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Happy Wednesday!  Lots to do today!  Coffee first.  Hair appointment later.  Might need to iron a shirt ? for dd - she's playing in a "variety show" tomorrow night.  Oldest ds comes home today for fall break and I'd like to have something baked before he gets here.  And of course laundry, always laundry.  (And take a sheet out of the dryer to put on ds's bed.)  Oh, and finish balancing the checkbook, bills, etc.  ?

But, coffee first!  ?

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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK


Good morning. I've been up since 4. :dry:

Edpo/CC: I've always planned on just reading a chapter of the Bible every day with the kids beginning in maybe 3rd grade but I wasn't quite sure what to do with our time as far as application/output goes. I've decided (maybe?) that I want to keep a WTM style binder. I was reading the section on the Science binder the other day and :wub:. If you haven't read it she has you do definitions, scientific principles, classifications and descriptions across all 4 areas of science which I don't think is what she recommend in the first 3 volumes, but I could be wrong (I never liked her history idea so I'm doing something else). So I'm kind of brain storming and this is what I have:

  • Figures - description and references
  • Places - description and references
  • Vocabulary
  • Books - a short description of each chapter
  • Charts
  • Maps & Timelines
  • Doctrines
  • Customs, Culture & Concomitant Collections

It should take 3 years to cover the entire Bible if done daily so I could begin with simpler things (figures, places, vocab, books) then get more complex the second time (charts, maps & timelines) and finish with the big stuff (doctrines, customs etc.). 

Is this crazy? I think this could really work. And man what a treasure that would be!


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The KJV takes 3.25 years so I should maybe start later and plan on it twice so we have time for other things. And add prophecies.

Eta: It's easily broken into two runs:

Figures - description and references
Places - description and references
Books - a short description of each chapter

Charts - prophecies, family trees and other essential lists
Maps & Timelines
Customs, Culture & Concomitant Collections

Unprophesized BOOYA.

Edited by Slache
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Slache, I think it sounds like a wonderful idea and I think it will work.

Good morning ladies, not much today, regular lessons with the boys, paying bills, doing a grocery order and some laundry.  I'm hoping to get some reading done as well, I'm pre- reading a series that I'm considering doing as a read aloud for my boys, even though, it's rather youngish for the bigger boy, he can still learn something.


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1 minute ago, mama25angels said:

Happy birthday krissi' mom!!

Susan, I saw your post yesterday about gyros, my Dh absolutely loves them and eats them all the time, he's found a way to make them at home!

Nice!  I have tried a couple recipes at home, but just can't get the meat to taste right - how does dh do it?

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Good Morning!!!


It’s Humph Day!!!

And my mom’s 80th Birthday!! Happy Birthday, Mom!! I will pass on y’all’s greetings. Thank you!!

Busy day, today!! Kids have Enrichment Academy today. It’s supposed to be a nice day. I think I will take some COFFEE~D to a park and work on grading papers, do a little Latin and read a new book BFF gave me. “Gin and Panic”. Isn’t that the best title? It’s a detective novel. 

Slashie, your Bible idea is awesome. I need to look at that further. I have a great book we are going through now, but I will file that away for future reference.

Ellie, your kitteh post reminds me of my thoughts back B.K. (Before Kids). I remember visiting a friend who had 3 kids at the time (she has 6 now) and thinking, “Geez, just tell the kids to pick up their toys when they are done with them!” and, “Ink pens on the wall? How hard is it to just place them out of reach of that toddler?”  And then, we got our kids.....

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Devotions (I am ahead in my Bible reading for the year!)

Breakfast and hydration

Current Events

Bible with dd10

Language with dd8 (she finished her 3rd grade language book today!)

Physical science with dd14

Sign Language with dd14 and dd16 (because Youtube is fixed!)

laundry (done by dd14)

recorder practice (dd8 played, the rest of us listened)

the girls did various other homeschool assignments that didn't involve me

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Morning! I'm about to submit a poem to another magazine. Just call me the mad writer. It's getting toward crunch time for NaNoWriMo, and I'm nowhere nearly done with the character work for one of my main characters, let alone the other one. Got to get after that today. Also, I simply must have my sequel done so that it can rest and rise while I work on something new for November. Plus school. And the bathrooms need cleaning. Go me. Yay.

But, I started querying again after my break for revisions and already got a partial request. So there's that.

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24 minutes ago, Junie said:


Devotions (I am ahead in my Bible reading for the year!)

Breakfast and hydration

Current Events

Bible with dd10

Language with dd8 (she finished her 3rd grade language book today!)

Physical science with dd14

Sign Language with dd14 and dd16 (because Youtube is fixed!)

laundry (done by dd14)

recorder practice (dd8 played, the rest of us listened)

the girls did various other homeschool assignments that didn't involve me

Junie, do you guys do anything other than reading the current events?  We mostly just read them and some we discuss but not all, just wondering if that's enough, I guess.

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3 minutes ago, mama25angels said:

Junie, do you guys do anything other than reading the current events?  We mostly just read them and some we discuss but not all, just wondering if that's enough, I guess.

