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I am in MN and the weather is perfect. PERFECT I tell you.


I bought lefse and kringla in a grocery store! (There was much rejoicing!) I love my home in TN, but there is something very special about a place that puts lefse in stores. Of course, we had to buy a 4lb bag of sugar and a pound of butter in order to eat it at our picnic, but it was so worth it.


AMJ, I have been waving and greeting MN on your behalf today. The wildflowers on the banks of Plum Creek were particularly cheerful this morning. :)

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I am SO NOT NOT NOT a hot-weather person. :svengo: I've decided not to do any more acting gigs until fall. Happily, the second season of American Crime should start filming some time this winter, and I might be able to submit for that. :-)

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Enjoy the heat wave while you have it, swellmama! If you blink it will be fall - and then the vicious season of "snow and wind" starts again for another 8 months. ;)

Don't I know it.  In about 8 weeks we will be pulling out the jackets and sweaters again.  The good part is you can bundle up against the cold, but you can only strip off so many layers in the heat.  Now I hate the extreme cold, the -40C days (which is also -40F) don't get me wrong.  I am more of a mild weather gal, my favorite seasons are fall and spring, crisp mornings, warm days, cool nights.  I would love to have that all the time.  Especially since the dial to change the temp in my car is broken off, so no heat and no AC, it is stuck exactly in the middle.

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Don't I know it.  In about 8 weeks we will be pulling out the jackets and sweaters again.  The good part is you can bundle up against the cold, but you can only strip off so many layers in the heat.  Now I hate the extreme cold, the -40C days (which is also -40F) don't get me wrong.  I am more of a mild weather gal, my favorite seasons are fall and spring, crisp mornings, warm days, cool nights.  I would love to have that all the time.  Especially since the dial to change the temp in my car is broken off, so no heat and no AC, it is stuck exactly in the middle.


How did you land there?

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So I think I am going to take a board break for a while, perhaps the whole summer, if I can stand to stay away.  I rarely post anywhere but on this thread anymore, and with the number of people I have on ignore right now, it shows me there are far more bigots on this board than I imagined and really have no patience to read a single word they have to say on any topic.  I have no respect for them at all at this point, even those I previously did.  So for the sake of preserving my sanity, and focusing on my family this summer and not getting banned anytime soon, since apparently you can not call a bigot a bigot, I need the break.

Hope you all have a great summer, perhaps I will see you in the fall.

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BTW Ellie, I've been meaning to ask - when and how did you discover hula?  


Well, in 2004, when I was still in San Jose, Calif., I was looking through the adult education classes being offered around the city. One of those was hula. It was at a campus not far from my house, and it was early in the afternoon, so I thought I'd try it.


I was hooked. :001_wub:

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You attended kids' camp??? :svengo:

 I know, right???  I went to make sure that little dd had a gluten free experience.  It ended up being a nightmare (for me).  A child attended with a very rough history who rivaled any kid I've ever worked with in foster care.  She slept on the bunk next to me.  In the middle of the second night, she woke me up by poking me on the butt to tell me she was having a nightmare, which was the least thing she did all week to cause me grief.  


I am older than you are and I'm going to attend for an entire week!  

I hope it is not outdoors, 96 degrees and terrible beds. Also, bad food. I mostly lived on salads and trail mix all week with eggs for brekkie and some Corn Chex I brought.  It's really hard to be gluten free at camp.


Also, I got a strange rash-like petichiae on my feet and lower legs.  I told one of the other counselors about it so in case I died in the middle of the night, she could report it to the M.E. during the investigation.


These girls were 8-12 so I did a lot of mothering, which I don't mind.  I also did a lot of dealing with a kid who has a lot of diagnoses and really needs to go to special needs camp.  It was touch and go whether or not she would be allowed to stay.  I do not think she should attend again.  She did only what she wanted, lied, did things that were borderline dangerous, hit other kids, stole their stuff, whined constantly, wandered off, spit in the face of the lifeguard at the pool and told her "You are not the boss of me", call the counselors rude names, etc.  It was as bad as anything I've ever dealt with - and I've worked with groups of special needs behavioral kids.  It significantly negatively impacted the other campers experiences, as well.

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I worked all week. 

I am now as tired as I've been since the last time I worked all week. 

Storms came through and took out a couple of trees where my parents live in town, and I don't think we lost more than a couple of dead limbs here and there at our house. At least it isn't 95F anymore. And I will be getting up early to feel the 64F low they are predicting, just cause that's the last we will see 64 in any form until October, probably.

