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Good morning. It's gray, cold and damp outside. I heard the minor key notes of a train headed west when I woke up. The track is down in the valley, but sound carries when the air is moist.

Got a lot of cooking and cleaning to do today. Also writing, reading and painting.

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How do you schedule three kids?


I thought about replying, but I don’t know. 🤷â€â™€ï¸


It's all about finding the right combo of curricula, timing, and grouping for your people and your goals. I wish it were easier.  :grouphug:

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Well, I don't know about scheduling kids, but I herd cats all the time. My advice: know where you want the cat to go. Pretend you don't want the cat to go there. Better yet, close the door all but a crack and tell the cat you don't want them going in the room with the closed door. 


For scheduling kids I find it's better to give them a schedule of your time available and a plan of what you'd like to see done. Plan on about 1/2 to 3/4 of that plan not working out. Adjust expectations accordingly.

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There's something about your own infant that smells so wonderful; even if the baby is messy. I could sniff Baby all day. They should make a newborn or infant scented candle! I wonder when it fades, however, because I definitely do not want to sniff DS(16) all day!  :lol:



There's a temporary hiatus during the teen funk years, but then you get back to loving the smell of them on the rare occasions you get to cuddle them.

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Lolol! You're sweet!


Today, what I needed to do required mostly sitting. I had to watch a bunch of videos for a course I'm taking. My butt started hurting after so long!



Thank you for reminding me I need to fulfill my defensive driving course requirement.  Must get this done before returning to Colorado to pack up Dad, simply so I don't forget for too long.

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I want Asia to teach me how to entertain!


(((Krissi))) Hope you get your medicine soon!


I woke up with my brain swirling around all the moving parts that need to be coordinated this week. :willy_nilly:





This is such an apt description.

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I'm going to go to the grocery store again this morning because I ran out of jasmine rice and veggies to stir fry.  I'm definitely on a stir-fry kick right now, so I want more veggies!


After I get back I'll lend a hand to DD13 in clearing stuff so we can move her bed to the other room.


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Red sky in morning
Sailor take warning

A lot of sailors in Tennessee?


How do you schedule three kids?

I thought about replying, but I don’t know. 🤷â€â™€ï¸

I teach one, let the second color and but the third in a cage.


I can make lovely schedules on paper but I can’t herd the cats into following them.



There's a temporary hiatus during the teen funk years, but then you get back to loving the smell of them on the rare occasions you get to cuddle them.





Disclaimer: I do not keep my children in cages nor heard them with spatulas.

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:grouphug: You get antibiotics today, right?

Yes, The Afsa Pharmacy opens at 10:00. DH and the kids went to the early service, so he’s gonna go after church.


I think what scares me a little about how I’ve been getting sick lately is how often and how quickly I go from being fine, to being really sick, both with the UTIs and now these sinus infections. I’ve been incredibly stressed dealing with oldest DS, and things keep getting worse with him and it’s affecting my health.

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Yes, The Afsa Pharmacy opens at 10:00. DH and the kids went to the early service, so he’s gonna go after church.


I think what scares me a little about how I’ve been getting sick lately is how often and how quickly I go from being fine, to being really sick, both with the UTIs and now these sinus infections. I’ve been incredibly stressed dealing with oldest DS, and things keep getting worse with him and it’s affecting my health.


Have you had your vitamin D levels checked recently? 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Lunch. I have made taco meat, hamburgers, and chicken stock. I also baked some butternut squash as a special winter treat for the chickens. They were impressed. It was an experiment in cooking them with the seeds in. They came out perfectly. So there is no need for me to split squash or pumpkins before cooking them anymore. I can scoop out the seeds when they are done. Now I need to make chicken and dumplings, a buttermilk pie, and then I'll probably call it quits for the week as far as cooking goes. 

School planning is done.

I've been writing between the cooking projects, and Mt. Washmore is almost conquered.


Edited by Critterfixer
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You know, I’ve kind of stopped beating myself up about it. Or at least beating myself up about it significantly less. I mean, i would love love love to have a detailed schedule where everyone’s time is coordinated and there was no screen time for ds, but it’s just not going to happen. So I grab what time I can when I can and sometimes that means I’m discussing history questions with oldest while hanging out in the bathroom watching ds poop and I regularly end up resorting to toca boca apps and PBS so I can teach reading or whatever, but all my other kids ended up watching a bunch of TV at that age bc I was in survival mode with awful morning sickness, and so far no one’s grown an extra head or become a serial killer. 🤷â€â™€ï¸ And in the end it gets done and everyone’s fed and schooled and more or less clean.


Schedules are over rated. I tried to do the big MOTH one when I had only 3 kids and I decided it was not for us. It would have been perfect and made me so organized and happy and all my kids happy geniuses according to the hype. It made us all sad. It eventually boiled down to: do some things; then do the next thing. Make sure you do some things every many days. That made us happy. Happy>sad. 

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A lot of sailors in Tennessee?


I teach one, let the second color and but the third in a cage.








Disclaimer: I do not keep my children in cages nor heard them with spatulas.


About your disclaimer: do not judge the rest of us who have children in cages. Sometimes they go in because they want to be there...

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  with warm blankets for her!  I hope she stays warm and safe!


I checked... she is now staying at a friend's home, with space heaters protecting her pipes and a new furnace arriving Tuesday.


Which is mostly good.  I worry about unattended space heaters, though.  Am I the only one who does this?  Not that she has a whole lot of options (short of winterizing all her pipes).  

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I checked... she is now staying at a friend's home, with space heaters protecting her pipes and a new furnace arriving Tuesday.


Which is mostly good.  I worry about unattended space heaters, though.  Am I the only one who does this?  Not that she has a whole lot of options (short of winterizing all her pipes).  


Glad she's safe. I don't know anything about space heaters.


There used to be a nonprofit organization that I worked for years ago (Dancer was still a baby) that specialized in winterizing homes, especially for elders. It was free for the recipients.

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But I was working. Brain work. Lots and lots of brain work.


* My original plan for the 10-week class will still work. I just need to structure the live class a different way.

* I am watching planning videos and setting up my planner. In reality, I'm setting up my long-term goals so that my goals and plans line up.

* Gymnast wants to make sure I put her in the planner...you know, park days, etc.

* I need to plan so I don't crash and burn.

* I can't wait until my volunteer teaching duties are over. I'm sure the appreciative people are more than the ones that aren't, but the unappreciative voices are louder and more frequent, and getting on my nerves. I think next year I'm just going to run my original class - Conversational Spanish.

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Coffee!! (yes, at 5pm.  Cup #3.)


Church followed by meeting followed by very very loud children.  I'm not sure whether they were any louder than normal, though, or if I was just suffering from introverted sensory overload (a condition brought on by church, co-ops, group meetings, and basically any large gathering of humanity).  In any case, dh stole away with them all while I was napping in our room.   If I can shake off the effects of my nap (I nap badly during the day) then I will try to sort some of the piles in the schoolroom.  


Furnace is still running!  Though the gauge on the tank reads empty.  



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