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Why two maths and multiple (four?  five?) sciences etc.  (I haven't done most of these books so I don't really have an opinion - just this one question.)


And it's an Educational Inquisition Booyah! 


I assumed they are just resources on hand. With Gymnast, I have two maths in my signature, but actually only use one. I'll pull from the other if there's something I like better. I list MFW and Sonlight, but I really just use the phonics and Bible in MFW, and read the books from SL (I have the SL package, but don't follow the schedule, so basically book basket). I'll eventually add in the writing from SL LA, as it looks like it will be a good fit for her. It was not a good fit for Dancer at this age.


Looking at it at a glance though, it does seem like a lot. But, if just using mostly as resources it may be okay. There are a lot of history books, a lot of science books. But it seems they are both curriculum books as well as literature/book basket.


I've done Apologia's astronomy, and one other I can't remember, but do remember that at that age you won't want to just read out of the book. As interesting as it is, it was better for me to use it as a resource, pull info from it to give to the child, and do some of the activities that were interesting to the child (I'd read small sections from the book sometimes though). One Small Square books are just single topic books on different subjects; she has those listed as book basket. Exploring Nature with Children I'm not sure about, but I have a Mailbox book by the same name and it is nature activities and experiments separated by topics. Nature Readers are just that - readers that focus on nature. I'd relegate those to a book basket to let him read as he wanted. Ha, ha, I just figured out the letter key (C, BB, etc.).

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Part of Gymnast's math last week consisted of her figuring out how to write numbers in the 20s and 30s (on her own, she asked and figured out the pattern after the first couple of numbers), and counting money with dad. I overheard him counting out nickels with her. On Saturday, she was counting out quarters because she wanted to buy something at the store, and once I told her that 4 quarters was $1, she started sorting them into dollars. She bought her little lockbox. :D Eventually, I'll need to show her why we can "skip count."


We built a volcano on Friday, and "exploded" it today. The child has been doing experiments all day long since then. Adding salt, dish detergent, food coloring, all kinds of spices and herbs and other powders, and watching the reaction to each new mixture. We only have 1/3 of a gallon of vinegar left.  :glare:

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I'm afraid that I'm a "young kids should be doing hands on learning as much as possible person" so I think I'm not the person to ask. My kids in 1st grade did some phonics, read alouds in history/literature, hands on math, hands on science and lots of exploring art and music and physical play.

Here's what I picture a day looking like:


Review memory work (2 min)

Religious reading and discussion (10 min)

Nature Reader (2 min)

McGuffey (2 min)

Spelling or copywork (5 min)

Math (10 min)

SOTW with AG (15? min)

Hey Andrew (5 min)




Read one book each on Science, history, literature and Spanish (5-10 min ea)


So it's less than an hour plus reading. Do you think that's too much?

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The moon made an impressive appearance for my birthday. After bringing dd18 to her choir rehearsal in the Big City, I walked to the pedestrian bridge to watch the moonrise with several other enthusiastic moonrise watchers. Many had fancy cameras. I had my phone, and accidentally took a photo burst of a trash bin. My moon photos were about as impressive. I was surprised at the activity downtown, being a very chilly Monday night, but I suppose it's to be expected. The Pedal Tavern was in full swing.


Busy day tomorrow. Dd7 has to get cavities filled at 8:20 tomorrow morning. Not looking forward to that.

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A friend is staying with me, an actress/make-up artist/costumer/stunt actor, that I met on one of my gigs. It's so much fun listening to her stories about being on set with Queen Latifah or Jadah Pinkett Smith (I probably misspelled their names. Sorry.) or Jack Black or Will Ferrell.


I didn't get any kewl pictures of the moon, though. :hat:

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I just remembered the other Apologia book I had for Dancer. It was the one about plants She was really into plants and had been studying it for 2 years almost by the time I got that book. It was a good fit, and I did read lots of parts from that book. We didn't finish the book or do all the activities, but it was a great resource I pulled from.

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I just remembered the other Apologia book I had for Dancer. It was the one about plants She was really into plants and had been studying it for 2 years almost by the time I got that book. It was a good fit, and I did read lots of parts from that book. We didn't finish the book or do all the activities, but it was a great resource I pulled from.

I look forward to that one the most. The board says it's for 3rd+ so we're waiting. I plan to buy them all, eventually.
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I look forward to that one the most. The board says it's for 3rd+ so we're waiting. I plan to buy them all, eventually.


