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Plus, I don't know how to type. I'm just pretending.



I guess my keyboarding is as bad as my kids' pencil grip. Frown-inducing, but on the internet no-one knows that you're a dog, right? At least I've got a pretty decent WPM. 


Dd and Dh did the death workout. Dd is fine so far. Dh not so much.


I guess he should do it more often.

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I went out with ds for his first driving lesson with me.  (He's gone out with dh a few times in the past).  None of my knuckles turned white and I still have all my hair.  



But did your hair turn white? (or gray, or w/e)


Page 218 now! I have no life!

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Okay, enough silliness.


My bubbling meatballs are finally ready.  Dinner time on the East Coast.   :leaving:


Never. But dinner time on the East Coast right now is pretty silly. And I have no clue what bubbling meatballs are.


I would text you too.  Tex isn't the only person I am capable of stalking.  



Oh shit. And *now* you tells us. Couldn't you have told us sooner?

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They don't have much nutritional value anyway. I allow you to stop eating them and just go have dessert now.

I can't have dessert. Because #weightwatchers.


I hate weightwatchers. It has better be working or I'm going to go drown myself in a vat of chocolate.


Oh wow, how about that. I got a Booya/h. What a way to have a Booya/h!!

Edited by KrissiK
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I just read an article about a massive earthquake in Oregon that's going to kill us all and now I'm depressed.


There's a rule against dying. 


I don't like living in states that have an h in the name.



New York doesn't have an h. And I asked some professor who runs a seismograph lab when I was at earth science day recently, and theoretically the strongest earthquake we can get here in WNY is 5.5, iirc (and the strongest we've had since they started measuring it was of course even weaker). 

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I already have white.


Yeah, I figured as much. But if it didn't *turn* white from that, you can answer it didn't. Which would be true, but would lead many people to draw the wrong conclusion. 


I thought you already knew.


Maybe you've been stalking the wrong person? Maybe I shouldn't be telling you that? Or maybe I'm just super duper oblivious.


I can't have dessert. Because #weightwatchers.



I thought they used points? So, you can have desert as long as it fits in with your points for that day? Or did you just mean you're out of points for today?

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I vote Lynn tells us something juicy.






All the posts tonight are our gift to the ITT.



Yep. Plus, we need to keep people on the West Coast entertained. Which basically means you, since I think Slash goes to bed crazy early or something.


Page 223.

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We don't need Ellie, we have me now. I'll post a video of me dancing later.


It's 13 minutes to midnight and I can't sleep. I've been laying here for 2 hours. And I'm exhausted.


That's because you haven't posted that video you promised of you hulaing yet. 


Page 227 (the above quotes are from 224 or 225 or something though).

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Edpo. (I am starting to envision a man named Ed with a potbelly now when I see this...)


Laying aside the fact that we’re homeschoolers who don’t need grades and aren’t constrained by a school model...


So, when .i was in high school my mom never helped me with my math bc she didn’t 7nderstand it. Dh’s parents never helped him bc he always understood it (he was THAT kid who corrected the teacher). So I’m confused about what happens with normal ppl. Do parents check their kids homework and tell them what’s wrong and then help them figure it out? Is that a thing? If it is, why don’t all the kids who have parents with the time and math knowledge to help them gets As on homework? Just feeling curious.



In some cases the kid won't ask for help from his/her parents, or will tell them they have no homework.  Or simply not turn in the homework.  Or the homework is graded according to an answer key and the answer key either contains some errors or simply differs in approach from the way the parents & student did the problem, resulting in the problem being marked wrong.


When my kids were in brick & mortar school I checked math homework, helped them discover their errors, and retaught the subject matter if needed.  This usually resulted in good grades on the homework, but occasionally either I misunderstood something, made an error myself, or was at odds with the answer key.  When I found problems that looked right to me and were marked wrong I sent notes in to the teacher asking HOW they were wrong.  Several times my kid was then given credit for a correct answer, because either the answer key was found to be wrong or the way the question was phrased was rather ambiguous and my kid's answer wasn't incorrect, even if it wasn't what they were looking for.

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Trigger warning! Vopo! Reported!


And... Celery threw up. All over the bedding I washed the other day. In his defense, he'd fallen asleep in the living room on his beanbag chair, and then had walked to his bed half (or wholly?) asleep, without his bowl with him, so I put the bowl next to him, turned the light off in his bedroom, and closed the door, so, he might not have been able to figure out where the bowl was when he woke up vomiting. But still... why is it *always* that they throw up shortly after I put clean sheets on their beds? 


