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Dd17 explained her project and material needs to the manager at The Depot of Homes and he said he would cover everything.  So now we have 14 4x6s and a bunch of 1" wafer screws in our garage.  Dd is super happy to have that part all taken care of.  

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We had a bald eagle in our backyard.  It was hanging out for over an hour, evidently sharing some tasty treat with the neighborhood turkey vultures.     Our usual cardinals, sparrows, etc don't seem like they minded him being around.  You can see him in the background of the cardinal picture. 


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2 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

We had a bald eagle in our backyard.  It was hanging out for over an hour, evidently sharing some tasty treat with the neighborhood turkey vultures.     Our usual cardinals, sparrows, etc don't seem like they minded him being around.  You can see him in the background of the cardinal picture. 


Oooo that's so cool!

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I just got Alice in Wonderland from the library. I've never read it, but always wanted to. I would not be surprised if it becomes my favorite book. My current favorite is The Last Unicorn for sentimental reasons. 

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Good morning!

The girls are off backpacking again.  I got up and brought them to Kroger for a couple supplies and then to the meetup place.  I need to do some tidying and look at possible summer CC classes with ds19.

There is a neighborhood yard sale thing going on today, so if you are in the area be sure to stop by!


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Good Morning!!


Saturday!! And it’s a sunny one!!

I slept till almost 8:00 this morning. I was pretty tired. This morning I will go out to the farm and plant some seedlings in my mom’s garden.

Open House tonight at the girls’ school. Apparently middle DD’s art project is getting a place of honor. She didn’t tell us. She is good.

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Dd had a great time at her homeschool prom.  She met up with a friend she met at my classes and she really enjoyed it.  She stayed the whole time (we had a room at the venue so she could have left if she felt overwhelmed), came back exhausted but happy.   

I'm so glad.  She has really bad social anxiety but really wanted to give it a try.  The friend is a wonderful girl but was also meeting up other friends at prom so you never know how that goes (easy for someone to be left out).  

The beds were hard as rocks so none of us slept well.  We're grabbing breakfast, going to an aquarium that's here, and then heading home. 

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Good morning!

So glad dd had a good time at prom!  

I was awake at 3:30 again but eventually fell asleep and got up at 8:30.  Now waiting to hear from the girls about their ETA so I can go pick them up.  I have book club this afternoon.  I didn't like the book but it's always fun to meet up with the group.  I should probably get something done today.


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Good Morning!!



It’s always nice to wake up when it’s light outside instead of pitch dark like during the week.

Church this morning and then…. hopefully I can just lay around and do nothing the rest of the day.

Last night we went to Open House at the girls’s school. It was fine, We did get a free hamburger, which is always nice. The program was good. The choirs sang. This school always has a good choir and madrigals.

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I cancelled one of my textbook orders from Abebooks. I just couldn't get over the feeling that something was off. I did some digging and found some BBB complaints against this seller (https://www.bbb.org/us/tx/austin/profile/book-orders/campbell-bookstore-llc-0825-1000216606/customer-reviews) that sounded eerily similar to my own experience. I was already beginning to think the seller was purposely putting off shipping so that the books I ordered would arrive with only 9 calendar days left for me to return them if they weren't in the agreed upon condition..... then I stumbled onto a website about bookjacking. (https://www.zubalbooks.com/article-bookjacking.jsp) I had no idea this was a thing. The seller's name is on the list. I initiated return/refund and called my credit card to force the cancellation since there's no way (that I can find) to contact Abebooks directly and I already was confident the books had not actually shipped despite the 'shipped' status because the seller was giving me the runaround about a tracking number and asking for more time. Less than 24 hours after I cancelled my order, the seller has the same books listed at more than double the price. There is no way to leave a seller positive or negative reviews after a transaction on Abebooks. Those stars you see are solely based on a seller's return/refund rate. 

End of VentPo

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Good Evening!

Happy Sunday!

It's been a very busy semester and I haven't been posting much.

Dd17 will be graduating soon and the last semester just gets me every single time.  I think she and I both have senioritis.

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Good Morning!!!



School and work!!

We’re starting State Testing this week. Since we are an Independent Study Charter, we do it all remotely, which adds an extra layer of tension to the whole thing. Ugh!! I am proctoring two sessions today.


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10 hours ago, Junie said:


It's been a very busy semester and I haven't been posting much.

Dd17 will be graduating soon and the last semester just gets me every single time.  I think she and I both have senioritis.