Yeah, I had got that one sooner because she was interested in the topic. It worked out well for the most part, and for the other part it was a great resource. I got the astronomy because it was recommended for a certain age, and then wound up not really using it much. I'm good at planning to use curriculum, I'm not good at using curriculum.

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Yeah, I had got that one sooner because she was interested in the topic. It worked out well for the most part, and for the other part it was a great resource. I got the astronomy because it was recommended for a certain age, and then wound up not really using it much. I'm good at planning to use curriculum, I'm not good at using curriculum.

My bestie. :001_wub:


It's a good thing we have so much extra cash to blow on materials we don't use!

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My bestie. :001_wub:


It's a good thing we have so much extra cash to blow on materials we don't use!


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Everything I bought was secondhand, honey. And by golly, some way, some how, it gets used. Even if "gets used" means I pulled information from one page over the course of 5 years. Yes, ma'am.  :lol:

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Here's what I picture a day looking like:


Review memory work (2 min)

Religious reading and discussion (10 min)

Nature Reader (2 min)

McGuffey (2 min)

Spelling or copywork (5 min)

Math (10 min)

SOTW with AG (15? min)

Hey Andrew (5 min)




Read one book each on Science, history, literature and Spanish (5-10 min ea)


So it's less than an hour plus reading. Do you think that's too much?


If you can truly achieve anything meaning in 2 minutes, I am in awe. Because at my house, that would have been:

Tell child it's time for reading. 

Realise said child is up the back paddock; bellow like a fishwife until child appears.

Tell child it's time for reading.

Child is starving hungry, dying of thirst, needs to toilet and can't possibly sit down in those clothes, which are the most uncomfortable ever.

After 15 minutes, child is ready, but the book has been misplaced.

Search for book. 

Find book. Prise different book out of child's hands and announce that we are now reading this book.

Child complains that we have been working for ages and she needs a break, also she is still hungry.

Bribe child with promise of desirable snack after 2 minutes of work.

Total time - 20 minutes, assuming the dog hasn't created any catastrophes in the meantime.



We should do something like this during our slow nights here at ITT...




I found myself strangely fascinated with that video.  Having seen one of my girls do a Marching workshop and the girls struggling with turning as a group, I can imagine that it must require a lot of practice to do that sort of thing. 



SPEAK FOR YOURSELF! I never had formal grammar and grew up around illegal immigrants from Mexico and Africa. I no grammar. Pity me and give me chocolate.

You may have chocolate, as long as you don't request that we "Give the chocolate to myself" ;)

Edited by IsabelC
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Playdate was good.  

Ms. 8's violin teacher has decided she needs to learn a different piece for her audition in less than 3 weeks (after she spent about 20 hours learning the first one). She's not fazed. Dh totally unsympathetic and said not to worry as teacher will likely change audition piece again the night before. So it's just me stressing until my eyeballs fall out!

Edited by IsabelC
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I'm up. DH has been working overtime. He came home after 10 last night and left before 6:30 this morning. I realize this is ridiculous, but I woke up this morning with an overwhelming sense of guilt for getting a reasonable amount of rest.


Anywho, I must find coffee.


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I've got no clue whether the moon was giant or just really bright last night, but I was as restless as a werewolf. I tried to go to sleep. Eventually, I guess I did, because I woke up this morning. I'm quite stirred up by a full moon. 

More writing today, but first, caffeine!

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I just remembered what I wanted to tell you all. 


We were doing schoolwork last night, and I read a sentence that had the word mutton in it.  So I paused and asked, "Do you know what mutton is?"  And DS thought for a minute, the said, "Oh, oh, I know this...[thinks]...SHEEP MEAT!"  I said, "Yep!"  He then says, "Yeah, I learned that from Minecraft." :laugh:

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I just remembered what I wanted to tell you all. 


We were doing schoolwork last night, and I read a sentence that had the word mutton in it.  So I paused and asked, "Do you know what mutton is?"  And DS thought for a minute, the said, "Oh, oh, I know this...[thinks]...SHEEP MEAT!"  I said, "Yep!"  He then says, "Yeah, I learned that from Minecraft." :laugh:


Minecraft for the win!


And it's a muttony Minecraft Booya!

Edited by Ellie
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