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The Seattle folks were a little dismayed over our apparent lack of Smart Cars all over the place. We're holding onto our stubbornly thrifty and practical redneckedness, I guess. Ya can't haul a road-kill buck home on top of your smart car. :D


There are a couple of those driven by some whacked-out hippie-types in town (Note the whacked-out part; I am not disparaging all hippies).  We call them "not-so-smart cars."  Because imagine what they would look like after a collision with a moose. shocked-scream-smiley-emoticon.gif

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I pitched a small fit earlier after I got home from the grocery store, put away the groceries, and dealt with the laundry.  I had asked DD15 to go tend to the dinging dryer but DH immediately said it would wait because it was just sheets.  DD15, therefore, stayed plugged into her digital entertainments.  DD12 helped carry on groceries, but only after I asked.  She was going to just open and close the door for me while I carried everything in.


I put away the groceries, dealt with the dryer, and had a word with DH.  He hadn't meant it to send the message of "it'll wait until Mom can get to it" and apologized -- he thought DD15 was helping carry in groceries; he didn't realize she was plugged in.  I then had words with both girls about being plugged in too much and leaving everything -- including thinking -- to Mom.  I have now grounded them off of certain devices for the rest of the day and told them they are expected to pitch in on housework as soon as they were through eating.  I also whined a bit about having a torn-open blister on one hand (from pruning).   :nopity:


One is doing some thinking of household tasks on her own, but the other isn't, and I have had to tell them both to get their beds ready for clean sheets.


So I finally got lunch, revised dinner plans (was going to make a treat for ILs for supper but they already have something going so the treat is postponed until a later day), and Poiroted (just one episode).  I am less irked now, and will go deal with more laundry.  Then we will need to load up tree bits for delivery to the burn pile later.


I am loathe to tell them my mood is much improved, for fear they will slack off again.


Hmmm, I also had a hissy fit today and it also was after we got home from getting groceries and I was putting them away. Dancer and Gymnast were playing on the small sofa. Dancer was on top of Gymnast and wouldn't get off, and Gymnast let out a blood-curling scream. As this was the final straw, I kicked both of them out of the house. Dancer was shocked that it included her, but I guess my tone of voice convinced both quite quickly. They went outside. I did let them back in after 3 minutes because it was kinda chilly and they didn't get their jackets.


I'm a mean momma.

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I have grown sprouts before. But I can't remember how I did it.


I have also made granola before.


And two summers I lived with my then hippie brothers on their "back to nature" farm with no electricity or running water. (They were true original hippies- not the modern version of the word. )



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I made dd finish her biology labs. This was because I gave dh The Look and wouldn't let them go out running until the biology was done.


Dd has been having headaches and keeps looking gray but I am resisting giving her a free pass on things because she still managed to spend 9 hours volunteering with her friends yesterday and is planning on running 4 miles today. School has to come first!!!!!



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Today is not a good day. We finally decided to leave our church. There are a lot of factors, but another one came up that we feel is rather serious (I'm not going to go into it here, there's a huge, complicated and ugly back story going back 7 years). So, anyhow. How does one leave a church gracefully? We have no idea. DH was going to call Pastor this afternoon, but he ended up talking to him after church and now, he's still there. First we waited for him. Then we went to Taco Bell and the gas station. Then he called us and told us to go home. So we came home. They're going on 2 hours of conversation. It's sad and it's even harder because we're not really excited about the church we'll be going to.

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What are your favorite low carb meals?  I'm needing to revamp our diet.


I made egg roll soup in the Instant Pot for lunch today-YUM.


Brown ground pork in some peanut oil  (salt and pepper to taste).  Removed, then sweated an onion, some celery, garlic, and ginger.  Then I tossed in a bag of coleslaw mix (there was shredded carrot, but I'm not that hard-core low carb.)  I had a partial bag of stir-fry veggies, so they went in, too.  Oh, and a can of baby corn, because my short person loves them.  Then I put in 1/2 cup of low sodium Tamari and returned the pork to the pot.  Oh, and I put about a tablespoon of Chinese 5 spice on the pork while it was waiting.  I added chicken broth to the point where it looked like the right ratio of stuff to broth and set it for soup.  It was most tasty. :001_smile:

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Today is not a good day. We finally decided to leave our church. There are a lot of factors, but another one came up that we feel is rather serious (I'm not going to go into it here, there's a huge, complicated and ugly back story going back 7 years). So, anyhow. How does one leave a church gracefully? We have no idea. DH was going to call Pastor this afternoon, but he ended up talking to him after church and now, he's still there. First we waited for him. Then we went to Taco Bell and the gas station. Then he called us and told us to go home. So we came home. They're going on 2 hours of conversation. It's sad and it's even harder because we're not really excited about the church we'll be going to.


