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I dropped dd off for her second to the last babysitting gig with the rude entitled family.  The gigs were preapproved and agreed to and so we will honor our word.  Our word is our bond and all that, you know.  I don't promise to play nice if I'm left waiting for a half hour again though. 




I wish I had known.  I could've met you there.  With the bazooka.




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Dd is very unhappy with me about the whole matter.  You should have come.  I would have said "It's JJM's fault!"  :leaving: :laugh:



Cool.  I'd just say,

oops.gif  Guess I did a bad thing.




So, whatcha gonna do about it?  tronconeuse.gif




(You all realize that this is Renai's fault, right?  I've become a SmilieMonster!)

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Apparently caffeine + my R.A. meds don't mix well. My blood pressure has spiked. It's a medical necessity thing at this point to try to avoid medication switches or adding a new medicine.  I don't know if this will do the trick; I think a fair amount of my stress comes from parenting, iykwim. We shall see.


Hmm.  I'm thinking of a certain something that tends to be the answer to all of life's questions...

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Dd is very unhappy with me about the whole matter. You should have come. I would have said "It's JJM's fault!" :leaving: :laugh:

Why is your DH unhappy with you about it? Does he just not empathize since it's not his time being wasted?

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Why is your DH unhappy with you about it? Does he just not empathize since it's not his time being wasted?


DH is not unhappy with me.  He agrees with me 100% and has told dd that.  Dd is the one who is unhappy because I am drying up one (of her many) revenue streams.  She may also be unhappy because she knows I will not put up with being left outside like that again and I might embarrass her by coming to the door. 



So. . . if dd doesn't speak up about leaving and if I'm kept waiting again, what exactly do I say? 

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DH is not unhappy with me. He agrees with me 100% and has told dd that. Dd is the one who is unhappy because I am drying up one (of her many) revenue streams. She may also be unhappy because she knows I will not put up with being left outside like that again and I might embarrass her by coming to the door.



So. . . if dd doesn't speak up about leaving and if I'm kept waiting again, what exactly do I say?

Oops, yeah. I read that wrong. Twice. Doh!


Say nothing. Aim the bazooka.

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DH is not unhappy with me.  He agrees with me 100% and has told dd that.  Dd is the one who is unhappy because I am drying up one (of her many) revenue streams.  She may also be unhappy because she knows I will not put up with being left outside like that again and I might embarrass her by coming to the door. 



So. . . if dd doesn't speak up about leaving and if I'm kept waiting again, what exactly do I say? 




I'm here to pick up dd and I cannot wait again tonight.  By the way, dd really doesn't mind staying a little bit longer when you need her, but once she has called me, I need her to be finished. 


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I'm here to pick up dd and I cannot wait again tonight.  By the way, dd really doesn't mind staying a little bit longer when you need her, but once she has called me, I need her to be finished. 



Once again, mom for the win!


That's a very appropriate and mature response.


I still like the bazooka better.

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It is very hard for an Aspie to be sick - I'm sure that all the sensory stuff is just magnified. It is very hard for the mom of a sick Aspie, as well. I find my sympathy evaporating when I'm met with combative and dramatic behavior.


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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: to those who need them.


None of my dc have had any babysitting gigs yet.  We have enough kids in our own house that I don't expect any of them to want to babysit.  Maybe the youngest will...


I haven't been to a zoo in a long time.  My favorite animals are the elephants.  (I don't know why.  I just like them.)


I've been caffeine-free before (cardiologist's recommendation).  I did it for a while, but I told him that he was asking the impossible as I grew up in southern Pennsylvania and there's Hershey's syrup (Special Dark, please) running in my veins.  And dd11 told me tonight that she's getting kind of tired of chocolate.  I disowned her.   :laugh:



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DH is not unhappy with me.  He agrees with me 100% and has told dd that.  Dd is the one who is unhappy because I am drying up one (of her many) revenue streams.  She may also be unhappy because she knows I will not put up with being left outside like that again and I might embarrass her by coming to the door. 



So. . . if dd doesn't speak up about leaving and if I'm kept waiting again, what exactly do I say? 


I do not envy you, Jean.


I'd go to the door if she knowingly puts you in that position again. You're ferrying her around. They deserve to see her mom.


Of course that would involve Real Pantsâ„¢ and combing hair and all that, but it would be worth it. "I've got to be somewhere and I can't leave my daughter without a ride."

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Good morning.


The twins are feeling better. Their temperatures are normal throughout the day, but then they will have a fever of 99.0-99.8 in the evening. This is day 5 of the flu fight.


Otherwise, not much else happening today. We will try to get some school done. The weather is beautiful here today 76F for the high but rain later.

Edited by Openhearted
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Good morning.


The twins are feeling better. Their temperatures are normal throughout the day, but then they will have a fever of 99.0-99.8 in the evening. This is day 5 of the flu fight.


Otherwise, not much else happening today. We will try to get some school done. The weather is beautiful here today 76F for the high but rain later.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


(And glad that there's no fear of flu contamination from virtual hugs. ;)  )

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Good morning.


The twins are feeling better. Their temperatures are normal throughout the day, but then they will have a fever of 99.0-99.8 in the evening. This is day 5 of the flu fight.


Otherwise, not much else happening today. We will try to get some school done. The weather is beautiful here today 76F for the high but rain later.

:grouphug: glad they're starting to feel better, though!

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Today is laundry day (clothing, white dish clothes, wash cloths, dish towels). Also, I'm getting a mani-pedi.


That is all.


Oh, also, today is the last episode of "American Crime" for this season. I am in the last scene, although I'm not sure you'll see me. :hat:

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Hello friends.


I took a chance and washed my hair using unfamiliar shampoo and unfamiliar water. This counts as traveling on treacherous roads! I await it drying on the edge of my seat. It's raining here so I slapped some gel in it and am leaving it curly. I am really feeling brave. :D


Day 3 and game 3 today. We are playing another top seed team that was upset also so I hope my guys can shake it off for a win.

Edited by texasmama
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Hello friends.


I took a chance and washed my hair using unfamiliar shampoo and unfamiliar water. This counts as traveling on treacherous roads! I await it drying on the edge of my seat. It's raining here so I slapped some gel in it and am leaving it curly. I am really feeling brave. :D


I don't know, Tex! You're livin' dangerously!
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Add take ds to the doctor to my tackle list.  He's had a bad cold and it is getting worse.  It's gone to his chest and with his asthma, this isn't good.  I'm starting to wonder about bronchitis. He told me that he's coughing up some yellow stuff.   But then I also wonder if I'm going to take him and that they will just say that it's a virus so there is nothing to be done.  This is the second day he's calling in sick.  He's worried about losing his job.  But I don't know how he can do his job if he can barely be upright, he's coughing so much. 

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Eating breakfast now! Oatmeal with dried fruit and sunflower seeds. And it's a beautiful day here in Central California. Sun is shining, sky is blue!


And we have a sun-shiny, sky bluey Booya/h to-yah! Zoo-yah! ..... Hoo-yah!.... Cow going moo-yah!

Edited by KrissiK
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Good-ish morning.


Today I must confess the painful reality that I am sick.  It is nothing terrible-just a nasty sore throat and sinuses-but tomorrow we leave for State Capital.  So, today, the house must be cleaned, the laundry must be done, copious notes directing animal care must be written, and bags must be packed.



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