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I am not the least bit Irish! 100% German Mennonite girl here. With 5 Mexican kids. So, basically we fit the demographics in our town perfectly. I heard it described once that our town is on the border of Mexico and Germany. The majority is Hispanic,with remnants of the Mennonite influx in the 30's from the Midwest.


Ya know, dh was telling me about a German Mennonite population in Mexico. We buy their cheese (so they say). Ya'll would get along fine down there. :D

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Oooh, I want a new job too. But only part-time. I have a high schooler to think about still homeschooling.

Awe come on. Homeschooling high school is easy. You just hand the work over and they do it without question. It's what all the books say.
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Ya know, dh was telling me about a German Mennonite population in Mexico. We buy their cheese (so they say). Ya'll would get along fine down there. :D

I know a lot of people who immigrated from those colonies down there. They kept to themselves pretty much and retained a lot of their culture. There are a lot in Canada, too.
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A five year old girl with big brown eyes just came running into my bedroom, sat down on the floor, drank the rest of my coffee, passed gas, giggled, got up and ran away. I.... I... I just don't know what to say!


Excuse her!




Guess who will be up all night?




What a cutie! 


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A five year old girl with big brown eyes just came running into my bedroom, sat down on the floor, drank the rest of my coffee, passed gas, giggled, got up and ran away. I.... I... I just don't know what to say!

The gas I could excuse. Drinking your coffee? That's war.

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Awe come on. Homeschooling high school is easy. You just hand the work over and they do it without question. It's what all the books say.


Oh, yes, and we were going to skip the terrible teenage years (only a recent invention of American culture, dontcha know) and go straight to responsible adulthood.  And our responsible adult-like kids were going to know how to run a household and support a family and tend a garden and milk a cow and .....  all the wonderful skills that were going to make up for the lack of school activities I was depriving them of. 

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Oh, yes, and we were going to skip the terrible teenage years (only a recent invention of American culture, dontcha know) and go straight to responsible adulthood. And our responsible adult-like kids were going to know how to run a household and support a family and tend a garden and milk a cow and ..... all the wonderful skills that were going to make up for the lack of school activities I was depriving them of.

I want to do that. How do I do that? Do I need to be a responsible adult first? Because that could be a problem. Do we have to do the cow thing? I don't know where to find a cow. We're still working on phonics.
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I want to do that. How do I do that? Do I need to be a responsible adult first? Because that could be a problem. Do we have to do the cow thing? I don't know where to find a cow. We're still working on phonics.


Oh, I can get you cows. Lots and lots of them. We have a group of 3-4 calves arriving in April for bottle feeding and weaning. Probably another set in June and another in August. Want one?

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Oh, yes, and we were going to skip the terrible teenage years (only a recent invention of American culture, dontcha know) and go straight to responsible adulthood. And our responsible adult-like kids were going to know how to run a household and support a family and tend a garden and milk a cow and ..... all the wonderful skills that were going to make up for the lack of school activities I was depriving them of.

And build their own furniture - don't forget that!

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Awe come on. Homeschooling high school is easy. You just hand the work over and they do it without question. It's what all the books say.


Exactly.  I am a big fan of following the manual and that's my high school plan.


Those books lie.


Wait, what?


Aint that the truth!  :smilielol5:



NOOOOOO!  But, but, but...that's my PLAN!


I want to do that. How do I do that? Do I need to be a responsible adult first? Because that could be a problem. Do we have to do the cow thing? I don't know where to find a cow. We're still working on phonics.


Yes, me too.  I'll even do the cow part.


Oh, I can get you cows. Lots and lots of them. We have a group of 3-4 calves arriving in April for bottle feeding and weaning. Probably another set in June and another in August. Want one?


Yes, please.  If it's a Scottish Highlander.

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DH is supportive of my applying at the church (and elsewhere if needed). Going to wait a bit and pray about it through the weekend. If I keep feeling like I need to move forward, I will apply on Sunday or Monday. 

I do need to tell my principal if I do, though. :/ I hate stuff like that. 

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DH is supportive of my applying at the church (and elsewhere if needed). Going to wait a bit and pray about it through the weekend. If I keep feeling like I need to move forward, I will apply on Sunday or Monday.


I do need to tell my principal if I do, though. :/ I hate stuff like that.

I'm not trying to disuade you or anything but I want to say something honest about this. Working for my church has shown me things about members I never would have imagined, like who lies every Sunday and who steals from the church. There are a few members that treat me poorly because I'm the church secretary and they can. I'm grateful for the job and I think it would be great for you, but I just wanted to share my experience. I still love my church and have grown closer to a few of the members since becoming secretary, but have been disenchanted by others.
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I'm not trying to disuade you or anything but I want to say something honest about this. Working for my church has shown me things about members I never would have imagined, like who lies every Sunday and who steals from the church. There are a few members that treat me poorly because I'm the church secretary and they can. I'm grateful for the job and I think it would be great for you, but I just wanted to share my experience. I still love my church and have grown closer to a few of the members since becoming secretary, but have been disenchanted by others.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


This makes me so sad.  Unfortunately, churches are full of people.

