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Abby Cat has four infected feet.   :sad:   I couldn't find the problem because the ulcerated wounds are up between the foot pads.  The vet guesses that perhaps she had walked through fire ants (which were EVERYWHERE after Harvey) and then licked the bites too much and got them infected, which then turned to open sores as she licked more.  She has been given an antibiotic shot to deal with the infection and has a 5-day course of steroids to calm the swelling and irritation in her feet.


She was especially put out at the vet's today because all of the small rooms were taken so she was put in the big dog room, right after a big dog had been in there.  She is relieved to be home, though, and happy she is not under house arrest until healed.  The vet specifically wants her life to be as normal as possible so I can watch Abby's behavior.


Liked because the vet found the problem and she's being treated.  But poor Abby.  Give her lots of loving from me. 

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The kitchen is clean.


The laundry has been laundered and some of it even folded and put away.


School has been taught and I even got some new Japanese visuals made. And I graded what needed to be graded. 


Pets are spoiled.


People are all alive.


I paid this round of bills and survived until the stress of next time.  (Though I should look at the mess of medical bills at some point.)


Piles on my dining room table have been tidied and some things were even thrown away. 


I'm not cooking tonight. We have plenty of leftovers so stop yer whining. 


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Guess who is having a 25% off all violin bows sale? Do you give up? EVERYONE! Even the carbon fiber bow that I’ve had my eye on forever but never goes on sale. But for today it seems that all the online string shops are offering 25% off every single thing for cyber Monday and have not excluded the bow I want. 😊


Merry Christmas to me! 🎄


It’s a Beautiful Bow Booyah!



Edited by Susan in TN
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Guess who is having a 25% off all violin bows sale? Do you give up? EVERYONE! Even the carbon fiber bow that I’ve had my eye on forever but never goes on sale. But for today it seems that all the online string shops are offering 25% off every single thing for cyber Monday and have not excluded the bow I want. 😊


Merry Christmas to me! 🎄


I am so happy for you!!

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Does everyone have Carpet Adhesive? I don't think that I have ever had any. Am I depriving myself and my carpet by not having it? (I'm sure that Ikslo has a good reason for having it. It's just not something I have needed.)

I don’t myself, but I certainly don’t judge anyone who has carpet adhesive or has had it in the past.
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Sounds like a rocky day, but a necessary one sooner or later.  Now that he's done it once you can remind him this isn't anything new the next time he works on something like this.  


Yeah, it's not quite that simple, probably because he's a human child, and also because of ASD.


Could someone who has their life all together come and get mine all together? 



Obviously not talking to me. 

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Guess who is having a 25% off all violin bows sale? Do you give up? EVERYONE! Even the carbon fiber bow that I’ve had my eye on forever but never goes on sale. But for today it seems that all the online string shops are offering 25% off every single thing for cyber Monday and have not excluded the bow I want. 😊


Merry Christmas to me! 🎄


It’s a Beautiful Bow Booyah!



Yay, Susan. I am so happy for you!!!
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Hi. Stress is bad for me. (I'm sure that it's bad for everyone.) Why did I teach about trusting God? Why? Now I'm having lots of stress as I fail at trusting God.

I do, too. I fail. All the time. I’m fact, as I was praying this morning I told God (not seriously of course) that I would really appreciate it if He would send the Angel Gabriel down with an answer to what we’re trying to decide. But I guess that’s where faith comes in, you pray, you make the best decision you can and then trust that God answered your prayer for wisdom as you made the decision.
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It turns out folding 2 weeks worth of laundry at once is not my favorite thing.


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I’m about to go tackle Mt. Washmore on my bed. But first I am fortifying myself with COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ And ITTðŸ‘💕.
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I could cry for Susan! I've been so upset since her's broke. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:

Actually, tbh, I kind of did get teary, but I didn’t mention it because I thought it might sound weird. But I know how important this was to her and... ITT-Sister and all. 💕
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I want to be good at something beautiful, like Critter. I think I'm coveting. I'm not putting myself down, I've always just really enjoyed those creative people, watching them be creative. It's a beautiful thing.

You are creative in putting together great curriculum for your children. You are creative with languages. 

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I am ketchupped.

I worked today. Y'all ready for some real weirdness? Stay tuned. But first...

AMJ- :grouphug: for you and Abby cat. Tell her she can send hisses my way because she does need to stay in the house until her poor little feet are healed. Poor little meow!

Angi- :grouphug: Here's to a good night's sleep for you and all of us. 

Luuknam :grouphug: And if it makes you feel better, my hFA son (now 14) and I still work through outlines together. He's got as much a block on the danged things as I do. I couldn't use them, and still can't use them in planning any composition--creative or otherwise. I have to write it first or I simply don't know what I'm planning to say. It makes no sense, but there it is. I am prone to doodling when I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do next. That's probably why I still go draw or paint something when I get stuck.

Jean :grouphug: Stress is butt.

:hurray: Susan and the new bow! Teary eyed here, too.

:grouphug: Lana for Mt Washmore. I suspect I'll have an explosion on my hands tomorrow.

Spuds--I wish I could join you in the education ideas. But I'd generate gibberish right now. Lemme think and I'll see what I can come up with. I'm having trouble with the Benedictine representing the beauty,and want to assign that to the Jesuit idea. 

:grouphug: to anyone who needs them that I might have missed. It's been a Monday.



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The weirdness, as promised.

As I headed home from work tonight, I got a call from one of the assistants. She told me, "I found your wallet in the parking lot."

