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23 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:


Stop being a used car salesman.  ?     j/k

Isn't that the opposite though? They won't take ANYTHING back. 

We say don't be greedy, no take-backs.

Better to label the action than the person, particularly when racist epithets come into play.

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8 minutes ago, Tsuga said:

Isn't that the opposite though? They won't take ANYTHING back. 

We say don't be greedy, no take-backs.

Better to label the action than the person, particularly when racist epithets come into play.

Good point.  They are more bait and switch, lol.  

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The ice cream truck is here. I couldn't figure out what that noise was over the air conditioner and thought I had accidentally eaten an edible or something.

2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I looked at that thing and started to hyperventilate. I can’t imagine .......


1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

It's so beautiful!

:laugh:, you two!

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12 hours ago, Junie said:

I just finished reading I Am Malala.  It's an excellent book.


My goal this year was to read 10 books.  It was a pretty ambitious goal, because I had not really been able to read much for the past few years because of migraines.

So far this year I have read 25 books and 61 short stories!!  I am so thankful to be feeling better!

Update.  I'm also trying to read through the Bible.

I just finished the book of Exodus.  45 books down, 21 to go.  (I am obviously not reading them in order.)

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34 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Welcome home!  How was your trip?  :wub:


33 minutes ago, Tsuga said:

Hi Queen Ellie!


14 minutes ago, Junie said:

Welcome Home, Ellie!

TYVM. :-)

We had a wonderful time. Good weather, good travel, good time with the fam.

Dd had to work some while we were there, so we squeezed in together time. Took dgs to the zoo and to a swimming class.

On Sunday afternoon, dd and her dh took us to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. It was quite good. Magic Mountain on Monday wasn't so great; dd had to wear a boot on one foot and she got a blister on the other, so we only rode a couple of rides and went home (although Mr. Ellie managed to go a couple more by his onesie). I hate it when dd doesn't feel well. :-( But then Tuesday night we had dinner with her in-laws, and that was good (they love her like a daughter).

Missed ITT, though. :-)

And I am very glad to be home, because there's no place....

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Julie, yay for being headache free!  I suffer from migraines as well, although not daily.  Missed you guys yesterday, not because I was doing anything important but, because I was exhausted and therefore, I sat on the couch and dozed most of the day.  I did wake long enough to do some sparklers with the kids, shower and then back to bed.  I'm hoping to keep my eyes open today for longer than an hour, lol.

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Good morning!

Glad you had a good trip, Ellie!

Tired this morning.  I was almost asleep last night when dd11 had a night terror.  It's been a long while since her last one.  We watched five minutes of the emoji movie and then she was OK and went to bed.  A while later I woke myself up with a dream that there was a very tall scary man standing just inside my room.  :unsure:  But after all that I finally slept.

We have an Old Lady Party this aftnoon - the kids are going to play some music for the residents.  Dh wants to take them busking in the town square tonight for the First Friday Art Crawl.  We'll see what the weather is like.  Otherwise there is a community film & discussion night at church - Chinese film "Hero".


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The neighbors are mowing our grass again.

The little girls keep coughing and coughing.  Apparently they picked up a cold somewhere and they are having a rough time shaking it.  They're not very good at covering their coughs.  Last night at dinner I got tired of them coughing across other people's food.  They know to cough into their elbow, but they don't cover well.  I told them to cover and cough on the ants.  :)  We don't have any ants at the moment, but it did get them to cough toward the floor.  It also gave them the giggles, which didn't much help their coughing.

I have to venture into the basement later today to find a swimsuit for dd11 who is going to camp soon.  I really hope we have something to fit her, because I don't want to go shopping.

And, our official homeschooling paperwork is finished and ready to send off to county officials.

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Good Morning!!



Yay, Ellie is back!! I sensed your presence in the Golden State, like a sweet fragrance drifting through.

i had a COFFEE~D mishap this morning. Almost a disaster. I put the carafe in the dishwasher, making a mental note to take it out before bed, but I forgot and then put the COFFEE~D maker on the timer and went to bed. My alarm went off and I heard thenCOFFEE~D maker click on.... and I remembered. Fortunately not too big a mess to clean up.

Brasil plays Belgium this morning but we only get network television, and it’s on FS1.??

It’s gonna be a hot one here, Matilda. 103 degrees.


and this Booya/h is brought to you by the fine folks at Chill-Out Air Conditioning and the letter “B”.


