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you guys will hate me but I almost always sleep well. It's my one talent. I fall asleep fast, I rarely wake up at night except to deal with pets or kids & when I do, I fall back asleep quickly. 



I rarely have bad dreams. I have boring dreams. Like that I'm going grocery shopping. That's probably why I sleep so well - I bore myself into sleep.  :lol: 







It's because you're vegan. :D

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you guys will hate me but I almost always sleep well. It's my one talent. I fall asleep fast, I rarely wake up at night except to deal with pets or kids & when I do, I fall back asleep quickly. 



I rarely have bad dreams. I have boring dreams. Like that I'm going grocery shopping. That's probably why I sleep so well - I bore myself into sleep.  :lol: 


Long ago, just after uni I used to have the 'late for exams / meant to drop a course but didn't and now there's a final right now & I can't find the room' but they stopped. 


Then I had a recurring dream of driving my little sporty coupe with a standard transmission. I zippily backed up out of a spot in the underground parking of our condo, & it got stuck so I was accelerating & couldn't stop while driving backwards & trying to maneuver in the circling parkade & eventually I was going to reach the end concrete wall. Told dh about it and he said, "oh, just pop it out of gear and yank the hand brake". That was the end of that dream. 








I rarely have bad dreams but when I do...it's almost always this scenario.  LOL!  Or something similar.  Usually it's the first day of classes and I'm returning from a long absence from school and I can't find the room I'm supposed to be in.  And when I do, the class is over and I've FAILED Failed Failed Failed.  


If it's not the failing school dream, it's the "Escape from bad guys in my childhood neighborhood/grocery store/random place" dream.  

I think the school nightmare is related to the fact that school was the one place where I REALLY felt successful in life.  I could always count on school as evidence that I was a successful person.  (You know..except for when I studied sciences in college and flunked hard in physiology...then quickly switched majors to Education).  

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Ellie, how do I get my girls in to be extras in movies? My niece has done commercials and stuff, but she's with some school/agency thing. We don't have that around here, but there are often ads that are looking for extras. Are those legit? I know filming is often done around here.

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I slept well.

Me to. I go through cycles.


I had a dream that I went to the hair salon, but only to use the bathroom. The bathroom had these really cool 6' tall metal turnstiles with leaves or flowers or other designs sticking out. I don't think they served any purpose but you could spin them around. The toilets themselves gave you the option of traditional toilet sitting or a small hole to squat over.


I've had some breakfast (egg on toast) and need to finish my coffee and put away groceries.


I am going to teach my kids to make batter bread today (thanks, Ellie!). Ds11 loves to cook, and I finally have a use for the paddles on my cuisinart.


Dh and I are going on a date tonight for the first time in I don't know how long. It seems to me we went out for lunch once last year.

Edited by Susan in TN
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If I ever have a dream about being in the bathroom, I need to make sure I actually wake up and go to the bathroom. If not, an accident will be had. Yes, in adulthood. Thankfully, I'll catch myself before pee gets all over the walls and ceiling (in the dream).


Dh made breakfast today: frijoles con queso, machaca con huevo, corn tortillas and coffee.


I teach my girls how to measure ingredients for bread and place in the bread machine in the right order. :D I'm mostly a cake baker.


Dh and I either need to go on a date or get a divorce. The final verdict is often in the air.


I'm going to apply for a part-time co-director of a preschool position. I saw it on craigslist and I think I know what school it is. If it is what I think it is, I used to work there with the original founder and mentor.

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I want chocolate covered toffee with almonds.


I don't like dells.


I took a nap and had weird dreams. In the first one we were all spiders and Jean was mad at me for copying her web in the ITT.


In the second one all of the toy Mickeys came to life and Disney was gathering them together to slaughter them and use them to stuff a gigantic glove at Disney World. I seemed to be the only one to find fault with this idea.

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I slept well, too.  Too well, in fact. 


In my clothes.


On the couch.


Because dh brought home a James Bond, and every James Bond is the same, and this one was loooooong, and I have 5 children and the equivalent of 3 full-time jobs, so really? I am supposed to somehow stay awake through it all the way until midnight?


I have, however, hit upon a brilliant life-strategy that changes everything, and I plan to expand upon it and publish it in a 100-page self-improvement book that will hit the NYTimes bestseller's list and make millions in the first year:


"If you fall asleep in your pants, you are guaranteed to have pants on before noon the next day."






