope they did more to help you than say add it to the list of chronic illnesses!


Dawn, you rock for explaining to friends so well!


Tex, go paint your bra line (and any other bites) with fingernail polish.  Isn't that the standard chigger killer?  (I know you would have sent me picts of your pustule belleh, except I'm not good with medical stuff.  It's okay; we're still tight.)

Edited by Another Lynn
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Hugs to everyone.


Double hugs to Jean. Hope they did more to help you than say add it to the list of chronic illnesses!


Dawn, you rock for explaining to friends so well!


Tex, go paint your bra line (and any other bites) with fingernail polish. Isn't that the standard chigger killer? (I know you would have sent me picts of your pustule belleh, except I'm not good with medical stuff. It's okay; we're still tight.)

I use liquid bandage on my chigger bites. Works great, but dh says it doesn't help him at all. He also hates the smell.

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Ok, I am not happy. I take this herb supplement for mood swings and stuff due to perimenopause. Ever since I entered this "phase" I had horrible mood swings and irritability and then I started taking this supplement. It has helped like nothing else. It really is a miracle pill. It's a mixture of Black cohash and St. John's Wort and vitex and some other things. Well, Amazon says they can't get it, so I went directly to the company and it's out of stock. I even tried to get a few of the individual herbs and they are out of stock. I am not happy and a little scared. What if I can't get it anymore?


What's the name of it, and what are the ingredients? We have a pretty extensive local herb store.


ETA: Lookie, an herbal booya!

Edited by Renai
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What? No hot dogs and bacon in the mac and cheese? :laugh: And was there something else your dh put in there?

Leftover hamburger


No, DH is working.


DS didn't want the pork and rice I was going to make. So chicken tenders it was.

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