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My children already help my old chronically ill body. They seem to do it cheerfully and willingly. In fact, ds is a bit quick on the trigger and tends to swaddle me in blankets at any sign of pain or discomfort. I'm going to be 90 years old, swaddled up in blankets during a heat wave, sweat pouring off of me while I am calling out feebly, "No more blankets!"


Just got the call that MIL is having some medical difficulty. FIL says he talked to the nursing staff. I hope that is true. There might be an ER visit at some point tonight just going off of past trends.

I would spend hours spoon feeding, bathing, and reading to my mother in law if she was pleasant while I did it. You seem sweet. I'll take turns taking care of you. ;)

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(((hugs)))  Rest in peace, dear Bear.  Run free and strong.


I watched dh's grandfather get better treatment than he deserved in many ways at the end of his life.  He was a mean and hateful person to his family.  Most people reap what they sow.  Nan was a terrible mother, but she raised dh and loved him and cared for him. She was the stable adult, parental figure in his life.  And she is now reaping what she sowed into him in a positive way.  I don't blame her son for not coming to visit.  She was terribly abusive to him.  I do blame MIL, though.  Nan was not abusive to MIL and Nan financially supported her for MIL's entire life.  When Nan got a bit needy, at the beginning stages of Alzheimers, MIL hit the road and never looked back, draining Nan's bank account on the way out the door.


I have no expectation that my kids will care for me in home at the end of my life.  I should be so fortunate.  No one should expect this, though, IMO.  It is a burden that you cannot place on your children.  It is a gift that should be given freely and without expectation.


I don't know why I launched into all of that suddenly!  It has just been on my mind a lot lately due to our current circumstances.


Absolutely.  Great analogy.


I spent hours ripping massive weed patches out of my "lawn" this spring, and had lots of time to think about weeds in my soul.  

I know Alzheimer's can radically alter a personality, but to the extent that I have control over it,  I pray that old-age will bring the best out of me, instead of the ugliness of weeds I've sown all my life.  A good friend just said goodbye to her mother, whom she'd cared for for the last several years. It was HARD, but also very beautiful, because her mother had cultivated such a gracious spirit all her life and never lost it, even when dementia set in. If my children choose to care for me someday, I hope it's  under those conditions. 

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Absolutely. Great analogy.


I spent hours ripping massive weed patches out of my "lawn" this spring, and had lots of time to think about weeds in my soul.


I know Alzheimer's can radically alter a personality, but to the extent that I have control over it, I pray that old-age will bring the best out of me, instead of the ugliness of weeds I've sown all my life. A good friend just said goodbye to her mother, whom she'd cared for for the last several years. It was HARD, but also very beautiful, because her mother had cultivated such a gracious spirit all her life and never lost it, even when dementia set in. If my children choose to care for me someday, I hope it's under those conditions.

Yes. :). In my limited experience, dementia makes the real person come out because the filters fall off. My Mima was funner and more pleasant and relaxed. Nan is more stubborn.
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Yes. :). In my limited experience, dementia makes the real person come out because the filters fall off. My Mima was funner and more pleasant and relaxed. Nan is more stubborn.


Ain't nobody got time for that.   :001_smile:


Hope tomorrow is refreshingly easy for you.  Only 3 more days until Memorial Day.  :thumbup1:

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Knowing me when I am to that point in my life where I will need assistance, I will finally become sweet and all those traits of a Godly woman that I try so hard to be yet fail miserably at. I can say this because I bought a car from my dh, who works at a dealership, and after making my dh thoroughly explain everything to me and giving him a hard time throughout the process,his boss walked up and said,'Wow, she is feisty isn't she? But in a good way though." Lol... Why do I get the feeling he didn't mean it in such a complimentary way?

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Stop the presses!


Scorpion in the house.

OK - it is hereby decided that you are visiting me here.  You will not only go through airport security, but you will be thoroughly inspected and sniffed by two dogs, one cat and one rabbit, before you set foot in this house.  Horses could not drag me to Texas!  (Even though dh lived there for six years.)

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OK - it is hereby decided that you are visiting me here. You will not only go through airport security, but you will be thoroughly inspected and sniffed by two dogs, one cat and one rabbit, before you set foot in this house. Horses could not drag me to Texas! (Even though dh lived there for six years.)

Ok. When can I come? :D


But if you visit me, you will be safe because I am mailing the scorpion to Slache.

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OK - it is hereby decided that you are visiting me here.  You will not only go through airport security, but you will be thoroughly inspected and sniffed by two dogs, one cat and one rabbit, before you set foot in this house.  Horses could not drag me to Texas!  (Even though dh lived there for six years.)


I get her first!

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I don't want to be nailed by anyone or anything I'm not married to.


I'm sure you don't want to be married to a scorpion. I understand. I seriously just read "I am nailing it..." and my brain filled in "to the wall," then I saw your name and had to rewind. My brain does that sometimes.

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Did I... did I break the thread?


It is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.


People - started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends...

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So, last night, when we snagged another new poster, I was going to link to Queen's Another One Bites the Dust.  But then I thought that was in poor taste after Bear's passing.  But that led me to goofing off on You Tube listening to Queen songs.  And then I migrated to Weird Al via his parody, Another One Rides the Bus - which was pretty funny to watch since it was one of his first ones..... a far cry from The Saga Begins.  And then an evening of Weird Al would not be complete without White and Nerdy with Donny Osmond.  Cracks me up.   


So, thanks, you guys indirectly provided more entertainment than you knew. 

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Ok. When can I come? :D


But if you visit me, you will be safe because I am mailing the scorpion to Slache.


Texas, out.


