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Well, I rewrote the first two scenes. I ended up cutting about 200 words. Less than half a page. I'm supposed to cut four pages. It's going to be a very, very long revision. Plus what I rewrote stinks. I mean literally, I have never hated my writing before and I hate this. To the point that I sort of feel I should print it out and burn it to keep it from spreading like kudzu and taking over the manuscript. But I won't. I'll let it sit and see how I feel about it in the morning. On the positive side, despite gnashing my teeth, pulling out my hair, and cursing the work, I managed to write 3,870 words today. I'm counting that toward my Camp NaNo total because I deserve it! So there.

Now I have to decide if I feel up to cooking tonight or if my stomach is still in rebellion. I'm not well, but I'm better than yesterday for sure.

ETA: Because I need to quit hating on myself today, my current word count for this month is 23,783 words in 13 days. I am proud of that.

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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK



ladies, how is it that my Dh cooked dinner but I still did most of the work?  This always happens when he cooks, I still end up doing mostly everything, lol!  Thanks so much for the literature lists, I have some of those books and will let Ds pick a few and we'll read, discuss and just enjoy some.

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So, do you guys ever just agonize and agonize over something and then just make a decision quick because you are tired of all the unproductive agonizing?  That's the way I am. I'm about ready to just quick "submit order" on a huge Nottgrass order because..... I'm sick of thinking about it. The little girls are almost done with SOTW2. We can finish it up in a couple weeks in August.  Nottgrass has a new curriculum for Am. His. for 1st-4th graders and it looks nice, and it's coming out at the end of August. I mean, it's typical Nottgrass. I have a love/hate relationship with that curriculum. It's beautiful, it is interesting, but it is not at all rigorous. But, for the kids I have, it is perfect.  And I think the little girls are getting a little burned out on SOTW.  They aren't thrilled. They'd rather play dress up and Barbies, tbh, and Nottgrass is colorful and fun. But the "me" part of me wants them to continue on with SOTW  because it's good and they need to know that stuff and it's in depth (for that age, she goes into reasons why things happened and consequences both good and bad of different things), but the "teach the kids you have" part of me thinks that Nottgrass is great, just do it.  My homeschooling feel like the Roman Empire during the 300's AD. It wants to be Classical and everything it should be, but it's just coming unglued.

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Krissi, I think switching over to Notgrass American with your younger two is a great idea.  SOTW 3 starts getting kind of hairy and detailed and then even more so in SOTW 4.  If you really feel the need to keep a touch of world history intertwined in the Notgrass, I would get a copy of Hillyer's CHOW and add a chapter in every now and then where it fits.  Much more bird's eye view and much more likely they'll retain something without all the details, imho.   

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1 minute ago, Another Lynn said:

Krissi, I think switching over to Notgrass American with your younger two is a great idea.  SOTW 3 starts getting kind of hairy and detailed and then even more so in SOTW 4.  If you really feel the need to keep a touch of world history intertwined in the Notgrass, I would get a copy of Hillyer's CHOW and add a chapter in every now and then where it fits.  Much more bird's eye view and much more likely they'll retain something without all the details, imho.   

I love you, Lynn! I just needed permission. And you are right!

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3 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

So, do you guys ever just agonize and agonize over something and then just make a decision quick because you are tired of all the unproductive agonizing?  That's the way I am. I'm about ready to just quick "submit order" on a huge Nottgrass order because..... I'm sick of thinking about it. The little girls are almost done with SOTW2. We can finish it up in a couple weeks in August.  Nottgrass has a new curriculum for Am. His. for 1st-4th graders and it looks nice, and it's coming out at the end of August. I mean, it's typical Nottgrass. I have a love/hate relationship with that curriculum. It's beautiful, it is interesting, but it is not at all rigorous. But, for the kids I have, it is perfect.  And I think the little girls are getting a little burned out on SOTW.  They aren't thrilled. They'd rather play dress up and Barbies, tbh, and Nottgrass is colorful and fun. But the "me" part of me wants them to continue on with SOTW  because it's good and they need to know that stuff and it's in depth (for that age, she goes into reasons why things happened and consequences both good and bad of different things), but the "teach the kids you have" part of me thinks that Nottgrass is great, just do it.  My homeschooling feel like the Roman Empire during the 300's AD. It wants to be Classical and everything it should be, but it's just coming unglued.


I love classical education and the theory behind it, but we definitely do more play-based afterschooling and comic-book based stories because I have to lure them away from worldly things here. I say, go Notgrass. Then you can use SOTW as a kind of "well if this isn't working we can go back to what we were doing before..." Or to "take a break" from Notgrass.


