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Okay--I subscribe to a writing blog called LiveWriteThrive. Periodically the author puts out posts on writing technique, and this time she is doing a series on "masterful writing". Today's advice reminds me very much of the classical writing philosophy, and she even advocates "a book in which you record passages of writing that you find masterful and beautiful, that speaks to you..."

The commonplace book, perhaps? :laugh:

She also discusses how, "like a painter", one should study the great works and strive to imitate them to learn the techniques.  :001_smile:

Preaching to the choir, preaching to the choir...

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This woman makes me insane. They were supposed to be gone for 20 minutes but they've been gone for 2 hours and they're not going to be back for another two and a half because they're on the wrong side of town and she still needs to go to Walmart even though she's already been there twice since she got here.


I cleaned out the games, picked some books to sell, organized art supplies, did 2 loads of laundry and the dishes. I guess I'll tackle the nursery.

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In my excavation of my desk I uncovered a blank book I had. I put my 100 Books list heading at the top. I'll probably use that for my journal next year. Lots of room to write and draw.

I'm supposed to be cleaning. :leaving:

Oh, well. Excavation is part of cleaning. :laugh:

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Everyone's gone! Imma clean the board games.


Um, pardon my ignorance.  What does this entail, exactly?   Do you mean "clean up" the board games or actually CLEAN them?


Because if it is the latter, #aintnobodygottimeforthat!  :leaving:




ETA: Proper punctuation. Because it saves lives.


Edited by ikslo
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Um, pardon my ignorance.  What does this entail, exactly?   Do you mean "clean up" the board games or actually CLEAN them?


Because if it is the latter, #aintnobodygottimeforthat!  :leaving:




ETA: Proper punctuation. Because it saves lives.


The kids play with the board games on their own and wind up not putting everything away properly. Once every 6 months or so I pull them all out, sort through them and ensure everything is in the right spot. I wouldn't bother cleaning board games because they live in boxes.

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The kids play with the board games on their own and wind up not putting everything away properly. Once every 6 months or so I pull them all out, sort through them and ensure everything is in the right spot. I wouldn't bother cleaning board games because they live in boxes.


Board games not being put away properly?  :willy_nilly:


That's worse than the idea of cleaning them.  How do you let that happen, Slache?  :lol:


(And phew.  I can keep my games.)


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Board games not being put away properly? :willy_nilly:


That's worse than the idea of cleaning them. How do you let that happen, Slache? :lol:


(And phew. I can keep my games.)

Board games, art supplies, and movies are my go-to for when I am very ill. As a result I have to organize them sometimes. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you pain.
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I've never kept my identity on here or in real life (in homeschooling circles) hidden. I say the same things I would say in real life. Though maybe in more detail because usually in real life people aren't stopping to let you go on for a few paragraphs.

Why do you keep your kids' names secret?
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Why do you keep your kids' names secret?



Probably because she doesn't need their future employers (and boyfriends/girlfriends/everybody) to find all her ramblings about them super easily just by typing their names into Google. I mean, I'm sure a very dedicated person could figure it out... but that doesn't mean that it needs to be made easy.

Edited by luuknam
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My mother in law wants us to have family photos done. She'll pay but the only place she can afford is over an hour away. Any suggestions? JC Penny and Sears are too expensive.



Drive the hour. Years from now, you’ll be glad you had the pics.


I wish I could get my husband to do family pics. :(

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I guess I’m a pretty private person. I wouldn’t post anything about my life if I wasn’t anonymous. I don’t blog, Facebook, or Instagram, either.

I used to blog. Quit that a couple years ago. I do FB, but rarely post anything. It’s a good way for me to keep track of my far flung relations.
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I got my 2,000 today. Sitting at 38K and change for the month.

I'm tired and sort of down tonight. Tomorrow I go in for my second squish and an ultrasound. It's not going to be anything, but you know, I'm going to be all by myself there, and when I get home. I'm going to get started on the pies as soon as I get back, I think. Stay busy and all that. 

And take my ibuprofen beforehand, that's for sure!

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I painted my first person tonight. :blushing: I was playing around with fire, and decided that if I was going to paint a bonfire, somebody needed to be roasting marshmallows over it. So there's a little boy in blue jeans with brown hair and a green shirt sitting beside the fire, roasting a marshmallow.

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I want a small house with NOT SO MANY THINGS. DH likes a lot of things. I am thinged out.

Really I just want a slightly bigger house with our own yard and a pool and a decent kitchen. Inside can be sparse, except for maybe new dining room table chairs that don’t look like the dog tore up the seats. And we don’t even have a dog. :glare:

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Really I just want a slightly bigger house with our own yard and a pool and a decent kitchen. Inside can be sparse, except for maybe new dining room table chairs that don’t look like the dog tore up the seats. And we don’t even have a dog. :glare:


I just want all the things at my house to actually work the way they are supposed to.

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Tonight our church had a pie fellowship.  There are quite a few people in our church who are gf, but noone (me included) brought a gf pie.  As we were leaving I told dh that oddly enough I was not craving pie, but instead I was craving sushi.  He thought it was weird, but he stopped by a grocery store on the way home so that I could get sushi.   :001_tt1:  Dh for the win!

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Whew! Didn't run out of likes!


You all crack me up. I'm glad you are my friends. :wub:


(((Critter))) I sure hope I can see the Critter Family Art Gallery some day. :)


Cello lesson has been had. (Why would a teacher try to teach a 13yob thumb position on a piece that is way too difficult for him and that she wants to be performed at an honors recital in 3 weeks?) Grandma and Grandpa were successfully picked up and lightly mobbed by children at the airport. Apple pie filling is made, onions/celery have been sautéed, & onions/mushrooms have been sautéed. Tomorrow we put together some casseroles and make pumpkin pies. We are making 2 apple and 2 pumpkin to insure plenty of pie for breakfast Friday morning. :D

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