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I'm quite a bit Irish.  And Scottish.  We're protestant.  I think that means that we should wear orange instead. I am not wearing day clothes yet but when I do, I have no idea what color it will be.  It will depend on what is clean. 



I JUST learned this today!  I grew up in an Irish catholic home and then left the Catholic church in my late teens...became a Protestant I guess you would say.  


Of course...I learned this news about the green/orange AFTER I had already baked my green Irish Soda Bread!  



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If I was homeschooling already, today would be a Netflix day. We'd watch Secret of Kells and call it history, then watch Wild Kratts and call it science. 
As it is, I gave my students an "Explore Ireland" math project and set them loose. (They are planning a trip to Ireland with lodging, transportation, meals, souvenirs, etc. Thank goodness for Teachers Pay Teachers and teachers who do the creating for me.) 
This afternoon, they will make booklets and graphic organizers about summarizing. It's all my "man-cold" brain can handle today. 

Their They're Their partner planning for Ireland is getting loud, though. I may end up making them work by themselves. 

Edited because I killed a kitten. :(
Edited a second time because I killed a kitten by thinking I killed a kitten when I really hadn't killed a kitten. 
Figure that one out. :) 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Also, today is one of my long time friend's bdays.  She is 51.  We did high school together, shared a boyfriend, and I wrote poetry about it.  That is glue for a lifetime, I tell you.  She's the one I called some years ago when I had a life crisis.  


A kid is screaming in the shower, which is not his best habit...

Edited by texasmama
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Dh had a rough day at work yesterday - 2 VPs and a general manager were laid off. He said layoffs are generally expected in mid-March ('tis the season to be laid off, falalalala la la la la) but it's still hard. Not as bad as last year, though, when about 1/3 of the employees were let go or notified that their position was being eliminated in the coming months. The company does offer a fair severance package, at least.

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Dh had a rough day at work yesterday - 2 VPs and a general manager were laid off. He said layoffs are generally expected in mid-March ('tis the season to be laid off, falalalala la la la la) but it's still hard. Not as bad as last year, though, when about 1/3 of the employees were let go or notified that their position was being eliminated in the coming months. The company does offer a fair severance package, at least.



UGH..layoffs.  Fortunately, where DH works (and will likely retire from) they don't often have layoffs...hardly ever.  


But I remember once...when he worked for Airgas.  His branch location had a restructuring and they came in and let a few of the office people go.  Then they bought pizza for everyone else.


It was a little twisted.  Like they were saying, "Hey, congrats for you and you and you and you!  You made the cut!  Have some pizza!"


Big corporations, man...I tell ya...they are SO detached.  

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I am not the least bit Irish! 100% German Mennonite girl here. With 5 Mexican kids. So, basically we fit the demographics in our town perfectly. I heard it described once that our town is on the border of Mexico and Germany. The majority is Hispanic,with remnants of the Mennonite influx in the 30's from the Midwest.

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UGH..layoffs.  Fortunately, where DH works (and will likely retire from) they don't often have layoffs...hardly ever.  


But I remember once...when he worked for Airgas.  His branch location had a restructuring and they came in and let a few of the office people go.  Then they bought pizza for everyone else.


It was a little twisted.  Like they were saying, "Hey, congrats for you and you and you and you!  You made the cut!  Have some pizza!"


Big corporations, man...I tell ya...they are SO detached.  

My dad used to work for Airgas. YEARS ago in Arkansas. He delivered to NW Arkansas and NE Oklahoma. 


That is very bizarre about the pizza. You're right, corporations are detached. (I feel that way about administration, though. They are so far removed from the classroom that some of their requests/requirements are so left field.) 

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Story goes that dh's grandmother was 100% Irish, but had a painful life and fled under less than great circumstances to Nova Scotia and spent the remaining decades of her life telling everyone she was Scottish.  :huh:


My kids are wearing pajamas today, because Mt. Washmore, except for ds1 whose new summer tee shirt arrived via UPS yesterday.  It is orange with South American inspired motorcycles on it.   :mellow:


I'm in blue.  It is not clean but does fall into the "only worn once" category.  And has pants with it.   :coolgleamA:


However.... A friend who is the complete opposite of me and celebrates every holiday with flourish and fancy, just sent me pics of her wildy decorated St. Patrick's Day living room and her husband and son decked out in all things green and Irish (plus an orange beard).  So I will leave her pics open on my desktop and call it a day.


Happy St. Patrick's Day, ITT!  


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It's possible that I have Irish ancestors. Or Scottish. My mother's family is from the Outer Banks, which Scottish and Irish immigrants would have had to cross to get to the mainland at that point. But all knowledge of our European roots is mostly gone. We have many surnames that are Irish/Scottish/English, just no evidence.


And there's this...




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I am not the least bit Irish! 100% German Mennonite girl here. With 5 Mexican kids. So, basically we fit the demographics in our town perfectly. I heard it described once that our town is on the border of Mexico and Germany. The majority is Hispanic,with remnants of the Mennonite influx in the 30's from the Midwest.

:D that's awesome!

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My dad used to work for Airgas. YEARS ago in Arkansas. He delivered to NW Arkansas and NE Oklahoma. 