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14 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

So, do you guys ever just agonize and agonize over something and then just make a decision quick because you are tired of all the unproductive agonizing?  That's the way I am. I'm about ready to just quick "submit order" on a huge Nottgrass order because..... I'm sick of thinking about it. The little girls are almost done with SOTW2. We can finish it up in a couple weeks in August.  Nottgrass has a new curriculum for Am. His. for 1st-4th graders and it looks nice, and it's coming out at the end of August. I mean, it's typical Nottgrass. I have a love/hate relationship with that curriculum. It's beautiful, it is interesting, but it is not at all rigorous. But, for the kids I have, it is perfect.  And I think the little girls are getting a little burned out on SOTW.  They aren't thrilled. They'd rather play dress up and Barbies, tbh, and Nottgrass is colorful and fun. But the "me" part of me wants them to continue on with SOTW  because it's good and they need to know that stuff and it's in depth (for that age, she goes into reasons why things happened and consequences both good and bad of different things), but the "teach the kids you have" part of me thinks that Nottgrass is great, just do it.  My homeschooling feel like the Roman Empire during the 300's AD. It wants to be Classical and everything it should be, but it's just coming unglued.

I say do Notgrass because I love Notgrass, I've only used the upper year but we truly do enjoy the programs that we've used.

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17 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

So, do you guys ever just agonize and agonize over something and then just make a decision quick because you are tired of all the unproductive agonizing?  That's the way I am. I'm about ready to just quick "submit order" on a huge Nottgrass order because..... I'm sick of thinking about it. The little girls are almost done with SOTW2. We can finish it up in a couple weeks in August.  Nottgrass has a new curriculum for Am. His. for 1st-4th graders and it looks nice, and it's coming out at the end of August. I mean, it's typical Nottgrass. I have a love/hate relationship with that curriculum. It's beautiful, it is interesting, but it is not at all rigorous. But, for the kids I have, it is perfect.  And I think the little girls are getting a little burned out on SOTW.  They aren't thrilled. They'd rather play dress up and Barbies, tbh, and Nottgrass is colorful and fun. But the "me" part of me wants them to continue on with SOTW  because it's good and they need to know that stuff and it's in depth (for that age, she goes into reasons why things happened and consequences both good and bad of different things), but the "teach the kids you have" part of me thinks that Nottgrass is great, just do it.  My homeschooling feel like the Roman Empire during the 300's AD. It wants to be Classical and everything it should be, but it's just coming unglued.

I want this. Full package plus an additional workbook but books from the library = $90, me thinks. 


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I also want to say, I am so much about memorization and fun in elementary. I had a great education. I remember a lot. But what I remember was not because of forced rigor. It was the field trips, the experiences, the creative days planned by the teacher for us to get hands on learning. I am a very visual learner, I love reading, and I love classics, and I loved learning the classics from an early age. However, even for me, the little bookworm who studied classics in a gifted program, what I remember is:

* Dressing up like Romans and doing plays

* Building ancient monuments with blocks and sugar cubes

* David Macaulay books with pictures (I was reading at a very high level and I still loved the pictures)

* Classroom plays

* Writing our own plays

Anything I could do creatively to apply my own logic to the situation made it real. I remember writing diaries for slaves, for pioneer kids, etc.

I do think you have to buckle down and memorize rules, but for a spine in primary school I think it needs to center around something more concrete. Not so much "fun", it's never going to compete with Roblox or skateboarding, but engaging, tangible, sensory.

That is what is going to give them the long term sense of story for middle and high school. I think it will build towards deeper discussions and appreciation for classics later. Not to say nobody younger could like SOTW, who knows--but I do think that the long-term strategy of pushing back more critical reading until later is a good idea.

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

So, do you guys ever just agonize and agonize over something and then just make a decision quick because you are tired of all the unproductive agonizing?  That's the way I am. I'm about ready to just quick "submit order" on a huge Nottgrass order because..... I'm sick of thinking about it. The little girls are almost done with SOTW2. We can finish it up in a couple weeks in August.  Nottgrass has a new curriculum for Am. His. for 1st-4th graders and it looks nice, and it's coming out at the end of August. I mean, it's typical Nottgrass. I have a love/hate relationship with that curriculum. It's beautiful, it is interesting, but it is not at all rigorous. But, for the kids I have, it is perfect.  And I think the little girls are getting a little burned out on SOTW.  They aren't thrilled. They'd rather play dress up and Barbies, tbh, and Nottgrass is colorful and fun. But the "me" part of me wants them to continue on with SOTW  because it's good and they need to know that stuff and it's in depth (for that age, she goes into reasons why things happened and consequences both good and bad of different things), but the "teach the kids you have" part of me thinks that Nottgrass is great, just do it.  My homeschooling feel like the Roman Empire during the 300's AD. It wants to be Classical and everything it should be, but it's just coming unglued.