Isn't that just the greatest?   I had my pants on before noon today.  Had I been so inclined, I could have taken the trash out.  Answered the door for the UPS guy.  Hugged Ryan Gosling.   All. Before. Noon. 


This is big. 


Shhhh....  don't tell anyone.  

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I slept well, too. Too well, in fact.


In my clothes.


On the couch.


Because dh brought home a James Bond, and every James Bond is the same, and this one was loooooong, and I have 5 children and the equivalent of 3 full-time jobs, so really? I am supposed to somehow stay awake through it all the way until midnight?


I have, however, hit upon a brilliant life-strategy that changes everything, and I plan to expand upon it and publish it in a 100-page self-improvement book that will hit the NYTimes bestseller's list and make millions in the first year:


"If you fall asleep in your pants, you are guaranteed to have pants on before noon the next day."






Isn't that just the greatest? I had my pants on before noon today. Had I been so inclined, I could have taken the trash out. Answered the door for the UPS guy. Hugged Ryan Gosling. All. Before. Noon.


This is big.


Shhhh.... don't tell anyone.

Don't worry. No one reads this thread anyway.

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I finally broke down the microwave box and put it out in recycling. Does this mean that the microwave will soon fail? Do you save boxes in case things have to go back? I should actually ask "everyone" but everyone is here, so I will just do it here instead.

Dh saves every single stupid box that anything comes in. For years. Drives me nuts.

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I finally broke down the microwave box and put it out in recycling. Does this mean that the microwave will soon fail? Do you save boxes in case things have to go back? I should actually ask "everyone" but everyone is here, so I will just do it here instead.

Nope. Boxes go to recycling immediately. I worked at Lowes. They will take it back without box if you are pushy about it. :)


DH and DS do save some toy boxes for the older toys they buy. I don't know why. Once it is opened and all the value goes down automatically, and DS is never going to part with them.

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I slept well, too.  Too well, in fact. 


In my clothes.


On the couch.


Because dh brought home a James Bond, and every James Bond is the same, and this one was loooooong, and I have 5 children and the equivalent of 3 full-time jobs, so really? I am supposed to somehow stay awake through it all the way until midnight?


I have, however, hit upon a brilliant life-strategy that changes everything, and I plan to expand upon it and publish it in a 100-page self-improvement book that will hit the NYTimes bestseller's list and make millions in the first year:


"If you fall asleep in your pants, you are guaranteed to have pants on before noon the next day."






Isn't that just the greatest?   I had my pants on before noon today.  Had I been so inclined, I could have taken the trash out.  Answered the door for the UPS guy.  Hugged Ryan Gosling.   All. Before. Noon. 


This is big. 


Shhhh....  don't tell anyone.  


I mean...this IS really big.  Considering that we all homeschool and...well...I speak for my own family when I say...sometimes a whole WEEK can go by without me putting on actual pants...

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So I'm still putting together my science curriculum.  Earth science (did I mention that before).


Well I'm researching chocolate boulders on Amazon.  I want realistic looking ones.  I'm going to put a plate of them on the table, not tell the kids what they are and start the science lesson.  And then I'll just surreptitiously pick one up and put it in my mouth and eat it.  



Then I got to thinking...how hilarious would it be to send a kid to public school with a lunch box full of these boulder candies?  I mean...could you picture a 3rd grader sitting there...lunch lady roaming around...and he opens his lunch box and there's his....rocks.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


My kids are doomed.  

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Greetings ITTlings. I sleep well, too. I fall asleep too quickly. Can't hardly get comfortable and just enjoy being there and I fall asleep. My recurring dreams were when I was teaching school. I only had them the night before the first day of school. Same dream, every year. I had 2-3 classes to teach simultaneously, so I kept running back and forth between classes and they were all very unruly and I wasn't prepared...


Well, got my meeting taken care of. Looks like the reunion is going to be good. Got the Palm fronds and the sandals. Now.... I'm home finally!

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Today I did two Tai Chi thingies, went on a hike and I'm not dead. This speaks volumes about my pregnancy fatigue. My legs even hurt from overuse. I also got some color on my face which is nice because I looked like the grim reaper's girlfriend. The kids are down for their nap and I plan to read. As in I'm not dying and have energy to not sleep. This is good!