That is very bizarre about the pizza. You're right, corporations are detached. (I feel that way about administration, though. They are so far removed from the classroom that some of their requests/requirements are so left field.) 


Hubby made really good money with Airgas.  I mean...really good.  The benefits were good, too (because his shop is Unionized...they're not so great for the non-Union shops).  


But the place is definitely mismanaged overall.  They punish the guys that work hard and baby the people that complain.  Hubby would be out some days for a full 14 hours of driving (or whatever the daily limit is) and they were all local runs!  And because the plant was an hour and fifteen minutes from home...he'd leave some mornings at 5:30 am and not get home until 10pm.  


He took a 30% pay cut to come work for our local County.  It's a big financial ouch but...he's home every day by 3:45 (4:45 in the summer during their summer schedule).  

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I am not the least bit Irish! 100% German Mennonite girl here. With 5 Mexican kids. So, basically we fit the demographics in our town perfectly. I heard it described once that our town is on the border of Mexico and Germany. The majority is Hispanic,with remnants of the Mennonite influx in the 30's from the Midwest.



Are we talking the Old Order Mennonites?


The town we live in is home to one of the largest Mennonite communities in NY.  Mostly Old Order, but quite a few that are more modern.  There's lately been a push of the Amish into our community, too.  The real Old Order Amish that don't use electricity.  


Most of our neighbors are Old Order (Horse and Buggy) Mennonites.  Very nice people.  

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Are we talking the Old Order Mennonites?


The town we live in is home to one of the largest Mennonite communities in NY. Mostly Old Order, but quite a few that are more modern. There's lately been a push of the Amish into our community, too. The real Old Order Amish that don't use electricity.


Most of our neighbors are Old Order (Horse and Buggy) Mennonites. Very nice people.

No, Mennonite Brethren. We are generally as modern as the next guy, but our heritage includes the Low German language, yummy foods like zwiebach (not the hard kind), German sausage and veranika. And you can always tell a Mennonite Brethren by their name. Enns, Friesen, Thiessen.... And if we every run into anyone in our travels who has a traditional Mennonite Brethren last name, we have to sit down and do a quick genealogy to determine how we are related because we always are, somewhere down the line.
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No, Mennonite Brethren. We are generally as modern as the next guy, but our heritage includes the Low German language, yummy foods like zwiebach (not the hard kind), German sausage and veranika. And you can always tell a Mennonite Brethren by their name. Enns, Friesen, Thiessen.... And if we every run into anyone in our travels who has a traditional Mennonite Brethren last name, we have to sit down and do a quick genealogy to determine how we are related because we always are, somewhere down the line.


LOL!  Around here, the Mennonites are all Hoover, Martin, Zimmerman, Sauder.  And none of them are related.   :thumbup1:  


One of the new guys where Hubby works...he is a Hoover.  So everybody was asking him, "So who's your Mennonite connection?"  LOL!  He swears he's not related at all.  


But seriously...we have four Hoover families around us.  And if you go to the Produce Auction or any of the livestock auctions and somebody calls out for So-and-So Hoover...or So-and-So Zimmerman...five different people will stand up.  

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Zimmerman, huh? Well, we have some Zimmermans around here but "everyone knows" they aren't MB's. Lol.;) We have a few GC Mennonites (General Conference - much more in to social justice issues, peace issues, politically more liberal) and there are a few Old Order Mennonites, but in our area the Mennonite Brethren are the dominant sect, if you want to call it that.

Edited by KrissiK
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Spring Break for us next week. I need one! I'm planning to order more books this weekend. It's sort of taking the sting out of the spending money on school bit. Just do it a little bit at a time, and it doesn't hurt quite so bad. :D


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Spring Break for us next week. I need one! I'm planning to order more books this weekend. It's sort of taking the sting out of the spending money on school bit. Just do it a little bit at a time, and it doesn't hurt quite so bad. :D


That's what I like to tell myself!
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Well, I guess we should go do history. We're reading a really good account of the Donner party. It's quite awful. Really, really awful. Such a tragedy, which probably could have been prevented with better leadership. So, off I go. If I don't get the Booya/h now....

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We stopped doing kid parties after several what can only be described as flops due to large numbers of people flaking out at the last minute. 

Adults do it too. We call it the BC Bail. You can read about it here & here   


I know it's not just us because I've read about this on this board & in other places but still you can't help but take it personally. 

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So, I think I'm going to talk to dh about applying for some administrative assistant jobs at my church. I'm not sure the pay, but I do expect it to be a slight pay cut. I don't know if they can hold the position until the end of May, but it's worth a shot. 
It would probably extend my work time by a year or so, but they have a great preschool/Kindergarten for dd and she'd be in the same building, too. We'd also have to move closer, but that's in the future plan as well.  So, things could work out ok were I to get the job. 

Guess I need to talk to dh first to see if he cares, though, huh? lol 

ETA: It's an "I want a new job" booyah!

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Oooh! Did you get that mom eyes in the back of the head thing? I Didn't get that. :(

No, but I have ESP to know what the children are thinking, who is responsible for messes, and when one of them is lying.  Fortunately, they usually only try out the lying thing a couple of times when they are little because they are wowed by my superpowers of lying detection.

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