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I swear.... these cats all come out, sit at the front door and meow at me until I get up and let them out. And the really bad part of this whole thing is.... I do it. I get up and let them out. It’s because the girls are outside playing and the cats hate to be left out.

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25 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Today we were answering SOTW review questions on the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; dd14 couldn't think of the term "guerrilla warfare" and called it monkey fights. 😂

That works!!! There was a gorilla at the zoo when I was growing up that threw poop at people.

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11 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Krissi, did you ever get your rain?   

I just got off a zoom meeting - I was asked to be a part of a steering committee which I agreed to, assuming I would be unhelpful dead weight.  But I think I might have been a little helpful. Or at least felpful.  I love the organization, so it makes me happy just to be there, lol.

Now I am supposed to go hike a hill.  Don't want to.  But I should go before it starts raining.


We got a little rain. Nothing in the forecast, and it’s the end of March, so I’m thinking.... probably nothing significant until November.

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40 minutes muddy weeding done

Xena's lower body workout done

Then after dinner because it is now light out, I did ten minutes of weed whacking in the background.  I figure it will take me 14 days of daily ten minute sessions to get the entire back yard done.  And then of course it will be time to start over!

After all of that, my muscles were trembling. 

A trembling booyah! 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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21 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Krissi, did you ever get your rain?   

I just got off a zoom meeting - I was asked to be a part of a steering committee which I agreed to, assuming I would be unhelpful dead weight.  But I think I might have been a little helpful. Or at least felpful.  I love the organization, so it makes me happy just to be there, lol.

Now I am supposed to go hike a hill.  Don't want to.  But I should go before it starts raining.


Woo-hoo!  You steer and I'll do the pedals!  🚗


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Morning.  It's Wednesday.  I had to come to class early to mop the floor since it was purple.  I still have to wipe tables and walls but I'll do that after the floor dries a little bit.  I had to do floor first to make sure it was dry before kids come.

I slept like crap and woke up with a pounding headache that got worse after tea, oatmeal and going outside.  We're having a very low barometric pressure day and those always bother me but I'm sure the lack of sleep makes it worse.  I'm blaming the sleep on the time change and hoping that means it will fix soon.   Despite over 11,000 steps yesterday and running around like crazy, I still didn't sleep well.

I have to move my Happy Light to near my seat in the living room.  I have it by my desk but dh is home and uses my desk in the morning. 

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Good morning!

For some reason, Chester has started laying down in his crate whenever we are eating meals.  It's the only time he voluntarily goes in there.

We are still recovering from the teenaged boy drama of last night.  Imma go with dh to Lowes and look at storm doors.  The brackets for our basement stairs handrail were supposed to come on Monday night and are still not here.  Supposedly supposed to be here tonight.


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Edpo! Copied from grade planning threads: 

Bible: The Ology in the morning basket, The Most Important thing You'll Ever Study in the evening together, and Hero Tales independently.
History: SOTW III with Time Frame (timeline) and Activity Guide as a family, Uncle Sam by Notgrass independently.
Science: Classical Astronomy (MP) as a family, reading Apologia Anatomy independently.
Math: Saxon 7/6.
LA: IEW SSS 1B, Fix It!, The Creative Writer.
Language: Spanish For Children B, Hey Andrew 5, Latin's Not So Tough 3, homemade Japanese (4th year).
Arts: Artistic Pursuits Middle School, Piano, Violin.

Bible: The Ology in the morning basket, The Most Important thing You'll Ever Study in the evening together, and CLE 3 independently.
History: SOTW III with Time Frame (timeline) and Activity Guide.
Science: Classical Astronomy (MP), reading CLP Nature Readers to the little ones.
Math: Second half of Saxon 5/4.
LA: Dictation Day By Day, Reading Lessons Through Literature.
Language: The Fun Spanish, Hey Andrew 3.
Arts: Artistic Pursuits Middle School, Piano.

Bible: What's In The Bible? and The Jesus Storybook Bible.
History: Exposure to SOTW III with older siblings.
Science: CLE Nature Readers read by big sis.
LA: Emma Serl's Primary Language Lessons and Reading Lessons Through Literature.
Math: Ray's Primary Arithmetic.
Art: Home Art Studio.

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1 minute ago, Susan in TN said:

Looks great, Slachey! I really liked The Ology.

Thanks! We're doing Who is God? by Apologia right now. I don't care to continue the series, but it filled a void well.

My plans look so impressive all written out. They are not impressive in practice. :laugh:

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My ultralight backpacking chair seems to be a go.  I just pinned the stuff to the stool for now - I'll have to do a bit of cutting and sewing eventually, but it was definitely comfortable and will weigh under a pound.  And cost $20 (for the stool - the fabric part is coming from a cheap old lightweight garment bag.)

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I am so excited.... Apologia is publishing Earth Science in their Young Explorers Series. I just pre-ordered it. I have been a little worried about next year for science..... we did all the Zoology books, the Astronomy, and this year we did Botany, which has been a great study. But I didn’t like the Chemistry/Physics all that much and I wasn’t excited about the Anatomy and Physiology. And then..... they come out with Earth Science. Score!