Yes, Junie. but that is no excuse for ignoring your responsibilities here at ITT.


Just teasing!!

We’ve got senioritis here, too!! Oldest DD is graduating, and it’s just kind of crazy. I’m just happy she’s going to the local junior college next year, so she won’t be moving out. I really couldn’t handle that.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

🎶 I've been to the eye-doc in a chevy with no name. 🎵  I borrowed ds28's car to bring the girls to the eye doctor for a checkup.  Their prescriptions haven't changed much but their glasses are both in horrible condition, so we will need to get them replaced soon.

In the meantime, because he so unfrequently checks his emails and texts, ds19 drove to his CC class which had been cancelled for today.  
Now I'm home.  I got the trimmed shrubbery out to the curb for pickup tomorrow and vacuumed part of my bedroom and cleaned up the breakfast stuff and gave Chester his allergy medicine.  Little Pup refuses to take any treats from me since I poisoned all his treats last week with medicine after his surgery.  Now I am trying somewhat unsuccessfully to focus on things while dd15 sings all the alto parts to her choir pieces.  

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7 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

I just got an email with a tracking number for the 2 textbooks I already cancelled.

What's it say? I'll bet they're not at the place yet. You should contact them. They're hurrying to ignore you and keep the sale.

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10 hours ago, Slache said:

1. What's it say? I'll bet they're not at the place yet.

2. You should contact them.

3. They're hurrying to ignore you and keep the sale.

1. When I click the button to track the package, USPS shows a label has been made, nothing more.

2. I have... in an email that I have saved.

3. I think I can refuse delivery/return to sender as long as I don't accept the package or open it.

I initiated return/refund on Abebooks and contacted the seller to make them aware. I then called and cancelled payment through my credit card as well.

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iTired. State testing... two computer monitors, spreadsheets, Zoom room and my phone. All at the same time.

Something is wrong with me. I've been completely off sweets since Easter, and seriously limiting my snacking and I gained 5 lbs. 

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The package from Abebooks actually shipped overnight... From a completely different state than where the seller is. USPS says my package will arrive Mon.

Coffee'ing bright and early this morning. Daylight is coming earlier in the mornings. 

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3 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

The package from Abebooks actually shipped overnight... From a completely different state than where the seller is. USPS says my package will arrive Mon.

Coffee'ing bright and early this morning. Daylight is coming earlier in the mornings. 

I wonder if it's more expensive for them to take it back as a return than to just send it to you.  I've had used book errors where they refunded the money but told me to keep the book.

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Good morning!

I was awake most of the night again so brain is not quite functioning.  The idiot brush truck just sped by my house without taking the branches I had out for them. Why were they driving so fast? 😡

Little Pup got ahold of Big Pup's harness and chewed off the buckle 🙄 

There are probably things I need to be doing but I haven't yet had enough


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4 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

The package from Abebooks actually shipped overnight... From a completely different state than where the seller is. USPS says my package will arrive Mon.

Coffee'ing bright and early this morning. Daylight is coming earlier in the mornings. 

I'm sorry. 

Like I said, hit and miss. I got a $75 Japanese dictionary for $4, a $150 curriculum for $7, and gotten scammed. I think it's worth it if you average it.

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!~D (hot, not iced)

Humph Day!!

School and work!!

I am not scheduled to proctor testing today, and I don’t have any classes to teach, so maybe I will get other things done. I am rather behind on All the Things.

Slashie, you need to come pick up Grey. He is driving me nuts. He’s such a crier. But, he seems to be eating well, and he’s quite active. He keeps climbing out of his box.

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Good morning!

I slept last night!  What a difference a decent night of sleep makes in your whole outlook, lol.

I have made preliminary plans for dd17's senior trip to CA (and a bit of Oregon) in about a year - probably late May/early June 2025.  Though I will need more research and some advice on portions of the trip.  Essentially we will be driving down the Pacific Coast Highway from Eugene to Big Sur-ish area and then over to Kings Canyon / Sequoia and then fly back from Fresno.  The primary focus of the trip will be the Redwood National/State Forests and the big sequoias.  And I expect we will want to see the Golden Gate Bridge and other amazing sights along the coast.  I'm planning for 10 days.

I have Some Things to accomplish today which include setting up the guest bed and seeing if I can get the giant bunny cage cleaned and into the garage.  String quartet is this afternoon.  I'm afraid I will forget about quartet.  Taco soup for dinner.


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