I just share news with dd16 and we discuss some of the things going on.  She and ds18 are very interested in what's going on in the world.  I will soon be dragging dd14 into our discussions, but right now she isn't interested and I'm fighting other battles with her that I would rather win.

Ds18, dd16, and I did an extensive study of what was going on in the 2016 election.  I gave them a couple of writing assignments and we turned it into a 1 credit Political Science class.

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I'm glad y'all like it! I'm done thinking about this for now. I just needed all my thoughts out. Two rounds, more or less this:

1. Figures - description and references
2. Places - description and references
3. Books - outlines, themes, a short description of each chapter
4. Vocabulary

1. Charts - prophecies, family trees, names of God, Jesus in the OT, worldview, feasts (just examples, I can complete this list while we read through it the first time)
2. Maps, Timelines & Archeology
3. Doctrines
4.Topical Index

Memory Work - just recording what's been memorized

2 hours ago, myblessings4 said:

HEB or AFSA?  Which series?  What kind of meat is a gyro?


1 hour ago, whitehawk said:

@Slache, mightn't you want to do the map before or with the place descriptions to help the kids visualize where the places are in relation to one another?

Hmmm. Maybe we should put maps by the description but no to your question.

Section one will have a name, description and all Scripture references (and perhaps a map), but section two will have a two page spread with David's timeline on one side and David's life mapped out on the other.

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34 minutes ago, Junie said:

I just share news with dd16 and we discuss some of the things going on.  She and ds18 are very interested in what's going on in the world.  I will soon be dragging dd14 into our discussions, but right now she isn't interested and I'm fighting other battles with her that I would rather win.

Ds18, dd16, and I did an extensive study of what was going on in the 2016 election.  I gave them a couple of writing assignments and we turned it into a 1 credit Political Science class.

My Ds is only moderately interested and I have to drag him through talking about it but in all fairness I'm not that interested myself but, I'm working on becoming more knowledgeable.

Edited by mama25angels
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Wednesday. Time for laundrying and bathroom-cleaning. Maybe also vacuuming. Gotta do that once a week whether the house needs it or not ::snerk::

The rain has stopped momentarily. We only measured 3" in our backyard, but clearly there was lots more in other places as there is quite a bit of flooding along some of the rivers and whatnot.

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

There is no way any of my kids could get anything done in a coffee shop.  Same for me.  Way too many squirrels! :laugh:

You know, this might not be true, because even with only 4 kids doing school at once, there is still quite a bit of activity and background noise going on.  Someone typing at the computer, someone in another room practicing an instrument, me clanking around in the kitchen or explaining something.  And constant chirping from the budgies, and wild chase-fights of the rats.


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Our fastest school days are generally had at places with lots of squirrels. It's surprising how quickly things can be done if there is a kayak waiting at the end of the workday. Lunch, and then I've got more writing to do. I spent most of the morning getting poems picked out, formatted, and sent. Not quite like a traditional query. In fact, it's nothing like. But hopefully something will come of it.

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We had story time out on the front porch - the sun is out at last!  Dd15 was somewhat mortified over singing madrigals outside, especially when a neighbor walked by. :unsure:  At least I had them sing ones they know well, and not the new one we are still trying to figure out.  There was a great deal of distraction over a couple of stick-bugs and the new front porch wasp nest during Rolf and the Viking Bow.  We did writing inside.


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My parents arrive in 3hrs and I only have 3 rooms left to clean. That doesn't count the kids' rooms, which they go into at their own risk. I think I can make it. I'm hoping to delegate one to DH when he gets home. One I can do well. One I will do half donkeyed and then maybe I can touch up one that I wasn't planning on bothering with. I've been working all day and most of the week! My house is too big and Baby misses me. The contractor still hasn't finished our basement either. ? DS has decided he'd rather live down there with the spiders and nails than sleep on his sister's trundle.

And our washing machine was leaking out the door all morning. I mopped up after the first couple loads and then I got smart and put a towel down. I had no time to wait for it to be fixed. And what do you know- when I put the towel down to catch the leaking, it didn't leak!


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26 minutes ago, Paige said:

My parents arrive in 3hrs and I only have 3 rooms left to clean. That doesn't count the kids' rooms, which they go into at their own risk. I think I can make it. I'm hoping to delegate one to DH when he gets home. One I can do well. One I will do half donkeyed and then maybe I can touch up one that I wasn't planning on bothering with. I've been working all day and most of the week! My house is too big and Baby misses me. The contractor still hasn't finished our basement either. ? DS has decided he'd rather live down there with the spiders and nails than sleep on his sister's trundle.

And our washing machine was leaking out the door all morning. I mopped up after the first couple loads and then I got smart and put a towel down. I had no time to wait for it to be fixed. And what do you know- when I put the towel down to catch the leaking, it didn't leak!


They are your parents. They can cope with a bit of dust and stuff.....or hold the Baby while you finish cleaning when they arrive.


ETA: Cleaning booyah

Edited by prairiewindmomma
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