:grouphug:   I'll add this to the prayer list, friend.

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Today is not a good day. We finally decided to leave our church. There are a lot of factors, but another one came up that we feel is rather serious (I'm not going to go into it here, there's a huge, complicated and ugly back story going back 7 years). So, anyhow. How does one leave a church gracefully? We have no idea. DH was going to call Pastor this afternoon, but he ended up talking to him after church and now, he's still there. First we waited for him. Then we went to Taco Bell and the gas station. Then he called us and told us to go home. So we came home. They're going on 2 hours of conversation. It's sad and it's even harder because we're not really excited about the church we'll be going to.


Many hugs to you!

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I have grown sprouts before. But I can't remember how I did it.

I have also made granola before.

And two summers I lived with my then hippie brothers on their "back to nature" farm with no electricity or running water. (They were true original hippies- not the modern version of the word. )

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My grandma Mary was a hippie. :001_wub:


How does one leave a church gracefully?

You don't. (((Krissi)))


I am childless until tomorrow. I honestly don't know what to do.

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Housework, Bullet Jounal, nap and teA.
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I have a sprouts growing lid to grow sprouts in a mason jar, but I'm skeered.  You grow sprouts first, 'k?  I totally believe in the nutrition in them, and I don't mind eating them, but I haven't gone that granola.....yet.



A growing lid? I'll have to look that up!



What are your favorite low carb meals?  I'm needing to revamp our diet.



I like a recipe from a book way back - don't know what it's called.


Cook a pound of ground beef and steam a package of broccoli. Put them together in the big skillet and add a big pile of shredded cabbage. Cover and cook for a few minutes until the cabbage is wilted. Then stir in a big plop of mayo and 1/4C soy sauce (more or less.)


I am childless until tomorrow. I honestly don't know what to do.

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Make some sprouts and tell us what to do.

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I was awakened by DH because he's sure I won't sleep tonight if I nap past five. Apparently, I'm as restless as a cat with fleas when I don't sleep at night. He went out to get me food. I got a shower and have crawled back into the bed. 

On smart cars--we have several around town, but they are not driven by our local hippies who are a lot like the majority hillbillies and have no money. We have no moose, but my gut instinct is that the cars around here would never hit a deer because they don't go fast enough. You've got to be quick to hit a deer for dinner. :leaving:

I never bring groceries in the house. I wait for the boys and DH to bring them to me. When they cook more than I do, we'll switch jobs and I'll shop and unload groceries.

On what I would do with no children for a day--sleep, turn on the kinds of music that I like, write for most of the day, and ask DH be sure to come home before the kids returned. :001_smile:

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I just want to learn to make something that is actually really good, not enchiladas (too many family "recipes" for that), and a bit more authentic than Taco Bell or Mexican Casserole.  


How about a soup?  Got any good Mexican soup recipes that will hold well in a crockpot (for putting on a Thanksgiving buffet)?  My mind thinks it recalls you mentioning one recently....


Oops, looks like I never sent this. It was sitting in another tab.  :leaving:


My husband suggests mole. A whole chicken and Dona Maria. You would need to prep it before keeping it warm in a crockpot, but can be made beforehand. It can be served over rice and whole beans. 

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And I'm sorry about the church situation, Krissi. My usual leave-and-don't-come-back clearly isn't the right approach, but you might say that you would respectfully ask the church not to call you or ask you to return but that you would appreciate prayers while you discern what if right for you and your family. And don't feel locked into any decision at this time. You can chose to go to the church you feel hesitant about, and not stay there. Visit other churches, maybe even other denominations for a while. Some distance is nearly always needed before anything permanent should be decided.

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