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I just came up with this and thought I'd share :) what better place than ignore this thread.


I always feel a little confused /overwhelmed thinking about language arts. Here we go:


SWGR (swagger)

Spelling writing grammar reading. I got swagger :)



Great acronym!  My kids will love that.  Welcome to ITT!

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I'm having a cup of tea now. I enjoyed it so much yesterday I decided to have another one this morning. It makes me feel like autumn.


I need an autumn-y mug, though. Mugs are very important to me. It needs to be a thick, substantial piece. And I want something nice painted on it. Although my very most favorite mug in the whole wide world advertised some hydraulic equipment. Dh got it from a salesman. I loved that mug. Dd accidentally broke it. It was heavy and thick.


I love mugs. Nice, thick, substantial, pretty mugs. I had two really nice ones, and one okay one, and all three got broken within two months over the summer. It made me very sad. :(

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The optometrist knows about the light perception thing, which was part of the referral reason given back in May. It did nothing to speed up the process. Dancer just mentioned to me yesterday about the feeling in the eye. She says it's been going on for at least a week. She said tongue-in-cheek that her eye is dying. I haven't asked exactly how long it's been numb, although that's what prompted me to call neurology dept again. I'm not sure what to do.


As for me, I checked my bp a bit ago and it was at 165/121. I'm sitting around here reading, and it's going up. Must be something wrong with the machine.



I'd head for the ER for Dancer's eye.  Your BP may be rising due to anxiety over this.

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And I got two critiques to do this week. One of them is a poem. :svengo: I credit CW Poetry with teaching me what a tercet is and how it isn't a quatrain, and with familiarizing me with scanscion. Otherwise I'd be squealing and squeaking right now.



Ooo, two new poetry terms I hadn't encountered yet!  What are they?

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I have to go through the optometrist to get the referral to the opthalmologist. I actually had called them right after I hung up with the neurology department. I didn't even have to give my name because it's the same guy I had dealt with before, and he told me had JUST received a fax from neurology saying Dancer needed the other referral. He was a bit put out because he said I'd been given the run-around, and the fax was the first time they'd received anything since the first referral. I'll be calling back today to get a status.


I had taken my bp meds an hour before I posted last night. It eventually went back down.


I have a sore throat. And ear. And I have a full day today at work.


I'm operating on very little sleep.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I'm glad someone there recognizes the run-around you have been getting.  How soon can Dancer be seen?  (BTW, if you are answering my questions in posts after the ones I'm responding to I apologize.  I'm responding as I get to the posts.)


I hope she's seen soon.

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As I was walking to work, I could feel it moving into my left ear. I let them know when I got there that I might have to leave because I could feel myself getting sick, it was spreading, and I didn't want to get the kids (or anyone else) sick.


The former secretary is moving into an assistant position in the room with children of autism, but so far has spent more time "training" the new secretary. So they asked me to be in that room. No biggie, I work well with the kids and teacher in there, but it requires a lot of hand-holding and being in kids' faces. Not what I wanted to do, kwim? The new secretary is off training somewhere else or something, and the former one was secretarying, i guess. This did not make the teacher happy. We really need three adults with the four kids, and I was not 100%. I did the best I could, but I really don't want to get the kids sick.


It came to a head when we were outside with the kids, and I felt like I was about to pass out. I went to the other assistant (it was she and I with three kids at the time, plus another class with another two teachers. As if it mattered. The other assistant had left me alone with the kids earlier while outside, and she spent the remainder of the time talking to the other assistants with her back turned to the kids). Anyway, I told her I was going home. I'm about to pass out, I have to walk home, and I'd prefer not passing out in the street. She said go.


I walked into the office, former secretary saw me and said, "going home?" I said yes, and let her know how I was feeling and where the kids were so she could call someone to help out there. Then I came home. I passed a Pokestop on the way, but couldn't get anything to come out. I had got stuff from it earlier when going in to work, so it was okay.


I'm pretty sure that is more of an answer than you were expecting. 




but also :cursing:


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As I was walking to work, I could feel it moving into my left ear. I let them know when I got there that I might have to leave because I could feel myself getting sick, it was spreading, and I didn't want to get the kids (or anyone else) sick.