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I went to a homeschool used book sale this morning and spent $103.  I got, I think, over $300 worth of books, including

the WWE4 workbook,

FLL4 workbook,

the SOTW 3 Activities Guide,

Everybody has a Body,

the whole set for First Form Latin,

both the book and new card set for AAS 4,

three cool flip card sets for the kids about science and presidents,

CDs for FLL 1-2 and First and Second Form Latin,

two piano books,

and five literature paperbacks. 

Oh, and a beginner cross stitch pattern book. 


This stuff was new, except for one coloring page in the SOTW activity book!  Woohoo! 


Now I'm going back to deep cleaning and coating our house with diatomaceous earth. 

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 I know, right???  I went to make sure that little dd had a gluten free experience.  It ended up being a nightmare (for me).  A child attended with a very rough history who rivaled any kid I've ever worked with in foster care.  She slept on the bunk next to me.  In the middle of the second night, she woke me up by poking me on the butt to tell me she was having a nightmare, which was the least thing she did all week to cause me grief.  


I hope it is not outdoors, 96 degrees and terrible beds. Also, bad food. I mostly lived on salads and trail mix all week with eggs for brekkie and some Corn Chex I brought.  It's really hard to be gluten free at camp.


Also, I got a strange rash-like petichiae on my feet and lower legs.  I told one of the other counselors about it so in case I died in the middle of the night, she could report it to the M.E. during the investigation.


These girls were 8-12 so I did a lot of mothering, which I don't mind.  I also did a lot of dealing with a kid who has a lot of diagnoses and really needs to go to special needs camp.  It was touch and go whether or not she would be allowed to stay.  I do not think she should attend again.  She did only what she wanted, lied, did things that were borderline dangerous, hit other kids, stole their stuff, whined constantly, wandered off, spit in the face of the lifeguard at the pool and told her "You are not the boss of me", call the counselors rude names, etc.  It was as bad as anything I've ever dealt with - and I've worked with groups of special needs behavioral kids.  It significantly negatively impacted the other campers experiences, as well.

It won't be as hot.  But it will be outdoors.  I will even teach outdoors under a tent in case of rain.  And we have cabins with bunks.  I however, have been offered a cushie bed in a nearby house because of my health problems.   :001_tt2:


Yes, being gluten free this year will be a bit tricky.  I'm sure I will eat a whole lot of salad.  We have had gluten free campers before and they even went out of their way to provide some gluten free meals but they were picky and didn't want them!  


A good 50% of our campers come from troubled backgrounds.  I've had kids with multiple behavioral diagnoses every single year.  It isn't fun but it can be rewarding.  The hardest thing for me, has been making sure that a couple of clueless adults who have a military background and treat life from that perspective, don't make things worse with these kids because believe me, they do not respond well to that!  


I've started my lesson planning for camp.  You are all going to have to cheerlead for me as I work on it!  

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So I think I am going to take a board break for a while, perhaps the whole summer, if I can stand to stay away. I rarely post anywhere but on this thread anymore, and with the number of people I have on ignore right now, it shows me there are far more bigots on this board than I imagined and really have no patience to read a single word they have to say on any topic. I have no respect for them at all at this point, even those I previously did. So for the sake of preserving my sanity, and focusing on my family this summer and not getting banned anytime soon, since apparently you can not call a bigot a bigot, I need the break.


Hope you all have a great summer, perhaps I will see you in the fall.

I'm sorry Brandy. I hope you find peace.

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I went to a homeschool used book sale this morning and spent $103. I got, I think, over $300 worth of books, including

the WWE4 workbook,

FLL4 workbook,

the SOTW 3 Activities Guide,

Everybody has a Body,

the whole set for First Form Latin,

both the book and new card set for AAS 4,

three cool flip card sets for the kids about science and presidents,

CDs for FLL 1-2 and First and Second Form Latin,

two piano books,

and five literature paperbacks.

Oh, and a beginner cross stitch pattern book.


This stuff was new, except for one coloring page in the SOTW activity book! Woohoo!


Now I'm going back to deep cleaning and coating our house with diatomaceous earth.

That's awesome!

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Paddling accomplished.  DH has fallen asleep in his desk chair awaiting his turn in the shower.  I'm up before him, though, so I can go grocery shopping after I am clean again.


The new 2-seat kayak (bought this past week) works quite well.  I was even able to paddle by myself with smaller DD up front and towing bigger DD on her paddle board.  It's easier if the towed person paddles, too, but I can manage to get us home on just my power if I really have to.  DH says it's rather hard to tow the kayak and a paddle board from just a paddle board, however (yes, he gave it a try). 


Our paddle boards are sit/stand boards -- you can stand up paddle on them, or you can raise a seat back and sit on them to paddle kayak-style.  Butts tend to get wet doing it that way.  In our kayak the seats are raised a little more so butts stay drier, but space is a little less roomy (shorter overall leg room, though there are different footholds for shorter people) and it's a little harder to shift about if one starts to stiffen up.