Oregon out too, now.  


Guess I'm plunking myself down here.  We have nice horsies, and the occasional neighborhood cat.  A garter snake.  I saw a bumblebee last week.  Home Sweet Home.  

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That's why I'm having 12 children. Strengthening the odds that one will like me that much.


I only have one. Uh-oh.


(Actually, the subject has actually been broached-by DD.  I think it was last summer-so around the time of her 12th birthday-DH and I were talking about Nana's house [she has a house here but is only part-time] and I said off-handedly that one day we could live in Nana's house and give our house to DD.  DD was sooo relieved. She said, "Oh, that's great!  I was wondering if one of those stair lift things would fit, because the thought of you going up those stairs would have scared me to death! [We live in a 2 story house with a fairly narrow staircase; Nana's house is one story.]  Me: :huh:  "You've already thought about this?"  DD:  "Oh, yes. I was really worried and wasn't sure how I'd handle it."  Me:  :huh:

Kid must get her neuroses from her dad.)

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Only two days to enter the Build Your Bundle Giveaway. Has anyone done this? I didn't care for it last year, but I'm much more knowledgeable when it comes to curriculum now. It doesn't say what's in the bundles yet.  :glare:


If you click on the What Are In The Bundles link and scroll to the bottom you will find a small-print link (something like "what is the bundle sale").  Click on that and you get some more teaser info.  There are some big-name contributors listed.


Sounds like a once a year, one week long sale.  It is very inconveniently timed for me this year, so I likely won't even get out there during the sale to see what they have to offer.  If anyone here gives it a go please let us know what you got and what you think.

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I'm debbie downer.


still crying over Bear.


speaking of elder care: I have a fil who is in dementia care (bounced from facility to facility as he's deteriorating) and nobody is visiting him. I was wheeling my dog around in a ginormous stroller around long walks so he could get fresh air and see the sights and nobody is wheeling fil anywhere.


And the moral of that story is don't be an a&*hole. He burned so many bridges and was such a mean %^*&@# that nobody wants anything to do with him. The family has had to explain so many times to the well meaning nursing staff who try to say 'well you have to ignore it, it's the dementia speaking....' Um no. He's actually a bit better than he used to be.  When he was with it, he was worse.


Yup, I totally get it.


I'm sorry about Bear.  :grouphug:

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I don't think I posted here, just a status thingy. He held on as long as he could but it was time. We looked into each other's eyes and I knew I had to make that decision though I tried to talk myself out of it a whole bunch of times. He slipped away after the first 3 cc's were in..nowhere near his dosage so he had been knocking at death's door.

sucks SO bad.


:crying: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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So, last night, when we snagged another new poster, I was going to link to Queen's Another One Bites the Dust. But then I thought that was in poor taste after Bear's passing. But that led me to goofing off on You Tube listening to Queen songs. And then I migrated to Weird Al via his parody, Another One Rides the Bus - which was pretty funny to watch since it was one of his first ones..... a far cry from The Saga Begins. And then an evening of Weird Al would not be complete without White and Nerdy with Donny Osmond. Cracks me up.


So, thanks, you guys indirectly provided more entertainment than you knew.

Dude. I suspect we are secretly the same person.
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First time posting in thread... Sorry for your loss Hornblower.



Also read your quote Slache. Love it!!


Welcome!  For your compassionate first post here you get a full 2 weeks to read the entire thread.  There will be a quiz later!



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That's why I'm having 12 children. Strengthening the odds that one will like me that much.


My aunt and uncle shot for 12 and made it to 10.  No twins, all single births.

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My children already help my old chronically ill body.  They seem to do it cheerfully and willingly.  In fact, ds is a bit quick on the trigger and tends to swaddle me in blankets at any sign of pain or discomfort.  I'm going to be 90 years old, swaddled up in blankets during a heat wave, sweat pouring off of me while I am calling out feebly, "No more blankets!"  


Just got the call that MIL is having some medical difficulty.  FIL says he talked to the nursing staff.  I hope that is true.  There might be an ER visit at some point tonight just going off of past trends.  


Crossed fingers and lots of hugs.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Did I... did I break the thread?


No, but our internet access broke for a while yesterday.  I am back to playing catch-up, so I expect there to be ample opportunities for others to booyah.  You just have to beat Slache to it.

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I'm sure you don't want to be married to a scorpion. I understand. I seriously just read "I am nailing it..." and my brain filled in "to the wall," then I saw your name and had to rewind. My brain does that sometimes.


Mine, too.  Ain't it fun?!?

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That would leave a mark.


What would?  The rules, or the nailing of the scorpion?



I wish I could see the face of every lurker and peeker who sees the above taken out of context!



ETA:  Wow, a stealth booyah while I was catching up!

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I only have one. Uh-oh.


(Actually, the subject has actually been broached-by DD.  I think it was last summer-so around the time of her 12th birthday-DH and I were talking about Nana's house [she has a house here but is only part-time] and I said off-handedly that one day we could live in Nana's house and give our house to DD.  DD was sooo relieved. She said, "Oh, that's great!  I was wondering if one of those stair lift things would fit, because the thought of you going up those stairs would have scared me to death! [We live in a 2 story house with a fairly narrow staircase; Nana's house is one story.]  Me: :huh:  "You've already thought about this?"  DD:  "Oh, yes. I was really worried and wasn't sure how I'd handle it."  Me:  :huh:

Kid must get her neuroses from her dad.)


But she shows a lot of caring, attention to detail, and common sense!  She saw the potential for a problem, and was trying to think of a solution that wouldn't unduly upset you when the time comes.  Sounds like a great kid!

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