We're thinking of renting a hotel on the beach in September. Just a weekend. We'd invite our newlywed friends which might sound weird but they both absolutely love our kids so I don't think it's weird. Alex will be 3 months old and he's *huge* so he might be sleeping through the night.




I'm considering putting a massive focus on nature study and putting off formal Science until upper grammar/logic stage and was wondering if that sounded crazy. I would incorporate memory work, read alouds, and documentaries in all areas of science as the kids are interested so it's not like we'd be avoiding Chemistry and Physics all together. John in particular is very curious and always learning about *everything* and as long as he's like that I think I can put it off. Anyone do that?

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Dinner is done. My brother and his wife left a bit ago. Dh's brother is still here, but this is usual. He needs a wife. So I can have my husband back. They spend way, way, way too much time together and talking on the phone. He has never been married, has no children, and very committed to the Lord. He is 50, I think. Not bad looking. Kinda balding, but loves children and animals. :lol:


Our internet is on the blink so I'm using phone data. :(

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I like the idea of nature only study for early grammar stage. That's what we are doing mostly. Learning tree names, leaves, birds, flowers, insects, etc. I am trying to do our science next year consisting of animal classification, weather and something else. Of course we will do nature walks and sketches, read alouds and such. I think it's a great idea, Slache.

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I like the idea of nature only study for early grammar stage. That's what we are doing mostly. Learning tree names, leaves, birds, flowers, insects, etc. I am trying to do our science next year consisting of animal classification, weather and something else. Of course we will do nature walks and sketches, read alouds and such. I think it's a great idea, Slache.

Check out Eric Sloane's books on weather for fun and beauty.
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"If you fall asleep in your pants, you are guaranteed to have pants on before noon the next day."





I think we make too much difference between sleep and awake clothes. I pretty much live in clothes I can sleep in. All my clothes must be comfy and stretch enough that  I can do spontaneous yoga, dance, run, play with the dogs and ninja kick (if so inclined). They may not bind, pinch or obstruct & they must be comfy enough to sleep in. I can put on clean clothes at night, get up in the morning & walk out the door. Most of my days, this is exactly what I do. Knit cotton, spandex & lycra are miracles. 


Also, I prefer my hair in messy bed head hair style because then yanno, it's impossible to tell whether that's intentional & took an hour and gobs of expensive product, or if it's "really just rolled out of bed" hair. 


I think I sort of look sporty trendy but probably I just look like suburban slob mom. 





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people are making me crabby today. 

my dogs are making me happy though & this is why I have dogs - because people tick me off.  (though boy dog was a silly boy and wouldn't eat the bone I got especially for him because his teeth need cleaning. He just stared at it mournfully. He's a dork.) 

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I think we make too much difference between sleep and awake clothes. I pretty much live in clothes I can sleep in. All my clothes must be comfy and stretch enough that  I can do spontaneous yoga, dance, run, play with the dogs and ninja kick (if so inclined). They may not bind, pinch or obstruct & they must be comfy enough to sleep in. I can put on clean clothes at night, get up in the morning & walk out the door. Most of my days, this is exactly what I do. Knit cotton, spandex & lycra are miracles. 


Also, I prefer my hair in messy bed head hair style because then yanno, it's impossible to tell whether that's intentional & took an hour and gobs of expensive product, or if it's "really just rolled out of bed" hair. 


I think I sort of look sporty trendy but probably I just look like suburban slob mom. 








Some of us never have a choice on how our hair looks.  Because curls.  


Every day is a crap shoot.  Either they'll behave...or they won't.  And when they don't...I look like I just rolled out of bed, lol.  Which...for curls...is not a good look.  

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Some of us have hair that (to quote my own mother) is "limp and sad".  And we can't do anything with it. 


Mine is limp and sad. I decided to embrace the look. I had the stylist layer my hair, color it, low-light it and I totally rock the shaggy, unkempt look.  :laugh:

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I want this. I want everything really, but I want this too.



I would love that. Does it come with children who would appreciate it and cooperate, too? We tried some nature walks when the kids were younger. They ended up hot and tired and dusty with pokies in their socks, they had no interest in drawing what they saw, and generally they were so noisy that all wildlife, including insects, fled well in advance of our arrival. The best nature walk was we did was actually after our walk and there was a rocky spot by the river, so we just stood there and threw rocks in the river. They enjoyed that. I actually enjoyed that part, too. I like throwing rocks in the river. They make such a satisfying sound. Edited by KrissiK
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