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4 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I am so excited.... Apologia is publishing Earth Science in their Young Explorers Series. I just pre-ordered it. I have been a little worried about next year for science..... we did all the Zoology books, the Astronomy, and this year we did Botany, which has been a great study. But I didn’t like the Chemistry/Physics all that much and I wasn’t excited about the Anatomy and Physiology. And then..... they come out with Earth Science. Score!


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On 3/22/2021 at 7:07 AM, Susan in TN said:

It's sort of a federal issue of a driver's license (you have to provide proof of citizenship and residency documents) - starting in October I think, you have to have  either that or a passport for air travel.

Which I'll never qualify for because local MVD doesn't believe federal info, or something like that. No matter our family has been here since the time of slavery...


On 3/23/2021 at 11:15 AM, Susan in TN said:

I did 45 minutes of hill hiking with a 15lb pack.  I had intended to try to get to the top 4 times but only made it 3.  But since it was pretty dry out I was able to hike to the very tippy top, so that was good.  Started sprinkling just as I was finishing up.  Legs are tired.  It's almost story time!  We're reading The Wind in the Willows, illustrated by  Inga Moore.

Ooohhh, THAT'S the book I should read next. I'd forgotten I had it on my mental list. I didn't put readalouds on my Goodreads list this year, but now rethinking that decision since they are turning out to be the only books I finish...

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A bit of a topsy turvy day.  Not a horrible day but didn't get to a lot of things that I wanted to get to.  And I totally forgot that I was out of rabbit food until after ten p.m so I had to run to the grocery store to get the weird rabbit food that they had.  The rabbits are very suspicious of it and are refusing to eat it.  (They won't starve.  They still have timothy hay and treats etc.  )

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Good morning!

Thanks for the coffee, Lynn!

We are being told to be "Weather Aware" today. 😁 Lots of rain this morning, but possible strong storms this afternoon and evening.  Gotta bring high schoolers to tutorial and go to Aldi and pick up prescription at CVS.  I told the Two Youngest that they could bring out the summer clothes bins after their morning lessons.

We are having Krissi's Famous Turkey Tetrazinni for dinner tonight.


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Good Morning!!!!


Friday Eve!!!!

Taking school on the road this morning!! DS is getting tested for .... whatever. How he thinks and processes. So, the girls and I will do school in the parking lot. We could do it in the waiting room, but then we would have to wear masks. Bleh!!

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

I had a really, really bad headache last night.  Dh rubbed my shoulder, found the magic spot near my neck, put intense pressure on it, and within a few minutes my pain went from a 7 to a 2.  So thankful!  After that I got to sleep fairly quickly and slept well.


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Morning.  Happy Thursday.   I'm glad this week is almost over.   

I actually slept okay last night but I took some Dayquil before bed.  My allergies were bad and I had a headache basically all day.  (Dayquil puts me to sleep, Nyquil keeps me awake). 

Met dd today and we did walk.  I forgot how hard those hills are when you haven't done them in a while.  I have to start taking a walk even on days I don't meet up with her, especially if I want to build up to walking to the science center.   We did a 20 minute yoga after our walk.   We wanted to do an easy routine so we did a post-natal yoga (even though dd has never had children and I'm 13years "post natal".   Then we got the giggles because I pointed out that one pose would be torture to anyone breastfeeding because it totally squished the boobies.   It was fun and silly.  I like our walks because we really get the chance to talk about all kinds of stuff. 

Someone is supposed to come and fix my windshield while I'm teaching today.  Which means I actually have to answer my phone, something I never do during class.   But they'll call dh if I don't pick up so I'm not going to stress about it. 

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Ultralight Jerry Stool Update!

I had an inspiration for a slightly different design of the backpacking chair using leftover fabric from yesterday's chair.  It was much simpler to put together and is 2 ounces lighter.  You know you are getting into crazy-land when 2 ounces lighter is something to get really excited over! Lol.  I'll see if I can post a picture.

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I did an hour on the treadmill with various levels of incline.  About halfway through, I noticed that the sky through the skylights was looking a little greenish.  It rained buckets, but then settled down.

More storms on the way later.  
(((Alabama))) They always get whollopped this time of year.

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Morning.  Happy Friday!  Yesterday was a really good day with my classes.  The kids had a great time, got very excited over what we were doing and the weather was gorgeous.  

According to my Fitbit, I got just under 2 hours of sleep last night, and that seems about right.  I think I'm getting hot flashes/night sweats.  Blech.   I"ve missed my Happy Light a couple times this week (but we've also had sunny weather) but I'm sitting in front of it right now.   Hopefully that helps with sleeping.

Two classes today, fairly easy ones.   Dh is going down to his moms again this weekend since next weekend is Easter?   Already?

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Morning.  Happy Friday!  Yesterday was a really good day with my classes.  The kids had a great time, got very excited over what we were doing and the weather was gorgeous.  

According to my Fitbit, I got just under 2 hours of sleep last night, and that seems about right.  I think I'm getting hot flashes/night sweats.  Blech.   I"ve missed my Happy Light a couple times this week (but we've also had sunny weather) but I'm sitting in front of it right now.   Hopefully that helps with sleeping.

Two classes today, fairly easy ones.   Dh is going down to his moms again this weekend since next weekend is Easter?   Already?

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