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I'm hungry. Will there be real food? I want like beef tips in mushroom wine sauce with tomato cucumber salad or grilled chicken and asparagus with garlic and shallots. Do you have something like that?


Not tonight, but an easy peasy meal for another time. You set a date, I'll get it ready. Except, I've only done asparagus once in my life...I'll take a picture of it, and send it to you. :D

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I'm hungry. Will there be real food? I want like beef tips in mushroom wine sauce with tomato cucumber salad or grilled chicken and asparagus with garlic and shallots. Do you have something like that?

You are killing me here. I have much guilt. I fed my dear little family McD's tonight. That is right. At least I chose the grilled chicken wraps but still. I am still just too.sick.to.cook.


I don't need chocolate or wine (shocker, right?) but I would kill for some chicken soup :crying:

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You are killing me here. I have much guilt. I fed my dear little family McD's tonight. That is right. At least I chose the grilled chicken wraps but still. I am still just too.sick.to.cook.


I don't need chocolate or wine (shocker, right?) but I would kill for some chicken soup :crying:


I make a killer chicken soup. Kills sick bugs, that is. Lots of good herbs to boost the immune system, and stuff. I have the recipe somewhere, in some herb book.

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You are killing me here. I have much guilt. I fed my dear little family McD's tonight. That is right. At least I chose the grilled chicken wraps but still. I am still just too.sick.to.cook.


I don't need chocolate or wine (shocker, right?) but I would kill for some chicken soup :crying:

You are a good mom!


I have home made turkey soup - would that work?

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I played 3 hours of really fun tennis this evening, came home and found wine and Lindt dark chocolate! Score!!! I'll be happy to share, if you are brave enough to head up to The Great White North. Warning: We Canadians are having a federal election soon, so there could be some heated conversations such as, "Why you voting for that party, eh?!"  "Sorry." "No, I'm sorry."  :laugh:

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I taught for 11 years total at a couple of different Christian Schools. Not all the parents were bad. Actually, a majority if them were fine. But the bad ones.... Oh, they made my life a living nightmare. One lady.... I would say she was bordering on being verbally abusive. I'd hide in the back room of the library where they kept the videos teachers could use in class. I'd come in right after school and stay there for a while. The librarian would be like, "ahh, JB get in trouble in your class today?" "Yep, and his mom should be here looking for me any minute!" And the admin. didn't do a lot about it. They always needed students and their tuition so unless a parent was totally over the top, the teachers were left to fend for themselves.



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I made chicken soup, cornbread and banana bread (all GF) yesterday. It made me feel better to cook my way out of the angst. 

MIL is having a total hip replacement and they are supposed to plate the broken arm today, although she will still end up with a frozen shoulder. :sad: They start rehab tomorrow and she has to stay in the hospital for three weeks. She's mad as all get-out, so I think she's feeling a little better. I hope so. 


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This is not an auspicious start to the day.  I woke up at 6:30 with the sinking realization that I had no bread for dh's breakfast or packed lunch.  So I thought - I'll give him frozen waffles (toasted of course!).  Oh no, out of those.  Nevermind, I'll make oatmeal.  Wait. . . out of almond milk and he's a bit picky about wanting milk on it.  Hmmm.  Hashbrowns?  I had some in the freezer but they were so old that when I got them out of the freezer they were a frozen block of ice and probably freezer burned.  Those got tossed.  OK - so now what?  I did discover that I had rice.  OK - that takes care of lunch:  rice and pork stir fry from last night.  I finally made eggs with some fried lunchmeat for breakfast.  If he really wants a carb he can have a packet of Ritz crackers or some rice with it.  He hasn't come out yet so I have no idea if he'll actually appreciate my creativity.  If not, then tough - he can stop at McDonalds.  


I'd better go edit my tackle list to add "grocery shopping" to the list.  I already have laundry on there.  I'm way behind on that so he's probably not too happy about that situation.


Today is only day 4 of school and we are doing well in school but I am sinking and flailing around the rest of life.  

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Jean, you are amazing.  I would have chosen the McD's option early in the process, lol.


Critter, so sorry your MIL has so much to go through.  I hope her shoulder recovery is better than the prognosis.  My Mom had hip replacement surgery earlier this year and it was really tough for 6 weeks or so.  She's 100% again now.  Hugs to you and your MIL.  :grouphug:

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Today's math:  


dentist 2 x a year x 3 of us (I don't count dh because he does all his own scheduling and transportation etc.)  = 6 visits.  More if (heaven forbid) one of us has a cavity.

physical 1x a year x 3 of us = 3 visits. 

allergy shots for ds - 1x a month at the moment (used to be much more frequent)  = 12 visits

chiropractor - 1x a week for me and the kids join me at my appt. if they need it = about 45 visits since I do miss on occasion

dd's retinal specialist - 1x a year

eye doctor - 1x every two years for all 3 of us

other doctors for the kids as needed - a couple times a year for each of them.  

my doctors - this can vary widely but 1x every 3 months if I'm healthy and if I'm really bad 1x a week x 2 main doctors plus a specialist or two thrown in from time to time = too much!  

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Bit of a good and bad start to actual academic homeschool work today - mostly good. After listening to a few groans that we had to actually do "school" today, I made crepes for the gang then pointed out where the local schools I could register them in if they wanted to coninute groaning. Happily, they stopped groaning immediately. ;)  We did some read-aloud and history work, math and they'll do their Latin homework, etc. on their own. I guess they just needed a reminder that, yes, school was indeed going to happen so they might as well face reality.  :laugh:

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School going well.  DS can now tell random people that he knows what DNA stands for, and expensive German program (all the books plus the CDs this year, rather than just the workbook) is being enjoyed by all - DS because he can listen to someone else other than mom, and mom because she can leave the room if she feels like playing on her new iPhone.  History still his favorite subject.  And math isn't nearly as tedious now with BA.  We've already read 3 books (following Suppose a Wolf Were an Octopus) and are starting a fourth - more than he read all of last year, I do believe!


Meanwhile, the work just keeps piling up at that other thing I do during the week for money.  Sigh.

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I know what you mean about the dr. appts.  I'm getting ready to make dental appts for 4 kids plus me (that doesn't even touch orthodontist checks).  And the same set of people all need dr. check ups too.  ugh.


Yay wintermom for standing tough.


Yay Ikslo for a great start!


By the way, I just received a visit from the meat truck.  Um, no thanks. 

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I hate, hate, hate when the kids go to see my mother in law. She feels that vacations are an excuse to not follow the rules so she strongly encourages the kids to eat poorly and not listen to us because they're on vacation. She says that she would never encourage dangerous behavior, but she's teaching them not to respect us. In Mary's eyes what's the difference between putting your toys away and not running in the street? If she doesn't think she has to listen to us then she just wont. I'm going to have Matt talk to her and tell her that if that happens again she will not be seeing the kids anymore. The children have been horrid since their return. Gagging at vegetables, refusing to follow commands, not picking up. She actually argued with Matt about whether or not the kids should have to pick up after themselves. Now John keeps telling me that he's too young for this many chores, that since I don't work that I should have to do it.


She also told Matt that I shouldn't have done all of that cleaning. I would only do that because I wanted to throw all of his stuff away. He shut her up real quick about that.


Matt thinks he know's why she's so manipulative with me. He thinks that since she controls her husband she thinks that I control mine and the only way for her to regain control over Matt is through me. If you knew her relationship with it makes perfect sense. The irony is that she caused me so much pain that Matt, the head of the household, made us move away to protect me from her. If she had just accepted us the way we were and not expected us to be her servants we would still be living right down the street from her.

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