I say do Notgrass because I love Notgrass, I've only used the upper year but we truly do enjoy the programs that we've used.


ok, I don't think the board likes me very much, I don't why it's double posting.

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Bam! I won another movie ticket!

And I rearranged our master bedroom furniture all by myself. A king sized bed, what?! Now it is against the wall so Baby won't fall, but I had to move a bunch of other stuff so I could do it. DH has a bad back so if I wanted it done I had to do it myself. 

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3 hours ago, Slache said:

I took an online quiz that says I should live in Texas. Texas was the plan before FIL had the strokes. Texas has the ocean. And better homeschool laws. And better food. And Spanish. And lower COL. Want.

When I think about you, you are always in TX and then I have to move my brain up to OR.

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Dd15 is home from camp.  And she's been talking a mile a minute.  ?  She is my girl!

I had a busy day.  I had to run into town 3 times to deliver and pick up kids from various activities.

It was almost 5 round trips, but I was able to consolidate some by inconveniencing ds17 and dd11.  (They ended up having to wait around because they couldn't be delivered/picked up at the right time.)

I treated myself to some sushi.

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1 minute ago, Susan in TN said:

When I think about you, you are always in TX and then I have to move my brain up to OR.

That is so funny. I've never been. I almost moved there once extemporaneously but I met a boy who asked me not to. Ironically, when Matt asked me not to I left anyway but he came after me. He's annoying that way.

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2 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I spent 2 1/2 hours at the library this morning and I think I have a decent handle on middle ages literature for the year except for the sheer quantity of books.  So many books and so little time.  


I know, right?

I just bought a whole bunch of classic literature to read through.  My headaches are better so I can read, but my eyesight is getting worse so I have to keep taking my glasses off and putting them back on and moving the book closer and then farther away...

I need a fitbit for my arms.  :)

I know that I need bifocals, but I didn't want to get them while I was still having severe daily migraines.  

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23 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

We watched Jurassic Park.  Ds23 hadn't seen it since he was a little kid.  Dd15 is currently reading the book.  The film score is so wonderful.  John Williams is the man.

My son's name is John William. He gets so excited when John Williams comes on.

16 minutes ago, Junie said:

I know, right?

I just bought a whole bunch of classic literature to read through.  My headaches are better so I can read, but my eyesight is getting worse so I have to keep taking my glasses off and putting them back on and moving the book closer and then farther away...

I need a fitbit for my arms.  ?

I know that I need bifocals, but I didn't want to get them while I was still having severe daily migraines.  

You will be so happy when you get them. Make an appointment.

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4 hours ago, mama25angels said:

Diverticulitis, does anyone know anything about it?  What about Calmingblend teas?  My mom wants to try their tea, I was able to get her the phone number so that she could call and talk to them.

Don’t eat seeds, including strawberries. I don’t think teas are going to be enough to resolve this. I have friends hospitalized over severe diverticulitis.

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6 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

SweetPea--there are a lot of fair skinned/red headed people of Portuguese ancestry. Of my Hawaiian family/friends, well over half have red hair and freckles and pale skin even if one parent looks totally native Hawaiian. Those Portuguese genes are strong!

Wait...you have Hawaiian heritage??? Did I know that and just forget???

And it's a forgetful Hawaiian heritage booya!


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4 hours ago, Slache said:

I took an online quiz that says I should live in Texas. Texas was the plan before FIL had the strokes. Texas has the ocean. And better homeschool laws. And better food. And Spanish. And lower COL. Want.

Well, to be fair, Texas has the Gulf, not necessarily the ocean, and most of Texas is a heckalong way from Gulf, and there are hurricanes, so there's that.

But there's also AMJ, myblessings4, Jann, Cindyg, and me, so there's that, too.

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6 minutes ago, Ellie said:

Well, to be fair, Texas has the Gulf, not necessarily the ocean, and most of Texas is a heckalong way from Gulf, and there are hurricanes, so there's that.

But there's also AMJ, myblessings4, Jann, Cindyg, and me, so there's that, too.

You know Jann? Did they find her brother's body? I haven't wanted to ask her such a terrible question but I've been sad for his family. 

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