The former secretary is moving into an assistant position in the room with children of autism, but so far has spent more time "training" the new secretary. So they asked me to be in that room. No biggie, I work well with the kids and teacher in there, but it requires a lot of hand-holding and being in kids' faces. Not what I wanted to do, kwim? The new secretary is off training somewhere else or something, and the former one was secretarying, i guess. This did not make the teacher happy. We really need three adults with the four kids, and I was not 100%. I did the best I could, but I really don't want to get the kids sick.


It came to a head when we were outside with the kids, and I felt like I was about to pass out. I went to the other assistant (it was she and I with three kids at the time, plus another class with another two teachers. As if it mattered. The other assistant had left me alone with the kids earlier while outside, and she spent the remainder of the time talking to the other assistants with her back turned to the kids). Anyway, I told her I was going home. I'm about to pass out, I have to walk home, and I'd prefer not passing out in the street. She said go.


I walked into the office, former secretary saw me and said, "going home?" I said yes, and let her know how I was feeling and where the kids were so she could call someone to help out there. Then I came home. I passed a Pokestop on the way, but couldn't get anything to come out. I had got stuff from it earlier when going in to work, so it was okay.


I'm pretty sure that is more of an answer than you were expecting. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I hope you can get some rest and recover.  I hope Dancer's eye is easily and quickly fixed with full insurance coverage.  I hope Gymnast has put her shirt on, and your DH can help out with whatever you need until you are better.



I have no idea what a Pokestop is.

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Pokestops have to do with Pokémon. I have it on my phone.

Oh, a pokeeeestop. I was thinking it was a regional name for a place you stop and poke a finger at and get something out. :D Pokemon makes much more sense!


(The other week dd7 drew a little Pokemon Go game on a piece of cardboard and was showing everyone how it worked. It was sort of cute, but also made me feel like a pathetic parent whose kids have nothing to play with but scraps of cardboard and old crayons. And I did have to make them stop dumpster diving earlier this year.)

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Dancer has an eye appointment today. The first clinic told me to call directly because of the loss of feeling. When I talked to them though, she's still going to see another optometrist. However, there are several opthalmologists, as well as a neural, there on staff, so she can be referred in-office. 


I feel sore. My legs hurt, my neck is tired of holding up my head, my back is tired of being awake. My head doesn't really hurt perse, but is letting me know it is not happy. I don't know. I don't feel sick. Just general yuckiness. My throat still burns though, and it's already in my left ear moving to the right. I need to stick some garlic in my ears. But after the eye appointment.  :lol:  I should probably wear a mask.

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Oh, a pokeeeestop. I was thinking it was a regional name for a place you stop and poke a finger at and get something out. :D Pokemon makes much more sense!


(The other week dd7 drew a little Pokemon Go game on a piece of cardboard and was showing everyone how it worked. It was sort of cute, but also made me feel like a pathetic parent whose kids have nothing to play with but scraps of cardboard and old crayons. And I did have to make them stop dumpster diving earlier this year.)


Wait, no dumpster diving???  :crying: Well, I guess it depends on what they were getting - banana peels, apple cores... 

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Dancer has an eye appointment today. The first clinic told me to call directly because of the loss of feeling. When I talked to them though, she's still going to see another optometrist. However, there are several opthalmologists, as well as a neural, there on staff, so she can be referred in-office. 


I feel sore. My legs hurt, my neck is tired of holding up my head, my back is tired of being awake. My head doesn't really hurt perse, but is letting me know it is not happy. I don't know. I don't feel sick. Just general yuckiness. My throat still burns though, and it's already in my left ear moving to the right. I need to stick some garlic in my ears. But after the eye appointment.  :lol:  I should probably wear a mask.


Do you have a fever?


What a rotten time to be sick-poor Renai!

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I'm trying to decide what to do with myself for the rest of the day.

I ought to cook. I feel too bad to cook.

I ought to clean. I feel too tired to clean.

I ought to write. I feel too brain-dead to write.

I ought to do chores. I feel too lazy to do chores.

I've evidently got a bad case of the oughts and feels. I think I will clean up the kitchen, do the chores, tell DH to fend for himself, and lay in the bed for the rest of the evening and write.

That should take care of the oughts and the feels.

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