Our sit/stand paddle boards have enclosed hatches, in that they have bowls molded into the shell with hatch covers.  This limits what they can hold, but keeps things very dry indeed if the seals around the hatches are sound.  Our new kayak (a sit-on-top type) has no hatches at all.  The sit-o-top kayaks (that had hatches) we saw in the store had hatch openings that opened into the interior of the kayak itself.  You could fit more stuff in there, but it might shift about, and if you spring a small leak it will get plenty wet.


Sounds like our shower is available now.  End of tired but happy paddling ramble.



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I just realized that yesterday was our wedding anniversary.  




It happens. I don't remember my grandparents discussing their anniversary, ever (they were married 50 years). Not my mother, either. She could never remember how long she had been married (over 30 when she passed away).

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I just realized that yesterday was our wedding anniversary.

Happy Anniversary Jean! And Mr. Jean. Our anniversary was a couple weeks ago. It came and went without notice, too! Of course, it was #13 and I am not a superstitious person at all, but.... I just don't like the number 13, so we kind of ignored the whole thing.
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Happy Anniversary Jean! And Mr. Jean. Our anniversary was a couple weeks ago. It came and went without notice, too! Of course, it was #13 and I am not a superstitious person at all, but.... I just don't like the number 13, so we kind of ignored the whole thing.

The thing is, that ds' birthday is the day before our anniversary.  So we said happy birthday to him and then said, "tomorrow is our anniversary."  But we were so busy that the actual day went by with us forgetting about it again.  We haven't really celebrated ds' birthday yet - we'll do that on Sunday.  So I don't know when we'll celebrate our anniversary.  Maybe the next weekend?  Not that we really do anything other than go out to eat but I'm always up for going out to eat.  

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The thing is, that ds' birthday is the day before our anniversary. So we said happy birthday to him and then said, "tomorrow is our anniversary." But we were so busy that the actual day went by with us forgetting about it again. We haven't really celebrated ds' birthday yet - we'll do that on Sunday. So I don't know when we'll celebrate our anniversary. Maybe the next weekend? Not that we really do anything other than go out to eat but I'm always up for going out to eat.

The last couple of years we've done "stay-cations" for our anniversary. Ship the kids off to Grandma's for a couple of nights and then we just stay at our house, but we eat out a lot, go on day trips to the mountains or the coast. It was a lot of fun and a lot cheaper than going away somewhere. But I don't think we're going to do even that.
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Happy anniversary, Jean in Newcastle and Mr. Jean in Newcastle!!!





I really like these guys.  :)


I texted Jean a picture of my leg rash, and she said I would probably die from it so I want to take the opportunity to tell everyone goodbye and good luck.


 Does anyone want my Keens after I'm gone?  I will also need someone to take the uncivilized dog.  Hornblower?  Anyone?

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The pharmacy discontinued my syringes.  They offered me all they have left at cost since they can't really get rid of them otherwise.  A win-win. And legal!   (They will be getting new syringes but the numbers are different so bureaucracy makes them unusable for anyone else since my paperwork had the old number on it and no one else's will.)

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The thing is, that ds' birthday is the day before our anniversary.  So we said happy birthday to him and then said, "tomorrow is our anniversary."  But we were so busy that the actual day went by with us forgetting about it again.  We haven't really celebrated ds' birthday yet - we'll do that on Sunday.  So I don't know when we'll celebrate our anniversary.  Maybe the next weekend?  Not that we really do anything other than go out to eat but I'm always up for going out to eat.  

This is exactly how we remember our anniversary. We'll be talking about it up until the day....then forget the day of. Old people...




This is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends...

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I really like these guys.   :)


I texted Jean a picture of my leg rash, and she said I would probably die from it so I want to take the opportunity to tell everyone goodbye and good luck.


 Does anyone want my Keens after I'm gone?  I will also need someone to take the uncivilized dog.  Hornblower?  Anyone?



You won't die if we amputate immediately.


Always try Chlorox bleach before amputation. 



(Medicinal bleach is a family joke:  My Dad told me bleach would dry up my poison ivy - I think I was 13 or so.  I cleared up the poison ivy.  But then my burns had to heal.  Ouch!  At least it didn't itch anymore!)

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Always try Chlorox bleach before amputation. 



(Medicinal bleach is a family joke:  My Dad told me bleach would dry up my poison ivy - I think I was 13 or so.  I cleared up the poison ivy.  But then my burns had to heal.  Ouch!  At least it didn't itch anymore!)

I'm now afraid of bleach, but I do have some Windex, and we know that cures everything.

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