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DH is supportive of my applying at the church (and elsewhere if needed). Going to wait a bit and pray about it through the weekend. If I keep feeling like I need to move forward, I will apply on Sunday or Monday.


I do need to tell my principal if I do, though. :/ I hate stuff like that.

Working for the church is 90% good, which is more than I can say for most jobs, and the pay is good and consistent. I was just really caught by surprise and don't want you to be.
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Exactly.  I am a big fan of following the manual and that's my high school plan.



Wait, what?



NOOOOOO!  But, but, but...that's my PLAN!



Yes, me too.  I'll even do the cow part.



Yes, please.  If it's a Scottish Highlander.


Are you interested in buying swamp land too, by any chance?  :D


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I just found out that yet another neighbor couple has divorced.  I don't know the circumstances at all and have no opinion on it other than being a bit sad.



Our neighbors are getting divorced after 15 years. They have 7 kids. It breaks my heart.


I have actually seen those fan boats in action. But I have yet to get a ride on one.  :laugh:

It's terrifying.
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So, I had an interesting day.


While I had dd11 getting her glasses adjusted, ds15 called me on my cell phone.  He rarely calls me when I'm out and when he does it's usually a question about opening a new bag of potato chips.


Not today.


"Mom, the alarm system is going off.  I think someone's in the house."  :scared:  :scared:  :scared:  :scared:  :scared:  :svengo:


So this was me  :auto:  trying to get back to the house while I talked to the 911 dispatcher. Actually, it was more like this :willy_nilly:  , but behind the wheel.


When I got to the house, there were several police cars and about 6 officers.  Since they had searched the outside of the house and saw no sign of entry, they waited until I got home with my key instead of kicking in the door.  They knew the kids were safe because dispatch was talking to them on another line.


Praise the Lord, it was a false alarm.


Ds15 and dd13 did a great job of getting all of the kids to a safe room with a phone (and a locked door).


The police officers said that they did a perfect job.  I'm a proud mama.  But that was exhausting.

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Working for the church is 90% good, which is more than I can say for most jobs, and the pay is good and consistent. I was just really caught by surprise and don't want you to be.

My parents have worked full-time in a church ministry for decades and I've heard so many different stories. You really see the ugly sometimes. :( Like JoJo's mom said "Unfortunately, churches are full of people." 


I'm honestly not sure what to expect should I get one of the positions. I know it won't be all roses, but I'm hoping it would be a good change anyway. My church has 2 locations and is getting ready to build a 3rd. Weekly attendance is over 8,000 (between both locations and 2 services at each location). So, I know it would not be like my childhood church of 300 where I knew everyone. :/ It would be a brand new venture. 

But, I have years of data entry as an inventory control specialist (LOTS of attention to detail there); I've been in management in retail and in childcare; I've worked for a hospital billing group, so I have clerical work; plus, I've got "administration" just in dealing with 23 kids, all the paperwork, the parent communications, etc. It's not all traditional "clerical/administration" experience, but it's definitely experience to show I can handle what is needed. I just hope they can see the experience, too. 

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So, I had an interesting day.


While I had dd11 getting her glasses adjusted, ds15 called me on my cell phone. He rarely calls me when I'm out and when he does it's usually a question about opening a new bag of potato chips.


Not today.


"Mom, the alarm system is going off. I think someone's in the house." :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :svengo:


So this was me :auto: trying to get back to the house while I talked to the 911 dispatcher. Actually, it was more like this :willy_nilly: , but behind the wheel.


When I got to the house, there were several police cars and about 6 officers. Since they had searched the outside of the house and saw no sign of entry, they waited until I got home with my key instead of kicking in the door. They knew the kids were safe because dispatch was talking to them on another line.


Praise the Lord, it was a false alarm.


Ds15 and dd13 did a great job of getting all of the kids to a safe room with a phone (and a locked door).


The police officers said that they did a perfect job. I'm a proud mama. But that was exhausting.

That's terrifying! Glad it was a false alarm.

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So, I had an interesting day.


While I had dd11 getting her glasses adjusted, ds15 called me on my cell phone.  He rarely calls me when I'm out and when he does it's usually a question about opening a new bag of potato chips.


Not today.


"Mom, the alarm system is going off.  I think someone's in the house."    :scared:  :svengo:


So this was me  :auto:  trying to get back to the house while I talked to the 911 dispatcher. Actually, it was more like this :willy_nilly:  , but behind the wheel.


When I got to the house, there were several police cars and about 6 officers.  Since they had searched the outside of the house and saw no sign of entry, they waited until I got home with my key instead of kicking in the door.  They knew the kids were safe because dispatch was talking to them on another line.


Praise the Lord, it was a false alarm.


Ds15 and dd13 did a great job of getting all of the kids to a safe room with a phone (and a locked door).


The police officers said that they did a perfect job.  I'm a proud mama.  But that was exhausting.


Showing up at home and finding police cars is the very definition of a Bad Day.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Junie.


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It was 5mmx3mmx3mm she said. I said that sounded big. She said that's why they were doing surgery, duh.


I had this done a few years ago.  I was sore for a few days, but it wasn't too bad.  Or if it was I don't remember.   :unsure:


Hope your sister heals quickly!  Does she live near you so that you can take her dinner or whatever?

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