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The kittehs want to come in. Technically we are “outdoor cat” people. DH doesn’t want out house to look like our neighbors’ - shredded furniture and cat hair everywhere.? But we do keep kittehs indoors. Until they start scratching up the furniture and crawling up on the table and eating peach cobbler off people’s plates. And they do sleep inside because I don’t want them challenging a raccoon and getting the worst of that encounter, or being airlifted by an owl. But DH put them out this morning when he got up and they went out and played, but now that Daddy left for work they are clamoring to come back in.

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It's too hot for kittehs to be out! They are wearing fur coats. But then, I have that shredded furniture and cat hair, so I'm probably not the person to talk...

It's hot here, too. But we are supposed to cool off this weekend, and we have a good chance of rain today. I ought to be doing my Latin and French, but I got a critique back today that told me I show too much and need to tell some things to clarify some places in my first chapter. I "sort-of" agree, within reason. But I'm terrible at telling in a way that makes me feel "there", so that's my focus this morning. Find tips on how to tell in a way that is immediate, interesting, emotionally connected, and vivid. But craft books and articles on how to tell, not show, are as rare as a snowstorm in July, just saying...

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My kittehs are so glad to see me. ❤️ We have always had indoor-outdoor kittehs, until we moved here. Over the last 14 years, *four* of them have disappeared. So Lupin and Minerva do not go outside. We haven't had shredded furniture; however, some of the fake-leather stuff has tiny little holes from kitteh claws. And so far, cat hair isn't too bad. TBH, I didn't want any more kittehs; these were strays [insert long boring story]. If someone came along and said, "Oh! What beautiful kittehs! They're just the kind I have always wanted!" I'd say, "Here you go. And here's their food and their litter box and their toys. Would you like me to deliver?" :-) But such is life. :-)

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52 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

It's too hot for kittehs to be out! They are wearing fur coats. But then, I have that shredded furniture and cat hair, so I'm probably not the person to talk...

It's hot here, too. But we are supposed to cool off this weekend, and we have a good chance of rain today. I ought to be doing my Latin and French, but I got a critique back today that told me I show too much and need to tell some things to clarify some places in my first chapter. I "sort-of" agree, within reason. But I'm terrible at telling in a way that makes me feel "there", so that's my focus this morning. Find tips on how to tell in a way that is immediate, interesting, emotionally connected, and vivid. But craft books and articles on how to tell, not show, are as rare as a snowstorm in July, just saying...

Well, we have very low humidity here, so a shady spot, especially if the ground is slightly damp isn’t bad at all. And we have plenty of shady spots.

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44 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Well, we have very low humidity here, so a shady spot, especially if the ground is slightly damp isn’t bad at all. And we have plenty of shady spots.

And in the winter time we open the cat door into the garage, and make nice soft little beds in cardboard boxes with towels in them so they can come in during inclement or cold weather.

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2 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

Between the coyotes, bobcats, stray dogs, hawks, owls and sickness-carrying ticks, my kittehs do not go outside. Just too many bad things out there in this part of the world.

Yeah, see, we live in town with a 6’ tall fence, so our backyard is pretty safe during the day. We bring the kittehs in at night. The other cats just glare at the raccoons and opossums coming through, but otherwise all is well.

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I don't like cats. Mary's been asking for one and will probably get one when we buy a house. She also wants a bunny and a pony (pink, but she'll settle for white), but I don't want the care involved in either. 

Alex is soaking some diaper rash off in the tub. Why has no one potty trained him yet? John is reading to him. 

Between the neighbor and the 4th we've gotten nearly nothing done and now my girlfriend is coming over. Oh well. 

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Lesson 2 done.  I think.  This one was kind of hard because I am trying to address certain background information and make sure I make all the instructional tie ins necessary for good comprehension of what is proving to still be more abstract than I like with this age group.  (Some of the kids can developmentally do abstract but many still cannot and many have instructional delays that I have to take into account as well.)  Anyway. . . it's done for now.  I often loop back and tweak things later on in the writing process as I get more ideas or as I see more clearly where I'm going with all of this.  Dd, who is my proofreader/ feedback provider thinks it's ok but then she's much older. . .

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2 hours ago, Slache said:

I don't like cats. Mary's been asking for one and will probably get one when we buy a house. She also wants a bunny and a pony (pink, but she'll settle for white), but I don't want the care involved in either. 

Alex is soaking some diaper rash off in the tub. Why has no one potty trained him yet? John is reading to him. 