Here's the thing. I don't carry a wallet, and haven't since I lost mine, in 2011, at that place. 

Yep. It was that wallet. Everything in it, except the money that had been in it. Very worn out and battered with the weather. What's the odds, I ask you? It's a really funny feeling picking through something I had years ago and getting teary upon finding a little scrap of dark hair pressed in some clear packing tape that belonged to the horse I lost to colic when I was a teenager. Don't care about the money--I made peace with that years ago, and hope that whoever took it spent it on an animal's care. But I was really overcome just getting that little bit of hair back. :crying:

Edited by Critterfixer
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The weirdness, as promised.

As I headed home from work tonight, I got a call from one of the assistants. She told me, "I found your wallet in the parking lot."

Here's the thing. I don't carry a wallet, and haven't since I lost mine, in 2011, at that place.

Yep. It was that wallet. Everything in it, except the money that had been in it. Very worn out and battered with the weather. What's the odds, I ask you? It's a really funny feeling picking through something I had years ago and getting teary upon finding a little scrap of dark hair pressed in some clear packing tape that belonged to the horse I lost to colic when I was a teenager. Don't care about the money--I made peace with that years ago, and hope that whoever took it spent it on an animal's care. But I was really overcome just getting that little bit of hair back. :crying:

How odd. I wonder if someone stole it and recently returned it as atonement? I'm glad you got back your memento of your horse.

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How odd. I wonder if someone stole it and recently returned it as atonement? I'm glad you got back your memento of your horse.

I was completely worn out and smell as if it had been outside the whole time. If someone did return it, I'm glad they did, but I rather think it was thrown in the bushes and some dog finally pulled it out of the years of leaves under those bushes.

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Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to defend it as a thesis. ;). It’s Probably based on my own experiences and perceptionsas much as any real study I’ve done on the subject. The Jesuits had already gone to pot by the time I was born, so I tend to associate them with the type of iconoclast that threw out gorgeous pieces of art and architecture and replaced it with felt banners. The Benedictine life spoke to me more in terms of beauty because it’s contemplative. There’s nothing more beautiful than contemplating God. :). And God deserves all the beauty we are capable of in worshipping Him.

It's the labora after ora that makes me less inclined to assign beauty to them. More duty--the practical application of the virtuous life. Not that this is not beautiful in itself, but it's a plain sort of beauty. Like clear, cold water on a hot day.

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Yay for Susan!



And congrats on the returned wallet, Critter!







In other news:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:   


Crazy week ahead. All the holiday things are happening in the next 72 hours, which is why, of course,  the van's engine!engine!engine! light came on. I'm hoping it hangs in there until Thursday when the mechanic is free to look at it. 


But happily, gifts are all gotten, and half of them are wrapped, and tree + decorations are up. (I'm determined to get it all done and enjoy Advent this year.) Plus we got all our school done by 1pm today.  


Hugs and love to all!





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To me, goodness is found in contemplation. That's where we can take things that are ugly, hard to understand, sometimes miserable, and make peace with them. Truth doesn't always make sense, beauty can be misleading, but goodness bridges that divide in the mind by working through it and contemplating it through prayer, or meditation, or even through having brothers or sisters to share the burden.


Just my thoughts, though.

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Liked because the vet found the problem and she's being treated.  But poor Abby.  Give her lots of loving from me. 



Thank you.  She is already acting like she is starting to feel better.  

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The weirdness, as promised.

As I headed home from work tonight, I got a call from one of the assistants. She told me, "I found your wallet in the parking lot."

Here's the thing. I don't carry a wallet, and haven't since I lost mine, in 2011, at that place. 

Yep. It was that wallet. Everything in it, except the money that had been in it. Very worn out and battered with the weather. What's the odds, I ask you? It's a really funny feeling picking through something I had years ago and getting teary upon finding a little scrap of dark hair pressed in some clear packing tape that belonged to the horse I lost to colic when I was a teenager. Don't care about the money--I made peace with that years ago, and hope that whoever took it spent it on an animal's care. But I was really overcome just getting that little bit of hair back. :crying:



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I'm glad you got it back.

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I don’t think that’s how they understand it, though. They permeate each other. The prayer is their work, and sometimes prayer does feel like work. There are long periods of dryness where being faithful is the only thing that keeps you going, and those are so precious to God, that you are still willing to praise Him when it’s not sweet. The work is prayer. Christ became man, a man who worked with His hands, ennobling all work. Just as our sufferings joined to His cross become something beautiful, our work can be joined to His, offered to Him. The ora et labora are inseparable, like the body and soul of man.

Have you ever read “In this House of Brede?†I love that book.

No, I have not read it. I'll have to put it on my list to read this year.

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SIL dyed her hair grey. :blink:



Newly-16 nephew wanted to dye his hair a natural-ish grey (school will only accept natural hair colors).  First step was to bleach his hair, which he did (with help from another aunt).  They stopped there, though, because they found out the dye he thought was gray is a pale blue, almost lavender color instead ("sapphire smoke").  No way was the school going to allow that!

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To me, goodness is found in contemplation. That's where we can take things that are ugly, hard to understand, sometimes miserable, and make peace with them. Truth doesn't always make sense, beauty can be misleading, but goodness bridges that divide in the mind by working through it and contemplating it through prayer, or meditation, or even through having brothers or sisters to share the burden.


Just my thoughts, though.



Someone put this in the ITT document, or AMJ's signature, would you?  I might want to come back to it.  

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