Anyway, doing laundry now, and DW mopped his floor, and he's back in his beanbag chair, asleep. On the bright side, he says he's feeling better.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Sometimes I suspect it is the cleanliness that triggers an emesis attack.  Basically the clean sheets send a message of care being given, so the body says, "Okay!  I can do this to expel the stuff and it will get cleaned up again!"


When my kids get sick to their stomach I empty out their trash cans for buckets to have by the bedside (the trash cans are somewhat tall and have handle holes, for easy grabbing from bed), and I festoon the bed with towels.  Towels under the torso and head.  Towels wrapped around the top edge of the covers.  Towels draped down the side of the bed.  Towels lining the floor beside the bed.  The kids have been trained to simply grab a towel to use if they can't get to the toilet or grab the bucket in time.  I still end up washing bedding frequently, but it buys me some time.  I started this after using up both kids' spare sheets on one kid's bed in one rough night, and having to resort to towels for covers.  Towels are easier to change out in the middle of the night.

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Of course not.  Against the rules.


And I didn't do it.  Susan did.   :001_tt2:


(Dawn thought it was a meteor blast.   :lol: )



I see.  Well, the jet must have been replaced by the time I got back, because I'm sure it has been in use plenty since then.



I wonder what the agency's investigation file says?

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Never. But dinner time on the East Coast right now is pretty silly. And I have no clue what bubbling meatballs are.




Oh shit. And *now* you tells us. Couldn't you have told us sooner?



I googled the bubbling meatballs.  They sound a lot like porcupine balls, a favorite dish when I was growing up, but without the rice.  Basically form meatballs that include uncooked rice, put them in an oven-safe pan, pour over some tomato-y sauce, and bake a while at 350* until done.

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I can't have dessert. Because #weightwatchers.


I hate weightwatchers. It has better be working or I'm going to go drown myself in a vat of chocolate.


Oh wow, how about that. I got a Booya/h. What a way to have a Booya/h!!



Chocolate is a dietary supplement.  Get yourself the high quality, high cocoa content stuff, and dose carefully.

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Ooh, scandals on page 216!




So, quakersh is a shark married to a turtle. Who knew?? (yes, yes, y'all did. w/e)



Ooops. Oh yeah.  


I forgot he was a turtle.  Probably important to remember during our next argument.  







#wellatleastthesharkishappy   :leaving:

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I googled the bubbling meatballs.  They sound a lot like porcupine balls, a favorite dish when I was growing up, but without the rice.  Basically form meatballs that include uncooked rice, put them in an oven-safe pan, pour over some tomato-y sauce, and bake a while at 350* until done.







Mine are just Italian meatballs.  In a pot of sauce.  Bubbling for three hours to perfection.    I am lazy so when I am typing they are....bubbling meatballs.   :laugh:

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And now a Merry Saturday to All, and to All a Good Morning!


Dh and kids are gone, probably until about 2pm.  Which means I have 3.5 hours to do all the things.  






Starting with the garage.  As usual.   Need to be able to park in it before snow.  







Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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I thought they used points? So, you can have desert as long as it fits in with your points for that day? Or did you just mean you're out of points for today?

Yeah, it's all about budgeting points. You get a certain amount of points a day and then bonus points for the week. I used up half my bonus points at dinner at my mom's house on Tuesda night with really good pizza and a delicious chocolate sheet cake. The other half at the Boy Scouts potluck. So, I'm going on minimal points here. And the good stuff is all like a squillion points. Edited by KrissiK
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Laying aside the fact that we’re homeschoolers who don’t need grades and aren’t constrained by a school model...


So, when .i was in high school my mom never helped me with my math bc she didn’t 7nderstand it. Dh’s parents never helped him bc he always understood it (he was THAT kid who corrected the teacher). So I’m confused about what happens with normal ppl. Do parents check their kids homework and tell them what’s wrong and then help them figure it out? Is that a thing? If it is, why don’t all the kids who have parents with the time and math knowledge to help them gets As on homework? Just feeling curious.


Parents of high school students are expected to provide a quiet place to do homework (and in many schools, computer time as needed to complete it, but not for math), not assistance with it. Maybe read over a big paper draft to catch any major mistakes.


I never wanted any homework help, but I also didn't complete homework very consistently in upper elementary or junior high. I rocked it in high school, though.


Since homeschooling parents are the teachers, I'd expect them to provide further explanation if needed. Or, "Hey, can you make sure I did the first few right before I do the rest of the page?" But not actual help doing a problem.

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