Between the neighbor and the 4th we've gotten nearly nothing done and now my girlfriend is coming over. Oh well. 

Pink ponies don't require any care at all.  :biggrin:

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The Old Lady Party went well.  The kids played well and the old folks enjoyed it.  One lady came and gave the kids hugs with tears in her eyes and said they were a great blessing.  :wub:  

The weather is clearing up so dh will take the kids busking downtown.  I'm staying home due to extreme anxiety over the idea of street performing.  Dh thinks it will be fun.  I might drive over and peek at them around the corner.  


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5 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

The Old Lady Party went well.  The kids played well and the old folks enjoyed it.  One lady came and gave the kids hugs with tears in her eyes and said they were a great blessing.  :wub:  

The weather is clearing up so dh will take the kids busking downtown.  I'm staying home due to extreme anxiety over the idea of street performing.  Dh thinks it will be fun.  I might drive over and peek at them around the corner.  


Yay! I think it is so cool that you do those Old Lady Parties.

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37 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

People are not taking this thread seriously!

My BFF and her family drove more than halfway across this country to visit me. I'm going to be neglecting this thread most of the next two weeks. Susan, it is your solemn duty to represent this quadrant of the United States when I'm not here [:saluting guy:].

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A God thing:   As of tomorrow I will have run out of a Very Important Medication.  This is a specialized compounded med from my naturopathic doctor who apparently was rude enough to go on vacation.  ?  I was frantic because despite having called ahead of time to get a refill (which had expired), the receptionist had led me to believe that he wasn't on vacation and could fill it earlier this week.  Only he wasn't.  And didn't.  And being specialized and compounded, it is not the sort of thing that I could ask my allopathic doctor to cover in a pinch.  So I prayed and called back and explained that I didn't like being a pain in the you-know-what but if I totally run out of this med I will be in a world of hurt (literally).  And I asked if there was ANYTHING that could be done to help me out - even if I got just one week's supply of the med to tide me over.  So she contacted the doc on call and he gave me a prescription.  Then I called the compound pharmacy with only two hours to go before they close for the entire weekend and flung myself on their mercy.  And they are filling it for me!  Off to battle traffic for drugs.  ? 

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53 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Warning - EdPo!  Avert yer eyeballs!


I just placed my order to Rainbow Resources for all my homeschooling materials.  :svengo:  

As you were.

Aaaaaack!!!! Susan's ordering curriculum. (insert willy-nilly guy)

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47 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

A God thing:   As of tomorrow I will have run out of a Very Important Medication.  This is a specialized compounded med from my naturopathic doctor who apparently was rude enough to go on vacation.  ?  I was frantic because despite having called ahead of time to get a refill (which had expired), the receptionist had led me to believe that he wasn't on vacation and could fill it earlier this week.  Only he wasn't.  And didn't.  And being specialized and compounded, it is not the sort of thing that I could ask my allopathic doctor to cover in a pinch.  So I prayed and called back and explained that I didn't like being a pain in the you-know-what but if I totally run out of this med I will be in a world of hurt (literally).  And I asked if there was ANYTHING that could be done to help me out - even if I got just one week's supply of the med to tide me over.  So she contacted the doc on call and he gave me a prescription.  Then I called the compound pharmacy with only two hours to go before they close for the entire weekend and flung myself on their mercy.  And they are filling it for me!  Off to battle traffic for drugs.  ? 

So glad, Jeannie!

Although I read your last sentence as you are off to traffic drugs.?

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1 hour ago, whitehawk said:

My BFF and her family drove more than halfway across this country to visit me. I'm going to be neglecting this thread most of the next two weeks. Susan, it is your solemn duty to represent this quadrant of the United States when I'm not here [:saluting guy:].

Aww, Whitehawk! Have a great time!

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I'm editing. Because that's what I do these days when I don't write or revise. But I might read this evening!

I'm thinking about a trip to the river with DH on Sunday morning because it's supposed to be cooler, and the river is often deserted in the mornings. So we can swim and feel like we are the only people who know about the green hole and the peaceful rocks, the trees keeping watch over the banks, and the bluffs echoing the river song.

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51 minutes ago, mama25angels said:

Please tell me it was nothing bad.

No, it was an “i’m Bored and lonely, someone needs to pay attention to me” squalling. At least, that’s what I assumed. She was just sitting there in the middle of the floor crying and I came in and she looked at me and trotted away.?

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